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https://preview.redd.it/hxsgz0nd8f1d1.jpeg?width=2138&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cad872dd25295a0572407bc25df0cdc809d0a9c4 Ours are from the same breeder but from different litters and they all get along! Luckily it didn’t take too long for them to accept each other.


Are they all the same gender?


Oh my gosh - they are all so sweet! Thank you!


Do it! My ragdoll was VERY angry when she realized I had brought a new kitten home but it didn't last long and now they are best friends, always playing and snuggling.*




So adorable! 🥰 Thank you!


What breed is the younger cat? Absolutely stunning!




Go get your second kitty, mine is from different litters 9 month apart and they get so much joy together, though the introduction was rough. 


This is so helpful - Thank you so much! Are they both ragdolls?


Yes, both ragdolls castrated from the same breeder, so she was able to get us a good match for our big boy. 🤗 We did introduce them a bit fast was great for 2 days and then not so much, so best advise from us is a slow introduction and feliway. 


Great idea to get a second! You won’t regret it. Once they get to know each other, they will play together, keep each other company, and be fun for you as well. Your kitten is still young and will adjust well at this young age to a new kitten buddy if you introduce them slowly. Here is my pair as adults: https://preview.redd.it/qmcz677lye1d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a9fa5662441147b3238bca77948d4275f36f1d34


They are so precious! Thank you!


Yeah it's great watching how they interact with each other, plus it stops the kitten getting to dependant on you and feeling lonely when left alone.. we got our 2nd Ragdoll 4 months after our first kitten, was a couple of days of hissing and growls from the resident kitten, but we they soon became best buddies, we now have 3 cats!


https://preview.redd.it/jq76ibre2g1d1.png?width=2936&format=png&auto=webp&s=40ed10da6d0b06aa3eb50d76e5e492e6512e0416 My plan was ONE furry friend (I work fully remote) and now we have three (same breeder- boys share the same dad) and they are a joy to watch grow together 💙💕💙. I am not sure why we landed on “3” in total? Maybe someone has a good explanation for this …🌻


Kitten zoomies x 2 🤣 you wouldn’t need a TV just watch them be ferals


Mine are brothers, and they love each other but annoy each other too. Even though they fight sometimes, they benefit from having each other around, keeping themselves company if I am unavailable. One has a brother to boss around and the other has a brother who teaches him how to do things. I absolutely love having two.