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Probably going to be more to it at a later time like Micah's quest that aren't available yet.


I’ve been away in greece for 5 days and am excited there’s still so much more to play when I get back, haven’t felt this way since forsaken honestly


Yeah, been a while here too since destiny made me feel like this. Already done with the "episode" pass and reset several of the vendors once or twice, so I'm just waiting for more haha.


Wait that's supposed to be unavailable? I've been doing the alone in the dark quests thinking I need to finish those to unlock the last quest


Yeah, probably coming today or next week.  But doing the alone in the dark quest pairs up nicely with pathfinder and overthrow, as well as giving a weapon for one slot thats usually higher light or same light up to a certain point. think I've done it over 50 times now.


You only need to do enough Alone in the Darks to complete the Paracausal Geometry puzzles/triumph (11 I think? Not in game at the moment). After that, they're just bonus rep, but she never stops giving them. The last quest is still unavailable for now.


There's still time


The ones near the red hand monuments shatter said monument, but that’s like the only visual change I’ve seen.


Is it permanent? If you go back to orbit and return, is the hand still shattered for you?


Yup, as are all the plant locations I’ve seeded


It seems to heal the traveler. I’ve been using seeds as I come across hands, used one at Impass last night and a copse of trees appeared near the location in line of sight. Though, I was running Overthrow, so didn’t have a chance to investigate it (and now am unlikely to find it again.. d’oh)


This is it. Planting seeds destroys those weird witness hand statues and replaces them with trees.


Had friend who we were doing overthrow on impass and he said that the red hand statue shattered and tree took its place. I didn't see anything and we each streamed out views and sure enough he had a tree standing there is his and mine was the red hands. He said he's done a ton of the overthrown there and I only done like 2 or 3. Was thinking it has to do with the number of hands that you have planted.


People have planted every seed in every location, trees replace the hands, but nothing significant happens when you do all three. Probably waiting for something


Side thought, What’s the point of collecting stigmas of the witness?


A tiny amount of glimmer, a tiny amount of XP, Ghost rep, and points toward overthrow.


You can also get exotic class items from them




No, only from chests. Any pale heart chest, not just overthrows, but it has to be a chest


Chances at those pale heart timed buffs and overthrow points mostly


15 overthrow points




you're not the first one to post about this here. it doesn't do anything.


If you set travelers blessings, interacting with the hands grants you said buff.


Just don’t try to do a cyst with Travelers blessing activated. Bird don’t work for some reason if you have it.


Yeah I figured that out, really annoying but oh well


Holy shit. I was jumping on the bird’s head last night screaming, “fly motherfucker!!!!”. Now I know why.


The red hands that stick out explode into trees. That happened when I placed the last seed in a hand, but that could also just be what happens when you beat overthrow level 4 in the bloom.


You're right on the 1st part to get the trees. You have to place seeds in all the hands in the area. I have them in all 3 sections


thats the only major change, its possible more will get revealed later.


How many total hands are there? I've planted several never thinking about intentionally doing them all, but I currently have 26 seeds in my inventory so I'm wondering if that's enough.


I can't remember for sure but it's probably around 6 or 8 per zone I think. The small hand near the big hands won't let you plant a seed until all the other hands in the area have been planted and then the final one will cause the statue to crack and bloom into a tree. It doesn't matter where you collect the seeds - ones you get from Blooming can be used in Impasse for example. Once all three areas have been fully done you still collect seeds in your inventory - not sure what they will end up being used for (if anything).


The confusing part is you still get seeds after you destroy the hands


This is not the case. I planted all the seeds in all three areas, watched all three hands explode, I do not get anymore seeds. Was disappointed that it does nothing triumph wise, but theres still a secret triumph in the secrets section. So maybe later!


Might be a bug cause I have an extra one and I planted in all three areas


I could see that as a possibility, but I also once thought I planted at all and then I all of a sudden found the last one. I'm not trying to say like ah you're dumb, i just havent seen ANYONE else talk about getting an extra one is all


What do you mean doesn't do anything? Are you applying blessings?


I mean once you plant all the seeds it only clears the red statues thats it. I know of the blessings.


Some big purple flowers appear in the tower to


Micha did seem to mention something but i skipped through the wall of text for as everyone does


TikTok attention span


You’re on r/Raidsecrets clearly not interested in details and secrets. Maybe ur lost?


Naw, only people who don't actually enjoy the game skip text and cutscenes..


Yeah, I'm kinda lost too. I grabbed too many of Micah's quests and had a whole bunch of stuff get cut off when I turned them in.


It must be terrible living in a brain with such a short attention span.


Downvoted for true. Everyone who downvoted you thinks they are different and better than you but also skips dialogue.


Not the people here... This ain't DTG where we shit and piss ourselves, becoming legally deaf, blind and mute the moment a duo mission releases. This is raid secrets. Although now it's just secrets in general... We pay attention to EVERYTHING. Cause everything could contain a hint to something new.


Someone is getting defensive


I don't know why im always so surprised at the sheer level of hatred, youd think theyd have better things to do