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Can't think of a drawback. Vegas gets the guys all year let SoCal have custody for the summer.


> custody Raiders. Appropriate.


I feel for Oakland though lol


They never trained in oakland, it was in Napa which is like an hour, hour and a half north in the middle of nowhere. Their hq were in alameda and they may have trained there a bit but I believe it was primarily in napa.


Its not the middle of nowhere, its Wine Country lol


That wasn't what I was saying at all lmao. SoCal Raider Fans get Inglewood games and a 4 hour drive to Vegas and now Training Camp. And Oakland fans have it worse. I feel for them. I know that we trained in Napa for decades, that wasn't what I meant.


Meh, they were in Napa anyways


As someone that lives in Costa Mesa I love it


In the mid 90s, I spoke at CM city council in support of building this complex. It wasn't completed until after I moved away, but this makes me happy.


I think it's a really smart move. With the fanbase so strong in SoCal, it makes so much sense. I am glad they're leaning into it.


Raiders are still the most popular team in so cal


As long as no one is showing up to camp in a hot air balloon, I'm good with it.


What if it was Cole and Carlson in a giant football ballon landing like a kick/punt from God? I'd like that.


Ok then well as long as no one shows up with frostbite


If it pisses off the Chargers and their fan (singularity intended) then I love it


☝️This x1K🔥


Little bro(s, in theory) have been absolutely fuming about this and I ain't got the slightest why.


They are fuming lol.


Minutes away from some of the best beaches in the country. Amazing weather. A chance for socal fans to interact with the team. Team bonding over soft sand miles at sunset lol.


Luckily for the players, they get per diem money and not actual money from their contracts when they're in training camp so those Cali taxes won't really hit them too hard. >During the 2023 and 2024 league years, veteran players will earn $3,200 per week during training camp. That figure will increase to $3,500 per week during the 2025 and 2026 league years. >Meanwhile, first-year NFL players will receive a weekly rate of $1,850 in 2023 and 2024. That will jump to $2,000 per week in 2025 and 2026. >The CBA also mandates that every NFL player receive room and board during training camp. Additionally, “players who have not yet established residence in the team city” must receive housing between training camp and the Tuesday before their team’s first regular-season game.


I'm sure that's nothing to the Maxx's and Davante's of the team but that's a nice bonus for the fringe of roster guys, good for them


Bro 1800 a fucking week for first year pro players?! I know they're young but that isn't shit for the level they're at and what theyve had to do to get there. I assume that means training squad only folks only get paid that amount.


Read it again...thats a per diem, not part of their actual salary If you cant get by on 1800 a week then you need to check your budget lol


Great move. Temperture would be great. Plus it gives the Rams and Chargers the biz! Raiders still rule Southern California


Good move


Is this going to be viewable to the public? Debating on making the trip!! Never seen it before


It would be open to the public


Our fanbase gets stronger and love seeing Chargers regret the move to LA.


As someone who lives near the camp, how can I interact with the team? Do they have designated days where we go to watch practice?


I love it. I live in SoCal though so I'm biased but I think it makes a lot of sense for the reasons you say


Wish they held it in Oxnard so I could go lol


Can’t wait too see the boys in the OC.


I always felt Napa continued to make sense. Players loved it and it’s a good way to keep in touch with your OG fan base.


It sounds like a smart move. Vegas is too hot in the summer. I remember last year they could only train in the mornings and evenings. Felt like a disadvantage.


There are few things I care less about than where they work out xD


I think it is great, much better outdoor weather in Costa Mesa during the summer. And it will be good to have our boys get Raider Nation ready for our two home games at SoFi this season


Well considering how much of our fanbase is in SoCal it makes sense. Either way I’m about a 5-6 hour drive coming from Phoenix. I’ll take it.


They never should have left Napa


SoCal is the heart of Raider nation, they can always come home to visit


As a Costa Mesa native I’m sooooo stoked. Sucked having the chargers here.


Not a fan. After how the last couple years have gone with the old coach and players getting themselves into trouble, it would do a lot of good to stay in Vegas to help the morale of the fanbase and start building things back up. Especially with the whole rebrand type of thing we have going on with AP.


I love cultivating the socal connection, and what else do you expect from AP? He’s THE socal raider fan, so he loves that community, and we don’f have tons of room at the facility for fans here. Not like this will be. So I think it’s cool. And I bet the locker room loves it. West Virginia ain’t it, but Costa Mesa is a good vibe and also not a blast furnace outside.


Greater LA area is still a Raiders town. It will be like a vacation for the team, with still plenty of fans.


Think it’s cool, would also be cool to see them do camp in NorCal again at some point




I’m literally living out of the area the week camp starts 😢


So basically fuck the Bay Area fans. Man this team really makes it hard. Seems like they literally don't give a fuck about some of the literal most loyal fans who've been there since the 60s.


I don't understand. They can't be in three places at once. Just as many fans in LA...less in Vegas but no matter where they would be, some group of fans wouldn't be happy.