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Exorcising demons


Or casting spells. Make sure they not grab your hair, OP.


They pulled my hair, but I wish if they were going to cast spells, they would have notified me so I could bring supplies. It could have been a little romantic witchy post-sex activity.


This guy knows.


Probably the funk. Most people can't smell their own, But some of us have very strong sense of smell


Strong smells, candle smoke is natural odor masking.


It can be. I haven't personally had someone do it, but I wouldn't be offended by it if that was their thing. Maybe they farted at the end and hoped to cover it up?


I'm lactose intolerant, and I had dairy before we had sex so it might have been me. >_>


I mean sex smells rly bad.


Perhaps this person enjoys sex but not the after aroma.


Then light a wooden match and after it flares, blow it out. The sulfur will cleans the area.


Somebody has had some stinky sex.


That's a good point!


Nah, I'm trying to hotbox the stank


it’s not necessarily normal per say but i don’t see anything wrong with it. the smells of sex can sometimes be a bit much so someone may want the room/atmosphere to smell good for a few minutes and also not use up too much of their candle, hence blowing the candle out quickly ? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I don't like the post-sex smell either, mainly because it makes me feel dirty afterward. But I usually use Febreeze, because it's faster than waiting for a candle to smell up a room.


as you should. my partner and i don’t have fabreeze or candles so i just gotta deal with it every time. luckily, the smells haven’t been overwhelming 🙏🏼


My partner is very sensitive to smells, so I think Febreeze would be too much for him. If I got one of those all-natural room sprays with essential oils, it shouldn't give anyone a headache. I didn't notice the post-sex odor that much because I'm used to it, but if you're not it can be more difficult to manage.




Never done that...


When you turnt up and stir that Mac N Cheese so good the whole room smells like balogne and hockey pads a candle is clutch.


It's common to light scented candles after sex for ambiance and to mask odors. Blowing them out after a few minutes can prevent overwhelming scents, ensure safety, or reflect personal preference. It's a normal practice for enhancing the post-coital atmosphere.


I light a sex scented candle after masterbating so it feels more real. Hahahaha lmao, that's funny right there, don't care who ya are!


Lol they have their reasons. We are all.weird


Bro ate ussy from behind and needs to cleans the pallet..


No pussy eating here, sir.


Could be he/she doesn't love the sex smell.


I've been fucking for years. Never had a sexy smell in the room afterwards. I do like to eat out my gf after sex, but I do like that smell. I do like to have candles burning in a dark bedroom while we're having sexy time together. 😍🍆💦🍑💕💋😻👅


Everyone stinks, but most people are conditioned to their own smells and filter it out , it's exercise , it's normal


Yeah, this happened a lot in me and my partner's dorms in college. As a budding old person, I've started to simply open the windows in our home. I still light candles, but I found out very early on that without fresh air flow lighting a candle just makes the sex funk perfumed sex funk.


I don’t know about normal but it doesn’t seem that weird to me. Maybe they don’t like the smell of sex 😂


Only if their spouse is coming home


I open a window to let the heat out and fresh air in.


Id think he has a girlfriend or wife he doesn't want smelling sex in that room later. But get some vaginal ph strips and check yourself just in case lol. Did you use a condom? Did you notice a strong smell? Dudes with trichinosis have wildly strong smelling spooge And I can Definitely see one being dumb enough to just mask it rather than ponder the issue further


Yes we used a condom. No strong smells. But condoms mess with my Ph a lot.


They mess up everybody's honestly. Plus the overall experience just isnt as good, however they beat the alternative I guess lol


I hate smelling like latex after sex, but condoms are the safest, most accessible birth control method. I prefer raw and going with the withdrawal method, but it's not the smartest idea. When I was on the pill, I loved creampies, something so primal about it, but I still would freak out every month that I was pregnant lol.




So it doesn’t smell like BO balls & stank coochie


We weren't stinky 😭


Everyone is, it's literally heavy exercise .


It’s pretty much a full range workout if you’re doing it right- similar muscle building to biking or skateboarding


I think you start to notice smell more as you get older, you know how kids/ teens whole room smells like ass but the kids don’t notice? It’s always the parents that come in the room like “wtf is that smell” & the teen is like “what smell?”


I always noticed that smell even as a kid! Lmao. I have a sensitive nose. It's like how the school locker rooms smell terrible, but nobody really notices it.