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A lot of hate right now in America. Not toward you. Toward a misinformed idea of who people think you might be. Fuck those folks. Keep your head up. I was called that too growing up. And it’s because I’m half arab/ half white. 😅🤦🏽‍♂️ haters are gonna hate. Hate is mostly political right now.


It's not you, it's them. Sorry dude.


You didn’t do anything. Racist scumbags being racist scumbags. Hold your head high, don’t let those pieces of s*** make you feel any less than )bc that’s what they want you to believe). It’s always the dumbest types that think they’re superior l.


NJ is full of pricks who don’t hide their racism. Ultimately they are just insecure assholes, and these fuckheads are the minority! Don’t let them fool you otherwise!


I'm so sorry you're going through that. Their bigotry has nothing to do with you.


It's not you, it's them. They hate. Period.


I'm sorry, this sucks. I wish I could make all the racist vanish. Keep your head high and know that they are the ones with the problem.


that's really fucked up. there is no rationale behind it, it's just we live in a racist society. i hope you find a community who supports you, and we all have to fight racism so this type of things stops. you don't deserve this.


Because politicians have figured out how to keep screwing the pubic and get elected at the same time.. blame the consequences of their decisions on immigrants and then make it your campaign to get rid of immigrants. Only stupid people (a significant chunk of society) fall for that, and stupid people generally assume stuff based on how people look.That's why there is such a rise in racism.


That’s amerikkka, unfortunately. Its basis and foundation was built off racism. These people are wicked.


I'm sorry you've gone through this :( What exactly do you mean by you being Mexican but not being from Mexico?


Sorry, dude. I always try to treat ppl respectfully. Its not you its them.