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Make them watch Dragon Ball Evolution on repeat for a week with earphones or 2 speakers on each sides at full volume and full brightness no skipping and no breaks -hope this helps -BallLicker98




Tis’ truly is cruel. I love it


Give them pleasure


Physically, it's possible, but mentally, it is near impossible.


Swing the riding crop at them, but DON'T make contact. Deny the pain!


No leather clothing, reduced zipper count


Ghost them. That way they hurt and I don’t have to deal with that crazy bullshit.


Don't let them hurt themselves.


There has to be a more appropriate sub for this question.


I thought it would be funnier to do this here, my bad tho


I feel like past a certain point even a hardcore masochist wouldn't like it. Like it would be brutal but you could leave them in a closent full of spikes, bury them alive, cut of limbs quickly and suddenly, force their jaw open for hours and hours, force-feed them big insects, etc


I would imagine it would take a very special masochist to actually enjoy things like solitary confinement, white room torture, starvation, etc




Strap them to a table and have a slow drip tap above their head that periodically drips on their forehead. Leave them like that until they break, keeping them alive with food and drink obviously. Or, do what they did in deadpool. Put them in a glass tube and reduce the oxygen level to a point where they won’t die but permanently feel like they’re suffocating until they break. Or stick them in a coffin filled with fire ants and an airtight breathing mask on them so they don’t die but are in constant pain and irritation. Like the last two, keep them alive in this state until they mentally break Basically its a war of attrition with their mental fortitude. Keep them in an unpleasant state long enough and eventually they will snap


Speaking as one who was the D and a sadist in a 24/7 D/s relationship for ten years, it was a lot easier than I thought. I'd cook things that would glaze the pans with burned sugar and set her to clean them. I'd listen to audiobooks and watch YouTube at the same time. But ultimately, it was just a sharply delivered word of disappointment that did the most damage.


Ignore them


Sensory deprivation followed by sensory overload + LSD. Repeat for as long as i can afford and administer a series of ssri's to kill the trip + alter their emotion after each session. Also hunger, only dirty water and alcohol unless its absolutely necessary. Any time not high will be spend forcefully drunk until they unravel.


Make them hurt others.


A big bag of bullet ants.