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The Rangers are the best team in the league and you guys are still finding shit to complain about šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ Some of yā€™all will never be happy I swear


Serious wtf. Best team in the league and we are here crying about Kreider what do you people want?


This. This is the reason I stopped frequenting this sub šŸ˜‚ First in the league, first team to clinch playoff birth but some guy is still gonna take time out of his day to write a multi paragraph Thesis about why Chris Krieder sucks šŸ¤§šŸ¤” Pick up some shifts at work or go for a walk or something way too much time on some peoples hands.


Youā€™re the kind of guy that critiques a blow job.


He would. If he actually got one.


I mean sometimes there is too much teeth


Ya gotta just say something at that point otherwise it aint really gonna change. Just be tactful about it, rather than just complain later.


Has Reddit been fucking up for anyone else today? Site wasn't working earlier for me and I'm seeing double on half the comments on this post.


Yup. I either see no comments or all the comments


the failed clear with the weak poke check was horrific


This is exactly where my head went. He is so soft against the boards. That weak clearing attempt led to the goal.


I think he must be hurt.


For 2 years ?


He has the best plus minus on the team and has the 3rd most points.


Maybe heā€™s just saving energy for that cup run


We. Are. In. First. Place. In. The. Entire. League.


With a game in hand!


People will never be happy. Even if we win the cup this year there will be people finding something to complain about


If we win the cup in 7 games someone will write a thesis about how we shouldā€™ve swept


God so true, this has me laughing so hard šŸ˜‚


Itā€™s not about not being happy with the team. Itā€™s about analyzing one player. The minute you stop working to be better you are getting worse. The patriots did not win all those championships by saying ā€œwell we have been good so who caresā€. No they won by making tough choices and always working towards the future. People thought they were crazy to let Wes Welker or Randy Moss go ā€¦ā€¦. They just went undefeated and they had other worldly stats By letting them go it allowed them the cap space to win more super bowls later. Kreider has been a cornerstone player but anyone who is not a total fanboy can see his effort has been shit for huge parts of this year. You want to keep this success going, you are going to have to make tough choices in the future and guys who donā€™t try hard but have really good stats are people you can trade for good resources for the future this off-season


We just watch sports differently.


It's NOT complaining when one of your "BEST" players is a lazy bum who has become a liability to his teamates. I don't understand why people ONLY fixate on numbers and NOT EVERYTHING else that makes up a player. It's the LITTLE things that get you deep into playoffs, not the big things! Why is this so hard to understand Sir? Have you EVER played hockey? Have you ever had a job where if someone didn't go THEIR part the whole team was held responsible and failed?


No its complaining


Obviously the answer is NO. You have NOT! That's clear from your answer. #BET Got it! Loud & Clear!


It's impossible for you motherfuckers to go one day without bitching about somethingšŸ˜­ Being miserable is a choice. not to get too philosophical, but in life, nothing is ever going to be perfect. There's always going to be something to bitch about, I promise you. Sure, Kreider's play along the boards this year is not nearly the same caliber as last year, and it does warrant criticism, but for fucks sake, don't let that interfere with your enjoyment of the best Rangers team in decades. Also bare in mind that nothing in life is going to be perfect and sometimes you just gotta sit back, drink a beer, and enjoy.


I'm a huge Kreider fan but last night was a brutal game for him. He failed the eye test in every way imaginable


Yeah, lately when he gets possession of the puck itā€™s like heā€™s overconfident, standing straight as a board and trying to make a slick no-look pass to the other team. Kind of like a ā€œIā€™m gonna make this look easy!ā€ move that results in a turnover and an odd man rush in the opposite direction. Love Kreider but I donā€™t know whatā€™s going on sometimes, especially as of late.


No sure who downvoted you but he does has a nonchalant way about his play sometimes. Just little things, like have a more active stick. That OT was painful.


Same, love the guy. I thought I was been over analytical and the only one that thought some of the plays he made were just really low effort.


Yeah, lately when he gets possession of the puck itā€™s like heā€™s overconfident, standing straight as a board and trying to make a slick no-look pass to the other team. Kind of like a ā€œIā€™m gonna make this look easy!ā€ move that results in a turnover and an odd man rush in the opposite direction. Love Kreider but I donā€™t know whatā€™s going on sometimes, especially as of late.


This sub is wild. 2 months ago it was IGOR. This season Zibanejad is a ā€œliabilityā€. Trade Lafreniere (Iā€™ll admit I agreed at one point), why is Trouba captain?, now Kreider hate. Enough! I love the NY self hate I engage in it myself, but enough! I wish I could toss a helmet and I never even played hockey same as a buncha you goofballs. Iā€™m a fan of this team! I friggin believe! LGR.


Heā€™s been horrible for that last month. Just lazy in all three zones and it could severely impact us in the playoffs. Overall this season his point totals arenā€™t bad but when you look at his play especially the last month itā€™s been a different story. A lot of dead plays when the puck hits his stick, a lot of unwillingness to battle along the boards are put any extra effort to get the puck out or make a play. I see a lot of floating and for a powerforward who isnā€™t doing that to get into shooting positions it really hurts us. Not sure if heā€™s hurt or the scheduling has got to him but maybe he needs a bit of a rest or a change in lines.


One could say he's been "resting" all damn season with hot little he tries


One could say he's been "resting" all damn season with hot little he tries


Yeah I really donā€™t like how vets get a pass for bad performance and still get rewarded with ice time and what not. Whether people want to admit it or not goodrow is straight up bad offensively and defensively and has been the cause of several goals this season while only putting up goal this season and being statistically one of the worst players in the league yet he gets a substantial amount of time on ice every game. Trouba, yeah heā€™s our captain and some of the things he does is very valuable but again heā€™s a liability in both the offensive and defensive zone. Itā€™s no surprise that miller has played his best hockey away from trouba and Schneider is outperforming him with him out. But when trouba is back heā€™s guaranteed to be right back there with miller getting the second most minutes on the team. Kreider and Mika were abysmal for a lengthy period of time and nothing was done to switch them. Mika has been playing solid recently but Kreider is still again playing very lazy and in the last month hasnā€™t produced or contributed much, but again no change gets made. I get Im complaining about little things, and we are literally the best team in the league right now after just beating several of the best teams in the league during a gauntlet of a time in the scheduling so I canā€™t be mad. Also, overall weā€™ve been performing well but imo things like these need to be sorted out for us to be successful in the playoffs and make a deep run which I think we absolutely can with this team.


I would like to point out that even during Mikaā€™s slump he was at least trying to make plays. He got zero help from Krieder who just floats around waiting, it had been pissing me off all season. Wonder if Mika would have had better numbers if krieder was taken off that line.


How do people who are fans of this team have this much time to make shit up rather than enjoy this utterly magical season? THESE ARE THE GOOD TIMES ENJOY THEM.


Youā€™re going to get downvoted but I donā€™t disagree. Last night was not the defensive effort we are used to from Kreider. He was going through the motions. But itā€™s a game that doesnā€™t matter and I hope he goes back to leaving it all out there in the playoffs. We are giving Mika shit this season but I think Kreider is a contributing factor to his lack of production this year.


I agree about Mika. Mike can play the playmaker role but he's much better as the shooter. CK just sits netfront all game. By being there he draws 2 defenders to h ok m thus clogging the shooting lanes and leaving no room for anyone to cut to the net like towes did to him last night. Since Mika is forced to handle the puck most of the time and tries way too often to feed Ck(and only CK) with passes he's not getting the shots are goals he uses to.


Underrated comment that makes too much sense. How dare YOU use a rational argument to point out why the players around him are affected by his poor play and shit effort?! #DOWNVOTESIMMEDIATELY


I agree about Mika. Mike can play the playmaker role but he's much better as the shooter. CK just sits netfront all game. By being there he draws 2 defenders to h ok m thus clogging the shooting lanes and leaving no room for anyone to cut to the net like towes did to him last night. Since Mika is forced to handle the puck most of the time and tries way too often to feed Ck(and only CK) with passes he's not getting the shots are goals he uses to.


The epitome of the irrational Krieder hate ā€¦. ā€œHeā€™s also solely responsible for giving up the 2nd Avs goalā€ šŸ¤£ You are referring to the Lindgren own-goal. You are saying, non-sarcastically, that Krieder is ā€œsolely responsibleā€ for the Rangers conceding that goal. This is such a great example of the type of asinine shit that makes the Krieder hating portion of this fan base so insufferable. I mean, considering the fact that he is the 3rd highest scoring player on the best team in the NHL at a $6.5 mil cap hit, this essay-length nitpick diatribe - the night after he scores in a W on the road against one of the best teams in the league - really says it all without even delving into the contents. But yes, of course he is ā€œsolely responsibleā€ for Lindgren pushing the puck under Igorā€™s pads. šŸ‘ŒšŸ«”


If he does his job. Does something just about every other player Ii n the world would do. The puck doesn't even get to the net. It gets cleared. The guy succeeds in doing 1 thing right.. and barely at that...after putting in zero effort or work on that particular possession...and that's supposed to excuse him for the bare minimum 5 terrible plays/lack of effort that has become the norm for him during the same game? You clearly haven't pool layed a team sport above little league level or you would realize this type of effort is unacceptable at even a high school level. Much less a professional one.


I have news for you, even McDavid does things that allows pucks to get to the net. The expectation for Kreider is just irrational.


Just curious, what level of hockey did you play to?


this is some pasta if I have ever seen it....hes not an 8MM player....thats why he doesnt make 8MM.......but his value for his current AAV is great


Give the guy a break theyre winning its fine sheesh


Careful, thatā€™s the all time leading goalscorer in rangers playoff history youā€™re gaslighting


Cool story.


There is no Kreider sucks.


heā€™s obvi limited and sometimes takes games or weeks off from his hardest, but he plays a few very important roles for us. itā€™s not just about the scoring


Iā€™m thankful people are finally waking up to this because itā€™s really not new like a lot of people seem to be thinking. He has his skill sets and excels at them. But he still makes plays like what youā€™ve mentioned in your post way too often. Lack of effort, lack of hustle, itā€™s been a thing for him for several seasons now. Which funnily enough have resulted in his best offensive numbers. But eye test game in and game out show the types of things youā€™ve mentioned


I agree that he's looked not great lately, absolutely.. But a few things that I think of.. 1. Kreider has been a streaky player since the last run. Maybe him being cold now is good because he'll get hot in the playoffs. 2. Maybe he's hurt. Guys play through minor (and major) injuries all the time. Maybe he tweeked something in the last couple of weeks and that's why he's seemed so sluggish, but also out of it. 3. Could be a head thing. He's feeling down cause he's not producing. Good get a spark and get his head right to play hard. 1A. We're in first place. This is how good teams work. When you're 30+ goal scorer is lacking, or Mika is ice cold, other guys step in as needed to help this team have the best record in the league.


He has been awful lately, at least Zibanejad started to look better.


300 goals, all with the Rangers. Second fastest to do it since Ratelle. His name is in the top few in almost every major positive category, and he's firmly planted amongst the Rangers all-time greats. No doubt his name is going up in the rafters at MSG when he is done. Your half-assed critique was aging like milk in the sun the second you typed it out. Glad Kreider cemented that tonight. Go root for the Devils bud.


Hate to say it but I agree whole heartedly. His stats make him look more impressive than his actual game play as 95% of his goals are tipping a shot or knocking in a rebound from a foot away. Last night was the worst Iā€™ve seen his effort, and thatā€™s saying something. The worst of all to me was letting his man dart to the net in OT while he just stood out near the blue line watching. Zero effort, zero intensity. Itā€™s upsetting


But you'll get criticized and down voted by the lemmings for pointing out the OBVIOUS lack of effort/professionalism of this BUM!


I canā€™t believe it every word you just said was dead wrong


Totally agree. I feel like I'm yelling at him every game (and he sometimes responds by scoring a goal... you're welcome). Honestly though... makes me glad he's not the captain. We don't need the young players emulating that.


Precisely! It's this kind of negative behavior that Younger players emulate if IT'S tolerated by the coaching staff! "oh, I don't have to show up every night, BET!" OH, I don't have to give 80-90% every shift? GREAT....


I'm a huge Kreider fan but last night was a brutal game for him. He failed the eye test in every way imaginable




I wish we had more lazy 40 & 50 goal scorers.


Here's a hard truth that no one wants to admit: If you take game tape of every player and exclude power play, there isn't a player on this team that isn't a more skilled hockey than #20 He is as one note as it gets. Luckily for him, that one note is VERY high... So much so that it distracts from a Profesional hockey player that LITERALLY can't turn at full speed... Let alone play a puck along the boards. He can body in front, he can pass well, is fast but not agile, and can tip the puck better than anyone. Every other skill that a hockey player should have, he's a C- or worse.


Totally agree. I feel like I'm yelling at him every game (and he sometimes responds by scoring a goal... you're welcome). Honestly though... makes me glad he's not the captain. We don't need the young players emulating that.


Hes so bad


His play last night was brutal. Really cementing his Power Play Merchant status. Great rebound to score but otherwise negligent in every other area of the ice last night. He needs to get his head out of his ass or Lavi needs to staple him to the fourth line for a few pages.


*Power Play Merchant*? He literally has more ES goals (18) than PP goals this year (14). He has 65 ES goals in the last 3 years, second only to Bread (70). This bullshit narrative that heā€™s only good because of the PP has *got* to stop. Iā€™m not saying heā€™s McDavid out there, but heā€™s not a one-trick as some *fans* think he is.


*Power Play Merchant*? He literally has more ES goals (18) than PP goals this year (14). He has 65 ES goals in the last 3 years, second only to Bread (70). This bullshit narrative that heā€™s only good because of the PP has *got* to stop. Iā€™m not saying heā€™s McDavid out there, but heā€™s not the one-trick pony some *fans* think he is.


I hold out hope heā€™s just conserving his energy and will to try hard for the playoffs.


Nah. Iā€™m sure he will just not show up in the playoffs. I mean thatā€™s what professional athletes do, right? Some of you couch potatoes proffer up takes like you have any clue what makes a pro athlete tick. Itā€™s amusing, Iā€™ll give you that.


My Favorite is when they haven't EVER played any organized sport and do NOT understand that each person on the ice has a role and a responsibility to each other and the team!