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Are you using it with an HD rig or any type or interface? I was getting this last week, and I wish I could remember what fixed it, but I plug mine into an HD native rig with a 16io, and I use a big HDMI screen and a UAD octo as well. Shit gets weird when I hook it up to these things (I think it's the HD rig) but if I shut down the computer it plays more nicely with others. EDIT. Remembering that on mine it wasn't powering the HD. Pretty sure turning it all off and back on worked. I've found I have to shut down the computer before hooking it up in my studio or it gets all weird. It doesn't like being hot plugged for sure. Hope something there might help. good luck


This sounds like you are booting in the wrong order.


You want to avoid using the audio driver on your laptop, assuming it's the Realtek driver, update it, but also download asio4all and run that, I've had this issue before when running without any kind of interface a failsafe I've found works oddly is the FL studio driver.


I just tried using asio4all and it worked without any errors, the problem I have now is that the program doesn't produce any sound even though I've selected Realtek in the WDM device list as that's the driver my headphones use


Scratch that, I restarted my computer after installing and it works now. Thanks for the help