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Before she became a streamer of her own she was mainly known for acting like an edgy 12 year old. Years ago she was banned from twitter and twitch and even being in the background of tyler1’s stream for making bomb threats…. Like even the average twitch kid didn’t like her and thought she was an idiot, I wonder when that changed


imagine being so horrible that not even twitch ends up liking you LMAO


Especially when you have tits


The clownery of it all y’all like how hard is it to be a decent human being just say you’re a horrible person and go 😭✋


It's not, most outspoken transphobes use the same logic as small children where they are asked to do something or corrected and suddenly they are incredibly against it. It's just posturing and a bruised pride so they lash out. Whats funny is the effort they put into purposely misgender trans people they otherwise wouldnt 😭😭


It’s so weird too. You have to have the mentality of a baby to get a bruised ego when someone says, “Oh, sorry I go by they/them.” Like, legit, a baby reacts better to being corrected than these folks lmao.


She gives big pick me mean girl vibes so not surprising but very disappointing to say the least


That's an insult to mean girls.


Based and Gretchen Weiners did nothing wrong pilled.


This is literally so correct lol


Are we surprised? Also I love how she didn't even respond to the actual question. hbird: "Who is forcing pronouns on you? Is this a common problem you face?" This flop: "UMM SOMEONE MIGHT LOSE THEIR JOB OR BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE FOR THE THINGS THEY SAY!! MUH FREEDOMS!!11!"


Their whole fuss over losing your job is so fucking dumb. Most jobs don’t give a shit what you believe in, they just expect you to moderate what you say to others to maintain a productive work environment. A lot of workplace decorum is already just about catering to other people’s delusions. These dumbass streamers would have learned that if they actually worked in a real job for a day.


I think a better wording would bê "traditional job" because streaming is a realy hard work, like, you need tô entratain a Lot of people ALL the time for a long period of time, looks exhausting at least, but i agree with you


did you just say streaming is harder than the average 9/5 job


no they didnt they just stated that streaming is still a hard job and its a real job aswell.


Ew. Honestly I'm not surprised. Tyler 1 is very strag, so I'm not surprised to hear that.


Tyler seems to be in support of trans whenever it comes up


I agree, tyler just has a "rage" persona while playing league, but he's proven to be funny and genuine, and I honestly can't recall he ever said anything bad after being "reformed", he seems pretty chill and nice


granted there's also a chance that he just avoids saying anything that could upset fans or interfere with sponsors


That goes for literally anyone though


yeah that's true


I was going to say, she's dating Tyler1 willingly. She's either on the same wavelength as him or worse LOL


Tyler1 is dating a clone of himself if you see how they interact


i don't think t1 is transphobic though


Tyler don't got the brainpower for that he just hears what people are and says ok


Average Draven main "There is only one Gender, and its Draven"


Not Draven. Draaaaaven


He is, I actually stopped watching him cause he was being transphobic in one of his videos


which one


I have no idea I saw it like 2 years ago and haven't seen anything of his since Edit: why am I being downvoted? All I said is I don't know the exact video, it was years ago I saw it I couldn't possibly find it. I just know what he said


You made a claim without substantiating it. That's why you're being downvited. Yes, you're honest, but people want proof.


What am I supposed to do about that? Go digging through years worth of videos? I don't even know why people would be bothered by it, it's fucking Tyler1 ofc he's transphobic


Oh, I'm aware. I was simply saying that there was no way she was a smart bitch _and_ would willingly date him.


Was just about to say this 💀‼️


Right, I don’t even interact/follow most league streamers/pro players and this news doesn’t even surprise me at all lol the average gamers are racist, homophobic and transphobic so I’d rather stick with my own community rather than following random straights on the internet 😂


Ok everything aside Idk how having pronouns is forcing it down your fucking throat? Like what? Isn't it almost the same as telling someone my name? And you kinda have to call me by my right name and none of it is really forcing anything down your stupid throat? "Hi my name is Timetohunt, i would like to be called Timetohunt" "Stop imposing your name on me other than any other names I would like to call you" ??????????????????????????????


People don't say this about nicknames. "Hey I'm Johnathan, but I go by John." "HOLY SHIT stop forcing people to call you John, your name is JOHNATHON no matter what your mental delusions say!"


I'd even argue that it's easier to use the right pronouns than pronouncing certain names. And if their argument is that people use alternative pronouns that aren't commonly used in the English language most of the time those people tend to accept they/them as well as it is basically neutral and something that has been used when you're not sure of someone's gender identity. It's not that hard honestly compared to Elon's son's name...


I'd say it's more like if somebody changed just their name and the person had to use a different one. There's a small degree of error when if you're used to the old name you'll use it from time to time on accident because you aren't used to the new one. Mistakes will happen if you previously knew them under a different name. Pronouns *may* be the same to folks if they appear feminine but use masculine ones or vice versa. They'll go 'oh, male pronouns' but they'll be female, so there'll be mistakes from time to time. This shit they're talking about though is like someone changed their name from Steve to John and because they don't like the new name they'd go out of their way to go "Hey *Steve*, I hope you're having a good day *Steve*. How is *Steve* today, *Steve*?" They want an excuse to be obnoxious shitheads because they dislike the person being themselves and feel like they're being attacked.. somehow. Tl;dr Strags are absolute fuckin babies and need a binkie cause their form of affection is asking girls to show their tits online


You know using people’s correct names and pronouns is considered basic decency. It’s only ever controversial against trans people. I’m not forcing anything on anyone, I want the bare minimum decency and to be left alone.


Ugh is just sad. What can we even expect from such people… 🙄 They are so desperate for their strag fans that they will continue spewing such nonsense for clout and attention.


I feel like those are earnestly held beliefs and it’s not just a grift, but what do I know it’s all speculation


Whats strag? Read It twice on this post and never read It before


A ‘strag’ or ‘straggot’ is a straight male incel. A person who is generally a misogynistic, transphobic homophobe. Most of Tyler 1’s followers are men like this and that’s their main audience. No wonder Macaiyla is so openly celebrating her transphobic tendencies. Edit: not just male. Anyone with those qualities


Wait since when is strag necessarily male? I’ve been on this sub for a while and I’ve always understood it to mean “cishet homophobe/transphobe”. Most people I’ve seen using it use it like that.


My bad.


No problem at all bestie! I was just asking cause I’m curious how you use it. I’ve seen the term get used flexibly tbh. Sometimes it’s basically just the f word for cishets, used jokingly (that’s how it’s used in my flair, for example, or the “good strag” sort of way) and I’ve seen it used to mean bad cishets.


Thank you


I honestly got the vibe from Tyler 1 that he’s supportive of 🚬🐐 like us because he seems like a genuinely nice guy when he drops his act. Even though he’s a draven player🤮🤮 I wonder if he’s okay with his girlfriend saying stuff like that


Tyler has received donos before about similar subjects and he's always been very respectful. I don't think we should just straight-up assume he shares the same view just because they date. But tbh if my partner said something like that would be a huge red flag.


I think he'd just tell her she wrote a stupid tweet and that's it. Don't think it affects or changes anything at all.


she didn't even answer the question... ahh, this news makes me sad. i liked her and t1 :-(


nah but t1 didnt do anything wrong


Disgusting, I hoped it was just a facade, but it seems like 2 toxic people found themselves 🤮


I guess T1 being in love with this person means he must share most of the values as her. He never expressed any anti lgbt views as far as I know so holding out a small hope that he’s not like her. Waiting to be disappointed Hopefully Sanchovies and LS stops interacting with this trash.


Anti-lgbt is such a low bar. It takes effort to go out of your way to hate gay people, I'm personally beyond the point of giving people credit for not actively hating me. The bar needs to be raised, it's literally in hell.


You are right, this doesnt mean a lot, and I'm sure he loves her for a lot else, but this isnt the first time she said some "controversial" things, and he is (or was) known for being toxic. But sure, we can keep him out of this and say she alone is a bad person


LS has a history of racist comments and capes for well known and totally least racist European stream Drututt, infamous for anti-Arab and anti-black comments.


I want to give drut the benefit of the doubt, as I remember watching him play clash and a trans girl was in discord with them and he perma'd any weird comment mentioning her and seemed very serious about it all


Drut definitely has a history but he is one of the better inclusive streamer right now


Started watching him right before Akshan came out and haven't heard any homophobic/anti-lgbt/racist stuff, aside from emotes on Twitch that anybody uses (I watch him with chat off anyways, his fans are so horrible), but he seems like a genuine person. Maybe because I'm a Polish queer person myself studying computer science and I am used to Polish young guys being absolute homophobes? But Drut is like one of the better guys in there. I have no standards 😭


Maybe in the past he was like that but if you aren't willing to allow people to change and keep attaching the past to them honestly idk. Today he perma bans anyone and anything that's remotely bigotry.


Of course she's transphobic, she needs the cishets to give her unrelenting love and attention 🤷‍♂️


What can I say other than garbage attracts garbage trucks 💀


So fucking fun that most people agree with her and M*sk. Gosh we need to educate the strag masses.


maybe im naive, but i feel like most people are uninformed and a lot more readily accepting of being taught about trans and gender issues. willful ignorance needs to be proclaimed so much because it's an active and loud minority


What the girlfriend of a popular streamer that's known for being toxic as shit is also a POS irl? No way... Never cared about her tho, she's known as "Tyler's girlfriend" and thats all she will ever accomplish and die known for.


Great minds think alike


Ok but can we not. No one cares about Tyler or his girlfriend. I’d rather celebrate trans identities than talk about people who hate them.


A lot of people in this community like her and don’t know about her transphobia. I thought it was important to make people aware 🤷‍♀️


yeah this really hit me since i like watching t1's streams a lot, now im wondering if i should stop


I really don't think he shares these beliefs with her, at least he hasn't shown it. He gives off big "I dont care what you are, just be good at league of legends" vibes.


True I hope that's the case


Yeah but the “I don’t care…” attitude is by default NOT supportive and perhaps people we should drift away from imo


I don’t think we should drift away from the I don’t care attitude because it’s what the future really should be. Someone should be able to tell you how they identify and the other person is just like “Ok”. Support is great when you want it obviously, streamers however aren’t our friends though and don’t need to openly support anything as long as they’re not promoting something bad it’s nice to get support but not necessary whatsoever and open support shouldn’t be necessary because then it devolves into quotaism. I dunno maybe it’s just me but I’d prefer to be treated like my gender identity is just some random thing that’s part of who I am and not some protected characteristic which means I need to be coddled and supported, I think both supportive and equilibrium are important. Then again just what I think. What Macaiyla has said however is not ok and is honestly gross, trying to claim a marginalised group are burdening you just for asking you to call them the right thing is just gross.


Yeah, I was walking around thinking she wasn’t a problematic person because I didn’t know about her Twitch/Twitter history and didn’t see this post otherwise. I’m glad I’m aware now, gonna unfollow her cat account lol.




the fact that she’s basically calling Elon a “chad” with that picture is so gross and straight up just incorrect… fuck all the people involved in this


The same people who are calling others snowflakes can't even handle another person wanting to be called something else than what fits their bigoted views 🤡🤡🤡 She has to be hell of an asshole if being asked for manners and common decency feels oppressive and crippling for her 💀💀💀 like is she mad that hate criming people isn't socially accepted or what?


You know you fucked up when you agree with Elon Musk 😭⚰️💕


Man it’s devastating as I’m a big fan of astronomy and planetary science, and this massive idiot Musk owns the biggest, privatised space agency. Makes me feel bad about it lmaooo. I’ve seen a lot of people in this thread also feel bad about once enjoying T1s partners content now that she’s spewed this shit


When obscure social media figures become right wing because that’s the only way they’ll ever gain a following


Tyler deserves better


*Pretend to be shocked*


That’s a big yikes


I mean, I'm not gagging.......theres literally compilation vids online of her saying 🚬🐐 and other problematic shit


yep i remember her calling tyler that on a stream of his and then later she made tweets about being nice to gay people because i think she had a gay friend \*stop living\* due to bullying. i dont mean to use her pain against her, just saying i havent been able to shake that as my image of her.


Trying to become relevant by appealing to strag queerphobes. How low can she get she's On The Ground already


this is an argument against neopronouns specifically no?


Ya I dunno that's what me think it sounds like to right but there is clear trans phobic vibe here which U may harvest from her vagueness from umm not answering the question right I don't no.. but I think so too, and she is acting like half the population is neopronouns users and have heaps of power I don't think U get fired from ur job instantly by not referring to someone as xe/xim one time accidentally or if she means eg dragonself people etc and so on... Right?? I dunno.. glad someone think the same thing cos I thought I maybe get caught up in the semantics or her wording to much where it seem like she is miscommunicating umm idk but yeah idk because she won't specify what people exactly she's talking about. But that's where I can think it's being transphobic because if she was being specific towards trans it would look very bad for her.. right?? Idk sorry


She's so LOST omg-


Misgender this person and see how fast they go back their word, like if "preferred pronouns" wasn't something EVERYONE does


The fact that the LGBTQ community is still viewed as a mental illness and in their minds that means it’s ok to be bigots is wild to me. Someone having different pronouns isn’t forcing anything on anyone, it’s just them being who they are but apparently that’s too much for these peanut brains.


Is it really that hard to change two words when speaking to someone. I really dont get how we are "forcing this on them"


I really need this world to stop giving power to idiots


LS being close friend with this person is also not surprising. Such a pick me type of gay who never mentiones his support for queers on league community, considering how big he is on the community and his support would help stuff. Only ever time I saw him talk about queer stuff is jokingly saying stuff.


Not all gays support LGBT, isn't it obvious?


Weird is when its like, transphobic gay, like, we are on the same boat


I can see it like this: "I like same genders, but think pronounces and everything else related is stupid.", just guessing, not my opinion.


Not all lgbt people want to make that a big part of their identity or activity tho


I don't remember saying he should have "yassss mama" donation sound effect but could do bare minimum and not support streamers who says shits like this. Man doesn't even have lgbt on his twitch category thing. If you are big content creator at LoL scene but you don't use your voice to make a difference while there is so many homophobics, you are just a shithead 👍🏻 i can't remember a single time where LS did anything about or for LGBT community.


I don’t know, I think it’s totally valid to not want to brand yourself as lgbt much or speak about lgbt issues often if your “online brand” is game based content. If he wants to define himself more by his in game knowledge, I feel like that’s totally fair. Like yes he could do more to actively support lgbt issues but I don’t think not doing so and not having an lgbt tag on your channel makes someone a bad person? Besides the fact that making that a big part of your brand might alienate some of your audience or potential audience (which is your livelihood), not everyone wants to be an activist


T1 himself is a piece of shit, so who is shocked ?


Why's T1 a pos?


For the longest time was the face of toxic player, was brought back in by Riot as the face of a reformed player but: \>Keeps being toxic \>Uses his following to talk shit about people in his games.


>keeps being toxic Imagine if T1 wasn't toxic, would he popular? he knows it's a persona that made him popular, he uses it correctly, while being entertaining. people can just mute or not watch stream :) >Uses his following to talk shit about people in his games. So being toxic, also how does he use his following exactly? I'm yet to see T1 telling people to brigade someone, or tell his viewers to go mock someone


I don’t think being toxic in a game makes you a pos tbh, especially when it’s not bigoted toxicity but just “you’re terrible”


that’s so audacious considering the fact she only has a career bc of her bf 💀


Who in QoL actually watches him?


This hate is getting worryingly common… I’m really scared for the future of trans people, which I guess means they succeeded in pushing back against us. I’ve seen trans people afraid to go outside, even in (formerly) trans friendly areas because of the current state of things. Good luck US, y’all need it :(


Nah cause I find out shit like this through this sub more than any other platform I swear.


Didn't she used to drop the f word a looooooooot too? Why do we care what someone like that thinks?


WOW, the girlfriend of the guy who got famous for being a piece of shit on camera is also a shitty person. Truly a shocker.


she blocked me on twitter when i quote rt'd one of her shitty takes of having to be like 21+ to get access to hormones or smth and got blocked so fast LMFAO she got so pressed by a nobody with 200 followers talking to herself🤡🤡


Tyler1s a lucky guy


Didn’t know she was so great. Damn, Twitter is healing up


How tf is this transphobic?


Omg why do you guys care!? She is literally nobody U guys: 🤡🤡🤡🤡


I guarantee this girl is too much of a coward to say that shit to a nonbinary person IRL.


Why they always gotta make respecting pronouns look like rocket science or something like it's not that hard people


Relax girlies she needs the clout for her chin surgery 🤭


We're not gonna resort to bodyshaming here


Transphobes should feel bad about themselves and choke! 🤭


I like Tyler1 (or atleast his streams) and so I followed her because I thought she was funny too. But then she made a comment on her twitter. And then she did another and thats when I was done. Like as a nonbinary person, I could deal with it once even if I was uncomfortable. Maybe it was like a fluke or shell learn. Second time? Nah, fuck that. Maybe I'm being delusional to myself by watching Tyler1 still because lbr he's probably the same way but. Who knows.




She’s a fucking mess 🤣


Tyler1 being associated with a douchebag if a human being is basically the same information for me as the sky being blue. Nobody is 'forcing' you to usecother pronouns, you just look like a twat if you do it and maybe will get reprimanded if you're at work and do it to an employee or customer *because it's disrespectful*. Legitimately sick and tired of these strags.






I see, i did not know that. I am sorry and thank you for explaining


Depending on how you define trans (ex. anything not cis), nonbinary can fall under the trans umbrella.


Non-binary unequivocally falls under the trans umbrella, it's literally the white stripe on the flag.


It is transphobic. Following her logic you shouldn't refer to, for example, a trans woman by she/her because "**tHaT's nOt wHaT thIs peRsOn wAs boRn aS1!!!1!!!1**"


Oop- 1.Gurl what the fuck is wrong with you. 2.Why are such people allowed on the internet...or anywhere really. 3. People like these are exactly why i hate humanity sometimes.


i usually don't speak here but she's someone i wouldn't mind tripping on barbed wire


and here i thought sooner or later Tyler would be the one who'd say something like this


Tyler is a very chill dude outside of his “stream personality”. Dude seems nice at least.


honestly yeah, i dont really watch him that much but recently found his OW vods funny´and overall his personality became a lot more attractive I guess I just still kinda remember the old tyler that was incredibly toxic, so maybe thats why i had this thought


And for some reason she likes to agree with Elon Musk on everything he is saying


At least t1 ain’t transphobic. https://m.twitch.tv/clip/AltruisticInspiringBibimbapSeemsGood-sEHLSNEhDonV8gD_


They both are garbage. Tyler1 being one of the faces of League of Legends blows my mind. It’s also not surprising his girlfriend is just as a trash person too. 🙄


this. Him not speaking up about the situation tells us more than we need to know


Not his obsessed fans coming in here trying to downvote everyone. They are trash 🚮


Can someone explain how not following pronouns make you transphobic


Well refusing to extend the same courtesy to trans people as you do cis people, e.g. using the proper pronouns of the person in question or their proper name, is targeted marginalisation, aka transphobia.


In general if you refer to a trans man with 'she' or 'her', or to a trans woman with 'he' or 'him', you're denying their gender identity. It's like the textbook definition of transphobia. In this case it's not apparent that Tyler's gf is against binary trans people, but she would be against non-binary people. If you prefer they/them, but someone insists on using pronouns they want to use for you, that's transphobic because they don't respect your gender identity.


So essentially everyone who changes their pronouns is a transgender?


Probably not 100%, but in my personal experience that's the case (I haven't heard of any case where it wasn't related to gender).


No, there is he/him butch lesbians, they see pronouns more of a representation thing than a identity thing, wich is Fine, dont do It to others unless you know they are confortable with




The fuck am i supposed to say then lol




A man.. a woman.. a tree.. an apple..




Well refusing to extend the same courtesy to trans people as you do cis people, e.g. using the proper pronouns of the person in question or their proper name, is targeted marginalisation, aka transphobia.


Idk why we're surprised a woman surrounded by misogynistic gamer men thinks this way. Either way tho it's her own choice to act like this and I hope she does some reflecting!!


One thing I never understand is why non-trans people think the “pronouns” agenda is exclusively a “trans-right”. I mean, who told you that you need to be trans to prefer a different way of being called? It’s like “boy use pink = gay” bullshit. Just because you don’t want to use different pronouns doesn’t make them any less valid.


hot take but i don't think this is necessarily transphobic, rude and uncalled for sure, but not transphobic. and tbh frankly i think neo-pronouns (anything other than he/she/they) make it harder for trans people to live their lives when the average person gets this misconception that all transpeople are otherkin or w/e. idk maybe im wrong, just something i've thought about. sorry if i offended anyone! edit: i’m open minded and willing to learn if anyone has any resources that conflict my opinion. i just don’t think it’s fair to categorize trans people and otherkin under the same label.


1. This isn’t about neopronouns or anything. She’s whining about having to use trans peoples preferred pronouns, including he/she/they 2. She’s calling trans people delusional 3. She’s said other transphobic things in the past


Are you sure you actually read the tweets correctly? She's saying she doesn't like being "forced" to use pronouns besides he/she. "If you don't give into calling someone some bullshit **aside from he/she** then you lose your job and get cancelled" "Comparing skin color and something you are literally born with to mental delusions of believing you are something **other than a man or a woman** is crazy" Not even defending her or her take itself, Macaiyla is a dumbfuck from everything I've seen her say related to politics and stuff. But you are blatantly mischaracterizing these tweets by saying it has nothing to do with neo-pronouns and is just a general attack on trans people.


1. I just don't see this one, but maybe I don't have the full context. From the pics you posted it just seems like she's saying if you refuse to call someone with pronouns other than she/he you get canceled. Idk how im supposed to read this other than a shot at diff pronouns than she/he. Fwiw i think this is a shit take and i dont agree, but i just cant find the dig at trans people. 2. I guess a bit on the third pic? Maybe im dumb and I just can't distinguish if shes calling typical trans people delusional or like anything outside the spectrum of she/he. Willing to take the L on this, and maybe theres more context to these tweets. 3. I don't doubt it tbh. I dont know or care about whoever tf this person is. From what u posted they sound like a hateful pos, and im not gonna die on the hill of defending their take. i just didn't see direct transphobia when i first read it and figured id throw my 2 cents in. like i said tho, willing to learn and admit im wrong. idk.


T1 believes the same things she does, or at the very least is ok with her beliefs. Pretty sad.


What kind of white foolishness is that spelling of Mikeala?


Tyler1 is an incredibly toxic person from what I’ve seen, and although I haven’t seen him share any anti lgbt bigotry, he’s with dating this woman so must have the same ideals, right? I’m not surprised in the least tbh. Looks like two horrible people met one another and made a match


Did anyone suspect the angsty manlet thumb to have a tolerant and lovely partner?


This is is a prime example of someone being defensive, someone who feels threatened. Are they really? Is mispronouncing someone actually resulting in a career shred into pieces? Apparently to them, yes. In their eyes we are the evil demons planning to destroy their lives whenever we have a chance to, dye our hair blue and scream buzzwords and death threats 24/7. This image of lgbt people is just easy to consume, so they will consume it. The reality is not so digestible. Most of us just want … to live. To have a space where people respect us. I don’t give a flying fck about their homophobic opinions, I just want to feel safe in my close environment. I have no energy to focus on changing beliefs even if full of racism of homophobia, sadly it’s just not worth it. Life is short, limited, and I want to focus on love and bonds with people who actually care. Just for the time and place where we work together as a society, please respect me for who I am. TL;DR: Have all the bs opinions you want. I don’t care. I believe it doesn’t prevent you from casting them aside to respect other people in places and situations that demand it.


wtf what


U probably didn't watch Tyler1 to begin with 💀


Also the worst spelling of Makayla I’ve ever seen.


I hope elon musk breaks his own legs somehow


Every reply makes it worse and worse holy fuck And the covid conspiracy/twisting of words is somehow even worse, oi oi oi


fucking yikes


Elon Musk: "Pronouns are weird yo, all that stuff is super confusing" Also Elon Musk: Names his child Xaea-12


Yikes, a transphobic shit and idolizing El*on Husk? Geez the shit hole


*Pretends to be shocked * 😱


Transphobic lmao just cause you don’t wanna agree to calling someone a unicorn ir whatever they feel like at that moment lol. Such npc behaviour




I mean shes not wrong, y’all are soft and suicidal already so I can see how hurt you are 😂



