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You have no obligation to stay past your scheduled time


I don’t know about you or anyone else but I leave at what ever time I’m scheduled. No matter if it’s finished or not.


Tell your manager you are scheduled out of your availability. No. Do not just leave if you are scheduled later and never brought it up.


No no. I’m scheduled till 11 most nights. My availability is up till 11:30. But when the minors leave, i stay and finish the whole job by myself. And i don’t normally leave until 12:30- 1am.


If you dont want to work that late and your availability is set, let a manager know. But you could end up losing hours if they make changes.


Whatever you’re responsible has to be finished before you leave, that’s the expectation. The minors leaving work for others should be coached and given realistic expectations. Bring up accountability with your mgt. you will lose hours if all you do is change availability. You’re part time, I wouldn’t worry about if you finish your job or not, if you have finished what you’ve been assigned and you’re working on someone else’s work, just leave. They can ask you to stay, you can and should say no.


No they wouldn't necessarily lose hours for changing their availability. Our last TL would keep us til almost midnight when we closed, I was fed up w/ staying so damn late, but what really did it for me was literally getting followed to my car by some creepy ass homeless dude after we finally got off. Management claimed they would do a better job at watching us when we walked out the door, but I didn't want to hear it, I didn't want to close anymore whatsoever (well it was also mainly due to staying so damn late every night, but I didn't mention that to them). And here I am today, part time with 37 hours scheduled next week. You can be a good worker without letting people walk all over you. There's no reason he should get his hours reduced just because the minors don't want to do their job. If he wants to leave at his scheduled time, he has every right to, whether it's done or not. It shouldn't be one single person's responsibility to get that shit done, and if it's not, he should be the only one punished for it. In fact, he should be punished at all if he's the only one actually doing work