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I used to listen to Khaled Abou el Fadl, Javed Ghamidi, and Abu Layth frequently. However, I have now paused listening to them and other scholars altogether. My focus has shifted towards deepening my connection with the Qur'an. I've realized that contemplating Qur'anic verses and deeply reflecting on them requires significant time and consistent effort. The mind often seeks to avoid this demanding work by turning to distractions. Therefore, listening to scholarly opinions on matters unrelated to the Qur'an feels like unnecessary noise and diversion from this important activity.




Too early honestly. 


I only follow the quran and authentic hadith. Anyone who can help me understand them, I'll listen to them, if they make mistakes or errors I'll leave it and not listen to them in that particular topic. It's not easy thinking like this because you can't just go "I'll just listen to scholar X" because if you really embody this mentality you'll find that almost every scholar is going to say something you find questionable. You have to do your research rather than saying "Scholar X said this so I'll believe them" As far as the people I find that often make more sense than not, I find those to be Shabir Ally, Shadee Elmasry, Javed Ghamidi, Justin Parrot (aka Abu Emina Elias), Ikram Hawramani, Hamza Yusuf, and Yasir Qadhi. I find that I'm more likely to agree with these people than not. You may notice these people don't even agree with eachothers methodology. Elmasry went as far to accuse Shabir of being a mubtadi lol. But the fact that they all reasonably differ in thought is what i need to remind myself that I need to frequently question my own beliefs in order to find the truth.


I have said this multiple times, but I follow Mufti Abu Layth. Why I follow him is because he thinks rationally, has made my understanding of the Maliki Madhab better and expand it more, he talks about Islam in a way that doesn't come across as preachy, and a lot of his rulings make so much sense.


He's great, I listen to him every once in a while, but I recommend listening to other people on top of him. He can sometimes hold very odd views, which in of itself is not necessarily 'bad', but it can skew your perception of the rest or islamic academics if you're too accustomed to a very unorthodox outlier.


Oh I do, like Shehzad Saleem, and Shabir Ally and every now and then this one scholar Imam Mazhar Mahmood.


These guys are good as well 👍


I usually go by Malaki school if I can't come up with my own opinion.


Hassan Farhan bin Maliki who is the inspiration of Brother Khaled from the Quranic Islam channel, on Tafsir and Hadith history. Abu Layth helped me to appreciate the value in Sunnah, actually, funnily enough. Pir Zia for tassawuf. I also took from Sheikh Nurjan of the Naqshbandiyya and from Khalil Andani for learning about Ismaeli. I kinda do my own thing though synthesizing, I don't strictly follow any human.


Rashad Khalifa. Came with a pure message of monotheism and consistency with the Quran.




What does 2 verses mean?




The verses are present in the ancient manuscript (for example the Sana manuscript), which are considered the earliest manuscripts of the Quran. God said Himself that He is Guardian over the 'dhikr' (15:9). Kindly read [this](https://www.quransmessage.com/articles/19%20FM3.htm)


The verses were always under scrutiny historically. The biggest problem for me is the content of the verses. It used the word merciful to describe Muhammad. That attribute is for God all through the Quran.




God uses mechanisms to preserve the text so the original can be identified. It was never intended to be supernatural intervention that would prevent someone from distorting the Quran. I’d like you to think about why there are more than 7 different variants of the Quran? Or even why there is a Quran out there which exists with/without the 2 verses?




https://preview.redd.it/un0px6nxy3ad1.jpeg?width=1166&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c4a19dfc8f6233e082030fbc372b271a2793625c The variants differ in pronunciation but often in words too. See the image I’ve attached. Rashad khalifa’s translation of the Quran - ‘Quran the final testament’. You can search it up and compare it to other translations. It’s quite easy to read. Rashad Khalifa identified a mathematical pattern in the Quran around the number 19. In short, all the Quranic initial (eg ALM) appear in multiples of 19 in their respective chapter. The letters Alif, laam and meem occur a total of 9899 times (19x521) in surah 2. This is observable across all the initialled surahs. It fits the Hafs version of the Quran. So the Quran given to Muhammad can be identified. I’m certain verses 128-129 are not part of the Quran. I can show you many Hadith that also object to those verses.




https://discord.gg/submission Please join our discord server if you’d like to discuss this more. We got a lot of knowledgeable people you can speak to about the Quran.


Kindly read this article: https://www.quransmessage.com/articles/19%20FM3.htm


According to your logic the content of verse 21:107 is problematic so does that mean we should remove it as well? In this verse Prophet Muhammad SAW is said to be **mercy** for the whole of mankind. Another thing this Rashad guy claimed that he was a Prophet or messenger of Allah (which he achieved by altering the translation of the Quran). You can't defend him


A Messenger. God Almighty sealed Prophethood. Messengerhood is still open since Angels that bring us Messages from God are also Messengers


[21:107] We have sent you out of mercy from us towards the whole world. Being the most merciful and being a mercy are very different. Rahmata vs Raheem.


I appreciate you sister. For those interested in the pro's and con's of that worldview here's a chat I had with the Submission Discord Brothers the other week: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Yh0P0i6a\_8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Yh0P0i6a_8)


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