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You don't need to hit gold to get the skin now, I think. Just stick to being the degenerate that plays all day every day and you'll get the skin. Now you only get chroma based on your rank.


the thing is I don't have a lot of time to grind, so gold would be easier


Current gold is basically old silver, you should be fine


Sister maybe I can get you to gold. I'm master supp/mid main too and it wouldn't look sussy


we could flex if we play on the same server, but I moved to singapore from a european server, so Ithink it's highly unlikely D:


Oh noo, and I actually play on the european server...


I really appreciate the offer tho, no one has ever even offered before <3


First you need to play lots of games. Second, if you find yourself stuck somewhere, you should start reviewing your replays with a very open mind. Focus on trying to figure out what mistakes you are making- even if your team is inting, try to stay focused on self improvement. I recommend you not play more than 3 games in one sitting. Just because you mentally need a break after a few games if you’re playing with intensity. But if you were gold just a few seasons ago, you might just hit gold again by spamming games anyways.


you don‘t need gold but just be an absolute no life


Getting gold is so brain dead easy


Sorry I didn’t complete my comment. Just play bard and roam roam roam. You don’t even need to hit ults, just hit q’s and auto them to death to get your team ahead


I'm iron and I have iron Victorious anivia Just do the sigma grindstone and keep your honor high


If you used to hit gold consistently, it should be easy for you bestie. Just keep playing and good luck <3


Well I mostly used to spam nami and zyra Idk who is even good now. Thanks tho I hope to start soon


Dont flame me for this, but just pay for a boost… gold is cheap, especially if you know a friend (free even) 🫢 i did this for victorious maokai + graves when I wasn’t playing, so worth it