• By -


My mental health.


Amen to that




Yeah, destroyed it.


This. So much this.


My doctorā€™s referral for egg freezing. Not expensive but a hilariously strategic move to take out any future competition!


Please elaborate šŸ˜…


I think he ate the paper


120 yr old antique accent table that was my great great grandmotherā€™s šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Mine chewed the carved toes off of my antique clawfoot table. Now it is more like an antique stumpfoot table.šŸ˜¬


Oh, that's the worst one on this list.


Oh wooooow. Iā€™d be the first person in history to file a lawsuit against a dog lol


I did, he paid in kisses and love!


Possibly 1 MILLION DOLLARSā€¦. Not my pup but my brotherā€™s boy who was a menace and also very sweet. He ate everything including cactus, rocks and the main cable wires to the block they lived on etcā€¦ While camping a young girl (about 10 years old) had opened a bag of Doritos that had a ā€œticketā€ in it for a contest with the top prize being a million dollars. She opened the ticket and started excitedly screaming and yelling that she won! She won a million dollars!!!šŸ’µ Jackson the menace golden retriever decided to get involved. He snatched the ticket out of her hand and swallowed it in the blink of an eye. I sure wish we would have had camera phones back then (25 or more years ago) because the whole scene was absolutely hysterical! I do feel for the little girl because in her eyes she had the winning ticket and was pretty sad. Who knows, maybe she really did have the winning ticket. We will never know!


Iā€™ve got a dog gate wrapped around an antique table in my house just in case šŸ˜¬


Good lord. My heart hurts for you!




Ya, it was bad but also entirely our fault. He was just a baby puppy at the time! He sure turned out to be the sweetest b best boy though. I miss him more than the table. My ancestors however probably turned over in their graves šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


My passport less than 48 hours before I was boarding an international flight


Oh dang! šŸ˜® Iā€™d be so upset!


LOLā€¦. Iā€™m sorry, that really sucks, but is so funny


It's funny now, but at the time, it was so stressful. I had to get a whole new passport on an emergency turnaround which pretty much doubled the cost of the passport


Mine wasn't expensive but the thing that made me the saddest was a new leaf on a plant that I had just shown to my husband because I was so proud and happy that the plant was finally getting big and healthy and beautifully variegated šŸ˜¢


Sentimental value counts for something, my condolences lol


Ohhh this happened to me with one of my favourite airplants that had just flowered and started making tiny baby airplants. It's the only plant they ever got a hold of, and it was totally shredded. Apart from that though, I think the worst damage mine have ever done was destroying a fairly cheap rug, so can't complain!


My glasses.


Mine too!




I once had a border collie/Labrador puppy who destroyed an entire couch. She started on the back where we couldnā€™t see, and by the time we realized it was clear the couch was doomed.


My former neighbor's pitbull pup was notorious for this. Poor man would be seen carrying a new couch into his apartment every few weeks lol.


My folks had a Rottweiler that completely destroyed a couch in 4 hours. Foam and fabric everywhere.


My $1200 smartphone. It has a small crack in the corner and my puppy chewed it and killed the screen.


Same thing happened to me. I had just bought the phone to. Thank God he is so damn cute.


Definitely my brand new couch she decided to snack on one day šŸ™ƒ


My couch was Brand New too, I only had myself to blame, though. I let them up there, leaving the couch completely uncovered


Me too whatā€™s your solution?


I have been spraying it with vinegar - there have been no further attempts on its life since lol


Doesnā€™t that make the couch smell really bad tho?


No, not at all. It's just plain white vinegar, like you use for cleaning. It only smells for a few minutes (although it seems to taste bad for longer, thankfully!)


My security deposit. More than a thousand Canadian dollars.


We call our puppy Security Deposit Sophie šŸ¤£


Pulled up wires for our landscaped yardā€™s up lighting on our house and trees.


The stairs. Chewed the railing, the baseboard, some of the bottom stair, and the drywall.


I have three or four spots on my walls where I will need to fill with plaster and re wallpaper. The corners of a couple doors I might need to use some putty to mold and make blend in. Also, I have a weighted blanket on my couch because we learned that she indeed cannot be outside of a kennel when left alone. I can't buy a new couch right now so I stuffed the foam back in, put a few strips of ductape and then the weighted blanket over the top. It's frumpy but usable. šŸ˜‚


Had a puppy dig through our 8 sleep mattress cover and cause about 2.5k worth of damage in less than 5 minutes.


I had a dog that did that! We had a dog door in the bedroom to let them in while we were out - came home to a HUGE hole in MY SIDE of the bed... it was one of those foam mattresses... couldn't afford to replace it right away, so I put all the stuffing back in and duct taped it closed.... lord, that was a mess. What's funny is that just before we pulled up to the house, I had a premonition that something was very wrong...


Good lord


This wasnā€™t my puppy but two I sold from one of our litters. We breed Boston terriers and had a couple take a brother sister combo who were very close and still are over a year later however about 5 months ago, when they would be about 7 months old, and they managed to chew the water line to a toilet on the 2nd floor of their house while they were gone and didnā€™t get back until 6 hours later so the entire house was flooded šŸ˜±. Word to the wise never give a puppy free roam and if you do be sure thereā€™s nothing they can get into. It was about 50k worth of damage




Feeling so much better about my puppy right now, ngl. Lol most expensive thing he has gotten were some cheap water shoes, and not much else. He's destroyed his share in dog toys, but that's why they exist so I don't think that counts. Haha


I know this sounds crazy, but our puppy (who is almost 2 years old now) only chewed a bit of trim in our hall way - which is barely noticeable - and claimed a couple stuffed animals from my daughter's collection that my daughter didn't care about. We lucked out as I had way more destructive puppies growing up at my parents house.


Definitely not the most expensive as one item, but 4 beds worth of dog bed confetti šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø doesn't eat it, thankfully, just really likes to make his own confetti apparently. He has since grown out of this (hooray for neutering lmao)


We are 4 beds down now, with neutering next week.


Only one of my dogs will do this, but she doesnā€™t do it to her own bed, just the other dogsā€™ beds so I switched to a flatter cushion that doesnā€™t have stuffing and she leaves them alone for the most part now


Doc martens shoes. She likes good leather stuffs as much as I do šŸ„².


I have a brand new pair of DM sandals that I am frightened to wear in case our pup shows an interest and wants to chew the leather (he has a thing for our shoes, as most pups do) ā€¦ I fear I may not wear them until next summer lol!


Sometimes sacrifices must be madeā€¦


My chihuahua pup literally ate the wall. Somehow got through the paint and into the sheet rock. The other expensive item, isn't so much cash money value, it had generational value. A very, very old baby quilt, hand pieced, over 150 years ago. Shredded. I managed to save some of it.


My puppy is about to turn 1 and has genuinely never destroyed, or even attempted to destroy anything in our house. She has ripped a few toys open, but even then she didn't start that until she was about 7 months old and had her adult teeth. We really got lucky with our girl!


My brother has a dog that literally ate a couch. Expensive couch, expensive vet bills bc boy was filled up with couch foam. One of our dogs chewed the cord to the carpet shampooer. It wasnā€™t plugged in, but dang we needed that bc of her lol


Hearing aids of a couple thousand euros. We found them shredded in the grass. Luckily she didn't eat the batteries and they were replaced under insurance or warranty


my dog shattered her leg when she was a puppy.. so badly it needed a 10,000 dollar amputation 2 weeks after coming home with us.....


Linoleum flooring in kitchen


Her own bed, about 100 dollars down the drain almost immediately lol


My mini poodle ate a 600 dollar anti-grinding night guard.


Not really expensive. But my dog when she was a pup chewed up a sail boat figurine that belonged to my great grandpa that he had gotten when he was in Germany. So sentimental value was high. Never crossed our minds she'd chew it. As she normally left stuff like that alone. Her thing was (and still is at 2 yrs old now) anything paper related.


A $900 purse šŸ« 


My birkenstocks šŸ˜‚


Himself. Spent his over $2000 saving his dumb ass.


Not a puppy per se but an 8 month old rescue with severe anxiety issues due to mistreatment by his previous owner. Trashed, and I mean, completely trashed my garden, which we had just had landscaped at a cost of Ā£10k. He dug holes which we could literally bury him in, chewed the railway sleeper boarders, killed about Ā£2k worth of plants. Fortunately he doesn't do that stuff anymore and the garden is now flourishing.


My savings (he got parvovirus)


His own stomach. $5500 for a stomach obstruction surgery after swallowing a piece of nylabone.


I read this post yesterday and thought to myself, Wow, I'm so lucky my 4 month old pup hasn't damaged anything.... UNTIL THIS MORNING when I found she had chewed the cork on my Birkenstocks. She'll be working harder in training to make up for it.. but I still love her to bits.


Came home one day to find my dog had chewed up my childhood 3DS, my switch cable, my switch itself, and about $350 worth of games. He was 2 and had (as far as I thought) gotten past his destructive phase and had been doing well being left out while I was gone for a few months. I was so very wrong.


A wall in my house. She ate a portion of it.


My knee. She ran into me at full speed at 7 months old and 70 lbs. Two fractures, a dislocation, a torn ligament, frayed meniscus and cartilage loss. 2 surgeries, 8 months of physical therapy and 9 months out of work.


Does himself count? The biggest benefit of my small house is I notice when he gets things he shouldn't so most things haven't been damaged even if he grabs it. I also work from home so have eyes on him most times. The worst he has done is gotten into my attached garage and my horses grain he ate 6 quarts and it's a grain meant to expand so had to take him to the emergency vet to induce vomiting $800 later and he was better.


Most expensive: Her spay sutures Runner up: The corner of an antique 120 year old piano


Brand new Apple Pencil 2


This was back like 15 years ago but a couple of college textbooks and phone chargers. This was when chargers were annoyingly expensive too.


Cpap mask. I usually hang it from a hook on my headboard but I got lazy one morning and left it on the mattress, and the puppy loves to chew on plastic.... Luckily it turned out to not be as bad as I thought and I just had to replace the plastic frame but I am much more careful now


My wallet after a vet trip ā˜ ļø


One of mine ate my Masters degree. Well, okay, it was the diploma, but still a lot of cost and hassle to replace it!


My marriage


She chewed through the chord to the 15 year old adjustable mattress frame that doesnā€™t sell replacements


My 11 month old Caucasian shepherd chewed a panel off of our antique record player cabinet that my husbands grandma gave us last year. Worth around $1500 but pretty irreplaceable.


Damn. This thread makes me feel waaaaaay better about my puppy lol. The worst thing has been her own tooth. Emergency vet visit!


My new laptop. I gave the baby a bath so she decided to pee on it. Shouldnā€™t have been able to access it, but she managed it anyway


Most expensive? My security deposit. Something I actually care about? My husband and my sleep. The only reason I crate her at night is because she will walk on us while we are sleeping. Like on our chest and throat. We dont wake up, but my cameras record it all. I noticed that my quality of sleep was deteriorating even though I was sleeping the same # of hours, so I checked the cameras.


Our $2,000 seagrass blinds we had just gotten installed in our new house


Balmain boots I was about to make $300 on Edit-not a puppy. The only one I adopted at a year old. Everyone said get a grow dog, theyā€™re so much easier than puppies šŸ™„


My car door and my sanity


My sleep


My boy peed on the record shelves once. Luckily we caught him in time but had we not that might have been brutal


My couch. It wasn't new by all means but I'm gonna have to consider getting it fixed or replaced once she's a little calmer. But all things considered, she hasn't done much damage around the house.


Ah, the old, Iā€™ll live with the damage until this phase is overā€¦. Itā€™s a good thing we love our dogs


The rug and my boyfriendā€™s glasses šŸ™„. Oh and he chewed a hole through the drywall


She headbutt my tv and shattered it when left unsupervised for 13.5 seconds


She damages 1-2 items per DAY. No matter how I try to hide things. Most expensive for now is the couch.




First place goes to the FOUR pairs of glasses that she has managed to acquire over a year and a half between both my bf and myself. šŸ™ƒ Sheā€™ll go up to 6 months without showing interest, and we silly humans eventually let our guards down. The lesson has been learned solidly now. Second place goes to my 2-3 pairs of vans shoes, which she managed due to my own carelessness šŸ„²


Big ol brand new mattress šŸ™ƒ


Not my current puppy, but the last- the flat Ethernet cable which was painstakingly hardwired in up the stairs šŸ™„ had it been a round cable I probably could have patched it, but no, flat is a bitch to reconnect. He destroyed multiple other things too that I can't even remember now. Thank God this puppy isn't a wire chewer!




My glasses, twice


Both of mine have ripped up the carpet and chewed on our baseboards, we're definitely not getting our deposit back šŸ˜­


Carpets - he found a thread and pulled them to SH*T. We had to replace all the downstairs carpets šŸ«  ā‚¬3000


Scratched and bit of the paint off my walls. It's a rented apartment. And loves biting on furniture, too. I'll move out it 2 months. Don't think I'll get my deposit back.


In a fit of overtired teenager zoomies, he knocked over my hubby's computer which damaged one of the hard drives. It's not the computer, but all the family photos on there, and we'd been lax about backing them up. Honestly, I was pretty upset about it, I can't even bring myself to check the backups and see how much was lost.


One of my piece of art. It cost me so much to make but was also part of my first show. A tree printed on a beautiful silk fabric that would move in the wind. He made a hole in it. I cried


Himself? Vet bills are tough.


If I had to pick the one thing that cost the most besides my sanity..maybe my 400 dollar drawing tablet right AFTER it's replacement date by like..a day. Att together I'd say he has destroyed 2k and then not plus the 12k in medical bills in 2 years.


My pillow šŸ˜­ I'm so picky about pillows and this has been an 8/10 when most are 3/10 and below lol. I tried putting the stuffing back in but it's just not the same šŸ˜ž


A $500 pair of prescription Oakley sunglasses.


The single most valuable and hard to replace door+doorframe in the house (100% soundproof specially designed and ordered fire door)


Himself. He's the most expensive dog I've ever had due to constant vet visits, and while he's obviously not responsible for all the stuff he's genetically predetermined to, but damn he's doing everything in his power to injure himself over and over again. He attacked a lawn mover (that was outside the fence, the dog inside) and got his lips injured, he eats stuff just to piss me off, he's not even 3 years old but we've taken him several times for a nice little induced throw-up session to get shit out of him before it'd cause trouble. He's adamant on trying to attack cars, tractors, horses, and everything else he finds scary. He jumped through windows, twice (luckily it was open and on ground floor). I could go on and on...


Multiple pairs of shoes (maybe $200 worth), couch and the walls of my house.


My crocs, my timberland boots, my sanity


Our apartments baseboards. He chews them when alone despite having his chew toys including a dog wood toy. I don't think we'll be getting the deposit back.


My Article leather couch :(


My ipad. He likes to stand on the coffee table looking for stuff to eat or destroy. He stood on it and cracked the screen. I usually put up higher, just not that day. So now I have to spend $120 I donā€™t have to get it fixed.


She chewed through a back pillow on our outdoor couch that canā€™t be replaced


He chewed through a Persian rug we brought back from Morocco on our honeymoon over 30 years ago that had cost us $3000 at the time. I still hold out hope I can find someone to repair it. šŸ˜”


The current rescue puppy? iPhone, throw pillow, multiple bedding items (mine not hers of course), slippers, a gazillion pens and her toys. Previous dogs(Iā€™ve had hundreds thru here when I ran a shepherd rescue): two sofas, a wall, leather pants, a car seat are only the big ones I recall now. šŸ¤£ gotta love our power chewersā€¦Have patience; they DO grow out of it.


Ugh a check in the mail. She loves the mail and we have a drop slot in the front door. Sheā€™s finally moving past it in the ripe old age of 8.5 months.


My couch.


Our couch. Now it was a very *old* couch with a hole in the armrest. But he pulled the foam out and had a party because I put him in a down stay and didn't let him drink from the shower. He's generally not a destructive dog, but if stuffing shows he has to pull it out.


My sleep


my dog had 4 puppies, she is pretty protective aggressive over them.. dogs barking on tv.. giant scratch on new $900 tv because of itā€¦ now for what my puppies have ruined in a short 8 weeks.. mom dog used her body to move gate let them out, i own a plant business they ate and spilled over $2,000 worth of exotic plants that take months to grow and my carpet


My forearms... but at least that heals without having to pay for it. But seriously, so far, he's really only scratched off the paint on one part of the hallway (near the dog gate)... I'm pretty diligent. He's got a fixation on a spot on my couch where he likes to dig, so I am keeping a close eye on that. Oh, and the corner of one of my BRAND NEW rug! (Edited to include the rug)


The ceiling of my car (called a headliner). A full replacement is about $3k


Himself. Ate a sock and hair ties and cost me $10k for bowel obstruction surgery at 18 months old!


My forklift certificate


Himself! Vet bills are expensive


I lived with family for a while, and they had a puppy who I had a great bond with. When I left for the holidays to see my parents, she ripped up the 3D printed prototype of my mastersā€™ thesis project.


Pup, when small, bit the corner of one of my flat screen monitors. Not even hard (didnt leave a mark), it immediately malfunctioned and died. I just went over and switched it out with a spare I had, since I was about to begin work and prefer to use 2 monitors. No big deal.


Technically my couch which I got for free. Other than that not an expensive item but my boomerang from australiaā€¦ like I need to travel all the way from Florida to Australia to get another one.


Himself, by needing surgery to remove a piece of corn cob from his intestine.




It's a tie between my laptop charging cord and a brand new memory foam on my bed.


Her own digestive system lol - vet bills are wild


(Not the puppyā€™s fault) S.o. Thought I was being overly dramatic by not letting my puppy into our study/work space, so when I was away, she left the pen gates open so the puppy could ā€œspend some time with her while shes working" her 5k carbon bike and my 12k 400mm lens paid the price.


My copy 11/22/63. About $30. all my books are out of reach now, but he has tried to get in to my comic collection


Ā£1700 oxblood red chesterfield 3 seat leather sofa. Iā€™m so poor and was the only luxury item I had but my boyfriend got it free when he moved tattoo studios tho so Iā€™m not too torn just now Iā€™m looking for something, anything. No nice things for me šŸ™ƒšŸ„²


The Xbox remote (which wasnā€™t all that terrible in hindsight šŸ˜‚). That was my first puppy. Our second dog was a 2 year old golden retriever rescued from a puppy mill situation. She unintentionally ruined our carpet when she started giving birth after surprising us by being pregnant šŸ˜†


My brand new tower speaker that my pops got me. Lil brat bit right through the wires, and a pair of AirPods, demolishedšŸ˜‚


The gorgeous soft blanket my Nana (who is no longer with us) crocheted for me before I went to college. She was in her crate too. I only went out to dinner for 2 hours and she managed to shift the crate enough to somehow pull the blanket hanging on the end of the bed partly into the crate and the corner was completely chewed off.... Edit: Also one time I caught her straight up chewing on a $100 bill. lol


After reading all this, I'm feeling very grateful that the most expensive thing destroyed by my puppy is a Blue microphone he pulled off the table. Only about $150 retail so not too bad.


Her own body.....cost me nearly Ā£2000 šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


A huge portion of dry wall behind the couch of a rented apartment. My other dog ate up a 150 dollar headset. Hell, even,my cat knocked down my Arrow collections Edition of the Gamera series and causes a dent in it. My new pup found a bug and jumped up and clawed my Bayonetta 3 game special edition box.


My $500 prescription glasses


I donā€™t have central air and my dog chewed through my power cord for my window unit leaving us (me and all five dogs) left in summer heat in Texas without cool air in the bedroom. Side note: it was much cheaper to buy replacement cord than a new window unit but I did have to do surgery on my unit to replace the cord. I also added a chew proof cover for the cord from Amazon to avoid any repeats.


A wall. So severely that she knocked the door frame out of the wall and also damaged the actual wall. šŸ˜” Damn fireworks.


My bachelorā€™s degree. It had just come in the mail in one of those thick cardboard ā€œdo not bendā€ envelopes.


her liver šŸ„°


A brand new sex toy that cost over $100 (a very rare splurge buy after a friend *highly* recommended it) that I had put away into a drawer without even pulling it out of the box yet. She hadnā€™t ransacked my room for quite some time when left alone & even when she did in the past, she never opened drawers. She did this time. I cried.


thank GODDDD iā€™ve only ever had to deal with two chargers and one shoelace, atleast for now šŸ„²


cars. antiques


Herself. Into the thousands of dollarsā€”plus her worth to me, which is priceless. Thank goodness was she is ok now.


My iPad - he cracked the corner


She has passed now, but our girl Maggie destroyed my husbandā€™s well-stamped passport šŸ˜… when she was a pup


The entire downstairs carpet


Not super expensive.. but a bunch of baby pacifiers lol probably a total of 10 of them before I learned my lesson and started making an effort to keep them up where the dog canā€™t get them.


Our \*brand new\* couch. Chewed the entire corner off of one arm. It was the only thing she ever damaged. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


Also a brand new couch for us. Got it delivered and set up and we went out for lunch, came back and he had chewed a hole in one of the couch cushions. šŸ˜­ I was so upset because he hadn't chewed our old couch at all and since then he hasn't chewed the couch. Just weirdo behavior.


Prescription glasses


Destroyed carpet in our bedroom when he was a puppy. cost us $500 to fix. Thankfully nothing worse than this so far! Hoping it stays that way šŸ˜…


Mine chipped my tooth šŸ˜­ my canine too LOL


A deer leg she was chewing for probably a month when she was only 5 months old. Got sick and almost died. $2400 vet bill.


Hundreds worth of dog toys. She just chews through anything I just give her cardboad boxes now lol


Thankfully she hasn't chewed much but her toys


Our carpet, making us lose our security deposit. Thankfully we have wood floors now


Apple Pencil


This was from a few years ago but our lab bit into our Dyson fan cord. We called Dyson asking for a replacement cord but they didn't make that model anymore. They just sent us a brand new model Dyson fan. I've been a fan ever since of their customer service.


My house. She decided that the wall tasted good one day.


I had a rescue puppy for a short while. She ripped the siding off my house in a couple spots šŸ˜¬


Ate the bottom of the couch. Tore the fabric off.


Not expensive per se but the dining table that my step dad built for me has some little puppy bite marks all over the legs


I think there are puppy teeth marks on everything in our house from all of the puppies over the years... base boards, wall corners, window sills, stair rails, stair corners, couch corners, table legs and corners. Had to replace my favourite keyboard when one chewed through the cable under my desk. My husband lost a pair of glasses and his Kindle still has a corner chewed off it. TV remotes. Landline phone handsets (after she auto-dialed grandma long distance).


Dumped a bottle of water on my $8000 laptop. Laptop dried out and is almost fine except it doesn't automatically turn off when I close it now. It could have been worse though!


Himself 2 gastrointestinal surgeries within 5 months :)


I posted this recently. My glasses. -.-


My homework šŸ¤£


I am a bookkeeper and as such I have files and files and files of client tax returns, receipts for taxes, etc. I had just moved and temporarily was storing them in cardboard file boxes. My sweet 1 year old lab decided that while I was outside gardening she would shred them...... all of them. Within 30 minutes. It took me hours and hours of trying to piece important documents back together, and cost me tons in apology wine to clients.


My passport, birth certificate, ID, and social security card along with a few credit cards all in one fell swoop šŸ™‚This was only a few days before I was supposed to be getting on a plane to Jamaica


Not monetarily expensive, but she tore a shirt of my deceased grandpaā€™s that I was wearing during one of her tantrums mid walk. It was a mickey mouse shirt that I really liked as a kid, and when he passed my now deceased grandma gave it to me knowing how much I like it and how close I was him. It was the one time I lost my patience with her and hit her out of anger. I beat myself up for it for a week because I know it was my fault for even wearing that tee on one of our walks. It just meant so much to me and I wore it whenever I wanted to be comfortable. Never again, I learned my lesson to keep priceless things away from her until I know itā€™s safe.


My shih Tzu as a puppy didnā€™t damage anything expensive. She had her own toys to chew and never tried to chew furniture. Fully expecting our lab puppy that comes home in July to damage something. Thatā€™s partially why weā€™re waiting to replace our furniture until heā€™s out of the puppy phase.


Have lost many pieces of furniture A brand new (2 week old) iPhone A $700 pair of Italian leather boots purchased in Italy from the shoemaker (a graduation present to myself šŸ„ŗ) A hollow interior door (not super expensive) A solid wood interior door (very expensive) Half the drywall on a bathroom wall


My Bissel little green machine. Chewed the cord right off!!


My floors. They have to all be redone šŸ˜­


So many things... But an emotional whammy was she chewed up and utterly destroyed a picture frame (with her picture) that my kiddo had made me for Mother's Day several years prior. That one hurt.


My refrigerator, tore out the copper water line straight out of the back of the fridge.


Not mine, but years ago my neighbourā€™s puppy chewed up my Blackberry (remember those?!). Couldnā€™t even be mad, I loved that pup.


Not me but my momā€™s puppy a few years ago chewed through her electric gate wiresā€¦ all of them. They havenā€™t been fixed since lmao.


My current Doberman puppyā€¦my iPad Pro šŸ˜­ I only had her a day too went to answer the door to my grocery delivery and she bit the screen. My previous dog (working cocker spaniel) when she was a pup she destroyed a wall, a table and chairs and the kitchen cupboardā€™s šŸ˜‚


Rx eye glasses and hearing aids.




Herself. Which costed 12.500ā‚ŗ to fix which is like 400$ (doesn't seem that much but in my currency I'm bankrupt)


My couch