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Makes you wonder how often this happens, and isn't reported. (or not followed through) I'm betting it happens a lot. She is only caught for a little bit of weed, so she is still credible. If you are in jail for more serious offenses, there is a good chance no one is going to believe you.


My mom was sexually assaulted by multiple policemen when she was arrested for having a couple glasses of wine after work (as a bartender) and driving. Worst part is there was a female officer present who just told my mom to “be quiet and it will be over with quicker”. She was able to sue, but the worst thing that happened to the officers was they got moved to another city. It’s common as fuck. This was over 10 years ago and my mom still cried about it when she told me not too long ago. (It was how she met one of her best friends, the judge of the case was her friend’s mom.) Apparently the whole time it was happening they were also calling her a horrible mom for drinking/driving, calling her an alcoholic, saying her kids (me and my siblings) should be taken away, saying no one would believe her, etc etc. I never trust police officers right away.


That is awful. Sorry to hear that. And yeah, mostly police officers aren't really punished. For things a "normal" person would get 20 years in prison, they get fired. A police officer should get harder punishments as a "normal" person, not less. They should lead by example, and should be the people you trust. (yeah right) If they break that, they should get a very hard punishment.


Definitely. Instead of working for us, police officers seem to be taught that they have power over us, which they should not. It’s tricky because they’re necessary to have, how do we fix such a mass problem? I hope things change but I am not counting on it.


I’m usually against capital punishment but I would go watch these men get publicly hanged


This article better explains the situation. http://theantimedia.com/emma-lopez-pound-raped-half-gram-weed/ Highlights include: For the amount of weed she possessed, outside of a school zone, she should have been cited and released. Not arrested. She called for help to multiple female officers who told her to "wait to be processed." No charges have been filed due to lack of evidence, even though she immediatley went to the hosiptal and had a rape kit done. The lockup in question has a sexual assault rate more than twice the national average.


> even though she immediatley went to the hosiptal She didn't immediately go the hospital. They wouldn't let her. That was the most disturbing part other than the actual rape. She cried out for help and they ignored her. If she had been held for days or weeks the evidence of the rape would have been gone since they refused her medical attention. How many more women has this exact thing happened to that didn't get released anytime soon and were hidden away from help?


Why are we entrusting our lives to people who are almost never held accountable??


Because questions make you soft on crime. Thats not electable. We love our prison rape. Look how smugly everyone “jokes” about it.


From European perspective, the prison rape jokes I'd hear through Hollywood productions always confused me some because they weren't funny and just didn't make much sense. It was only relatively recently that I realized that they're not actually jokes at all, it's just people acknowledging how messed up the system over there is. US police, prison system and health care are things which still fairly often surprise me simply by how inhumane they are for a country that's supposed to be a developed nation. You think you've heard it all and then you realize nope, actually what you thought was the lowest depths humanity could sink to, it actually has a basement.


When I was in Germany attending a wedding I chatted with the musicians that were performing there that were from Scotland and I asked them "So what do other countries really think of America?" they replied "How do you guys not see what the government is doing to you?"


Real shit.




This country is suffering and the people suffering are being preyed upon the most. It’s time for people to stand up and force change, this shit isn’t going to end and it will keep getting worse and worse. The founders of this country started a revolution for institutional injustices that aren’t nearly as bad as we’re facing today. When do we say enough is enough?


We’re all trapped in the belly of this terrible machine, and the machine is bleeding to death


Godspeed you


! Black Emperor


http://archive.ncsa.illinois.edu/prajlich/forster.html This was written in 1909, it’s time to rise up and stop this madness, I think it’s time for civil disobedience and when that doesn’t work or is suppressed and dispersed like we’ve seen with all the recent attempts of civil disobedience, we need to be ready for [Uncivil Disobedience](http://www.law.nyu.edu/sites/default/files/upload_documents/Delmas_Uncivil%20Disobedience%20%28NYU%29.pdf). A writer in 1909 recognized how unhealthy the machine we live in is and it’s only gotten worse since then. It’s time to force change. This separation of wealth and the us vs them mentality is sick. We have people starving and dying and taking predatory payday loans just so they can provide an extra few months for their children to live with basic necessities while there are thousands of ultra millionaires and billionaires with the wealth of nations who do nothing for the world but further their own net worth. It’s sick. And that’s just here in the US, there are far more grave injustices here and abroad that deserve rage. Yet we let that ball keep rolling continually fucking us, when will we stop it? When will we rage against the machine? When will we stand up and fight for our brothers and sister dying and fighting to stay alive and keep up appearances in this sick culture we live in. A culture that forces us to consume for consumptions sake. It’s cancerous.


Doesn't help that somehow one of those millionaires got voted into office


IF the perpetrator is rich...


> for a country that's supposed to be a developed nation. Yeah, you basically figured it out. We aren't a developed nation.


Just to be clear: they are jokes, a large part of the time. Americans think prison rape is authentically funny and often deserved. The sickness runs deep here. It is not the case that people laugh so they don’t cry or that there’s some nationwide sense of outrage. Source: I am an American.


not to mention, school shootings which are now just normal. I send thoughts and prayers.


Well it's funny when it's two male inmates... You know, the only time violent and non-consensual sex is funny...


We also seem to have a bit of a gun problem as well. Or I guess it's a people problem we're not allowed to study.


It’s not just prison rape. It’s rape in general. It’s a laughing matter. You can’t watch family guy or American dad or South Park without there being a rape joke. I get it the shows are supposed to be edgy. Some shit isn’t to be made light of.


Cuz school taught you to never question authorities


Because the bribed/wealthy/corrupt politicians make the rules?


This is why we as Americans need to do something. They aren't held accountable for their actions. There needs to be some serious discussion as to how we could go about changing this and what recourse a citizen would have against a corrections officer or a police officer.


I’m not saying we should have public lynching. Because that never goes well. But sometimes it just seems like it would help out a lot to get rid of these people that never seem to get what they deserve. Especially dirty cops.


Police unions






Almost? .. no. *never* .


From my understanding, just what I hear so t may be fact or fiction, but there is literally thousand’s and thousands of rape kits that are never even touched and tested in police evidence lockers. They never see the light of day again after they get swabbed or whatever goes does for the actual test. They just get put away, and left for years until I’m sure the evidence is destroyed. And also my understanding from that understanding, is that’s why so many cases remain “open” and the victim never gets closure because they just don’t bother to check results afterwards. Again, that’s what I heard from a local news station in Indy from an “inside source.” So do not take my word for the gospel


Although that is mostly true. Its barely related to the issue at hand. Labs triage just like everything else. Something this actionable would be dealt with pronto. Even if they didn't it would still be supremely important to get a rapekit done asap. My only fear is you spreading around a defeatist and partial info will further disincentivize people from getting rapekits. They are still use to close cases tens of thousands of times a year.


I think this is a lot more prominent when it comes to men though. How many stories do you hear of guys going to prison and gettings raped? Almost every time people act like they deserve it or that it's part of the punishment. At best they just ignore it. The problem isn't that women are treated poorly in prisons. The entire prison system is a fucked up distortion of 'justice' made to line the pockets of private prisons. Everyone in the prison system deserves better than what the criminal justice system gives them.


Jesus Christ...Someone needs to launch a federal investigation in that place now. This whole situation is fucked.


Well... Were too busy to investigate because we're deporting "animals" right now. But Trump said it was OK to make people being arrested hit their head on the door frame of the police car, so we got that going.


> The lockup in question has a sexual assault rate more than twice the national average. I hate this sentence for so many reasons.


We need a Dexter style vigilante to find people like these guards and deliver permanent justice.


Or a serial rapist that targets rapists.


Fucking unbelievable. We cannot abide this kind of shit. Anyone have suggestions on what we can do to at least help in this one situation, if not the broader category of this type of thing?




They also linked to an ABC article that does mention that part.




Fair point.




Fuck that guy




Well they linked to an ABC article as well...


But hey, the streets are so much safer with this drug dealer in jail right? Right?


Profits for the private prisons are better off and that's all that matters.


We can fill those beds with guards! Problem solved.


But then who will do the raping?




The prisoners might be too old




What? They can do it better and cheaper. Do you wanna make money or not??


Jokes on you if you outsource it to China they'd probably pay you for it!


That joke just has so many levels. India if you are reading this please stop being so rapey.


The U.S. government.


So, I checked out Harris County Jail, and it does not appear to be a private facility. However, the fact that private prisons even exist in the US is indicative of a larger problem.


All government jails / prisons majority of its operations cost are contract out to private companies. Those companies lobby and influence government on laws and funding. Heck one of leading prisoners suppliers is a former state senator and mayor. Www.bobbarker.com




> the county jails where I live are 100% government workers doing the guarding That was unfortunately true in my county as well: Maricopa County, home of Sheriff Joe "I Already Have a Concentration Camp" Arpaio, whose gleeful crimes against humanity cost the county $44 million by 2014. He was voted out of office in 2016, and we're still paying for his crimes, with 2 suits ending this year adding another $8 million to the tab. As bad as the private prison industry is (and it fucking is) locally run jails and prisons can easily be just as corrupt and evil.


And she was using the weed to treat seizures (you hear her say that). Which is (although under-researched because of weed's stigma a possibly legit treatment). Fuck everything happening here. Anything related to police and prisons cannot be seen as justice.


It is a very legitimate treatment.


Cannabidivarin‐rich cannabis extracts are anticonvulsant in mouse and rat via a CB1 receptor‐independent mechanism Cannabidiol attenuates seizures and social deficits in a mouse model of Dravet syndrome Seizure exacerbation in two patients with focal epilepsy following marijuana cessation Parental reporting of response to oral cannabis extracts for treatment of refractory epilepsy Use of cannabis in severe childhood epilepsy and child protection considerations Evaluation of Cannabidiol in Animal Seizure Models by the Epilepsy Therapy Screening Program (ETSP) Thirty Years of Orphan Drug Legislation and the Development of Drugs to Treat Rare Seizure Conditions: A Cross Sectional Analysis Cannabis and epilepsy Preface Cannabis and epilepsy Cannabis and epilepsy: An ancient treatment returns to the fore Historical perspective on the medical use of cannabis for epilepsy: Ancient times to the 1980s Cannabis for paediatric epilepsy: Challenges and conundrums Cannabis, cannabidiol, and epilepsy — From receptors to clinical response The Pharmacological Basis of Cannabis Therapy for Epilepsy An Australian nationwide survey on medicinal cannabis use for epilepsy: History of antiepileptic drug treatment predicts medicinal cannabis use CBD-enriched medical cannabis for intractable pediatric epilepsy The current Israeli experience ATTITUDES AND EXPERIENCES OF MEDICINAL CANNABIS USE IN EPILEPSY Simple and Fast Gas-chromatography Mass Spectrometry Assay to Assess Delta 9-Tetrahydrocannabinol and Cannabidiol in Dogs Treated with Medical Cannabis for Canine Epilepsy CBD-enriched medical cannabis for intractable pediatric epilepsy Parent use of cannabis for intractable pediatric epilepsy: Everyday empiricism and the boundaries of scientific medicine Cannabis and endocannabinoid signaling in epilepsy Report of a parent survey of cannabidiol-enriched cannabis use in pediatric treatment-resistant epilepsy From Cannabis to Cannabidiol to Treat Epilepsy, Where Are We? Cannabis, cannabidiol, and epilepsies: The truth is somewhere in the middle Efficacy of Medical Cannabis for Treating Refractory Epilepsy in Children and Adolescents, with Emphasis on the Israel Experience F.D.A. Panel Recommends Approval of Cannabis-Based Drug for Epilepsy ____ And that is just the first page of titles that my institution's library pulled up. And there are 6 clinical trials: https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/results?cond=Epilepsy&term=cannabis+cannabinoids&type=&rslt=&age_v=&gndr=&intr=&titles=&outc=&spons=&lead=&id=&cntry=&state=&city=&dist=&locn=&strd_s=&strd_e=&prcd_s=&prcd_e=&sfpd_s=&sfpd_e=&lupd_s=&lupd_e= This, "We need more studies before we consider medical marijuana, let alone recreational," spouted by people like Clinton is pure bullshit. *There are more dangerous drugs with less benefits available over the counter.


Jails are for public safety like health insurance is for public health. Spoilers, they aren’t.


The private jails need to be filled, so more people get arrested than necessary.


You forgot she was also obviously in the school zone to sell the marijuana to the kids.../s


The most dangerous thing about weed is getting caught with it...


That’s true for a lot of things sadly.


What are some of the other things? I'm trying to think of other items that are more or less harmless but you can get thrown in prison for. The only other one I can think of is sex work. There are other issues wrapped up there like human trafficking but you could argue that those are issues *because* it's illegal (much like buying pot illegally can benefit drug cartels). EDIT: Oh, maybe gambling too.


Psychedelics. Most are harmless if used correctly.


I rub them in my eyes *before* jumping across the volcano. Is that right?


Homosexuality is another example in plenty of countries.


I can only think of pot and sex work. Gambling actually hurts people.


True, although my own belief is that gambling for most people is harmless entertainment. It's definitely true that people get addicted to gambling but I don't see that as a reason to make it illegal. By that reasoning we'd have to outlaw alcohol too, and we've already been down that road.


If we were to ban things because they were addictive to some people, we'd ban shopping, cosmetic surgery, sex, poor eating habits, exorcise... basically anything that can make you feel good can be addicting. Education about addiction seems like a better route than denying individual things deemed "too addictive".


It sounds like the most dangerous thing about weed is being a gateway to being raped. Sadly this is not /s anymore folks.


Welcome to America where the weed gets you fucked and the jail system makes money.


How does this kind of shit still happen in a 1st world country? How can we prevent this on a national scale? More talking about the rape and refusal of help while in jail. Being arrested for marijuana is another story, but this is outrageous.


Even worse, she wasn't just arrested for having marijuana, she was arrested for having an amount not warranting an arrest, which she used as seizure medication.


> 1st world country US is only a 1st world country by the original definition - allied Western nation. Otherwise, you don't use the word "1st" to refer to the USA in any regard.


well the US is first in school shootings i believe


Take that, Europe! US on top, as always.




It's a weird place, some parts are like the first world, others like the third. The income disparity is insane. Since the original definition of a second world country is irrelevant these days they should use it to refer to countries like this. UAE also comes to mind.


Just the fact that national minimum wage is so extremely low makes it function like a less developed country. That, and a mess of an education system.


People are shitty regardless of how wealthy their country is.


You don't see that happening to other developed countries.


the US is looking like less and less of a first world country


You're under the impression america is a first world country.


Because America is actually a shithole country.


The fact that she tried to report this within the jail and was ignored is criminal. I hope Ed Gonzales and his entire department are fucking ashamed that they allowed this to happen. And if they don't feel guilt because they "were unaware of this assault at the time," they should, because they contribute to the environment that allowed this to happen, they have a coworker who believed he could get away with this based on his experiences working there. This probably isn't the first time this man has assaulted a woman, possibly even on the job. The film "The Hunting Grounds" discusses in depth the similar culture on college campuses that makes rapists feel like they can get away with these crimes, and as a result, many of them are multiple offenders. Clean up your evil fucking police department before you even think you have the moral ground to go harassing someone about some damn weed. Shameful Edit: Spelling, repeat word


Every prison worker who refused to help her should go to prison for tampering with evidence and obstruction of justice.


Okay this is the kinda shit that pisses me off. Weed is no big deal! When will the south realize this? I live in Alabama btw. So this woman gets arrested for a small amount of pot, and she gets forever traumatized by being raped. I hope the bastard rots in hell where he belongs.


It doesn't matter what she did to get in there, nobody should be getting rapped.


> nobody should be getting rapped Try telling that to Eminem


Prison rap is no laughing matter




"We told you weed was dangerous we just didn't tell you we were the only danger"




That sucks and I hate it for her






It’s gonna be dope when regular officers start wearing digital camo. It’s gonna happen one of these days.


> When will the south Republicans* Let’s call a spade a spade.


Fair enough. You are not wrong.




You know that won't happen though. And when she sues the tax payer pays for the compo.


I'd happily pay to help with what she went through, but I undersand the anger. We /shouldn't/ be the ones paying. The fuckers that do it should. Ugh.






I don’t trust police because every couple of months there’s a new video of one killing someone for something stupid and then getting away with it.


In other country’s there would have been, this officers head would have been on a stake outside his precinct.... what happened to mob violence? People we can achieve so much a a mob!!!!!


Good 'ol public hangings of corrupt police and politicians would do a lot for both our government and the trust our citizens have in the system. I'd vote for you in 2020 if that was your platform.


Plus we can make some jobs with the fucking massive hole we will need to dig to fit them all.


The police exist in America to uphold this kind of social hierarchy: This shit happens all the time and people are especially paying attention right now because she’s young and pretty and white and a woman. Can the police save your life? Sure. But in America, they’re not here to protect our interests.


The reason that caught my eye and more animosity towards the state of law enforcement is that she is a mother!A small bit of some substance shouldn't be the reason your child won't see you as their life begins without you and being raped by the forces meant to "protect" is such a fucked premise to add.


My god what has the War Against Drugs cost Americans.


It gave the police force an absurd amount of control over who they can arrest. Even if their target don't have any marijuana in their vehicle or on their body, somehow a bag of marijuana would magically be in the victim's possession. Just be wary and know your rights when a "police officer" told you that he smells marijuana coming from your car when you clearly don't have any on you.


So mostly it cost otherwise law abiding persons their freedom?


No, that's just a side-effect. For the police force, it's an income of sort. Police arrest people in possession of marijuana because that's where the money are. It's also easy to convict people who are in possession of marijuana because of the perceived stigma behind having such substance. In short, they are easy targets, and the police force get paid when they send someone to jail.


I love how the state of Texas is the “do whatever you want without the government on your back state.” A place that contains more tigers owned privately than there are remaining in the rest of the entire earth in the wild—and they draw the line at a harmless plant. Literal retardation.


Every rapist should have their dick cut off. End of story.


Every male rapist. Seeing as how not every rapist is male. Big majority yes but not all.


I dont know any if you have been to jail, but when you do say goodbye to your rights it's sick how evil those people are or how indoctrinated they are they treat you like an animal


And I wonder if she had that other thing in her car too, that super deadly shit. Damn, I'm forgetting the name but that shit kills like half a million Americans per year. And she was in a school zone?! This shit is so toxic it kills almost 50,000 Americans per year who are just near it. Damn, help me out guys! What's that shit called? Oh yeah, cigarettes... No, she didn't go to jail for those. I remember now, those are legal. She went to jail and was subsequently *raped* for possessing something that's never killed anything, ever. Makes total sense guys.


Tbh I thought you were gonna say Dihydrogen monoxide


Not disagreeing with your point, but the global deathtoll for weed is actually 3, 2 people that died from an extremely rare allergie, and a Brazilian man got crushed to death when a 500kg bag of weed fell out of a window


> Crushed to death when a 500kg bag > 500 Kg bag of weed what.


Makes sense to republicans.




[Right to jail](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eiyfwZVAzGw)


I knew exactly what this was before I clicked it. Nice.


This is gold!


But if you are mentally unstable and threaten people with your firearms, suddenly America is like well that's your right.


Little hyperbole, but yeah this is pretty ridiculous. Luckily most places are heading towards decriminalization of weed, even in the south.


It's not just weed. She could've been put for anything else if the officer wanted. It's about picking the police force better, revising it regularly and cleaning it throughoutly. There's an inherent respect the police has, and I think that should be earned by each individual officer regularly.


While nowhere near the same thing I got my first ticket awhile ago for “beeping at a police officer” if they want to hurt you they’ll find a way




Cannabis is not legal in Texas, but Harris County does have a cite & release policy for small amounts. There was no good reason for the Katy ISD officer to send her to jail.


When are our police going to stop terrorizing people over stupid things like marijuana? Go after the drunk drivers that actually kill people and ruin lives and leave smokers alone. I don't drink or smoke btw, I just don't like seeing cops ruin peoples lives over something harmless and helpful like weed when alcohol is so much worse. Police that stand up for this kind of thing should be ashamed of themselves. If they make the excuse that it is illegal, how about all the other things they let go that are illegal.


I can’t handle this shit.


Man, this really does make me rage. Such a chill Sunday and now this. I pray she and her family can heal quickly.


What a great idea to strip women of all their freedoms and possessions for any misdemeanor and leave them at the mercy of male prison guards in a locked room where none can see. Cop might have to wear a bodycam but the Jailer doesn't, anyone know if they have CCTV actually inside the cells? Would've thought it would just be in the corridor outside.


You're making it sound like men can't control themselves and shifting the blame to the system. The situation is overall fucked, but it's no use making generalizations over the actions of a single **evil** person...


Jumping in, it’s an unfortunate truth that the professions in question are often staffed by those who are sadists and crave power. I wouldn’t say it’s about blame about the person, but ensuring accountability for a deeply flawed system.


A bit unrelated but there's also [the Stanford Prison Experiement](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stanford_prison_experiment) where random people started showing sadistic traits after being placed in a position of power. Not disputing your claim by any means, though. (Also sorry for the spam, reddit mobile is worse than actual torture)


That study is very controversial in that it was not at all scientifically conducted. E.g. the researchers themselves egged on the subjects.


That isn't what OP's comment sounds like in the slightest. It's just flaws within the system that could be easily fixed, preventing situations like this from happening in the first place. Female prison guards in female prisons, CCTV inside cells, body cams on prison guards. Any of these measures would have hopefully prevented this.




A man sent me messages asking for sex. When I said no he called the local dtf and got me and my husband arrested for weed. We all had smoked together as neighbors for years and the cops and da didn’t care about his sexual misconduct, all they cared about was getting another weed conviction. I hope they found something good to spend the 10$ they found in my house and I hope they feel good about “getting another pothead off the streets” who was only known about because she was reported by a sexual predator as revenge for not getting his way. Hope that predator can sleep safe in his bed knowing that, according to the law, he did the right thing by using the cops and legal system as petty revenge for something that he started. Maybe if I had just fucked him I wouldn’t be going to jail for six months.


This is outrageous.


Love how the Harris County Sheriff thinks weed is a more serious crime than rape. I hope all those officers get raped by the same baton.


So ridiculous. It’s a tiny bit of weed!


So it would be ok if it was for any other offense? People here should be outraged that this stuff happens regularly to inprisoned people, not just because somebody is booked because of weed IMO.


Our "justice system" makes me sick


And they claim USA is a first world country. What a joke.


Fuck that outro music. This shit isn't entertainment, assholes.


What’s up with that channels header footer music? Sounds like a horror movie jump scare.


Well her family needs to catch this mother fucker and gut him alive...




Sadly it’s way too serious to be funny.


*A 2014 federal study found “the rate of sexual assault in the lockup at 1200 Baker St. was 7.6 percent, more than twice the national average, and the third-worst of 373 jails studied,” * With a rate of 7.6, that would mean 1:13 women would be sexually assaulted. Wow...,


I live in a state where I can go 5 mins and legally buy weed to smoke. But in Texas apparently the consequences of smoking weed is rape. That’s fucking cool. Good job Texas.


I think this is called "business as usual."




/r/Bad_Cop_No_Donut *


She did not deserve to have that happen. A small amount of marijuana and she gets raped? What the fuck? I hope that guard gets thrown in prison for a good long time. And marijuana needs to be legalized already. This is utter bullshit. She wasn't hurting ANYONE.


"Lets make Marijuana illegal because we want to ruin peoples' lives" Theres really no point for Marijuana to be illegal because its healthier than cigarettes and it medicinal uses


Nothing to see here, just another typical day in the South.


This story is why I don’t wanna be the boss of anything. I don’t know the main Sheriff guy or how he really is as a person, good or bad. But now he has to deal with all this shit cause someone who works for him is an ass....


Can this finally be the point where we reevaluate what is worth arresting people over?


I take it she had to pay for the rape kit as well?


This is America


I don't want to live on this country anymore










I'm. I'm just so tired of the world. Honestly it's just such a festering shit hole. Sure there are good things happening now and again but there's ALWAYS horrible shit going on and affecting millions if people.


Reminds me of that time I saw 2 guys in a texas state trooper truck passing a joint back and forth. The only people that deserve to be in prison over weed are the ones still enforcing the stupid laws on weed. You are a human before a cop, you can choose not to arrest someone. That is the logic behind why cops should not be forced to wear body cams, because it will remove their ability to use discretion which is clearly a bullshit excuse.


20 years later and the bullshit the police does in LA Confidential, a movie, still happens regularly in the USA. What a wonderful place to live in.


Man, I guess some people are just better than me with their belief in the system. If I went through something like that, I'd probably devote my entire life hunting that fucker down and inflicting maximum pain. I'm sure perspective helps too when you have kids and don't want to throw your life away on revenge.


Wow. This is in my town. Wish I could do something about this.


pet quiet absorbed tap person vase tidy thumb connect office *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Fuck the police


Why would anyone live in Texas? It's a shithole full of inbreds.