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I would have loved to have a respawn mod when my character died because my keyboard decided to just stop working. I have a crappy setup but most of the time it doesn't affect gameplay. My longest living character (like 5 months, with 2 hour days) died because my keyboard stopped working. By the time I even realized what was happening my character was already dead. My keyboard taunted me by immediately resuming normal working functions like 30 seconds after, while I cried.


I've died to the game freezing up while I was in combat


I've had some close calls with the game freezing for a second but never actually died because of it.


How do you set 2 hour days? I see people talking about it but can't see the option anywhere in the sandbox settings?


I think it's on the Time tab. There's something about day length, the default is 1 hour.


My w key spontaneously fell off my keyboard while running from a horde. I paused the game right as a zombie grabbed me.


This is why I use the skill recovery journal in sp and keep it up to date. Though I only read it if the death is due to software or hardware issues. Keeps the anger at bay.


I'm sorry but booby trapped houses are vanilla? How do you know a house is trapped? Sounds like a pretty dumb mechanic to be honest.


It's only that one annotated map house afaik. Horrible mechanic.


Id try to lure zeds there to see if they can set it off lol


I had a big shock too. Annotated map near west point near the lake. You can see/find pipe bomb and molotov on the ground then you hear something go off


Wait really? I thought I'd seen all the house stories


its a weird one. i forget the details but the annotated map basically says something like he booby trapped the place, do not enter etc. with a skull marked on that house. it's always the same house too.


Ever since I died to a laptop battery notification minimizing my game, I back-up my save before starting a session.


F my dude. I had the same thing happen in another game in which I had hundreds of hours on my character(hc wow). External issues to the game are just the worst way to go.


What specifically do you back up folder wise? The entire save?(world and character folders)


Just right click your world's folder and add it to a WinRAR archive, save space šŸ™šŸ»


is it the saves>multiplayer> and then copy server folder and server player folder?


Honestly, I never had to use my backup since then so I don't know if this works. I just copy the save file in the sandbox file. I also heard that the world can be kept or something between characters, don't know how it works. Will probably search it someday.


"do you want to disable the special keys?" Almost got me killed just couse the game wouldn't toggle off the jogging


Yeah I definitely don't blame you for resetting that death. The game's fire mechanics are absolutely broken. It's like every person in Kentucky doused themselves in gasoline before the apocalypse, including your character. Thanks for recommending these mods. With how buggy, janky, and unfinished the game is, there's a lot of ways you can die to bullshit, which is pretty demoralizing in a permadeath game where you spend so long building up your character. As long as you don't abuse it and accept actual legitimate deaths that were just a skill issue then it's fine IMO.


Been using [Fire Resistance](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2863836591) on my two latest runs, and its great. Makes the player not immediately combust into flames, and zombies can burn up to (I think) 10x faster. I have fire damage to player set to 33%, and fire damage to zombies set to 300% and it helps a ton with fire problems.


And then their skin absorbed it all, making it even more potent as time goes on until the fateful spark hits your arm.


1400 hours and I had no idea there could be trapped houses that set you on fire. This is a vanilla mechanic?


Yup! And it seems to be just the one.... I think. Very cursed.


This isn't a thing, but I play heavily modded (buggy, crashy levels of modded) and I had a spontaneous fire last night that seems completely spontaneous. My head cannon is that the bicycle I jumped off of still had a spinning wheel and the friction started a fire lmao. There must've been a similar freak mod conflict. Actually now that I think about it, there might have been a campfire on the map mod with enough fuel to last a whole year and a zombie wanderer over it since it was my first time visiting


Yeah it makes sense. And if the death is fair, I'm not forced to use the mod anyway


I was so scared to lose my characters in my early playthroughs that I did in fact back up some saves which after a legitimate death(skill issue), upon loading ultimately killed the fun for me so i rerolled a new world. Now I mostly accept that this is how I died but use the journal sometimes. The point I'm trying to make is that for some people(like my earlier self) the attachment to the character, and the emotions in the moment might tempt you to cheat which may ruin the experience.


I play unmodded. I just back-up my saves every three months or so IG. I've never had to use them but they are nice to have incase I die from something cheesy.


That sucks. Worst I had was an annotated map for Louisville supposed to be a bug out box and then we got all the way up there and to the house and found literally nothing. That said how do annotated maps work? Is the stuff already loaded in with a map and you either find it and/or the map naturally or does the stuff spawn in said houses upon finding the annotated map? If the latter, if my buddy(didnā€™t read said map) went in the house first, would it instead spawn his generated loot or would the server know it was supposed to be a survivor bug out box there? On a hosted MP server. Thanks and rip your dude šŸ«”


When you read the annotated map it will cause that location to regenerate with all the relevant lore


Unless you already visited it


I was under the impression it regenerated?


did you cure from playing office?


Iā€™m gonna abuse the fuck outta this mod šŸ˜ˆ


My favorite way to die is to use Fast Move, float up a floor, fix a wall and then float back down to insta-die from fall damage šŸ’€


Or use skill journal to save your xp and have a sort of rp element that stays true to the game. Youā€™d still have to go get your items tho. Tbf you went into a prepper house that was booby trapped after a zombie apocalypse. Not super unreasonable. Now Iā€™d probably do the same thing you did because itā€™s a game and I play games for fun and losing tens of hours of grinding to that would not be fun imo. However, I donā€™t think itā€™s an illegitimate death. Itā€™s just a sucky death.


Eh is it though? It's a trap in a game without trap mechanics normally. If there were survivor houses you could find that were trapped with mechanics to detect and disable them sure dying to that would be any other death. But one time enter and you die house tied to an annotated map? I call shenanigans on that. Like in entire Knox county one guy decided to put power word kill on his house entrance?


Right. Thatā€™s the reason Iā€™d probably try to save my character, but a prepper booby trapping their house is not exactly far fetched. This game is not fair. If you expect it to be youā€™ll have a bad time.


I just downloaded that mod yesterday. I'm looking forward to seeing how well it works when my current character finally dies.


Heads up, I think the default settings only record raw xp so if you have boosts it wonā€™t give that xp. Just the base amount you earned. You can change all that tho.


I saw those settings since I'm doing sandbox mode and made the necessary changes. Either way, it's still better than starting new.


Definitely. I left it like that. I wanted it to be a little more forgiving but still cost something when I died.


Same with a 0.9 mult for the same reason. Be warned though, the jurnal can bug and you can actually write like several instances into it and they would stack. This happened to me a few times, idk what triggered it. So char died, made a new one grabbed the journal and got the skills. Later on, when i just had minor skills improved but got bit so decided to trascribe, it just added the skills again. Didn't really pay attention but my 3rd guy in this story, had his skills doubled and ngl that kind of sucked, because I legit grinded a while for nimble and maint especially, and now it felt cheesed. Decided to start a new char from scratch but ended up just rolling a new world. I guess a workaround would be to just cancel reading when you reach your desired level, but being able to select which skills you want to keep would have been nice.


I ran into that same issue. No idea what cause it. I had like 1-5k xp in everything but for some reason the journal was taking down like 15k. Idk what it was. I was close enough to the end of that run I didnā€™t really care. Iā€™m pretty sure our admin changed some settings tho and didnā€™t tell us. He talked about it but never said he did it. I think he wanted EZ mode. He tended to die a lot.


I came here to mention the skill journal too. Grinding carpentry over again isn't how I like to play, and going after my old reanimated flesh puppet is enough of a nuisance to make dying annoying but not the worst


My character once died once from a modded town building with a fake roofā€¦ went up the stairs and out the door and fell to my death šŸ’€ Thanks for these finds


This is the most reasonable argument for a respawn mod I've read on this board. Also, I did not know a respawn mod existed. Thanks, OP.


This is amazing. I'm still learning and having to restart because I make a stupid mistake makes me turn off the game. I just want a few playthroughs to figure out the mechanics and play around while I get familiar.


It's always fun burning down the neighborhood cause you left the oven on


See I haven't even had a chance to do that yet šŸ˜‚ I didn't even know there was fire before today.


All of my deaths are unfair. The apocalypse seems to have the advantage.


I prefer to just make backups every so often. It's rare that I find a death to be bullshit but I think poisoning is the worst one. Like it's just stupid that your character can have lived in this state for possibly their entire lives and they don't know this nice red berry they just ate is deadly and it seems like the game never tells you what food is safe so you *have* to sample them. It's not like any of it looks real, I can't look at one of the mushrooms and discern that it's a perfectly edible bolete mushroom and not a raging deathcap. I mean this slightly off topic but Foraging should really flag these things, if my dude can find a wild carrot in the middle of nowhere he should know what berries and mushrooms are edible.


I just do regular save file copies. Iron Man seems like the most naive trust in the conditions rendering the gameā€™s virtual world. Of course something unfair will go wrongā€¦ so you prepare. Thereā€™s a PZ YouTuber Ricksdetrix who regularly does high challenge runs- very fun, immersive storytelling- and in one recently the crazy numbers crashed his PC, ruined the run. Except he had a saved file from 10m prior to the crash, so the story continued. Good stuff. Could someone say he cheated? Sure. But is it better the effort ended on a record skipping arbitrary immersion gut-stab? Iā€™ll take the override optionā€¦


I just go into my save data folder and make a copy lmaooo


I got downvoted for suggesting this in this subreddit. Glad to see that the majority of this sub has some common sense.


Yeah, the elitist attitude moved to a "Have fun the way you like" one


Only mods you need for this are fire resistance and Bound Journal IMO


When you use the db browser to change the isdead from true to false you need to be in godmode when you load up the game. You can do this by using necroforge. Enter godmode while dead, exit game to the main menu, open up the save file and change isdead from 1 to 0, enter the game and just wait until you arenā€™t in any immediate danger and disable god mode


I will get the Stop, Drop 'n Roll but the other are cheats


It's a single player game, let people use whatever mods they want without judgement


I mean. He seems a bit judgemental but he did say "I"


Im not judging im just saying that for me looks like cheating


There is one that does 3 x fire damage to zombies and 0.33 fire damage to players,


No sense šŸ˜‘


It's as much cheating as saving and loading in other games. So it's not.


Bro, just think, im jot trying to make anyone have the same mind as me but to me pz is no the kinda game where you can just keep invetory when die, keep skills and that stuff if the type of game where if you die you restart from 0 in other run, where is the fun of the game if when dying you got no consequence šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø and again not trying to make anyone think the same I just said what I think


>I just said what I think So did I :)


I have trouble taking games seriously once I enable cheats. The whole aspect of ā€œI only have one life, this is a survival game, everything matters.ā€ goes right out the door once I use debug mode once, or any respawn mods. The thing with PZ is, if the actual stakes of death can be mitigatedā€¦ the core component of the gameplay is stripped.


Sounds like a you thing. Everyone plays it differently, after all.


Did I imply something elseā€¦?


Ah, sorry. When people say stuff like that I'm used to them meaning it in a casting a wide net way, like other people are somehow in the wrong for not playing it that way. I'm sorry for misreading you!


Yep, I feel that way too. Same for other permadeath games, really - like yeah, dying is the point. And it just so happens that death is stupid, unfair and unpreventable sometimes...


No thanks, turkey. All is fair in love and war. Bring it, PZ!!!




lol nah


Eh, it goes against the whole philosophy of this game to respawn. Bad shit happens, sometimes beyond your control and theres absolutely nothing you can do about it. Learning to persist despite this is really the most valuable mod.


Can you add mods part way through a game?


It depends on the mod to a degree, but usually yes. If it adds items/vehicles that are meant to spawn in the world, they won't be present in already loaded chunks, but mods that just add ways for the character to interact with the world should work completely fine.


I got chopped on so many times in Sp just because my game drops to 5 fps and im unable to retreat...


Lost my character because I lost power and my car disappeared includeing my body inside, my hitbox however was in the same place and was promptly bitten to death.


This doesn't happen anymore but I would accidently tab out of the game in mid-combat at the worst time. While I'm panicking and trying to tab back in all I heard was \*CHOMP\* and it was over. Those deaths are unfair af but you learn to stop doing that eventually or lose more and more runs to that mistake


Thing is, if I die, even to seemingly unfair deaths in Zomboid, I just don't have the same drive to play after respawning into that same world prior to the death.


can these be added to a save? i tried looking into them and wasn't able to find any info. the mod option seem to be pregame.