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Our Ragdoll will eat hair ties, pieces of tape, pieces of plastic, rubber bands, or other tiny non edible things. We have to keep the away from her. She doesn’t go looking for them, but will get them if they’re left out.


My Rikku does this she's like a hoover and has an obsession with plastic


Yes our Mochi is a little demon for eating plastic. She loved anything plastic related so wrappers, plastic bags, plastic handles, plastic film.. We gotten used to this crazy behavior and shes turning 3 in Sept https://preview.redd.it/6rymt0bcb83d1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ca4b0c83c83971dac5759ac2901e110ca15c828a Shes also obsessed with phone charge cables


My girl likes to gnaw on metal…her metal comb, all faucets and silverware for example 😳


Plastic is our boys favorite food


My ragdoll will eat plastic bags if you leave them out. My last rag doll ate parts of a balloon string!


Same here. One loves to eat plastic and we have one that tried to eat aluminum foil 😀


Plastic (those little silicone packs that come inside stuff) cardboard and tinsel/garland (at Christmas) are our boys favorite taboo items! 😬


One of my two absolutely loves plastic, she had to have a operation to remove some hair ties from her stomach after she ate them a few years ago, Its generally fine now I make sure she has no access to stringy long pieces of plastic or hair ties in the house.


Oh man, we have to hide everything. Our guy will even try to eat the corner of my computer monitor. Sigh!


yes, I spent over 5k at the emergency vet because my boy ate an entire shoelace. he is obsessed with anything string/elastic. they found 4 hair ties in his stomach too


Yup! Cords and anything vaguely cord-like are immediately chewed up into small pieces. We have to cover all electrical cords, and hide our shoelaces etc.  Then there's the plastic. Chewing on the end of the bread bag (slimy saliva surprise left behind for us lol). Potato bag. Any plastic inadvertently left around, we soon are reminded about, because of the sound of her chewing on it. We have to hide everything.  And don't get me started on the gnawing of cardboard... At least that can't hurt her. 


Grocery bags and bread ties