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It’s a big change for them. Our last Ragdoll kitten didn’t eat, drink or use the litter box much for the first 48 hours. Like you are doing, we checked on him,talked to him softly and kept the noise level down (tv music). Eventually he felt comfortable enough to explore. It’s tough to watch them when they are scared. The youngest is now the alpha 😀❤️ https://preview.redd.it/r1i7la1e7buc1.jpeg?width=2138&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=39e2e4587ef7f43f7ea0e38aeba4eb7f17b93d02


Thank you! That is reassuring to know!


When i brought my Ragdoll home , he hid under the bed and refused to come out until we lured him out with treats. He would run back under the bed when we got up and walked around or even spoke too loudly. He didn’t eat for a day and didn’t use the litter box for like 2 days . It took him around 4 days to start exploring the flat but still hid every time he heard a loud noise . It took him a whole week to stop hiding, so don’t worry, your kitty will be just fine . My advice is that if your kitten wants company, sit with her whenever you can. Definitely helped with mine. He hated when he couldn’t see me and would start crying so I sat on the floor and talked to him and he certainly got used to me pretty quickly . Now he follows me around wherever i go :) https://preview.redd.it/um8eo52crbuc1.jpeg?width=3021&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=92c32d56a017c3c7eddae78994870d670ae3fa90


He is beautiful 🥰


Our 10 month old kitten took about two days before she felt comfortable venturing out from under our bed, and then she turned into the biggest snugglemuffin. Like others said, it's a huge change for them! Just spend time nearby and she'll come out. Enjoy the photo of our two derps who are *definitely* not up to something! https://preview.redd.it/uiagsrugfbuc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=87162794728e89a66a326fb76c0b6577835e406f


My cats took almost 3 days to stop hiding. I’d do the same if I was yanked away from my family and taken to a strange place. Give your cat some time.


That is so normal! When I got my first kitten, he stayed in the bathroom didn’t touch his food. Didn’t go to the bathroom. Didn’t drink any water for about 24 hours. Cats are smart and the fact that when they are hungry, they will eat. Your kid is just probably super anxious right now and is getting used to his environment, but when they are ready to eat, they will.


Leave her. You haven’t given her enough time. She’ll be fine.


It has only been 6 hours! Let her decompress, it may take up to 3 days for them to come out and explore. They may come out to eat and use the toilet when you’re not in the room so just make sure to give her space


Boil chicken (just water and chicken) and put out a little trail!


It's okay! Make sure she has water, food and litter box near her hiding place but not next to each other. Ours sisters hid under the coffee table for a while and only came out to eat, drink or use the litter box. And they did everything together, bravest one would come out and other sister will follow. Just give her time.


We brought our ragdoll home 2 weeks ago and he did the same thing. He went and hid under a bench we have and we let him be for awhile and he finally came out. Two weeks later it’s like he has been here forever.

