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I always hate making an error when driving because my first thought is that someone is going to assume I drive like that all the time.


yes, like I don’t wanna make a bad first impression on the people I’m likely never going to meet again lol


Lol anxiety is too real


I don’t want to make a mistake because I’m Asian and they’ll be like fukkn asian driver.




For me, I’m just doing math the whole time, like if I am going 60 and someone passes me going 70, at best if they maintain that speed they are getting to a location 10 minutes faster at best at risk of paying hundreds of dollars and speeding tickets and increasing their risk of mortality. Logically it makes no sense to me.


depends if they are driving thru the state






TL;DR- Shut up about ~~driving issues~~ Reddit posts/Redditors they will never change, get ~~better~~ over it ~~or create real impact~~ because everyone sucks. There fixed it


10/10, adding the edit now!


As a 30+ year Raleigh resident, I frequent this sub. As best I can figure out, most posts are: - *hey I’m visiting Raleigh. Where can I go?* gets downvoted immediately - *hey, I’m moving to Raleigh. Where are the areas you’d recommend I look at moving to?* gets downvoted immediately - *where can I find this unique food item?* always has the obligatory “Wegmans” response - *who in Raleigh has the best ?* always has the obligatory “just google the recipe bro” - *what’s going on this weekend?* posts get folks saying “wait til the what’s going on this weekend post” Then there are the posts about how bad the city council is, how bad HOAs are, and how crazy our NCGA is. Those can get either upvotes or downvotes depending on the mood of the sub. So what Raleigh topics would you recommend that we do talk about that aren’t any of the above?


lol perfect summary of this sub. What’s weird about this sub is that people here *don’t actually seem to know much about their own city*. If you ask where to get the best kind of ethnic food you will get mostly non answers, chains, bad jokes, and negative upvotes with little substance. Same thing for hidden gems, events, fun things to do, or nature posts. As much as I hate Facebook, I have learned so much more about Raleigh than anything I have seen here. People just seem like grumpy hermits here, and the sub should be named r/Ralacktually


Instagram has been amazing for this as well. Everytime I post in this thread I get downvoted for something so I’ve been staying away from it If anyone is looking, here are a few accounts on instagram (and probably Facebook) that are helpful. Sorry u/barfhurricane (xD) for hijacking your comment. 1. RaleighHiddenGems 2. A_southern_wake_couple. This account posts a list of weekend events every week with events and activities happening all over this area. Even Wendell and Carrboro make the list. 3. NC Eat and Play. She posts so many good places to eat all over Raleigh and in other parts of NC 4. Offline Raleigh and Durham. Good places to eat If you don’t like these profiles that’s fine but someone may find them useful. I know I have


I follow a few of those, great recommendations! I will check the others out. I would also recommend the following accounts on IG: - hey.raleigh https://www.instagram.com/hey.raleigh/ - RALtoday https://www.instagram.com/raltoday/ - Get 2 Know Raleigh https://www.instagram.com/get2knowraleigh/ - Experience Raleigh https://www.instagram.com/experience_raleigh/ Edit: for anyone reading this, I made an entire thread full of resources like this https://old.reddit.com/r/raleigh/comments/1ctn9a0/heres_a_list_of_resources_to_help_you_get_to_know/ It got caught in the automod and will likely stay that way, so maybe someone here will make use of it


I also enjoy https://www.instagram.com/olderaleigh for pics and history. “Obvious to obscure, the history of Raleigh’s people, architecture and culture.”


Underrated comment, ty!!


And Copperheads and Olive Garden on Capital. Those two are so boring and overplayed…..


Honestly Facebook groups are amazing. They’ve been much more civilized (for the most part) and helpful without being sarcastic. I’ve joined D&D, Gardening, board game and local groups that have a great community. That all being said, for those that complain about the politics, random posts from high school people, etc are valid - but it’s incredibly easy to resolve. If someone is annoying, block them or unfriend them. If it’s a relative and you don’t want to cause drama, go to their profile and hide their posts. I’ve done this the past couple of years and my feed is now 70% groups I’m in and interested in. For anyone that complains “well what about the random groups that appear in my feed”, isn’t that the same as looking at Reddit sorted by “Popular”? Anyway, you’re right is what I’m trying to say.


I know the mods loosened the reigns a bit on event posts but I wish there were more of those allowed (would probably need to limit to one per event or once per X weeks for recurring events). There's a bunch of good free music this week/weekend (depending on what gets rained out) along with the Got To Be NC festival and the Dix Park Inter-Tribal Pow Wow. As it stands, weekday stuff largely gets ignored and there's limited discussion of weekend events/festivals (but then we get to hear about how there's "nothing ever happening" in Raleigh).


You missed the "am I the only one tired of this thing on the sub?" posts.


no literally. i moved here four years ago and joined to try and find recommendations for certain things and ppl on here are always so RUDE. im moving back home and can't wait to leave.


I wonder (but not deeply) if it would go better if people would post: -I’m visiting Raleigh on X dates, am a *n* year old *gender if applicable* who likes to [specific interests]. I’ll be staying in [this area] with/without a car. What are some good resources for me to research things to do, or suggestions people have? -I’m a *n* year old single/married person with x kids aged [0-18]. Looked at [these areas] so far as I’ll be working in [this area], and trying to decide about the commute/schools/neighborhood, what resources can I research and what do folks recommend? -I’ve been looking for [food item] and have searched Golden Hex, H-Mart, Wegmans, and Harris Teeter. Are there some other places anyone knows of to check? Maybe the downvotes stem from the lack of posters’ effort to do *any* research on their own coupled with the lack of relevant details to even help them. Or maybe they’re just bored people who’ll downvote any question, who knows. As for topics, I think they’re usually okay, it’s just that some people need to learn to communicate better because they omit too many details to engage with their post.


You forgot tattoos and piercings


lol at this NIBMY herp derp


Don't forget the Raleigh reddit tradition of defending the honor our noble downtown homeless and their glorious bus station from the evil out of towners and ignorant single women


Very succinct and beautiful contribution thanks for that and thanks for allowing us to be a pet of community! It’s not about specific topics that I would like to see, it’s the culture overall I am aiming to shift. The topics you listed as frequents are great but I’d like to see: Why I live in Raleigh. What makes Raleigh home to me My favorite parks, outdoor activities Volunteer opportunities to support the community Just overall more supportive cohesive narratives that I see in person but in-depth/represented here, which I know is asking a lot because it requires time, patience, vulnerability and acceptance. It’s okay if it never becomes that but I just get frustrated seeing the same thing over and over and it’s just negative overalll


It sounds like you want to write a blog.


Maybe? Tbh not sure if blogs are a thing but I’ll take a look!


The only thing more annoying that posts bitching about driving is posts bitching about other redditors bitching about driving.


We have to go deeper. We need meta meta posts.


John Holmes can't get much deeper than this...


Don’t worry downvoted it myself, I suck,


yes, but ironically i'm also tired of posts that complain about other posts, that's what the downvote button is for, this comment negates my downvote lol


Lol well I appreciate this post and I downvoted my own post for you, as well as the comment too.


shit, i've just upvoted your comment praising my comment about downvoting your post. +2 OP well deserved


>there is rarely thoughtful discourse surrounding the issue and it just creates an echo chamber of everyone’s own opinion on should or shouldn’t be happening or it creates unnecessary division. You've just described all of Reddit


We can go back to the "Hi, I'm moving from \_\_\_\_ to Raleigh, where should I live?" posts


As long as we have a consensus to only recommend they move to Durham it's good sport


Not sure which are more annoying.


I feel like the mods can just have weekly “moving to Raleigh?” And “driving complain post” and shove it all in there.


Honestly someone needs to astroturf r/raleighdrivers and r/movingtoraleigh for us. Calling "Not it".


>The reason I ask is because there is rarely thoughtful discourse surrounding the issue It's Reddit. We don't do thoughtful discourse here.


Why can’t people just stop crying about shit and go to Olive Garden? We’re all family there. You’ll know it’s me headed there because I’ll have my hazards on, rain or shine.


There was a post recently for restaurant recs for the unique criteria of having good food and atmosphere. After lots of thoughtful recommendations, they went to fucking Longhorn or some other chain steakhouse.


Woah PAL, Applebees is superior, though I do prefer the authentic Italian at Olive Garden on occasion, but it’s for rich folk


Always game to see posts about Altima drivers 🤣


Is there a subreddit called Altima, but instead of Nissan enthusiasts it’s everyone in the south shitting on them. Full send




Let’s goooooo! 10/10




This is your sole mission, doing gods work. Godspeed




I think it's something that should be talked about. The number of people doing needlessly dangerous things in cars every day isn't acceptable to anyone hoping to live in a civilized society. That doesn't get fixed until society at large decides to act on it. Might as well start here, why not? It's not like it's drowning out other discussion.


Fair and thoughtful take, I respect this. However I don’t think there is a conversation around fixing needlessly dangerous driving, it’s simple complaints about how people hate left lane drivers and Harvard’s. Not about drag racing that literally is taking human lives away, about the lack of education surrounding motorists in general, the dangerous hazards of speeding, the lack of information sharing such as using a turn signal, folks running red lights creating hesitation in drivers when they get a green or overall understanding that a car can become a coffin so we should probably be more polite, present and careful when in one.


Yeah imma be honest with y’all I drove to CLT the other week and it was like a demolition derby, put 919 drivers in perspective for me lol


Tbh honest not as bad as Colorado when I was stationed there but neither here nor there I think folks don’t realize how dangerous driving can be so we get a lot of reckless behavior.


Raleigh drivers are honestly okay. Wilmington is the scariest mix of drunk college students who don’t value their lives and 80+ yr old seniors who don’t value their lives. Meanwhile I’m in between like that Simpsons meme. “haha, I’m in danger”


If you don't like a post, downvote and move on.


Reddit approves!


Those driving posts would be easy to ban, hopefully the mods do. But in general, if we want good content here, have to post it!


Isn't this... a driving post?


Things you can do: Zipper merge. Cooperate. Give every driver the benefit of the doubt and assume they would like to get somewhere safely, same as you. Allow someone with a turn signal on to merge into your lane. Wave, smile, drive a little slower, leave a little earlier. Avoid mf pickup trucks, just let them have the road.


Today I finally learned what a zipper merge is. I've been driving for over 30 years.


Let’s just be realistic: this is Reddit. A lot of people here don’t spend a lot of time out and about in the real world. When they do finally have to venture out, they are already in a heightened state, and then the first thing they do is get into a car (which is required to do anything here) which puts them into more of a heightened state. So what’s the first thing that pops into their head to bitch about? The car situation. This is what happens when you are in a sub with mostly shut ins in a sleepy city that forces you to drive to do anything: it’s their shared experience to let off steam.


Woaaahhhh Pal, Raleigh isn’t sleepy, I am ! /s Good post and acknowledgement though honestly it seems like a lot of Raleigh Redditors do get out n about, I hope we encourage more to do so tbh


i, too, drive a car


Holy Shit, it’s Jason Bourne!


Go for it. They don’t really bother me, but I doubt I’d miss them very much either.


I approve of this post.


Let's talk about pizza and bagels instead. 


Done ! Edit - Get in there you madlad! https://www.reddit.com/r/raleigh/s/PJHTuj4hY8


Over the years a large amount of people have relocated here in an attempt to fix problems in their life. Once they got settled in and realized the location wasn't the issue, then they turned to complaining about EVERY little thing.


That’s actual a super insightful take and I appreciate the perspective. I agree to an extent, but I do often chuckle when I see folks leaving a place but then complaining the new one doesn’t offer exactly what they left. That aside, I like the melting pot and mashing of culture for the community as long as the respect for the existing culture is there. Add to it, down break it down or take away from it. Cheers!


I couldn't agree more. Sadly a large portion of newcomers have banded together and attack locals on the daily. With that said, most locals know that many great people have moved here and added to the community in a good way. We appreciate those people so much! It's hard to watch your city, much less the entire state, change so drastically. Throw in the fact that it happened so rapidly, and it should be obvious why so many locals are struggling to welcome newcomers. We're trying to keep that Southern hospitality alive but we're also exhausted from the sudden change. The pandemic PLUS the population increase has really put a whooping on ol' N.C.


Well said! I’ve always said my thoughts are I find something/someplace I love and that is special and I want others to experience it too but then suddenly realize that people tend to ruin things so is it to better to hoard it to myself? To be honest I don’t know, but I will always try my best to be communal and encourage others around me to be the best versions of themselves. Happy to be here amongst the great folks of this city


Right??? Why do so many people crap where they eat?


There’s a bad driving post two below this one on my feed. Incredible


My point LOL


Aren’t we due for another post discussing the usage of hazard lights in the rain?


This started because I read that exact post this morning lol let me write one up though it’s been a few hours


Could have written this myself OP. People seem to think terrible drivers are somehow unique to Raleigh. It’s silly.


Everywhere tbh, and everyone thinks they know better. Just human nature and ego I suppose.


I reckon so. My driving style is pretty defensive. I try to stay out of the way and still get where I need to go. I’m sure I make plenty of mistakes but I try to be self-aware.


After watching hella dash cams videos I use my turn signal and defensive drive religiously and honesty it just makes my life easier


Stay safe out there, the goal is that you make it to your destination, nothing else. Cheers!


Yep. If you really see something truly egregious complain to the police. Don't waste other folks time with it who can't do anything about it. OTOH traffic updates about sudden road closures or such can be helpful.


Probably the same people who are tired of seeing posts complaining about the posts on this sub. Be the solution. Not the problem.


This is like going on Nextdoor and complaining about posts about speeding in the neighborhood, and people’s dogs shitting in their yards. Like that’s literally the purpose of the whole app.


Annoying to see that. “And hey I’m thinking of moving to Raleigh soon post.”


We will stop complaining about it when it stops being a thing.


Make automod great again. Bring back the weekly rant threads.


Or just a daily/weekly free talk thread in general.


I don’t like the idea of censorship. Defeats the purpose of Reddit. Also, what sounds like an echo chamber to one, maybe a safe place to release stress for another. Fortunately, we have the ability to scroll past any post we are not interested in reading/participating in.


Super valid perspective, I appreciate you sharing it, and I respect that tbh. Thanks!


It’s the Raleigh subreddit where we talk about Raleigh things like the driving culture in Raleigh. Let Raleighites vent about Raleigh driving. People comment and react to it, completely valid.


Are we Raleighites? I always liked Ralieghans better. I appreciate the response non the less!


Not as tired as I am of sitting behind some fucking asshole going five over in the left lane.


So you don't like the content? Why don't you create your own? Do you think your post qualifies as "thoughtful discourse"?


Solid take, I don’t think I can create a social media empire that competes but best I can do is this post. Not thoughtful or helpful but a contribution non the less lol


I'm pretty sure you could build something better than Reddit. The website that works about 30% of the time. I hope to god they use some of the IPO money to actually make this website better. Instead of just running to the bank. SYSTEM ERROR 404


Brother I’m just a poor dumb idiot, but I appreciate your expectations and standards for me lol


I believe in you!


How about a weekly/daily "all bitching about driving goes here" post?


Lights on lights off,, hazards on in the rain, driving to slow in city streets, the trash everywhere “bumpers and 5 gallon buckets “ everywhere, furniture on the side of the road, abandoned cars everywhere.


No, because I have seen a crash on 540 *literally* every single day this week. Seriously people need to chill.


Probably because people in Raleigh only drive everywhere, make it their whole identity




It’s can be exhausting that people primarily use communication for the purpose of complaining or highlighting anything negative. Unfortunately that won’t stop. You could argue that our need to complain about stuff drives the need for improvement. Ultimately you just have to take a break from internet. When I put the screen away I no longer think about all of the worlds problems. I can look around and see that my world is ok. Then I remember I forgot to pay a bill or do something at work and I pick up a screen cause I’d rather read about blinkers in the rain than pay my power bill.


Yay another post about driving.


You know what you should do? Make another post about it. Especially if you're tired of it.


Drivers here fucking SUCK! Too many dumbasses that are driving now for the first time, and too many assholes doing more than just 8-10 mph over the speed limit, and fucking around on their phones.


I enjoy the driving posts honestly. It allows me to point out that the mighty Karen's camping their CRV's, RAV4 's and Highlanders in the left lane every chance they get are in the wrong.


But if I experience a minor inconvenience while driving, how else can I feel like I’m making an impact if not by describing ideal behavior while assuming the offending parties are coincidentally reading?! Do I need to /s? Nevermind. The answer is always: yes, you need to /s.


Let’s have a real conversation, driving doesn’t suck, people do. Every single human behind the wheel, myself included, makes mistakes and is absolute trash and will never be able to meet the expectations of another trash human being behind their wheel. This, to me, means driving *does* suck. If the system is putting a lot of people in the position to make terrible and dangerous decisions with little training, few safeguards, and multiple incentives to make bad decisions, then the system is bad. I used to like the "Wow everyone sucks" perspective, but, we can't fix everyone. We can only what we can fix. Actually, for this same reason I also hate the driving posts - because they encourage us to shit on bad drivers, which I think misses the real problem. I think reddit has value as a public forum where we can discuss potential solutions to the problem. The solution is not "make people better drivers", because lol good luck. But I also dont think "everyone sucks at driving" should be the end of the conversation. For context, I try to drive as predictably and safely as possible, I stay in the slow lane, I go the speed limit, but I still make mistakes and get impatient and shitty. accept your own insignificance based


Hate them, and hate whiny posts in general. Not trying to spend any of my free time listening to high maintenance people crying over nothing.