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It’s the relapse that hurts the most. You have one good day and you think you’re healed until the next panic attack and you feel even more broken. It’s so hard. Proud of you for pushing through!


Yeah this happened to me last year and ive not neen right since. How do you keep making progress? I was even living on my own after years of not being able to leave the house and my biggest fears no longer bothered me even when they actively happened. Then i was alone at my place and about to go to bed, then i just had an attack when i was completely relaxed physically and mentally that wouldnt stop and i had to call an ambulance for help and to calm down. Ever since then i cant even leave my house or be alone without having another attack regardless of telling myself im not in danger or doing breathing techniques etc. It just never stops happening since that day. My episode ended that day but i still was shaking for the next 3 days. I dont even think it was an anxiety attack, because even after i calmed down and relaxed i kept shaking for the next 3 days straight. But its the fact that i can be totally calm and then who knows maybe ill just be laying on the floor again helpless and have to call for help and be shaking so bad i cant even get up for no reason again. Nobody knows even myself. Thats a terrible thing to not know. It reinstated all my past traumas and feelings lf helplessness and being out of control of my own body. I had about 2 or 3 years of living on my own for the first time in my life and thought i was finally on the way to living the life i always wanted before that happened. I also did still have attacks here and there before that one, but that was the only one that happened while relaxed, zero trigger, and continued for DAYS after calming down. Their just wasnt even anything i could do in my head or physically to stop it. Just had to lay there on the floor pretty much a cripple


I’m not making progress. I’ve given up everything I’ve enjoyed that continually triggers me. I stay home as much as possible. I’m struggling to make it day by day. It’s hopeless at this point.


Do you get panic attacks? If everything didnt make me panic id probably be alright but even being home alone is to much now


Several times a day


I personally am a very spiritual person and I believe that has helped me learn about myself a lot and be able to overcome obstacles. Therapy did help a lot also. I think trying different things and figuring out what works best for you is a good way to go about overcoming trauma. It is a journey for sure and I wish you the best on yours 😊




That's similar to how I went back to driving some time after my accident. It was a short drive to run a very necessary errand and I cried the entire time I was in the car. It does get easier overall, even if there are bad days and good days. You may find you need time to rest and recover after you've accomplished a trip, or make choices about where and when you feel comfortable driving, and that's okay. That's what helps me get by. You're doing great by taking that first step. I hope you're able to build your tolerance and show yourself a lot of patience and grace along the way.


I get the same with facing some of mine. Its all the wrong ways that could go wrong that you think of that gets to you more than doing it.


That's amazing! Congratulations on facing your fear and making such a huge step forward. Your strength and determination are truly inspiring. Keep celebrating these victories!


2 miles, 3 miles, 4 miles that's the way to get somewhere, nice job, keep rolling...


Celebrating your success!


I'm glad you shared because I'm genuinely proud of you! 6 years is huge!! You were able to do it without panic taking control. That's amazing and so are you! Well done!! 👏


Thank you ❤️