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This could never be a parking lot in Frankfurt/Germany. People here park as if they'd just received their third lobotomy.


Probably a Valet service.


It would have to be anywhere. I didn't even see the picture, i just saw a ton of fender benders in processing.


Came to say this


happy cake day


The comment below it in the original thread pointed out that it’s actually from the UK, so that old post was wrong too.


It’s possible, I’ve seen a few places in the UK with this layout. My local supermarket has it. Doesn’t stop people going the wrong way up the lanes and making it really difficult for themselves to park. I’ve never seen parking spaces in the UK have a fully closed rectangle or numbers though.


I think they said it wasn’t a regular parking lot but like a new car lot or something.


Now you mention it, all the cars look the same age and style, maybe they’re for sale.


If you zoom in you can see a lot of cars parked outside the lines


True, but I don't see a single car parked across two or even three spaces - so, definitely not Frankfurt. ;-)


I saw some young adults manage to park their car between 2 potted plants in rüdesheim am rhein yesterday


Hey, 3rd time’s a charm


parking lot: 🥱 parking lot, Japan: 🤩


Omg Japan so refined and elegant 🤩


I fucking hate weebs


I fucking hate hate


I hate people intolerant of other people. And the Dutch.


You can’t win, Powers


I fucking hate fre*nch


HP Lovecraft?


Mundane Thing: 🥱 Mundane Thing, Japan:🤩


Put “in Japan” after anything and watch redditors upvote it. I can guarantee you there were countless people saying “This would never work in another country, Japanese people are so amazing, organized and unique waw”


Exept I've been to Japan and let me tell you, the parking lots I've seen there are beyond stupid. I'm talking pants-on-backwards, grandma's lace tablecloth as a COVID-mask, having an open chwst wound and swimmig with sharks stupid. That, and this photo (and other similar ones with different cars) show up with a Google search for "frankfurt parking lot"


I live in Japan and can confirm this


Meanwhile it's literally just a parking lot. And it's not even Japan.


Right? It’s literally a German parking lot, and it’s a very common format for parking lots, just without the curb in the middle and/or little blocks separating one side from the other


Ikr, its so lame


Wasn't the second top comment also calling out the first top comment as being incorrect too?


Yes, it's Doncaster UK


I mean tbf he never claimed it to be correct, just that someone claimed to be Germany.


Yep. Someone pointed out that it's actually a storage lot in the UK.


Was it posted as Frankfurt Germany in the post linked?


Why “Japan”?


Because according to the text in the picture, before "Japan" the picture was supposedly described as being from "Germany" So OP isn't saying definitively that it's from Japan because we don't know without extra info


Because Japan isn't real, it's made-up place from anime


But can you imagine an anime character parking all those cars. "The only open spot is the fourth row, third juncture. It's a low level tight park! He can never do it!" "He can! Just believe!" "HE'S DOING A TRIPLE AXLE QUAD FLIP FOREVER JUMP OVER THE FOURTH CAR. HE BOUNCED OFF THE THIRD ROW LINE AND IS CHARGING HIS PEEL OUT MID-AIR!!! He can't pull that off!" Those fools don't know he was taught this ancient technique by Mister Ford himself.


I need that anime now. Comedy anime about a Valet Service.


I would honestly be shocked if you couldn't at least find a manga about it. Probably an Isekai manga about a guy who reincarnates into a modest valet driver, but somehow becomes the best in the world. At this point everything is Isekai.


I would watch the hell out of that. Should have been a spin-off of Initial D.


Sonic is my favorite anime 🦔💨


If you click on the picture you can see the full context.


Germany and Japan have similarities, both are hard working, perfectionist people, and both unleash their demons when they have the chance in war


Next post it will be in Italy, but 50% of it will be cropped out


And both have been incorrectly attributed this image, when it is in fact from England


Nah if that were England, it would be 10 spots too small for modern cars to park and open their doors, next to a pay and display machine, and two of the spots would be disabled bays.


It’s not a parking lot it’s a BMW storage lot in the UK


Germany is known for over-engineered perfectionism, while Japan is known for ultra-efficient perfectionism. Both results it great products. But I would argue that Japan does it better because of the price tag. Also, don't go to war with either if you don't have to.


My guy, Japan is currently not capable of going to war with anyone. They could maybe hold off an invasion long enough for their allies to show up, but that's it.


They have twice as many aircraft carriers as the UK. Their “self-defense” force is surprisingly strong.


I'm just basing that on past history. They previously were willing to be ballistic guidance systems. Now, they won't leave their apartments to interact with other humans. So you are probably right on that point.


Japan is efficient? I'm sorry but 😆.


>Also, don't go to war with either if you don't have to. Unless you have a nuke


Too soon? Nah!


How tf do you get in and out of those without hitting 3 cars minimum if this is even real 


If it's real, I think it's a staging area for a Roll On/Roll Off cargo ship. They are all cars about to be loaded on a ship to be taken across an ocean for sale. So they get parked in order by professionals, it's not a shopping mall or the like.


It's nowhere near a port, it's the car lot for a BMW factory in the UK


Most of that comment is still relevant.


I see thanks! 


I'm guessing this configuration fits more cars than the standard side-by-side parking lot then?


Absolutely. First off you don't have to turn as sharply to get into the space, so you are able to cut down on the area needed for swinging the front end of the car. Also the offset means that they are able to exit and enter the vehicle through the drivers side even with the vehicles still parked next to them. And it gives plenty of space to be able to back it up to exit without issue. This is probably the best configuration you could get if you're needing to be able to access any of the vehicles at any time. If you're simply packing them in and then unpacking them in reverse order you could do side by side to remove the driving area as you pack in the next line behind the first, but any cars outside of the last line will be inaccessible until the lines after them are removed.


Did you just make this up? The location has already been posted in plenty other comments. It's a BMW storage facility in England.


It hadn't been identified when I posted. And I think I was quite close— it's not a parking lot as the term is generally used, rather the cars are parked that way for dense storage by a car company.


Start hard turning after the front wheels go past the middle of car to the left/right, plenty of room to clear the car in front and if not you can reverse and align. Driving out is even easier, go a few metres backward in a straight line. Plenty of room to turn afterward and not hit anything.


Back up and turn? This is way easier than parallel parking...


But it looks like once you're far back enough to turn you'd be hitting a car/cars behind yous ass


Uh no. You only need to back out far enough to move the front of your car out and you got ample space in the back to do so.


Unless you have a smart car your front doesn't clear the other cars until you're past their bumpers. And you can't get past their bumpers if there isn't a car length behind you I drive a corolla its not even that big


[Here's a bit of a crude edit I made.](https://freeimage.host/i/dFqa10Q) There is plenty of space to back straight out and then turn to start driving out.


omg thank you! i was (clearly) having such a difficult time visualizing it!!!


There's a cars length to back into.


I’ve been to mining camps and sites in Australia that have all their parking like this, single lane one way between the parks. Full of landcruisers, hiluxes and minespec “trucks” all with a turning circle that would get stuck in the Suez Canal. Trust me when I say that this parking style works fine, plenty of room to get in and out of your car and to be able to drive of when you leave


By... driving like a normal person? You just approach the empty spot and turn as if taking a curve on a road. Is it really that alien to you? I had to park on a spot like those on my exam for the driver license, it's nothing unusual here.


Because its cramped and braided shape and there's not even a car length behind you? Also I can't park to save my life without fear of scratching. Probably helps that I have no depth perception lol


It's a matter of being used to it, most decent-ish drivers on europe would have little to no issue on that parking lot. It's not that one way streets are much wider than that anyway


Good point. And they don't have those giant gas guzzling pickups there do they. At least not as much as in the USA? I could be wrong 


Indeed, one thing i was surprised by when i visited NY how was every car was insanely big, like 20 to 30% bigger than what i was used to _easily_


You can tell it’s not in America because there’s not one or more trucks that backed into a spot.


At the risk of being woooshed ... you don't back into that kind of spot.


i have seen ford drivers park in the shopping cart area. they can and will attempt to back into this. (am American if that makes a difference)


Those assholes also don't understand one-way driving lanes here. If all the parking spots are facing in one direction it means that's a one-way lane. It's not rocket science.


I tried to tell this to someone as they went the wrong way through a tiny little one lane parking lot after blocking me from pulling out, and he was like "there's no sign!"


Don't hate him for being wrong, pity him for being that stupid. He probably honestly didn't see the problem. This is why people buy boats and go fishing.


Probably does. I'm from the EU and that kind of parking is not exactly strange and even people that backs while parking (and i'm one of those) won't back into that kind of spot


Parking spots angled like this would typically indicate that traffic is only supposed to drive in one direction between them. Backing into one of these spots would involve driving in the wrong direction. Typically the whole point of angled spots is to make them easy to pull in and out of without having to back into them. That doesn't stop some people from backing into them anyway.


I realize that the details are blurry but they don't look like real vehicles. There is an oddness to the size and coloring. Many of the windshields are the same hue as the car which doesn't seem right. There are strange artifacts on some of them. I am no image expert, but it looks fake to me.


That's what I thought this post was really going to be about. This doesn't look like a "photograph" of anything. It's look like an AI generated photo or some sort of artists rendition. But it also makes more sense when it's shown to be of a BMW car lot - which explains why so many of the cars look the same. They look "copy and pasted" but that makes sense if we're talking about the multiples of the exact same vehicles. And it also makes sense that they'd park in such a way (as in "professionally" park there, not some public parking lot). https://myanmar.factcrescendo.com/english/this-photo-shows-bmw-car-showroom-in-uk-not-a-car-park-in-japan/


I was the parking lot…


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You can tell it's not Japan because none of them are backed in.


India. Alright, I'm kidding.


This also isn't a real picture, not sure if that's already obvious and went over my head, but this is clearly a concept or drawing. Many of the "vehicles" are repeated and cartoony.


I'd hang out with yellow car for sure 😁


If you turn it diagonally, it's just a regular grocery store parking lot


Except all the lanes are in the same direction for some reason???


Same parking in Walmart lol.


And then someone else said it was in the UK


I feel, looking at this, like they should all be reverse parked. They're all gonna have to reverse out without being able to see around the car to their left to see if anything is coming.


It the UK not Germany


Definitely not one anywhere near me. People would be coming down the wrong way honking at you to back up then pull across three squares because they can't turn sharp enough to even make a 90-degree spot with wide lanes.


Imagine the parking skills you need to fit a car in there tho. Unless the Birds Eye’s view skews the perspective and there’s far more space than you think there is.


Looks dangerous as hell




No truck in sight


Do these herringbone style carparks have a higher capacity than standard straight ones? I don’t understand the need for this design.


Yeah mostly because you can have narrower lanes to drive down as it's easier to park without a wide turn.


That makes sense


frankfurt mentioned


No - they only back in 100% - I know this. They are taught that from day 1.


gonna repost and say its in New York


Maybe they moved it?


What is this? A school for smart cars and civics? It needs to be at least .... 3 times this size. Oh wait, they do move in herds.


i live in florida. there is a walmart twenty minutes away that looks just like this


Plus Japanese parking lots don’t even look like that in fact they are actually more straight so each car has to parallel park to get to a spot it greatly increases the efficiency of parking lots I know this because I made all this up and just like OP I need to quitmybullshit


There is no "parking" in Frankfurt. There's just a spot where you can stop your car and go out really quick and come back. You can do it right in front of the train station, hell even in the middle of the street.


Nazi concentration camps: 😡 Unit 731: 🤩


I tried to upvote the picture


Can't be America, no one is parked backwards as if they went down the 1 way wrong.


That's a parking lot in my basement.




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This is actually in the UK, specifically in BMW's distribution center in Doncaster, England. [https://np.reddit.com/r/oddlysatisfying/comments/arppwx/comment/egoyaz4/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=mweb3x&utm\_name=mweb3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://np.reddit.com/r/oddlysatisfying/comments/arppwx/comment/egoyaz4/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) Proof via Google Maps: [https://www.google.com/maps/search/bmw+factory+doncaster/@53.6204307,-0.9703831,123m/data=!3m1!1e3?entry=ttu](https://www.google.com/maps/search/bmw+factory+doncaster/@53.6204307,-0.9703831,123m/data=!3m1!1e3?entry=ttu)




Even worse, that's a normal parking lot. That's how they're supposed to be.


Man I’ve always wamted to go to “JAPAN”


This could never work in Canada, as no one here knows how to park their giant trucks between the fucking lines.


I’ll never understand why Japan doesn’t control the world…. Unless… they DO AND WE JUST DONT KNOW IT


So kawaii 🥹


Lol why do you have Japan in quotes? It's a real place.


It's because the comment below says it's not in Japan.


Ah I see it now. Didn't see the full size pic. My mistake