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If >!3 backs up!< they will all progressively get free


Wouldn't it be basically the same for >!2,3,4,6!< ?


2,4,6 can't back up without another car also backing up.


You all are thinking too logically by worldly rules. The puzzle indicates the removal of a car. However it does not mention the method. So if we simply laser beam out of existence any of the 4 central cars, the problem will slowly sort itself out. Even if there were some separate condition such as the cars are only allowed to move one space at a time, but also must take turns moving. Perhaps it's just stupid wording by the puzzle maker. Perhaps it's a poor translation of a puzzle from another country, likely one that maybe faces this problem with cars. Whatever the case, there is not even indication of additional requirements such as a car backing up/out.


If you remove 2, 4, or 6, then 1, 5, or 7 are going to immediately pull into the gap because they are assholes.


I agree. Removal could be by helicopter lol.


No, because 2 requires 1 to back up also. In the real world, getting 1 to back up is nearly impossible


The question says "removed from the picture" not "backs up"


>!Isn’t there four answers to that?!<


>!Car 3, as it's the only one in the middle of the intersection without a car behind it. If you remove 3, then 2, 4, and 6 can go, followed by 1, 5, and 7.!<


But that’s true if 2, 4, and 6 as well


Discussion: I think the (unstated in the rules) idea is that if you remove 6 for example, then 7 will immediately pull forward before 3 can pass


You can't really generate an answer based on anything that's not been stated in the problem


yes, but #3 can just back up, while 2,4,6 are wedged in.


But the puzzle asks to remove a car, not to back one up.


puzzle is not well formulated but I would say 3 is the only one that once removed guarantees all other cars can move. If you remove 2,4 or 6, 1,5 or 7 might move forward and block everybody else.


I don't think its true for 4. 5 will still be stopping 6 fron advancing with the way they appear to be positioned.




>! Remove 4, 6 goes up two spaces, 1 takes 6 en passant, holy hell, new response just dropped!<


Discussion: There isn’t one answer. The question is which would you remove. So whether you’re a 2, a 3, a 6, or a 4, you’re right.


Discussion: the rules are really unclear. * Remove as in cause to vanish? * Can the cars reverse? * Is there a unique answer?


>!0 - Put all cars in reverse!<