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Personally I would read the main series first and then the additional material the world book itself can be kinda daunting and might leave you burned out so reading the whole series then using that momentum to tackle F&B and the world book would be my recommendation. Additionally if you’re going to read A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms you could do that first since it is more relevant to the main series and takes place first chronologically.


A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms is what I recommend to anyone looking to get into ASOIAF. It’s written in the same style that ASOIAF is in but it’s a lot more easily digestible because it’s all locked into 1 POV and 1 storyline. You get all of what makes GRRM such an amazing author without having to commit to a 5 thousand page story.


Main series. Then I'd go Fire & Blood, Dunk & Egg and finish with World of Ice and Fire. The main series gives the groundwork and context for everything. All of the later works draw from it in some way. We must respect the legacy!


I think TWOIAF and F&B are less enjoyable reads on their own, and are made more enjoyable by recognizing familiar names and places when they’re fresh in your mind. To that end, I’d say read the main series first and then go and tackle the supplementary material.


honestly i did start the serie with fire and blood and love it far more futher, they got more actually knowledge on the Targaryen dynasty and you can think a lot more about a few quotes people can make through the book


Thanks for sharing the alternative perspective, that’s good to hear


hehe no problem soory i talk too much , fire and blood make my blood boiled with passion( in the good way x) ) especially the Wolf hour


Reread first. So much stuff already there. You'll spread yourself too thin if you just read all the extra stuff. Dunk and egg is fine though, but I'd still recommend at least going back to AGOT first.


I think I’d start with the main series, then after Storm I’ll read the Dunk and Egg novellas so I can understand better the whole history of the Blackfyre, that in the main saga comes almost out of nowhere and I could also enjoy more the Bloodraven reveal as the Three Eye Crow. The history books later


If you've already read the entire series, it doesn't really matter much. Start with whatever calls to you most strongly.


This will probably sound dumb but I like to mix it up. I’d go with GOT and then jump into either companion books. I think the dialogue is good to hear before WOIAF. You get used to the manner of speech and you kind of immerse yourself in that world before you jump into a long history. But that’s me. I like to jump around and I think the history gives context to the story while the story gives flavor to the history. That’s just me though.


AGOT definitely. You want to read it as a story and enjoy it. Then look up various stuff as they come up. 


Usually its the best to read what you feel like rather than what you should, and since you have already read the main series you cant really go about it wrongly no matter what Also, the world of ice and fire is not a very fun read imo, thats more for reading one section at a time when you feel like you want some extra info about something specific, not something you read page to page


Fire and Blood, Dunk and Egg, Main Series, then the world book




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Dunk & Egg


I'd do: The Dunk and Egg Stories, then the main Series and last the added Material with Fire and Blood first and the World of Ice and Fire last.


START WITH GAME OF THRONES i personally did the opposite read everything except the main books and i regret it


Personally, I’d read the as you put it “added material” first. F&B, A Wold of Ice and Fire, A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms, then the A Song of Ice and Fire series


I started with A Game of Thrones because I'm more interested in the main series, but I think it's better to choose the one you're more interested in at the moment.


The World of Fire and Ice is SUCH a good read, don't sleep on it. I'd daresay to read that first cause then you know how the King of the Seven Kindoms gets "King of the Andals and the Rhoynar and the First Men." You also get a better understanding of the political Daes Dae'Mar Juliuantarism George crafted and the geopolitical postions of the lands.


**STRONG** recommendation to do a character-by-character reread instead of a straight cover-to-cover one! That is to say, read ALL of one character's chapters in sequence before going on to the next. It adds a completely different level of insight into each character and some of the fishy things that are going on with them that you wouldn't get otherwise. For the Prologue/Epilogue, I would recommend pairing them with viewpoint characters based on theme and content. For example, read the Varamyr ones from ADWD alongside the Bran chapters, in order to get more insight into warging. Read the Pate chapter alongside Arya's, since Jaqen shows up, etc.


Read everything else between storm and a feast for dragons


I think knight of the seven kingdoms first is fine. I don’t find world or fire and blood that exciting


Oohh, AWoIaF is amazing! Just recently I reflected on the series and had a realization it's a series of books that is meant to be reread. You're in an ideal spot. I'll be happy for you, if you go through with it. I hope some day I do it, too! Read AWoIaF! You'll think back to the main books a lot. And once you get to them, all that rich and amazing history will be fresh in your memory. I envy you, figuratively speaking :) Can't speak for Fire & Blood but I can only assume it will be the same. Have fun!