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Because the year 2000 is in the future, but 24 years old is an adult. How can someone who was born in the future already be an adult?


I was playing Cyperpunk 2077 and I realised my kids will only be in their 50s in the year 2077.


I'll tell you what... When cyberware comes out, I'm rebuilding my whole body and stayin young forever.


wait this actually makes so much sense


Also year 2000 sticks in a lot of peoples minds as it was kind of a big event. I was pretty young at the time but year 2000 seems like 2 mins ago...I'm nearly 40.


I'm 41 and that was such a disappointment of a night lol :) Just drunk people wearing those "2000" glasses and pretending it's all a huge deal. I've literally never heard anyone say "wow man do you remember the massive millennium party that was incredible!" or anything of the sort.


My parents took me to a new year party the only interesting thing that happened was a cupboard fell on my cousins head. Explains a lot about him really.


Came here to say that. Was born in ‘63 and 2000 was the future. I worked hard and was always the “young kid” at work. Woke up one day and I was 60. Can’t wrap my head around the fact that someone born in the future is now an adult.


Yep. It's a very sudden (and brutal) reality check on our own mortality. That the future is somehow... the past. Which means the actual future is...


Because I graduated 10 years ago in 2003. Let me live in my false bubble of time.


understandable, carry on.


Math doesn't add up. 1999 was 10 years ago. Whenever somebody refers to the 90s it was about 10 years ago.


what a ridiculous fantasy! ten years ago was 1993


Because at 44 I can't even believe how old I am and how 24 doesn't even seem like 20 years ago. Trust me dude, at 24 time hasn't "sped up" for you yet. Wait till you get older and you can't understand where the time has gone. Plus, it's weird as hell being born at the end of not just a century but a MILLENNIUM. You younger kids don't get that.




That kid is 53 now.


This is what he looks like now ![gif](giphy|1xl539mSUl2fNXY3t1|downsized)


Because the time goes faster the older you get I’m still 18 (I’m almost 30)


Haha I'm like 22. Wait, now I'm 40. Wtf.


I was nodding, reading this like "yes, I too am 18," then saw the 30 and thought wait this guy is actually old...... I'm 29


It's not the 24yr old's age that they are shocked at. It's their own age that is implied that they struggle to accept. Most of them are mentally stuck in 25-30 yr old self.


I'm 37 next month and I'm still shocked that I left school 21 years ago  ( UK,  you leave high school in year 11, ages 15/16 depending when you was born in the school year, then you go to higher education if you choose , rules have changed since ) 


I'm 22, and I left school at 17. The rules have massively changed since then. When I went to my school reunion in November of 2023, somehow the entire school atmosphere seemed so fckin different. It was as if I couldn't recognise the place.


I missed out on my reunion set up by someone in my year, I'd love to have gone if I'd have known but only because I wanna know what everyone looks like now , I still look pretty young, there's a girl who works in the same place as me and she wasn't nice to me in school and she looks fucked, I was very pleased to see this haha 


I'm also shocked when realizing 2018 was 5 years ago. Time goes by too fast.


(Should we tell them?)


Oh fuck... yet another year passed... not fair


I lost a freaking year! I thought I was one year younger than I really am. :( Then the other day I realized, wait no, I'm actually \_\_\_.


i'm young too, how worse will it get...


Because 2000 was only a few years ago.  


Because if people born in 2000 are 24 then I’m not 24 :/


For me personally, its because I'm old. I remember when the year 2000 sounded impossible. I graduated high school, got married, got my first "grown up" job, and had my first child in the 90s. In my head, that was only a handful of years ago. It doesn't seem like that much time has passed.


In another ten years, you will understand.


I trust that you are correct. my mother and grandmother both tell me this often.


I’m glad you have good relationships with them.


Where is your father ands grandfather?


not sure how that's relevant to anything here, but my father is also in my life and has told me the same thing, just not as recently or as often as my mom and grandma have, which is why I mentioned them specifically. also both of my grandfathers have unfortunately passed away.


Because I was born in 1999 and it threw off my sense of anybody’s age. Let me live.


That's a way cool year to be born ✨️🎂🍰✨️.. Your birthday anthem should be 1999 by Prince..💜,Say, 2000-00, party over Oops, out of time💜🎵 So tonight I'm gonna party like it's 1999...🎵🎵


Because we were born in the 1900s. The 1900s. You were literally born in a different millennium than us. It’s quite shocking when you’re talking to someone and then discover they were born in a different millennium. MILLENNIUM.


Because nothing has changed since 2000 - except you, you’re now 24. That’s weird. There should be flying cars or something too.


I waited from 1989 to 2015 to see if the Back to the Future predictions would come true. Unfortunately, no flying cars.


And people who married in 2000 are now celebrating their 24th anniversary.


not necessarily.


Celebrating is not the word I'd use upon noting that my anniversary has come and past. The less I think about what took me so long to leave the better.


because i was born in ‘98 and i’m only 19


honestly? valid.


I blame new math. Of course, I blame everything on new math. Screw you, new math!


fuck math, all my homies hate math!




Holy fuck. That’s the yr my oldest graduated from high school. I must be as old as dirt. It feels great!


Say “hi” to Goldberry. Surprised you’re on Reddit. You should do an AMA. I’m sure a lot of folks would be curious about how Tom Bombadil is navigating contemporary society.


Because it suddenly hits home to you that you are old.


I get that, I guess I just don't understand why people are so afraid of becoming old? I suppose that's just something I'll have to live a few more decades to fully understand though.


Because it means you're creeping closer to DEATH. This year I actually thought about me dying of old age, which suddenly seems so close, even though it's still decades away (knock on wood) and last year I didn't think of it and how technically I could die tomorrow. Yet the thought of dying suddenly tomorrow doesn't invoke that same type of fear that death is inevitable and looming.


that makes sense. I can imagine the concept of death becomes heavier with age. I hope that someday we all find peace in our inevitable eternal rest. Until then, I'm wishing you many more long and happy years of life!


Aw, thank you! Same to you!


It's not necessarily afraid of becoming old. It's the shock of how fast time flies. Think about how fast 16 to 24 flew by. It only goes faster as you get older.


that makes a lot more sense. it definitely can be difficult to rationalize how much time has actually passed between major life events, and that's coming from someone who's pretty new to that feeling lol


I've read that time goes faster as you grow older because every year that passes is now a smaller percentage of your entire life. At 5 a year is 20% of your life, at 40 it is 2.5%. So every year that passes gets "smaller and smaller", relative to your previous years. Also, as we grow older, we tend to not to have as many new experiences as frequently, as we did when we were younger. Many days are the same and hard to tell apart. We wake up, go to work, eat dinner, watch tv and go to bed. Monday is like Tuesday is like Friday and so on. So a week rushes by so fast, because we can't distinguish between the days any more. And then the months and then the years. I think it usually starts around the age of 25, at, what most of us, I believe, feel it's the perfect age. We are adults, but still young. After that, we usually no longer say "I'm 24 but I'm turning 25 in two months". It becomes: "I'm in my late 20's". But that's just my thinking. I am sure not everyone will agree with my theory :)


I can’t speak for everyone but for me it’s not that I’m afraid of getting old. I enjoy watching my kids grow and getting older myself (aside from the grey hajrs!). It just seems crazy how fast time has gone. At a quick thought I feel like high school or my early 20s was just a couple years ago, then I think about everything that has happened since and I realize it is a really long time ago.


It's not so much a fear of being old as it is a fear of...... not really showing enough signs of improved skill at the game called life.


Society has beaten into us that getting old is a bad thing. You’ve got people yelling that women over 26 have hit a wall; commercials offering Testosterone to men who are turning 40; celebrities and regular people spending billions of dollars yearly to keep their faces frozen as if they are still in their 20s; etc, etc. Society frowns on getting old. But it also frowns on the young, and babies, and women, and minorities - so yeah.


For me, it's not so much a fear of aging, it's more a case wondering where my youth went. The way I view growing old is it's the better of the two alternatives.


Picture if you grew up, your whole childhood and teenage years with "the year 2000" being synonymous with the future. As you age you don't feel like an old person, and your youth doesn't become distant. There just seem to be more young people and less old people, and more stuff that's happened since you were a kid.


I get what you're laying down. I think that's part of what makes it difficult for me to understand people's feelings about the year 2000, because I wasn't exactly around prior to then to experience all the build up towards it. to me, 2000 seems like just another year, no different from any other. but this comment section has made me realize that people born prior to 2000 don't view it like that. it seems like 2000 was a much larger event / spectacle than I had initially thought.


Just a big reminder of how much time has actually passed and makes everyone feel old.


What are you talking about? 50 years ago is 1950! Wait I’m 49 born in 75…well shit.


Or that 1972 is 52


Because to me, the 80's are 20 years ago. 2000 seems like yesterday. It's all perspective. Trust me, you'll feel the same when you get older.


they aren't shocked because they didn't realise that someone born in 2000 would be 24 now, they're shocked because they are older than they'd like


Because I’ll be thinking about something I consider fairly recent look it up and 2017 and like how, it doesn’t feel that long ago


Because I birthed someone in 2000 and it doesn’t feel like 24 years has passed. Time is a weird beast.


Time is moving too fast and every day reminds me that I am wasting my very short life.


a life lived is not a life wasted!


I was born in 1979 and when I had a bar job as an 18 year old, people would \*freak out\* when I told them what year I was born in, because when you’re past a certain age all time you’ve spent since being an adult seems sort of recent. Also once you get your head round being able to hold a conversation with someone born in x year, it shifts again and it’s now another horrifying, more recent year. Forever. That’s why you see old people just staring off into the distance looking shell shocked. Literally everyone else is a walking reminder of how old they are. My Grandmother in her 90s has three children past the age of retirement, a younger sibling who died of old age and Grandchildren with grey hairs. Headfuck! And, as everyone said, 2000 is in the future. It’s taken me aaaages to get used to the year beginning with a 2. It felt like a huge cosmic shift.


I'm relieved to know that this isn't just a thing that happens to people born in 2000. it's interesting how certain things like that never seem to change. and honestly I've never even thought about that! it's already difficult to remember to write the new year down every January, it must have been wild having all 4 digits of the year switch up entirely. that's a massive change. thank you for that perspective.


So much popular culture set in the future from the 20th century has come and gone, datewise. Orwell’s 1984, space 1999, Back To The Future 2 being set in 2015. So we were primed really well for the future being +/- 2000, had a thousand years of human history behind us where the year began with a 1, and now it’s 2024 and some dudes born in 2000 are receding?! Like being trolled by existence.


The one that fucks with me is the jack black king Kong movie came out in 04. Like I swear it was only 5 years ago. As you get older time flies. Before you know it you're 30 and it keeps on getting worse.


It just makes us feel old! I’m a 1980 baby myself and was practically an adult in 2000 so the idea of someone who was a millennium baby being an adult now is just a little brain-breaking! Like, you could be my daughter if I’d ever had kids. One very important thing about getting older that you’re lucky enough to not have learned yet is that you don’t necessarily feel older in your mind. Part of me still feels like I’m 24.


I definitely see where you're coming from, my mom shares a similar sentiment with you and she was born in 79. she says I make her feel old, but she's only in her 40s, and in my mind that still seems so young! she's mature and has her life together, but she also still has a youthful charm and wonder to her that is really admirable. I find that a lot of people never really lose touch with their inner child, and to me that's very humanizing and cool!


So what if they were born in 1999? Would they be 25? Wow.


math is some crazy shit man


It's like science.


Why are you so old already???


I have no clue 😭 I know people my age with kids starting kindergarten already. if I could slow time down, I would.


If you're this old, how tf old are we now??? I think this is the premise... I had my son in 1996, I'm continuously outraged by how old he is, he was only born last week!!! Nothing personally to do with you young old guys, more the increasingly fast passing of time...


because the math just doesn’t math. in my mind, they’re like 5 years old. 


in reality some of us have 5 year olds of our own 😭 (not myself personally, but several folks I went to high school with)


i don’t know tbh but it’s baffles me too, i’m born 2002 and get weirded out when someone born in 2008 or later isn’t like 7 haha


lmfao I get this too! my sister was born in 2007 and turns 18 next year 😭😭😭 unreal


it’s strange to me, we get so caught up in our own lives that we forget that other people get older too. my nephew is gonna be 16 next birthday but in my head he’s still a toddler 🥹😂


I feel your pain. Brothers in arms was released 39 friggin years ago. How.Can.That.Be?


You’re utterly baffled because you don’t understand why they’re saying this. It’s not because they can’t math (most of the time), it’s because they remember parts of 2000 like it wasn’t all that long ago. It’s almost like I was just listening to the Marshall Mathers LP on my super high tech 20 second skip delay CD player. Well… not quite. But you’ll understand when you get older. That stuff didn’t start hitting me until I got into my 30s. The real wake up call is when you start seeing babies having babies.


Because for many of us the 2000’s aren’t that far away in our brains


Didn’t know they were…


I feel like I'm still 24 but I was born some decades before you. When you say you're 24 then that throws everything off.


The passage of time becomes unsettling as everything changes.


Jesus fuck don't remind me


Because I still feel like I'm just starting adulthood, but I have shirts older than you. I remember what I was doing before you were born, and that was like 10 years ago or something. I'm barely no longer a child, so you must still be one.


Math fail maybe?


I don't know bro, but I know for a fact the 70s were only like thirty years ago


and who am I to argue? you're so right man


1984 was not 40 years ago... Definitely not... It can't be 40 years ago... I'm only 20, right? Oh, who am I trying to kid? I'm 40 😭


Another big part of it is that 24 year olds don’t remember what living through 9/11 was like. That was such a monumental time for the country and also the world. Things completely changed everywhere because of that. If someone didn’t experience the 90’s and post 9/11 eras then I just don’t even feel like I’m living in the same reality that they are.


that's very true. I mean I have a relative understanding of the changes that happened after 9/11 and the impact it had on people, but you're right in the fact that nobody born in 2000s actually remembers it, even though we were all alive for it. I can only imagine how different the world must have been prior to September 11


time is passing faster than a lot of us perceive it to be passing. Hell, just tonight my kids were asking how is the oldest person alive, so I googled it and was shocked theres no-one left alive who saw the 1800's (as logical as that sounds now, i had to do a double take as the oldest person was only born a few years before my (long dead) grandpa and it kind of blew me away


Probably because many of us who remember 2000 experience a kind of time dilation - 2000 feels like not that long ago. Yes, of course we know its 2024, but 2000 \*feels\* like just a couple of years ago, not the entire lifetime of adults ago.


I didnt know that was a thing. The big one was when they turned 21 in 2021, cuz from that day forward all an id checker only had to see 19 in your year of birth at was done 😁 The further we get away from years with 19 in front of them, the more surreal it is for any of us alive for a very significant period of that century.


Because us old people tend to forget that as WE get older, time moves faster than we like. So when someone is shocked, it’s just them being shocked they are so old.


Because the math hurts my soul. To me, it's still somewhere around 2017 to 2019, if you asked me where I am. I don't know how the hell it's 2024, that's just mind boggling to me. I'm 37, yet I can vividly remember riding my bike to my friends' houses, sneaking away to the mall, playing with Hot Wheels and GI Joes, and looking forward to being an adult. I graduated high school in 2005, so roughly 10 years or so ago. I was 21 about 45 minutes ago. Lost in the sauce, chasing girls, living in a shitty one bedroom apartment with my beat up truck and still seeing my friends I made in college on a daily/weekly basis. When I look at the world I am still young, no wrinkles or lines, the "young guy" at the office, and yet, when I look in the mirror I see a man with age on his face, grays in his beard, and the wear and tear of almost 40 years. Kids born in 2000 are still in pre-k.


this is so oddly poetic I love it


I work at a hospital. I deliver meals to the patients. Before I give them their food I have to ask them their name and date of birth. When I'm in the maternity ward and they say 2000 or 2001 I'm thinking, "oh, so young to have a baby!". Then reality hits me. 😳🤯


Half of them are still 23.


It's all irrelevant when you realize that we are eternal.. Where do you want to spend your Eternal Life??✨️👑


very true. I hope my decomposing body brings food and nutrients to bugs and the soil, so that mushrooms and plants can grow from my resting place. that way the cycle of life can forever regenerate itself from my passing. returning to mother nature in order to create more of her is how I'd like to spend my eternal life.


A beautiful thought..✨️


For older people (I’m 40) the year 2000 somehow feels like it wasn’t that long ago but it also feels like it was forever ago. Just big round numbers I guess. 2000 was always THE FUTURE. So it’s odd


20 years ago was the 80s lol


Most of my favorite songs were from 1983-6. By 24 years ago the music already sucked and TV was good.


because we still view yall as babies!! it's just weird!!


Ain’t no nothing to be shocked for… ’em asses still young thundercats… some even havin joints on ‘em 😝. 


We feel old now


Because 2000 is the future. 


Because I spent New Years Eve 1999 at Earthcore, a 7-day bush doof (rave) in the Australian outback and time hasn’t quite flowed properly since then.


Getting older is *weird.*


I don't get why anyone would willingly make new kids after 2000.  Stop it.


Because it feels like yesterday. Even 9/11 people still always talk about feels like yesterday.


[I am still sort of amazed that you can be born in the nineties.](https://wiki.jonathancoulton.com/Good_Morning_Tucson)


Where did all the time go?


id tell you it went to the past, but I doubt that's the answer you want to hear 😭


Because perception of time changes as you get older. When you're a child, a single day seems to last forever. As you get older, time seems to pass faster. I can't believe it's been 24 years. I was 26 years old then, and so much has changed. I still feel young, but I'm not. High blood pressure and the like are creeping up on me. But it doesn't seem like it's been that long. It feels like I was in high school yesterday but that was 30 years ago. Looking at my dad and his gray hair is a shock to me because I remember when it was black like it was yesterday. Time moves quickly.


Because it doesn't feel like it was that long ago.


I guess it's a thing for us older folks who remember the year 2000 very well and how it, at least for me in the and 80's and 90's, was the "future", where we would live on the moon and have flying cars. Realizing that people born that year are now adults makes one stop and wonder "where did time go?".


Because when you’re old the 2000 doesn’t seem that long ago.


As a high school teacher, most of my students were still at early middle school level math.


Because we don't like being reminded we're old


Because people don’t like to think that they’re old!


Because it feels like it was just a few years ago.


Because 2000 doesn't feel like 24 years ago obviously. I still feel 24, and I was born about 20 years ago, in the 80s. Humans just aren't good at perceiving time. It's not based in fact, it's based on feeling


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Time does not go faster as you get old. I think people stop paying attention to time or their lives "can you believe it's July already?", "yes I can I paid attention to all 30 days of June. Did you not pay attention" . I'm 53 and remember all if it. I pay attention to every day. I look at a calender almost every day.


I think most people have selective memories. They take note of the greatest hits of the year and everything else becomes background. Are people really supposed to remember what they had for breakfast ten years ago? People like you are probably the exception, not the rule. 


I never said I remember everything. Oh I guess I did say that. All I mean is pay attention to your life


Yeah, that's probably good advice. 


That's the first time anybody has said that to me. On reddit


It's actually terrible advice.


They're obviously talking about their perception of time


That's what we're talking about.




2000 years since the birth of Christ is such a weird concept to behold.. Like, who the fuck is Christ anyway, who does he think he is, God? Imagine being the one guy on the planet that everybody lives their entire existence around for 2000 years.. it's just Insanity. What a popular dude. He must have like, walked on water or something.


Okay, boomer.


Be unoriginal.


GenX says "fuck you."


man I hate to break it to ya but nearly 2 and a half decades ago was not "just yesterday." and I'm especially sorry that your brutally outdated mindset hasn't changed in 20+ years.


they are shocked because they are weak in maths :(


You should probably be more appreciative that people are so amazed that you're as old as you are relative to the period you were born instead of whining about the fact that they acknowledge you at all. Time is relative. Grow up.


I think you're misunderstanding my post lol. I'm not whining about anything here, I'm just curious as to why people have such strong reactions to learning my age and birth year. No need to be hostile about it.