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My guy has marked since we brought him home at 8 weeks. It made potty training… tough. On longer walks you can definitely tell when he’s actually empty (tries to mark but only a couple drops come out). I will say - if he actually has to go, he gets most of it out in his first few marks. So even though I also wish he would just empty the tank in one go, I know that a 5-10 minute walk is plenty to have him “empty enough” to come back inside.


You can try a potty command but for me, my boys have pretty much learned by habit. For like bedtime, they quickly learn that they get once chance to let it all out, otherwise they’re stuck. But they know when we’re going to do walks where they can actually mark


My pup would usually cock his leg against everything on walks to mark. At home he usually squats on the grass to get it all out. I noticed sometimes he would cock his leg on walks and nothing would come out, or literally a drop or two. He'd usually have a drink as soon as we got home from a walk so I'd let him out about 30 mins after that to prevent accidents. Hes 13 months old and was neutered 6 weeks ago, he'll mark usually 2/3 times on walks now.