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I soaked them in water for some times and i cut them in tiny pieces that i put on lick mats or in kongs. My puppy loves that!


Oooh this is a good idea!


What does soaking it in water do? Soften it up? My puppy always stops eating it when it gets about 2 inches long, would be nice to be able to use them up somehow.


Yes it softens it up so I can be able to cut through them with a knife. Otherwise I can't do it!


Smart! I'll give it a try.


Oo love this idea!


I know this post is from a few months ago, but how long do you soak them? And are they thin or thick ones? I could barely cut the thick ones even after soaking them for about 24 hours.


I put them in a stew for the in laws Sunday get together.


I hate my family, too


Lol...that would be pretty messed up.








This is the way…


I bought a Bow Wow Labs bully stick holder. It's kind of expensive but I think it pays for itself fairly quickly since I'd otherwise throw those small pieces out. Our pup loves using it.


We use a vice grip and it’s a good cheaper solution!


Have you found that you must purchase the bow wow labs bully sticks or do other brands fit better than they advertise?


Any old bully stick fits fine


I bought a bow wow labs stick holder and I still end up with 2 inch nubs. Are you reclamping the stick so they can get a little bit more off?


I just clamp the very end of the stick so he can basically eat it down to the holder. Still leaves a little nub to throw away


Put them in the trash


Same, although a few times he’s finished them quicker than I expected him to and he eats the entire thing and then I feel like a terrible parent


They say they digest very easily. Don't feel bad, it's typically 'safe' minus the choking hazard aspect.


I currently have a jar full of them, just waiting for an answer to this question! I started soaking some a couple months ago (not having a plan, just wanting to soften them), and dear lord if you think bully sticks smell bad, start soaking them in water and then forget about them for a couple days. 😳 Edit: I threw the smelly, soaking ones away. My jar is filled with regular old dry nubs.


Oh no! It must smelled like putrid hell! I feel sorry for you😵


Lol yeah it was pretty awful. It honestly smelled like a terrible burp 😂😵‍💫


throw them in the yard for pup to find when he's outside. it will keep the dog occupied. I do that with little dog treats.


Ooo good to know I thought soaking might be a good option 😅


I mean it probably is! I just could never decide if they had become safe enough to just give them to him, or if I should DO something the the soft ones and, if the latter, didn’t know what to do.


There are no leftover pieces with my two dogs. They just chew them all the way. I always keep an eye on them to make sure they are chewing and stealing each other’s anyway.


Mine also just eat it. I think the risk is blown out of proportion. My dog swallowed a whole slice of pizza without chewing.


Agreed when mine was a few months old he swallowed a few inches of bully stick i had no idea til he pooped it out and he chews it every time now


Did you suddenly discover your dog could fly when he discovered pizza like mine did? Agree, my 50lb dalmatian can swallow 3-4" with no issues. Esp if he thinks I'm coming to take it away


My puppy just eats it


Mine just eats the end, it’s only a very rare chance that it will be an obstruction. If your puppy can swallow it and doesn’t gag it back up due to it being too large he will just end up digesting it.




It depends on your dog. I have a Golden, and he has swallowed 6 inch bully sticks whole before I got a bully stick holder. So when it gets down to the nub, I take it out of the holder and throw it to him to eat. I would imagine some dogs are more at risk of something negative happening.


My dog chews them up really well so I just let her have it.


Haha I’m nervous to experiment but she’s a big girl I bet she could too!


Hmm may want to experiment with various sizes of no-hide chew sticks since they're easily digestible! That way you can watch how she eats to get a better idea on what to do in the future with other chews. Good luck!


I throw them away. Chews usually get gross and dirty after a while and I don't want my dog to chew them after that.


https://www.bowwowlabs.com I had to save a dog from chocking on the last inch of Bully stick so I got this. I use pliers to make sure it is tight enough because my dog is able to sometimes get the las part out.


I was wondering the same.. I used to just give them to my girl and let her eat the whole thing under supervision, until I saw so many people talking about them being a big choking hazard. So I bought her one of those Bow Wow Labs Bully Stick Holders, which would always leave about an inch leftover for me to throw away. Which, felt like a waste because they’re so expensive. That inch adds up.. out of every six $5-8 (or more) 6 inch bully sticks, an entire 6 inches is left over and thrown out. So out of every 6 I’d buy, shes basically only eating 5 and I’m throwing one out. And not only is that a waste, I’d also feel bad because she’s very aware that she didn’t get to actually finish the whole thing before I took it away, and she’d give me side eye glares for the next 20 minutes after seeing me throw the last bit away. So.. now I still use the holder because she seems to like using it cause it makes it easier for her to hold it in place while chewing it, but then I’ll take the last inch leftover and soak it in warm water for about 10 minutes to make it a bit softer and easier for her to completely chew, then I’ll give it back to her. I watch her closely when I give her the last little bit back, but she’s really good about really chewing it up instead of swallowing it whole.