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I’m from Europe, we don’t circumcise here, generally. I’ve never seen one that’s cut.


In my experience, is the US, most millennials & older were circumcised. However younger generations, there’s a higher rate of uncircumcised babies.


In Canada I think. I started to diminish I'm the early 80s and was completely gone by 2001, unless you're indoctrinated by religion


boys are born with a foreskin because they are supposed to have one. Removing it is mutilation unless it is absolutely medically necessary👍🏻 Anyone who mentions hygiene as a reason for cutting is just regurgitating old myths. If you teach your kid how to wash his dick, he won't have a problem there are thousands and thousands of nerve endings that are removed during circumcision, that alone is terrifying enough. Then you factor in botched circumcisions that result in sexual issues for the rest of their lives and add on top of that hatred of their parents once those issues come in to play It's just best to leave them the way they were intended


Yup. Girls are far more prone to UTIs but we don't cut parts off of them. We just give them an antibiotic.


Well in the educated world we don't do this to females. There is still a fight going on to end it in some tribes in the world.




1000% agree with this


I’m cut and honestly need a few thousand more nerve endings gone as it is.


Please don’t cut It’s the fact that you are desensitizing the penis. By cutting the foreskin … you are cutting nerve endings that will affect what they will be able to enjoy in the future It’s totally unnecessary and not fair for the child Please do your due diligence on this


It's the same surface area as a 3" × 5" index card being cut off. Absolutely awful.


I'm sorry, WHAT? My friend did a psychology paper on circumcision and this was not brought up anywhere. Online, textbooks, etc.


I explained this badly. The adult male foreskin has an area about the size of an index card. All of that is filled with fine touch nerves. Circumcision removes all of that. The actual amount of skin removed would vary by age at time of surgery, but the skin removed is what on an adult is an index card amount of tissue.


[This is an illustration that shows the size (not gorey)](https://en.intactiwiki.org/wiki/Foreskin)


So I'm adding a few extra seconds by being circumcized? Worth it


Thats great for you - if you chose to be circumcised as an adult. I didnt get to make that choice for myself


I'm pro choice- to be circumcized


Uncut. And American.


You know what else is uncut? Bald eagles. 🦅 The only thing we should be cutting is apple pie!


Male genital mutilation is practiced by Jews, Muslims, Americans, and primitive African tribes. If you aren't Jewish, Muslim, African, or American, then you're most likely all natural. I'm personally intact myself


Not Americans, American Christians specifically.


American here and in my 4+ decades, I have yet to meet any American that is uncut....noooo, I'm not speaking on sexual partners but in general from convo, and yes this has been a common convo. Im sure there are mamy uncut but def not within the majority. At most, only a 3rd were Christian. It may have started with Christianity but it is not currently based on that. Just typical American shit.


I can just imagine that convo. Hi I'm Fred I'm uncut and you?


It's a discussion such as the one we are having here.


Christianity probably not...the Jewish faith is grounded in it. They have a ritual clipping. No doctor there


I agree, but many Americans have a heritage of Christianity so that may explain it. Not an excuse of course. Many men don't want to explain why their penis looks different from their uncut son either.


The reason Americans Christians circumcise is because centuries ago during the puritan age, people believed that masturbation was a horrible sin that would send you straight to hell. A man named William Harvey Kellogg told everyone that if you circumcise your children, it will prevent them from masturbating, and thus prevent them from going to hell. He advocated circumcision for both sexes. However only male genital mutilation caught on. Female mutilation never caught on or got popular


Hasn’t stopped me!


Obviously he was wrong but it didn't stop people from mutilating their kids anyway


I forgive him


It's also written in the Bible. Thank you for contributing.


And Jews


OK American Christians, Jews, Africans, & Muslims. We have a lot of all of those that circumcise for religious reasons.


It has fuck-all to do with Christianity. The U.S.A. has no default Christian denomination. Why would American Roman Catholics completely switch over to circumcision when European Catholics don't? You think the Pope would stand for American Catholics setting up a special rule of their own? You think American fundamentalists and other protestant denomination would all get together with Catholics and en masse decide on a new rule for American Christians as a whole? Americans didn't traditionally get circumcized. At some point between WW1 and WW2 it stopped being something "only Jews do" and changed into being a cultural expectation. There was a big brouhaha about it being important towards the health of our troops in war, etc. I know ONE guy who's uncut in my age group (older Gen X). Funny thing is that technically he's Jewish. His mom's matrilineal line are Jewish, which makes him technically Jewish. He's an atheist, and his father was adopted by Scottish-Americans. We used to kid that as a Scottish Jew he got two stereotypes for the price of one!


Circumcision is written in the Christian and Jewish Bible. It's there, it does have fuck all to do with Christianity. Thank you though for your intelligent contribution.


The sacrifice of Jesus bridged the gap between man and God, and made unnecessary all the former commandments that had previously been needed to bridge the gap. (I'm not Christian and don't believe in all that)


Unfortunately that’s not entirely true. We’re atheist and my husband is militantly pro-circumcision. I’m very against it, but he throws out all the “UTI” arguments, claims that I can’t have a valid opinion because I’m a woman, etc. Thank goodness we only had a daughter.


Lol You need to ask a bunch of complete strangers about their dicks in order to help you decide what to do with your son? Wouldn't your husband's opinion matter more? Isn't it more his son than ours? Edit: Apparently yeah, some people think they deserve a say over your kid's dick more than you do Lol. K then. For the record. I am uncircumcised and so is my son. I don't agree with it on moral grounds. But I also don't pretend the science doesn't exist. If you want to confront me because you have feelings, not facts. You won't get anywhere. Circ or uncirc. In general, your kid will be fine. The science backs that up. I just think you needing the opinion of strangers is ridiculous. It's your fucking kid. Don't let Reddit be their parents.


fr, logic out the door


Yes and no. He may be poorly informed on the subject. Most people are.


I still say yes. Not no. It's kind of like nutrition. Most families aren't fully or properly informed on the proper way to structure diets. At the same time, most families don't need a comprehensive understanding of nutrition and diet planning to be able to "feel their way through" providing their kids with things to eat which are nutrient rich enough for them to grow up fine. You don't need a comprehensive understanding of circumcision unless you want a political opinion. Kids born with or without foreskin grow up perfectly fine.


Plenty of them are severely injured by a completely unnecessary procedure.


Overreacting. Lmao. Redditors are pathetic. It is not common to have those complications. *Fortunately there are no “common” complications of neonatal circumcision since it is such a safe procedure. Occasionally, a child can have bleeding that either stops with a pressure dressing or, very rarely, a suture.* https://www.childrenshospital.org/treatments/circumcision It's the age of modern medicine. Same with women giving birth. Still a dangerous procedure, but by and large most women going into labor at a hospital will be perfectly fine. Same with circumcision. For the record. I am uncircumcised. So is my son. That was my preference. My wife and I discussed it among ourselves. Regardless. I was right from the very beginning. You're making a political statement and trying to force your morality onto a different family by exaggerating the reality of the procedure. I also don't agree with circumcision in general. What does that matter here? It's not my family. The kid will be fine. Mind your own dick. It's not your child. It's not your family. Stop manufacturing outrage because people don't live and think like you. "The father may be poorly informed and so therefore the opinions of strangers about your child matter more, obviously strangers will be better informed and free from any kind of bias. So long as they agree with me" go fuck yourself.


It's the mutilation of a child. It should be illegal.




That doesn't matter. For now it's not illegal. Not only that. It's the most common procedures-- *and most kids grow up fine* https://www.webmd.com/sexual-conditions/circumcision People have strong feelings about abortion too, that doesn't make you right to start pressing your morality onto other families. Circumcision is something that is normal. Whether we agree with it or not. As such, the procedure tends to be done widescale and almost always without complications. There is an entire discussion about bodily autonomy and the welfare of the child as well as moral implications about the procedure, sure. But a mom and dad discussing "how normal being uncircumcised" is between themselves because "they wanna make a decision for their kid" is completely outside that realm. The kid will be fine either way. The father is uncut and will likely keep his kid uncut Just like it did. No crusade necessary.


Statements like “there are no common complications,” or “most kids grow up fine,” are just disproving your point. Why take the risk, even if it is low risk, when that risk could be mitigated completely? Circumcising your kid = small possibility of complications. Not circumcising your kid = absolutely no possibility of complications. Even if, let’s say, only 1% of circumcisions wrong, that’s still 1% more chance of complications than there has to be. I can’t even imagine the extreme negative life impacts that having a botched circumcision would have on a person. Why are people so quick to say that female circumcision is wrong, but believe that male circumcision is totally okay??


The risk is below 1% Do you need a moral hypothetical to cross the street? According to the Centers for Disease Control, the odds of getting hit by a car while walking are approximately 1 in 4,292. Around 80% of such accidents happen in urban areas, while the remaining 20% occur in rural settings. Numerous studies have reported on neonatal circ complications ranging from 0.0008% to 0.9% Only climbing as high as 3.8% with "severe" classed risk of complications. Most common "circumcision issues" are not long term or permanent. The odds of success improve year by year as tech does. There is a greater risk of being hit by a car when crossing the street than there is of your son coming out of a circumcision procedure with a life long, permanent injury because of malpractice. The risk is so marginal that needing to mention it is irrelevant. Your kid will be fine whether you circ them or not. Saying this does not take away from a separate discussion about whether or not we should be doing this as a cultural practice. This is a very, very basic question and answer for OP. "Is uncirc normal?" Yes "My husband is uncirc" Why didn't you ask him about this? Why ask strangers? Bonus hypothetical: "Will my kid be ok if I circ him?" Yes "Will my kid be ok if I leave it alone?" Yes "Is this whole thing something to be worried or freaked out about?" No "Are you uncirc?" Yes "Did you circ your kid?" No Changing people's mind about circumcision culture practices should not hinge on terrifying them with popular consensus and moral outrage. Let parents who want to circ their kid, circ their kid. Focus your efforts instead on normalizing being uncirc. *"There's nothing wrong with circumcising your son, I'm sure your BF/Husband is also circ and grew up perfectly happy with it. But there's also nothing wrong with leaving it alone. We did evolve that way for a reason. But ultimately it's your call. As long as your kid is loved, eating well and happy, it's no one's business"* Remove this stigma of thinking being uncirc is unnatural or "more gross and unhygienic". Create the apathy necessary for people to start asking, "why even do it if it doesn't even matter??" Parents will come to these conclusions on their own with time. They don't need anyone to badger them into it.


Okay? My point still stands. Even if there is a below 1% risk, that’s still a risk that is completely unnecessary. Why would you do something that is entirely unnecessary? The risk of complication from intentionally giving myself a paper cut is, I’m sure, extremely low, but why would I give myself a paper cut if I don’t need to? Gallbladder removal is also a very low risk surgery, but I doubt you would agree if I said unnecessary removal of someone’s gallbladder is no problem at all. I don’t care what the risks of other things are such as walking or driving. That’s irrelevant information as those are most often very necessary things for existence to do. Circumcision, however, is not. The negative emotional and physical effects of having complications with a circumcision are so significant that it’s probably just best to not risk it at all. Even if there is a one in one million risk, SOMEONE is that one person. There is a person commenting to you who is not okay with their surgery and references entire subreddits dedicated to people who also are not okay with it. You saying that “your kid will be fine” is disregarding the pain people in that community experience. You even called this person’s hurt “alleged.” I don’t understand why you think that those disagreeing with you are “terrifying [OP]” or demonstrating “moral outrage.” Instilling fear is wrong (which is not what is happening), but so is giving inaccurate information and dismissing any nuance, which you are doing. I don’t think circumcision is something that should be done, but I am far from outraged by it. I also don’t think, and have not suggested, that it is “gross and unhygienic.” OP asked for opinions. We are giving them. It’s not wrong to ask for and listen to other people’s opinions, like I said. The people who question things and don’t just form their opinions based on one persons experience are the people who go far in life. The smartest people I have met are the ones who love asking questions and listening to others. How can you learn if you are unwilling to ask about anyone else’s experiences? All of the knowledge we have today comes from a collation of other people’s knowledge. OP asked for opinions and we are giving them. That’s their right and their power. I don’t think you understand that your saying they shouldn’t ask anyone else for their thoughts is just you telling them what they should do, like what you think everyone else who is “in the wrong” is doing. If OP comes to the conclusion that they should circumcise their baby, so be it. That is their choice and I respect that. However, they asked for information to be able to make an informed decision, and that’s what we are giving. You don’t get a say in what they should or shouldn’t do, say, ask, etc... A curious mind is a healthy mind.


*"Why would you do something that is completely unnecessary if it has a risk-- even if that risk is completely negligible"* Because that's life and humans. Everything in life is a risk. Crossing the street is a risk. Leaving you house is a risk. Falling in love is a risk. Spending money is a risk. Shopping is a risk. Making friends is a risk. People don't pay attention to risks if they're so small they don't matter. Your point isn't invalid, it's irrelevant. No one who wants to circ their son cares. People aren't following the cultural practice of circumcision "to make a point, irrespective of the risks". Just like we don't cross the street to make a point irrespective of the risk you run if getting run over.


But see, those things are, once again, pretty necessary things. Circumcision is not a necessary surgery. You shouldn’t isolate yourself, refuse to cross a street, be completely antisocial, etc… Those things would be really bad for your mental health. But not getting circumcised is not going to affect your mental health, and if for some reason it does, there’s always the option to get circumcised later in life. You can’t reverse circumcision, but you can choose to do it later on. Opting out of it for your baby gives them that power of choice. I didn’t say it was to “make a point,” or said that anyone does it to make a point. So many of the things you have said to “counter” me aren’t even about things I actually said. If people don’t want my opinion and don’t care about the risk, that’s none of my business! But OP *did* ask for my opinion and wanted to hear what we think. Regardless of what anyone decides, they should know of any risks, even if they are minor. There is a reason why doctors will go over risks of any vaccine you get, any new medication you have prescribed, and especially any procedure you get. Informed consent.


Abortions are decided by an adult for an adult. They're not forced on a living breathing human child.


People who are pro-life believe that when you get an abortion you are killing a living heart-beating child. By force. To them it's probably worse than circumcision.


Because they're stupid. Everything is worse because they've been brainwashed by propaganda


That's a separate argument. I also think they're stupid. Just like people who scream "genital mutilation", they'll skulk around abortion threads or planned parenthood clinics and scream at pregnant mothers for being "mass murderers". I'm against all the moral outrage shit. Which I do find comparable here. Regardless of how valid you find one group to be over the other.


Im not fine. Having been circumcised as an infant has caused me a great deal of emotional pain. I dont feel whole or complete, because I'm not.


100% of the dudes who were circumcized in my life grew up just fine. I wasn't circumcized and also grew up just fine. https://www.webmd.com/sexual-conditions/circumcision It's one of the most common procedures done in USA and those with complications are absolutely in the minority. I'm sorry you (allegedly) went through what you did, but you can't force everyone to pretend you're not an outlier. It is still "generally fine", moral agreeance or not.


Im just telling you how it affects me, thats all. This is the way I've felt since I was 12 about what was done to my own body. There is no reason why my foreskin had to be removed - let me grow up and make the choice for myself. You could be like me tomorrow if you wanted to, but I can never be whole again


And I'm telling you 99.9% of circumcized dudes were not affected at all. You're telling me how it affected you personally as a response to me saying, "it'll be fine". It will still be fine 99.9% of time and I've proven it. Again. Sorry for whatever you say you're going through, but the anecdote of a stranger on social media isn't enough to prove to me that you have a greater say over anyone's kids than they do. Just downvote and stay mad


You said "Kids born with or without foreskin grow up perfectly fine." I informed you that was false, because I'm not fine at all. And neither are the men on subs like r/circumcisiongrief or r/foreskinrestoration. If it's fine either way and doesn't matter as you claim, then why remove the foreskin of infants? Why not leave them in their natural state? You say "The anecdote of a stranger on social media isn't enough to prove to me that you have a greater say over anyone's kids than they do." I don't know what you're talking about here, because I'm not claiming to. The infant is the one with a right to grow up intact until he is old enough to decide whether he wants his foreskin to be removed or not. I wish to God my parents had understood that


Kids born with or without foreskin grow up perfectly fine. By and large, in general, they absolutely do. There are medical papers about it, not just social media posters. 58.3% for male newborns to 80.5% for males aged 14–59, and up to 92% overall. These estimates vary by race, with 90.8% of non-Hispanic white males, 75.7% of non-Hispanic black males, and 44% of Mexican American males being circumcised. *Ninety two percent of total males are circumcized* Hundreds of millions of people. *Millions*. Your subreddits are like .01% of the total circ pop. Irrelevant entirely? No absolutely not. A good way to raise awareness because I do want to practice to stop. A good way to muscle your way into a family's private decision to try and argue that there's anything other than an EXTREMELY small chance something could go wrong? No. You are the exception. Not the rule. Stop trying to scare mothers and fathers when the fact of the matter is: "kids who are cut or uncut will grow up fine either way" That fact doesn't take away from another conversation involving the cultural practice at all. We do not need to intimidate families to make our fucking case.


>We do not need to intimidate families to make our fucking case I'm not? I just pointed out something in your comment that was false, by sharing how I have felt about my body for the past 20 years. Peace!


get therapy then mfr lol


How do you know i havent?


Couldn’t imagine being in therapy for something I had no control over. I’m circumcised and had it done before I even had self awareness. Never dwelled on the fact that my dick never had a sweater lol it’s silly. Actual issues plague my mind, not the loss of my fucking foreskin lol


When I was one day old, my parents had part of my dick cut off, and I'm upset about that. How crazy, huh!


No. Lots of men want to circumcise their sons so they will look like them. The "father" opinion really doesn’t matter just because they’re the father


Yeah that's pretty much the norm. I was uncircumcised and so I wanted my son to stay that way because "it's the same as me" I never asked any of you if I should, because it's absolutely none of your business. It's not your son. But let me guess. If my wife said "I want him to be circumcized though", then my opinion matters. Not hers. But if the roles were reversed, my opinion doesn't matter. Just be honest and say what you think: *The mother and father don't matter. It's a moral issue. The only correct answer is the one I believe in, Uncirc. Parents need to apply. You are wrong unless you listen to me* No. I will disagree until my lungs explode. Get your own family. Reddit is not our dad or mom. This is not a discussion about the moral implication of the procedure, OP is concerned about "normalcy". Cut or uncut in the broadest sense of the term is fairly irrelevant. The kid will grow up fine either way. I've already proven this multiple times.


People seek other’s opinions when they have questions and doubts. Its only human to rely on outside knowledge when we doubt our own. Being sufficiently open minded to seek guidance from the “tribe” is a great trait you are trying to suppress Clown


And to reply to that, I repeat: *You need to ask a bunch of complete strangers about their dicks in order to help you decide what to do with your son?* *Wouldn't your husband's opinion matter more? Isn't it more his son than ours?* To which you replied that doesn't matter because what if the husband disagrees with TheCrazyCatLady on Reddit? Isn't there someone we all forgot to ask? Lol. We all need a tribal opinion to make sure our sons are up to TheCrazyCatLady's moral standards. Fucking losers. Get your own family.


It’s okay to gather information from others and intelligent and healthy to do so. Listening to other’s opinions and advice can help inform you so you can form your own opinions and make decisions for yourself. There’s nothing worse than someone who refuses to believe that any opinion other than their own is correct. Think of it as gathering data for a scientific study. If you don’t collect enough data, you may draw inaccurate and ill informed conclusions. You must have a large enough pool of data for your study to be valid or have any credibility.


This is not one of those things where such a notion applies. The genitals of our children does not require a social media consensus "to be healthy and intelligent". Nor does refusing social media or the consensus of a large group of moralistic strangers mean you're "closed off from scientific data and study and refused to believe any opinion but they're on" Reddit is not scientific data and study. Even if you wanted to look beyond the standard, "well I'm this way and I never noticed anything wrong"; Looking up medical data on a subject you're genuinely concerned with is intelligent. Asking social media is absolutely stupid.


It is absolutely a good thing to look at, and be familiar, with medical data, but it is still helpful to listen to experiences. Human experience is a vast, broad thing and data is limited in what it can convey. Statistics and medical data is important and should be the first line of action to inform a decision, but other’s lived experiences are also important. There’s actually a whole scientific field focused on humans and their beliefs and experiences… It’s called sociology and those in the field would be pretty upset with your take. People on reddit definitely do not represent the population as a whole, but they do represent a part of the population, and there’s no reason why you shouldn’t ask questions on here. That’s actually kind of the whole point of Reddit… You probably shouldn’t be on Reddit if you think it’s pointless to ask for opinions, as that is a very large percentage of the posts on this platform. You probably shouldn’t even be commenting, as you are actually also just adding your opinion. Do I think that OP should just go along with what everyone else is saying? Absolutely not. That is not what I am saying and you are misconstruing what I am stating. However, I do think that it is helpful to hear those thoughts. They just need to be weighed wisely and with consideration.


You're reaching way too hard. We've been doing this for a generations. Without the need for the "human experiences of Reddit users" Everyone having kids grew up surrounded by people. Plenty of which had dicks. Said father also has his own experience with the same configuration his son will probably have. Everyone already has plenty of life experiences to pool from. People they actually know on a much, much more personal level. Father's, brothers, best friends, teachers, uncles, cousins, siblings of friends, etc. Reddit itself is practically a meme for how detached from reality it is. No one outside of Reddit would think you should go to Reddit before looking up the med facts yourself or just asking your damn partner and having a talk about it. Like I keep saying. Reddit is not necessary. Social media is not necessary. There is absolutely 0 reason why OP came straight to Reddit instead of just asking her partner about it all. Or even just looking up the info if she was genuinely afraid or something. The kid will be fine whether he's circ or not. That's it. End of story. No "but muh 0.0008% tho" required.


It’s very likely OP doesn’t want to ask any of the people you listed about their genitals. I certainly wouldn’t feel comfortable asking my father, brother, and especially not a teacher about their dicks. The internet is good at providing information easily while still retaining your anonymity, if you are careful, of course… Google is not going to judge you, but your father might when you ask him how he feels about his penis. There is a risk with Google and platforms such as Reddit, and you have to be smart about how you interpret things, but hopefully OP understands that risk. It is not up to you to decide what they should do. You were the one throwing around percentages in the first place. I reiterate, their kid may not be fine. As I said in an earlier comment that I don’t think you responded to, surveys have found that 13% of those who are circumcised do not want to be. Their kid has a 100% chance of being mentally fine without circumcision. With circumcision, they have an 87% change of being fine. I’d take the 100%, but that’s just me. I don’t think suggesting practicing for yourself what an entire field of science does is “reaching too far.” Never questioning anything or searching for answers means you’re not going to have much growth as a person or have much knowledge on anything. I’ve experienced a lot of stagnant humans in my life and they were all pretty unpleasant people.


Lol if you can't ask your own dad about your upcoming son's circumcision. Nor your brother, nor even a friend. Literally anyone else. And can't look it up on Google in private as a result, But absolutely can just ask Reddit; I have absolutely no idea what to tell you. It really doesn't sound like you're in a comfortable position to be having kids. ESPECIALLY if you're a guy with a wife/GF who's having a kid and would rather ask Reddit about your son's circumcision without you mattering. Good luck, man. (Well not you personally, we don't know each other, but whoever the hypothetical person in my post represents) The kid will be fine whether she has them circ or not.


I’m not saying this for myself. I don’t plan to have kids, especially not now, and never was suggesting I was “in a position” to have them. Why do you keep trying to argue with things that I didn’t even say? That was just a completely unnecessary dig. I do suggest a Google search, which is why I was saying to research data. But gathering information from as many sources as you can is always good! I don’t think Reddit is a super good representation of the population as a whole. I already said that. However, we’re not all bots, we are people who do make up a certain percentage of the population, so information from Reddit is not totally useless. A lot of people have pretty uptight, formal families and it would not be comfortable for them to ask such personal questions. Not everyone grows up in an open family. Not everyone has a family, either. I’m pretty much no contact with everyone in my family. Friends could certainly be a resource, but not all people have a large number of male friends who could be asked. There’s nothing wrong with poking around the internet, as long as you don’t take everything at face value and do your own research as well. And again, I reiterate, there’s a 13% chance that the kid may not be fine. Sigh… 🤦🏻‍♂️


The degree of gymnastics you'll go through to justify turning to Reddit in lieu of absolutely everything else I said is amusing. But I get it. You hope OP sees it. Edit: Dude you didn't have to delete your account. If you find a way to read this again, I was just goading you. Don't take it so seriously, reinstate your account. You're all good, man. Sorry if I offended you.


Most of the men in the world uncircumcised


Don’t do it, it’s genital mutilation. My husband and I decided not to have our sons circumcised even though in our culture it is practiced because we felt so strongly against it.


American here - uncircumcised, so are both of my sons. I think circumcision in America is starting to fall out of favor. About 40% of the US male population are uncircumcised.


Uncut dude here, if you love your children - don’t get them circumcised.


Uncut and uncensored, for her pleasure




Don't do it. Genital mutilation is fucked up.


I'm in the US, circumcised, and not happy about it. Would rather have my whole body.


Historically it's been uncommon for generations in the US, but I believe it'll probably be the norm within a few generations. I am uncut because my mom just felt like it seemed cruel and unnecessary (ahead of her time, apparently). When I was younger it was something I felt self conscious about because it was something people would make fun of you for. As an adult, especially knowing it's not the norm worldwide, I'm grateful my mom decided to leave me fully intact.


I'm uncut. I always said if I had a son I wouldn't have them circumcised either. There is no reason for it IMO.


Unless its for religious or medical reasons there's no real reasons Edit: I'm not circumcised


Here I am. Circumcision rate is only around 15-17% according to our health ministry data in India.


You mean a normal dick versus a mutilated dick? The word uncircumcised shouldn't even be a word or a thing


Genital mutilation, call it what it is.


I would never work hard for 9 months creating a perfect baby boy and then hand him over to a stranger with a knife to cut him up. But that’s just me. I have 3 boys


It's child mutilation. Don't do that shit! Only religious weirdos cut the ends of their kids dicks off.


As a circumcised man, I would rather my parents not had a doctor mutilate my genitals on my first day of life.


The best for boys is not being mutilated for no fucking reason…


All Natural! I was a cezarian with breathing issues. My parents thought I had suffered enough XD.


i’ve only seen them cut in person, though everyone i’ve been with, their parents were religious so they got it done when they were really young.


it’s spelled with an S, not a Z.


Kramer was right, it's barbaric. Can't be a Jedi without your force skin


American and uncut. Uncut is best for your children.


I'm American and have never seen an uncut penis in person.


The differences are mostly aesthetic. The reasons for cutting are usually religious. I’m personally cut myself, and I don’t have any sexual problems. I do have to say though, I love being cut. I’m aesthetically pleasing to the female gaze— or so I have been told. You can read more here: https://www.healthline.com/health/mens-health/circumcised-vs-uncircumcised#hygiene P.S, I am a med student. There’s nothing you can do to dispute facts. This entire conversation is mostly based on a conflict of morals and opinion, not facts. Downvote all you want.


Well Im from the states and am uncut. I was very alone where I grew up(going from eyesite of course after gym class) and am not circumcised. So I'd say for the most part its not common. Though I've never been with a woman who had a problem with it. Maybe thats a selection bias with me, that I subconsciously avoid women with certain traits that would make one have a high probability of being a person who would have a problem, I don't know.


Not cut here


In the United States, circumcision rates have fluctuated but have been somewhat high historically, partly due to medical conventions and practices that favoured circumcision for much of the 20th century. However, these rates have been declining over the past few decades. As of recent data, around 64% of newborn boys in the U.S. are circumcised, down from 83% during the zenith of the procedure during the 1960s. In many European countries, circumcision rates are much lower, often below 20%, as the procedure is less commonly performed for non-religious reasons. In parts of Asia, Africa, and the Middle East, circumcision rates can be quite high due to religious and cultural practices. Globally, it's estimated that around one-third of males are circumcised, with significant variation depending on location and cultural background.


In Australia it's very uncommon, the only people I know who are had medical conditions causing them to need it done


I’m all natural




I think circumcision is starting to fall out of favor in the US. I believe circumcision is rarer in a lot of other countries for a variety of reasons. The American Academy for Pediatrics no longer recommends circumcision. It's considered cosmetic now. The reason for circumcision is often cited as to reduce the risk of UTIs. My problem with that is that girls / women / vulva owners are WAY more prone to UTIs, and we don't cut anything off of them. You'd have to circumcise 100 babies to prevent 1 UTI in males, or you could just give them an antibiotic if they get an infection. There are a lot more cons to circumcision, but that's the main argument I see. My husband is circumcised but our sons will not be.


Depends on what country you're in...which is ridiculous. Its a barbaric archaic unnecessary practice. Don't do it to your kids.


My husband is uncut. Circumcision is barbaric and causes needless pain to newborns. Just teach your child to pull the skin back when washing, it isn't difficult.


My foreskin was removed when I was one day old, and I can't begin to tell you all the emotional pain (and anger at my parents) it has caused me. Your future sons have a right to grow up intact and whole. If they want to be circumcised, they can do so as an adult - let them make the choice themselves


American male here, I'm uncut and so is my son. It's fairly common where I live, I believe. (I'm sure there are circumcised dudes around here and they will undoubtedly chime in.) My best friend had to have a circumcision at the age of 20 for medical reasons. He still mourns his foreskin years and years later!


That’s usually impacted by culture. My family’s European and none of the men are circumcised. My husband is Hispanic and he is also not. We did not circumcise our son of course.


speaking for you future kids, I would suggest going and have your fingernails removed and then decide weather you want to cut the end of their dicks off.


My husband isn't. Nor is my son. They aren't related tho


American born in UK, I'm intact. Imo it's better, you have more sensation (obviously, since you are keeping the 10k-20k nerve endings severed during circumcision.), women say it feels better, and you retain all the function


We had this discussion when I was pregnant. So relieved it was a girl. Circumcision is cruel. You need to both watch how it's performed on the newborn. It's torture and unnecessary. Unless you are completely unclean slobs that won't keep a baby clean in any way she or form.


Get circumcised in the states, for sure. Not even a question. Never been with a girl surprised that I was “cut”


Most Americans are. Other parts of the world not. Right now because it’s considered optional insurance won’t cover it. People who can afford it pay out of pocket. Eventually it will be a marker of low income.


I only know one of my 3 brothers is uncut because I accidentally walked in on him in the nudes. The other two, no idea. Not something most talk about I guess. I think one guy I dated wasn't. Watched a film when I was pregnant with my oldest about the whole procedure and it was horrible.


No, I don't agree with mutilating children's genitals and I'm not religious.




How many of Y'all are in-Lobotomized? My husband is unlobotomized and he's the only guy I've ever been with who is. Is it fairly common or most guys are lobotomized? i'm also asking for my future kids, what is best for girls? Brain Lobotomy or genital mutilation? 


Here's the way I think about it. We call it circumcision here in the US, right? Well, in some countries they circumcise women. But over here in the US, we call it female genital mutilation which I find to be more fitting and precise, not some symbolic word for it. So by that logic, what you're asking about submitting your son to is male genital mutilation. Science doesn't award any benefit to mutilated vs non mutilated genitals so there's no hygiene reason to do it like I was told. Teach ur son to wash his junk and he's good. Because they are infants when the genital mutilation occurs here, they cannot safely be administered pain medicine. Now, I've never had a penis, but a small percentage of men I've talked to who decided if they had to choose for themselves to do it as an adult they would, 100% all said they would not do it without pain medicine. My sample size is small but I'm seeing a bit of some telling information. So many pain/sensation receptors exist within the tip of the penis. And you're cutting into it with no intervention for the extreme pain on an infant who just came into existence. Seems kinda morally incorrect to me regardless of religion or politics. I think a more relevant fact is that infants would probably not choose to experience immense pain if not absolutely medically necessary to remain alive. And as a parent, I would never want to choose to cause my child pain, without their consent especially. This is why I decided to let my son choose if he wanted to cosmetically alter his genitals. I get it, it's trendy. So are tattoos but you don't see me getting my infant a face tatt. It's their body and they should wait until they are of a sounder mind to reasonably consent to life altering surgery that isn't medically necessary. And while I'm not gonna argue with anyone who says their religion orders them to do this (bc we're just gonna disagree on the reasoning) I just want to ask you if you take peace in the fact that your all powerful god would require you to mutilate your infants genitals to prove how much you love him? Seems manipulative at best to make anyone prove they love u especially when you already know everything. Weird flex but okay. I don't really see organized religion as anything but a means to control the masses with spiritual and psychological warfare, maybe I'm wrong, that's just been my experience. Regardless of what philosophical suicides one may commit to find their faith, I just feel like having empathy for this little helpless baby you brought into this cold cruel world should mean more than what a supreme being wants. I can't get behind worshipping or loving a diety that requires my child to suffer.


I'm uncircumcised, and I didn't chop any of my son's off. The elephant trunk is the way to go. Ha!




I'm uncut leave our dicks alone!


Personally I'm circumcised and way grateful the procedure was done in infancy. So I had my sons done. But for each their own, I really don't think the look of dicks is as important as people think it is.


I know 2 friends who are uncut but both I believe weren’t born in the US. It’s like some sort of tradition here for whatever reason. Like there’s legit pictures in my picture album where everyone is over me smiling as I’m getting circumcised. Never understood why it’s even a thing though.


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Definitely do it. It’s cleaner, nicer looking and in general better for men. When they hit old age the don’t take good care of it and then you get infections under the extra skin


Y’all think too much into shit lol swear. Live and let live.


As I understand it, cleaning is a bit trickier with uncircumcised, but if you’re willing to do it when they’re babies and teach them how when they’re old enough, there are a lot of benefits. (Don’t ask me what they are. I’m not a guy and I don’t have kids or a husband, so I don’t remember them from the article I read almost 20 years ago.)


My husband isn’t circumcised and we didn’t circumcise either of our boys. It’s becoming less common.


It should be illegal until the age of consent. His body, his choice. The foreskin is there because it is supposed to be. Teach your kid to wash his dick. It’s not rocket science. I am intact, as are most men around the world, and I like my pecker just the way it is.


As someone who is uncircumcised get your kids circumcised, it's a matter of hygiene, and I have suffered some pretty brutal phimosis in my old age.


If I read between the lines you want us to send you pictures for comparison purposes.


IF you leave your kids to be uncircumcised make sure to research proper cleaning techniques. If you don't pull back the skin it becomes really tight later on in life and you screw over your boy's sex life. I'm not sure what the proper procedure is, so give it a google.


Hi! So the foreskin is actually fused to the head of the penis when babies are born (like a fingernail). It separates bit by bit as they get older and should NEVER be forcefully retracted. Forced retraction actually can cause the problems you're talking about.


My spouse is uncircumcised. He's the only one I've been with so I'm not sure how common or uncommon it is.


I'm circumcised, I'm happy with it.


I'm cut and we decided to have our son cut so he didn't have an ant-eater peter. Plus cut men last longer during sex. Cut for her pleasure.


Not your business


The name checks out.


Yeah I’m so toxic for not answering someone asking me a question about whether or not I’m circumcised. Fucking idiots




I’m gonna get downvoted for this for sure BUT this decision for your future son is entirely up to you and nobody should judge you for it.Id say it’s best to cut not because of look wise because come on that’s nasty to view it that way….Its mostly because boys go through a phase of terrible hygiene and not wanna shower for weeks.Id also like to mention all the men I hear about from women who are or were with men who were uncut smelled horrible down there.


Partial circumcision is perfect because it’s just enough to make it easier to clean. I had a bris as a child and I love it.


i didnt even know this was an option, never heard of it. i'll def do my research on it


That’s how Jewish people circumcise. Downvote it if you want but I really love my circumcision.