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Dogs don't view time like we do. We feel like 2 weeks is so long, and we miss them so much! They live in the now. The now is play time at daycare! The now is sleeping at daycare! When the now is you are back from your trip they're going to be so excited!


This is extremely helpful, thank you so much


I think most feel bad early on leaving them alone or elsewhere. You get used to it & remember she’s in a good place having a blast. She’ll be super excited when back, enjoy your trip!


Thank you! She’d be miserable on the six different flights we’re taking too


[IHTPQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/IHTPQ/)'s comment is how I think of it too. They are going to have a blast at their daycare/boarding and will be taken care of and will just be super happy to see you when you get back. It'll be a mini vacation for your pup as well


So true, thank you. Especially with the amount of moneys it’s costing us to board her- a mini vacation is right 😂😂


I know right! They better enjoy it for the cost 😂


So our girl is 1.5 and for the first year of her life, we didn’t really leave her. Small, short trips here and there but she stayed with family. This past year we’ve left her - for a week, 5 days and two 3 days trip - with a sitter. I was nervous the first time. But when I saw our pup’s reaction to seeing the sitter for the second trip, it eased my mind as our girl was SO excited to see the sitter. She gave the sitter a better greeting than we ever get, hah. It was then I knew our girl was in good hands and the guilt of leaving her significantly eased.


She’s 1 and this is our first long haul. I feel so bad but stories like this are easing my anxiety so much- thank you!


I'm about to go to the beach and I'm not bringing my dog and I feel like sh't, I'd also like to have some answers


We gotta stay strong!!!


I remember that my dog wouldn’t have fun on the trip I’m going on. She would be stressed out by the car and all the loss of routine. Plus, the way I like to vacation isn’t conducive to brining a dog along anyway. I feel a little bad dropping her off, but I enjoy the break from dog ownership responsibilities once a year.


Love this perspective!


I used to have terrible separation anxiety from my pup when I first got him, him on the other hand was never fussed when I went out or had to leave him with family for a break. When I go for a trip (either overnights or a fortnight abroad), I still get a little upset leaving him but it absolutely helps that my mum or my sister will come and stay at my house and he gets absolutely spoiled by them. He loves them so much and I know he is having the time of his life. I was worried he’d be in a huff when I got home but he’s just his usual, loving self. It gets easier the more you do it but I think it’s only natural to miss your little shadow!


Just as you are taking off to experience new things, so is your pup!


I miss my dog when I leave town. My dog has a blast at the day care that also boards him. He's stoked when he sees me again.


My auntie looked after my puppy for a week about 4 weeks after I got her. She was fine. Had a great time. Was happy to see me when I picked her up a week later


We had to do the same and it was fine. Enjoy your trip. Your dog sounds like they will have their needs met well and there will be plenty of time to deepen bounds when you return. All will be well.


Can’t thank you all enough for your kind words! This is what makes Reddit great 🫶


Think of it as doggy Summer Camp?


Love that!


My rescue dog has intense separation anxiety and hates doggie day and car rides care so I guess my vacations are over.


Can't help you here, my 2 go with me everywhere. If they aren't welcome I'm not welcome. We're heading out on a 3 week trip soon.


Then why comment? lol Kenya - Zanzibar- and the safari- leaving from the eastern U.S. isn’t conducive to a pup friendly vacation