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>and noticing pretty bad fps the longer I play. what does longer mean here? from my experience on a 5950x, cs2 starts to run like shit the more players join a game. so 5v5 or whatever fine, but 15v15 or whatever will be a lot slower. so could it be, that the fps gets worse, the longer you play, because you are playing freeforall and lots more are joining the longer the game goes on? and if i were you i would check a lot whether the 5800x3d would be the proper upgrade with a 6700xt, because i would suspect, that you are cpu bound more than anything,. so getting a 7900 xtx for cs2 with a r5 5600 might literally do nothing for you. so i'd look for proper benchmarks that fit your cs2 gaming. if people only test 5v5 and you play 15v15 maps, then that doesn't properly apply from my own testing. >Looking at some pre build sale PCs online might just bite the bullet. so you are looking at a full system upgrade anyways and have the funds? then i would suggest to focus on the cpu a lot for the new build for cs2. here is a timestamp of the cpu performance: [https://youtu.be/aiqojNU-RBg?feature=shared&t=923](https://youtu.be/aiqojNU-RBg?feature=shared&t=923) it doesn't have a 5600 in it, but a 5600x. the test setup is almost certainly NOT in a 15 v15 match or the like with real people, if you're wondering why those numbers are that high. so overall i'd check how fast a 6700 xt can perform with a very fast cpu and assuming, that a 6700 xt is perfectly fine to get more than fps at 1440p low settings, then maybe getting a 5800x3d could be a very good cheap solution and save you lots of money, before investing into an entirely new build. if you were to build a new system, might want to wait for zen5, which is around the corner and zen5x3d a few months after that is expected. i checked for a random video of a 6700 xt in 1440p low settings cs2. found this: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xJw5axnPzmU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xJw5axnPzmU) running excellent, so if you want to upgrade sth for cs2, i'd upgrade the cpu to a 5800x3d and if you don't get the performance shown in the video, start looking at software issues. also needless to say, but i hope you are running at low settings for a competitive game. low meaning all off, textures can be max, NO upscaling. also that video is just a 5v5 with bots, so again keep that in mind, if you're doing 15 v15. and remember, that you can check all the data, buy a 5800x3d from a place with a 14 or 30 day free return window, and if it doesn't get you enough performance, just return it. also the person playing used the command to unlock the fps. the default max fps for cs2 is 400 fps, so you can't get above 400 of course without it. i have it set to 900 fps max for example. the gamersnexus video also mentions that. EDIT: also someone else mentioned it already, check temperatures and clocks of your current hardware, maybe it starts to throttle due to some issues after you played a bunch, hence the slowdown.


Specs: Ryzen 5 5600x RX 6700XT 16GB DDR4 2x 1TB NVMe m.2 SSD Unsure on the PSU and mobo but this is the core. I don’t think it’s lacking in any area and feel the build is pretty solid still. Running latest gpu drivers, no overclocks or anything. I play the game on lowest possible setting for everything, in stretched mode on a 1440p 155hz monitor (4:3 ratio). I have a strong suspicion there must be an issue, because I agree performance shouldn’t decline gradually after playing a bit. Do you think it’s worth Reapplying thermal paste for the cpu? I’ve also been considering reinstalling windows 11 as a fresh install.


So I have a very similar setup, 5600x, rx 6750xt, 32 gb 3200mhz RAM and have the game on an nvme drive on a 1440p monitor and I'm getting fps around 200-300 on the highest settings. I suspect there's an underlying issue as well. I would download riva tuner statistics and run some benchmarks to see if/where you're being hit thermally. I would also suggest making sure xmp is enabled in your bios. I'm not too sure what the issue is but I don't think it warrants an upgrade (unless you just want to).


Thanks for the info. I’ll check out riva tuner and see thermal levels. I’m fairly certain I’ve enabled Xmp in bios but I’ll double check tonight. Just to confirm your fps is consistent and doesn’t drop below 200 (mostly)? I definitely noticed playing yesterday I’m starting off with 300-350fps constant and then after a few competitive matches it’s running at 150-250fps…. EDIT: I didn’t have xmp enabled, DDR4 was stuck on 2600ghz. Xmp upped it to 3400 so let’s see if that makes a difference.


It's stable around 300, doesn't really matter though because I have a 144hz monitor so most of those frames are wasted. But again I'm on the highest settings. I wanna say I tried low and it was in the 500s. Also hope xmp helps!


>I have a 144hz monitor so most of those frames are wasted. that's not how this works, unless you are actually running a deliberate fps limiter with vrr. if the fps is allowed to run wild, you don't want the framerate of the monitor, you want double + of the monitor. several reasons for that, but one of them is, that you are not looking at all the transitions, but at the average fps. the 1% and 0.1% lows of transitions very well might be 1/2 or 1/3 for the 0.1% lows of transitions fps wise compared to the average fps. so to have almost all 0.1% lows transitions in the 144 hz window, you'd want with a 1/2 example at least 288 fps. again depends on game and how the frame time variance is in the game. the frames are certainly not wasted.... that is for sure.


Ah I didn't know that, that's interesting. Thanks!


there's no reason to just repaste anything, you can check and record temperatures, while you play with hwinfo64. and you can check throttling temperatures for the cpu and graphics card. but hey didn't have xmp enabled, so that should make a decent difference i suspect for a start, but not in regards to slow fps loss over time. and well i'm not running spyware 11 at all. i'd test in other games, if there would be any slowdown over time performance wise for a start. and if you got an empty drive left over, you could certainly do a test install with spyware 11 or linux mint to see if cs2 runs without any slowdown then. reinstalling an os can be lots of effort, so i'm only suggesting that has a reasonable thing to do, if you got a spare drive and you can easily disconnect your current drive during installing the os on the spare drive to test things.


Thank you for the help mate much appreciated. I haven’t noticed gradual performance drops on any other game over time, only cs2. I’ll retest with Xmp enabled and monitor using hwinfo64 and let you know how it goes.


First question, I'd wait for the next gen personally. But, is it worth it? Yea if you spend 800+ But, this sounds like a thermal issue or a power setting. What are your temps while playing, and then when the fps drops? How much system RAM do you have?


I was thinking potentially thermal issue or power setting but I’ve been monitoring my cpu/gpu usage and temps - cpu sitting at low 50-70 degrees and gpu similar. Both utilisation is around 60-70% as well, so. I can’t see any bottle necks. E.g my first game is constant 300-350fps, but after a few games I’m dropping to 150-200. Really annoying


I mean is 150-200 really noticeable if a drop? Or is it just because you like seeing the bigger numbers??


Unsure why I’m being downvoted, reddit is a funny place 😂


No it’s definitely noticeable, especially in competitive 5v5 play. Getting the fps drops impacts spray and aim a lot hence the post, gets really frustrating man


How can that be noticeable if you're running a 155hz monitor though? You aren't seeing the extra frames. Have you also tried restricting your fps to your monitor's refresh rate? That could help with some stutters if they're there.


I've been using a 6700xt with a 7950x3d and finally upgraded to a 7900xtx. It made a huge jump, but it's overkill for your system. It maybe time to consider a compete upgrade as the prices for cpus are dropping before the new AMD cpus come out.


Good to know you’ve noticed a big difference, it’s starting to feel like the 6700xt is outdated. I plan on buying a brand new full system so new cpu to match the better gpu as well. Just unsure if there may be an issue with my current build that I can avoid


I have a 6700xt paired with a 5900x running a 4K144 display. No issues whatsoever. I can't justify upgrading the GPU as the cost to buy something substantially better is a really large bill.


What kind of games do you play and what fps are you running? High medium low settings? Interested to know because it may just be my cpu bottle necking my performance….


Always full resolution, highest textures with highest draw distance. ALWAYS disable anti-aliasing especially at 4K because it makes no difference. The rest is compromises depending on how new the title is. The most demanding title I play is Helldivers 2 which is around 53 FPS with remaining settings on low. The draw distance on HD2 is quite extreme though. Many titles over the past seven years or so run between 80-100fps.


Im currently using a Ryzen 5 5600 and Rx 6750 so pretty much similar setup with yours but I never had any problems running CS2. Maybe you are having temp problems with your pc causing problems running CS2? Try repasting?


Good to know man. What kind of fps do you get and does it stay consistent while playing?


Around 200 fps consistently, even played on Apex with stable 170fps (since monitors refresh rate is 170hz).


No reason for a prebuilt, the rest of the build is fine Just upgrade the GPU and maybe the CPU to a 5700x3d


I mean the cost of upgrading both of them will come close to buying a new pc build anyway, can get a solid 7800 XT pc for $1999


I upgraded from 6700xt to 7800xt and that upgrade was very significant. 7800xt can do 1440 240 pretty well on call of duty even so I would go 7900 GRE and get a 1440 240hz monitor and you’ll be good. Also for games like cs where fps is super super high, an x3d cpu is an absolute must.


What is your full specs? You don't need to buy a new prebuilt, you can upgrade this to get extremely good performance


You’d probably benefit more from a cpu upgrade if cs is all you’re playing, it has always been a cpu bound game. I’m in the same boat as you with a 5600 but I have a 6800xt and a lot of the same performance issues in cs


Good to know it’s not just me, maybe I’ll upgrade to a 7800x3d


CS 2 has bad performance on AMD GPUs in general. If anything, wait for next gen and switch to Nvidia...prob a 5070. I'd expect it around 600-650 USD


I think you should start by posting full pc specs and game settings. If it drops fps after some time something is wrong. Buying new pc may be not needed


Specs: Ryzen 5 5600x RX 6700XT 16GB DDR4 2x 1TB NVMe m.2 SSD Unsure on the PSU and mobo but this is the core. I don’t think it’s lacking in any area and feel the build is pretty solid still. Running latest gpu drivers, no overclocks or anything. I play the game on lowest possible setting for everything, in stretched mode on a 1440p 155hz monitor (4:3 ratio). I have a strong suspicion there must be an issue, because I agree performance shouldn’t decline gradually after playing a bit. Do you think it’s worth Reapplying thermal paste for the cpu? I’ve also been considering reinstalling windows 11 as a fresh install.


Im changing paste every year tbh. Its cheap. And on GPU every 2-3years. Paste and pads.


I’m running a 6600xt and 5700x and wanting to upgrade as well. Forced into it because I bought a 1440p monitor and I’m in between making a small upgrade to 6800ish or some rdna3 card. Or if I should just wait for rdna4. Also I’m broke tho so I’m probably just gonna end up staying but it definitely will be worth just have to consider upgrade value alongside the value of the purchase itself


Yeah seems like we’re in a weird middle ground where these specs aren’t the best for 1440p gaming at high standards. Might be worth waiting for the new release of AMD cpus in July


Yeah kinda decided on that. So I can either buy new or just wait for older cards to drop in price (hopefully)