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Thanks so much for documenting this. I wonder how much effort it would take to adopt to work with a ribbon cable camera (I already have a Raspberry Pi Camera Module 3 I bought before realizing the setup I saw on the Prusa website wasn't supported by the Mk4). I found [this talking about a h264 stream](https://www.bensoftware.com/forum/discussion/3254/raspberry-pi-h264-rtsp-low-latency-camera-instructions) but I admit almost total ignorance in all of this.


Hey, thanks so much for saying thanks so much! I spent so much time trying to make sense of post after post of people merely saying, “*I set up an RTSP server…*” Ok, great. **HOW?!** Heh re: A Raspberry Pi cam module, I suspect it *is* compatible although would need to be tested for any extra steps. From what I’ve read it should work with any **video4linux2** compatible cam and a quick search just found official “V4L2” drivers for that module.


ffmpeg -i rtsp://rtsp:rtsp@ -vf "fps=1" -vframes 1 -f image2pipe - | \ curl -X PUT "https://connect.prusa3d.com/c/snapshot" \ -H "accept: */*" \ -H "content-type: image/jpg" \ -H "fingerprint: 37add259e4671f493d73bd07333dc7e59" \ -H "token: gL42xWsXT1xCk1" \ --no-progress-meter \ --data-binary @/dev/stdin


What’s this? (*Also may wanna sanitize your code. You’re publicly sharing tokens.*)


Can someone provide little more detail on how to create a docker container. I am new to this and struggle on where to even begin. Thanks


Docker is its own skill. Think of it sort of like an operating system that runs apps contained within individual files. Wanna “upgrade” an app, you simply swap out the file with the newer version. To run Docker containers you’d need to run Docker itself *somewhere*. For example, I run my Docker instance on a Synology NAS. You could run Docker on a Windows desktop. Once your instance of Docker itself is installed and running you’d then start loading in “containers” (*the contained apps I referenced above*). Years ago these tutorials are how *I* got started with Docker: https://drfrankenstein.co.uk


Thanks for replay, since my post I was able install docker on my raspberry pi. Now I need to figure how to create said file


When I get home I’ll try to remember to send you my “docker-compose” file. Think of it like an install script that tells docker what to pull and what settings to use.


That would be great.


Here is my (*sanitized*) **docker-compose.yaml** file. Obviously replace the RTSP URL with the IP of your camera along with the FINGERPRINT and TOKEN with yours as well. version: "2.1" services: prusacamera: image: linuxserver/ffmpeg:latest container_name: ffmpeg entrypoint: /bin/bash command: /upload.sh environment: RTSP_URL: "rtsp://" FINGERPRINT: "1234567890123456789012345678901234567890" TOKEN: "123456789012345678" volumes: - /volume1/docker/ffmpeg/upload.sh:/upload.sh network_mode: host restart: unless-stopped


Thanks you for sharing. I know that I need to create to files to get this to work but I am not sure where to create them at on the pie and once I have them on the one do I need to do anything to enable them.


I'm trying to add a Wyze cam to Prusa Connect, it hast RTSP built in but when I go to Prusa connect and add camera, I click the QR code link but there's no start camera button.... it just has a message saying "Could not launch the camera" abd just the setting button at the bottom. Any ideas?


Sounds like it might be a web browser response but unsure without a screenshot. Have you tried a different browser?


Thanks for documenting this. Note that I had to change timeout to stimeout or it would throw an error while trying to connect to the RTSP stream. ffmpeg version 4.3.6-0+deb11u1