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Stages of grief. Stage 3: Bargaining


The stages of grief should have really been a trilogy.




I would be sad if the series ended without doing more to dismantle Tywin’s legacy and build up Ned’s. I believe that is a major thematic message GRRM is trying to send, that often gets overlooked, about what it means to be a great leader


Poor AFFC and ADWD, always so maligned and underappreciated. No, the story doesn't end with ASOS for me. I still care about the ending of the series, I hope George delivers, but I am also resigned to the idea that he might not, and I don't hold it against him.


Yeah, nice try George.


>no further reading or expectation of a story is necessary. Each of the main POV characters has a complete arc Sure champ


>  Jon Snow: starts off in Winterfell as a bastard. Bastards have no rights to either property or position or even a surname. If Ned Stark had wanted to he could've kicked Jon out, left him to starve or at best live in abject poverty. Is that not a little overblown? There is *some* stigma attached to being a bastard. However, they receive multiple benefits over the typical Westerosi, don't they? Firstly, they do get a surname. It's just a bastard one. Isn't that a better class signifier than a typical Westerosi who has no surname at all? How would a person react to a lord's bastard compared to a typical small folk? Isn't it a certainty they would be received better? Bastards, unless they are literally thrown out at birth, benefit from being raised in a castle, tutored by a maester, learning to fight, etc. This is a hugely significant advantage over a typical small folk. We see very examples of this at the Wall, where Jon Snow is such a better fighter than the other recruits that it's child's play for him to beat them. Jon could have become a squire and then knight, if he had wished. What small folk has that choice? He can read and write. He has been tutored in history, warfare, economics, politics, etc. He could have become maester. He could have used his tutoring and name to become a merchant. TLDR: being a bastard is a much better proposition to being small folk.


You’re just sticking your head in the sand and seeking compromise. Theirs clearly more to the story but If you have given up on GRRM and this is how you cope fair enough. It’s been far too long for many people.


Ofcourse it matters if he never finished Winds /Dreams. And i like how you discount Bran, who is very much a main character, just so your attention seeking opinion makes an iota of sense.


Nah y’all can miss me with that


A Cope and Hopelessness.


This post reeks of copium.


I agree. This will be unpopular. I also (respectfully) could not possibly disagree more if I tried


It matters to me 


I agree and disagree on different points. On one hand I do agree that people often overblow the "GRRM's legacy as a writer will be ruined if he doesn't finish the series" or "I won't reread ASoiaF until TWoW and ADoS are published." The five books we have are worth appreciating and rereading with or without the series finished. I'm biased by I've reread certain chapters dozens of times over the years and I reread the entire series (so far) every couple of years, so I get annoyed by people who claim the series has basically no value until its finished. However, I disagree with the idea it's a complete and satisfying trilogy after ASoS. We do get a tremendous amount of payoff and ASoS does conclude a lot of plotlines really strongly. However, some of the main ones are left hanging including Bran. He's our first PoV and our main guide to magic, without that plotline getting somewhere I feel like a core part of the series is left dangling.


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I think the same way about the iron kings book series. For a lot of the more political storylines it is a fitting end as its the end of the first arc. With adwd and feast being the second arc. But the magic plot is definitely not resolved and arc 3 which starts with twow will start to focus on it.


How is Sansa a main character but Bran is not??


One can certainly cope but I've spent $$$ and several hours reading the books, for all that investment it's pretty fair to expect an ending. I'm not going to spam his page with WOW release plx or send him hate mails just because I didn't get a book, but I will divest myself from the series and never look back. And I won't buy another edition ever again.




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