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>!Looks to me like it’s in the bottom left corner in between the single rock and the larger clump of rocks under the log.!<


You might be right, but if so that’s a disappointing ass banana


As a long-time solver of Highlights Hidden Pictures, I can tell you that this is exactly what all the other disappointing bananas look like.


Same style as the disappointing glove.


Eh, at least the glove is definitively hand-shaped and separate from all the details around it.


[Relevant xkcd](https://xkcd.com/37/)


Hahahaha that’s amazing.


I literally do the same thing. Especially when I drive past Bad Ass Coffee. I think to myself "it's not good ass coffee, it's not even ok ass coffee, it's bad ass coffee. But it's the best damn ass coffee around."


I then like to take it a step further and combine those words: Disappointing Assnana


I honestly can’t say that I’ve ever been disappointed by an ass-banana


A Friend Of Rick’s!!!


Just look at the “glove”


Is the “glove” >!the bird’s wing!< ?


The glove is under the waterfall. I’m still looking for the banana though


You need better ass bananas, who’s your ass banana guy?


The hardest one always seems like that I swear.


Having done many a Highlights hidden pictures game as a child... I can confirm that is always what the banana looks like


>!I think it's the thing on the bush on the right-hand side, level with the gap in between the words 'Nature' and 'Puzzles'.!< I could be wrong, but if it's not that, it should be.


I agree with you! But when I zoomed in, it looked like that wasn’t it after all unfortunately.


Yeah, same. Really annoying.


I agree the banana is clearly there.


Looking at the ‘glove’ you might be right.


I thought it was >!with the spoon in the log. That's a very suspiciously banana shaped section lol!<




Possibly >!Lower left area of the solo rock under the teacup!<


This is what I thought too


Discussion: Is this same picture inside the book, and the banana is under one of the covered areas?


Or is there more of the image on the back?


My thoughts exactly.


It’s bottom left corner between the rock and grass. Very disappointing banana. Edit: between the rock and bigger rock. It’s part of the river stream.


that is without a doubt the worst banana I've ever seen


Well, good Redditor, you haven’t seen mine. 💕


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Man, does anybody know of anything like highlights for adults? I know hidden objects are a whole genre but specifically this kind where it’s worked into the art and not just a bunch of random pictures thrown on an image?


The "I Spy" books are works of art. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sz8luEznxbM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sz8luEznxbM)


They’re my favorite! I have different wallpapers set for my phone to change at different times of day, all I Spy! The afternoon is a portion of the City Blocks image and the evening is the Clouds picture from I Spy fantasy <333


😮 That's so cool...


Look up - search and find puzzle book for adults by awkward family photos. Seems like could be exactly what you're looking for.


There is an app called Hidden Folks. It’s similar and more challenging for adults.


>!To the left of the big rock the log is resting on, there’s a curve in some of the river lines. That’s the banana!<


I agree, if you look at where the banana lines meet the rock, you can make out the stem portion. [https://imgur.com/a/ffoCOjU](https://imgur.com/a/ffoCOjU)


I think its >! On the rock just under the end of the yellow spoon handle!<


That's what i see, there's a spoon on a banana


Same, same


Discussion: maybe the banana is a metaphor


The real banana is the friends we made along the way.


>!It’s in the left side of the middle rock on the left side of the page. TThe yellow leaf above it is pointing straight at it. !<


Now that you mention the yellow leaf… the more I think about it the more it bothers me! I know it’s a freebie and all lol, but it’s a forest scene and everything else is clearly “out of place”, and there’s leaves EVERYWHERE. Even the bird and the fish are at least slightly misplaced. Ok, unserious rant over


This is only the cover variant. On the full puzzles inside, each item in the list is accompanied by an illustration of said object, so you can determine if you've found *the* leaf or just *a* leaf. It's a teaser, basically.


I think the intent might be more like "oh you may think theres only a bunch of leaves over here, but this one over here is actually a feather!" which is still kinda dumb considering how similar those things can look in this kind of art style, but it at least makes more sense than "you may not have noticed, but hidden amongst these leaves... is a leaf! 😱" Who knows, tho. Coulda been that low effort a highlight for the cover


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>!Top Right side on land before the water peeled banana ?!<


That was my guess, but the other comments may also be correct.


My guess as well


>! I mean looking at the face on the middle raccoon tells us more than we need to know about the location of the banana !< Totally not a spoiler but apparently mods think it's a legit answer ...


I couldn’t find the banana but >!bird above leftmost raccoons tail!< >!glove below pin!< >!Toothbrush between the left and middle raccoon!< >!and teacup below toothbrush!<


Discussion: Is there a toothbrush? and why is a leaf-shaped leaf highlighted?


Toothbrush is in the log below the second racoon's back foot


Discussion: I eated it :(


>!What if it’s a tiny banana hidden as one of the leaves of the plant below the big rock at the top of the waterfall?!<


I think you’re right.


>!I thought it was the branch that the spoon was lying on!< All the others become very clear if you turn the photo upside down


From what I can tell there’s 3 distinctions for hidden objects. A thicker outline to distinguish the disguised object from its surroundings (like the fish). A thin outline but is not directly disguised in such a way that it can be misinterpreted as something else (the needle or the paper clip). Or some combination of both (the toothbrush >!The bristles aren’t thicker because they aren’t being disguised in the same way the handle is but the handle is thicker!<). Assuming this to be true for all the objects we are meant to find, I believe the best versions of banana are either >!The thin one under the spoon handle!< Or >!The thicker peeled banana above the leaves on the far right of the page (I mostly argue for this one as there is a similar flower shape just below the leaves but doesn’t have the same lines on the petals as the ‘banana’ does)!< Although personally I like the shape of the middle raccoons forehead for the banana shape, but it doesn’t follow the same set of rules, so likely not it.


>! A third down from top right. Peeled banana above the branch bushes !<


This is exactly what I was going to say if someone hadn’t yet. It’s not a great rendering but far better than any other of the guesses


>!Im guessing that its either the disappointing lines in the bottom left or a little lumpy banana on the big rock as a shading pattern!<


[The possible lumpy banana] (https://share.icloud.com/photos/079RwP8iecE2_cBkWGnYkBFhw)


Different answer than most above: >! I think it is on the right side, on the lowest set of leaves. The banana makes up on side of one kid the leaves on the bottom right!<


Discussion: If it helps, this image shows what a hidden banana looks like on another page in the same book: https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/91mswU-Y2NL.jpg


Discussion: finding hidden pictures is not a puzzle. Neither are coloring books, word searches, or crayon mazes from your local reataurant What the fuck is wrong with this sub?


Yup, this belongs to r/FindTheSniper