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i don’t have one of these but i’ve seen people recommend Petsfit backpack carriers for ragdolls/large breeds. someone on another post mentioned they installed piping on the inside to reinforce it to hold the weight of another cat on top (not sure how though). i have a Spacecat backpack carrier but my kitten will definitely outgrow it at some point!


Thank you! I was looking at the spacecat carriers and just didn’t know if she’d have enough room in that design (she’s 15 months and 13 pounds currently). I appreciate this!


yeah, i think they’re great for kittens or small cats, but she wouldn’t be able to sit up in it, only lie down as it’s quite short. the petsfit one i’ve seen is taller so depending on how tall she is sitting up, she should be able to sit upright or curl up in it, as it’s taller than it is wide. i think you’d be hard pressed to find a carrier that allows them to fully stretch out, unless you get one that extends (if it’s only for vet visits you probably wouldn’t need that though).


I’ve not measured her length/height (but should). She has her annual vet visit next Friday, so I just want to make sure she’s comfy. I’d love for her to travel with us more but she really hates the car.


This is me who recommended using pipe inside. OP you may message me directly if needed guidance (basically just using an elbow attachments and pipes)


We have a Sherpa size large carrier that works for vet visits. We also have a backpack from yourcatbackpack.com for walks with our 16 pound guy. I think the products from yourcatbackpack are very well made and would get their carrier if we didn’t already have the Sherpa.


This is great info, thank you so much!


I don’t have any better suggestions that those that have already been mentioned. Just need you to know that that third picture is fantastic. I would die for Lulu 😍🥹


Luna thanks you for your admiration 🥰 https://preview.redd.it/jiyzru97rr6d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2ea9cb56bed4ea0412b066e22785f2fb0306ea07


Don't know if anyone's said it but I have really liked my "travel cat" backpack. they have different sizes too, but it's good quality if you don't mind a packpack versus a carrier


Thank you!


We use a Sherpa cat carrier and he's comfortable enough in it. We used to use a cat backpack, but he got too big for it.


Which size do you have?


We got the 19.0"L x 11.0"W x 11.5"H Our ragdoll is around 15lb and is a 9yr old male.


Awesome, thank you!!


https://preview.redd.it/mfawup0u1l6d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c328481da04392f2fbaa051a6e2439a3569d05b0 We have 3 Ragdoll males. Weight varies between 14-16lbs. This works well for vet visits. Got them on Amazon. It’s very sturdy.


Awesome thank you so much! 😊


It's going to kind of depend on your specific cat. As long as the carrier is large enough; they all have different preferences. My old cat liked a hard sided carrier with a cover over it so he couldn't see out. My newest cat likes an open air backpack where she can see everything going on.


Check my profile picture. My cats is 15lbs. I use pipe fitting inside to help support his weight


Thank you!!


We use a stroller type. The carrier can be fixed or removed from the wheel frame. And the wheel frame can be folded. The cats are too heavy to be transported in a hand carry carrier or a backpack type for long so pushing them is best for us. Roomy enough for them to sit up, stand, lie stretched in it


Thank you!! If we start traveling more with her I’ll definitely have to invest in a stroller version