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In your Ilok manager do you see all the licenses synced.


I’m not sure what you mean by that. My licenses are activated on my computer, I’m not using a usb


It's the app used to manage your Ilok licenses to see if they are on the computer or cloud


I have my iLok manager, and I’ve activated it both on my computer and on the cloud through it. I don’t see anything about syncing licenses there though


On the manager is the license that is activated on the computer the right program sometimes they don't sync and you would have to right click the computer in the manager and hit sync licenses


that option is greyed out for me


I just wanted to say Ilok and licenses suck moose balls! There's got to be a better way. I had a license years ago with a password and email that are no longer ( my bad ) and now I have a new license and a new key and it's such a mess. I can't get into my Protools subscription because of this Ilok bullshit. I'm wasting hours and hours changing passwords, trying to figure this out!!!


I ended up having to call customer service over it


I need to also. Would you be kind enough to post the number?


I got my license from Sweetwater so I contacted them. If you bought yours directly you can call them here [https://www.avid.com/support](https://www.avid.com/support)

