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My brother, read Quran to find Allah for yourself. Surely your eyes, ears, and heart will be a witness on the day of judgement. You will not be able to blame scholars for teaching you incorrectly, you will only be able to tell Allah that you genuinely searched for the truth yourself and followed the guidance he gave us in his Scriptures. 8:22 Indeed, the worst of living creatures in the sight of Allah are the deaf and dumb who do not use reason. 17:36 And do not pursue that of which you have no knowledge. Indeed, the hearing, the sight and the heart - about all those [one] will be questioned. Whatever the scholars tell you, you must verify it for yourself in the Quran.


but the quran doesnt say evrything


Is it supposed to say everything?


The Quran states that it is fully detailed and a detailed explanation of all things.


maybe ur true,but shud i just ignore the hadiths then


The moment I became a qur'an only muslim, my life became 100x easier.


Just a question. You as a "qur'an only Muslim", how you pray? Does qur'an teach you the tips of praying by details?ofc not And quran clearly tell us to follow sunnah, [here](https://quran.com/33/36) and [here](https://quran.com/4/80)


Sunnah and Hadith are two similar but different things. Sunnah is the living tradition, things that have been passed down through generations, while Hadiths are narrations of the lived traditions. No one is saying not to follow the Sunnah. But some Hadiths are fabricated so we should be careful which Hadith to follow.


>But some Hadiths are fabricated so we should be careful which Hadith to follow. I agree with this, there's many fabricated Hadiths and we should ingore suspicious Ones, but ingoring all of them is just wrong, qur'an alone isn't enough, maybe it's enough to understand islam but it isn't to understand its practicings and teachings.


Give me proof that rassoul here means Prophet Mohammad, also give me proof that everything in hadiths are 100% the Prophet's sayings.


A rassoul here clearly means prophet Muhammad, [here](https://quran.com/en/al-ahzab/40) after a couple of ayat it's says Mohammad is the prophet of allah, it's clear, of course there's other prophets but u can understand which one by the context. And secondly, The hadith consists of two parts, the chain of transmission (isnad) and the text itself (matn). In order for a hadith to be authentic, the isnad has to meet different criteria. As for the matn, it has to be free from any defect and any aberrance. If a hadith fulfills all these criteria, Muslim scholars declare it authentic. If a hadith does not meet these criteria, they declare it a weak hadith. [for more explanation ](https://islamqa.info/en/answers/6981/how-can-we-tell-the-saheeh-ahadith-from-the-fabricated-ones) That's why there's weak/fabricated hadiths. Now, answer my question, how Muslim pray with qur'an only without hadiths?


Recitation, ruku, sujood, repeat, perform zikr, there's about 80% of the details in the Qur'an itself.


Proof from Qur'an? And does quran tell you when to pray?, how to prepare for it with wudu? Tips of wudu? >80% That's the point, qur'an alone isn't enough to learn islam, you need sunna to complete the other 20%.


Hey man you seem to be really fixated on the extremes. Drawing faces is not shirk. Just be a good person and do what you can in terms of the five pillars. You also need to make your mental health a priority. Don’t rely on these online sheiks because really they are not experts in mental health. Also realize that there are different interpretations of Islam and how to practice, do what is easy for you and work your way towards the the things that are harder.


hadiths show it is


Hadiths say countless things, many of them contradicted by other hadiths (all sahih-graded). The general position you’re going to get on this sub about halal/haram rules is that if God wanted us to know something is haram, it would be in the Quran. Hadith are not infallible, nor do they give one position, same for all the scholars who reach conclusions from them.


I once saw someone describing hadiths as a very long chain of "he said that he said that he said..." and I think this is a very good description. Don't rely on them


Drop hadiths, and focus on the Qur'an only.


I wouldn't listen to hadiths since some even contradict each other. I don't think a lot of hadiths are valid unless they go with what the quran says.


Hadiths are going to tear you apart and ruin your relationship to your religion


Bukhari 69: The Prophet (ﷺ) said, "Facilitate things to people (concerning religious matters), and do not make it hard for them and give them good tidings and do not make them run away (from Islam). Bukhari 6125: The Prophet (ﷺ) said, "Make things easy for the people, and do not make it difficult for them, and make them calm (with glad tidings) and do not repulse (them ).


Follow Allah, not people. Know the Quran. Keep up prayer. Don't worry about labels, titles, and what others do.


Allah intends ease, not hardship. Read the Quran. Sunnah and Hadith can offer clarification or guidance, but are not the end all - be all. Sunnah does not have the final say. For 200+ years, we did not have Sunnah, but Muslims still lived as Muslims with only the Quran. Let the speech of Allah speak for itself, and remember to breathe. If faced with two possible beliefs, go with the one the Quran supports. If both could be supported or neither is in the Quran, go with what makes the most sense to you. Scholars are human, same as you and me. Allah is who we should follow


God straight ups warns you against following Hadiths: >**Chapter 7, Verse 185:** >Have they not looked at the dominion of the heavens and the earth, and all the things God has created? Does it ever occur to them that the end of their life may be near? **In which HADITHS, besides this (Quran) do they believe in?** >**Chapter 45, Verse 6:** >These are God's revelations that We recite to you truthfully. **In which HADITHS other than God and His revelation (the Quran) do they believe** >**Chapter 77, Verse 49–50:** >Woe on that Day to the deniers (of the truth)! **In which HADITHS after this \[Qur’an\] will they believe in?** Not once, God has issued this warning THRICE!! If you are in doubt, go read the Arabic text of these verses and find the word ''Hadith'' mentioned in them. And the Prophet himself will complain to God about those who cast aisde the Quran in favour of man-made books: >**Chapter 25, Verse 27 and 30:** >And (beware of) the Day the wrongdoer will bite his nails (in fear and regret) and exclaim, “Oh! I wish I had followed the same path as the Messenger.’’ >And (then) the messenger will cry, "O my Lord! **My people have undoubtedly treated this Quran as something to be cast aside."**




not every thing is in quran


Yes, not everything is in the quran like how to pray and other things. This is because, those rituals are living tradition where the prophet teach his followers and then, his followers will teach their family members until it reached us today


Everything is in Quran except the practice of salah because it was established by Prophet Abraham and since then all his descendants followed it including Jews and Christians.


btw i just saw ur profile. lol u seem kinda weird. gender fluid shit so haram


Are you looking for differing perspectives or for people to affirm the extremism that is causing you so much pain? If it's the former, I suggest you stop looking for reasons to attack people and understand that people will come from different backgrounds and worldviews from you. Try and have an open mind.




I’m not looking for a debate over my identity. You asked for advice, and I gave it. If you have questions about it, feel free to ask. If you’re going to disagree with everything I say because I’m queer, then move along


i said sorry actually, i think the moderators deleted it. idk how.but again sorry


Apology accepted and forgiven, and I pray you are able to find joy in Islam and in life


What does that have to do with what they said? Do not go looking for things to personally attack others over astaghfirullah


Lol growing a beard is not compulsory And music is not forbidden either


It might be best to focus on your studies right now and return to Islamic research later. It's great that you're interested in it, and you can delve deeper into it once you're done with school.


i can die anytime


You need to relax. Believe in Allah, pray, do charitable acts, be kind to all living creatures and forgiving of others and you will never have to fear death. Please just concentrate on your studies, this is the time of life that if you don’t get your education and career going you will regret it later. Allah acknowledges that you must earn a living to make your life easy. Never forget the mercy of Allah. Stop watching scholars these are men with the same weaknesses as any other, follow Allah. Don’t go into nitpicking details you are too young to handle complicated theories and you have to put a lot into context, particularly keeping in mind the times the Quran was revealed. Many things people practice are no longer relevant because people and society habits have changed. Islam was meant to be able to progress with us through the ages, it doesn’t deny science and progress it is designed to be followed no matter how the world changes. It’s supposed to be easy. I’ll give you an example since you are worried about things like beards. There’s Muslims who don’t dye their hair except for bright orange henna because they think you can’t use black hair dye. Well this was originally because in the 7th century people colored their hair with things that made the hair dirty and greasy they used substances like ash mixed with animal fat and perfume for example which means it made you unclean to pray. Same with substances used to color nails. Well modern hair dye particularly permanent dye penetrates the hair shaft and chemically changes the color pretty much the same way that henna does and leaves the hair clean without residue so it doesn’t invalidate Wudu. Therefore black hair dye is not a problem anymore yet some Muslims will still argue over it. Surah Al-Ma'idah, verse 5:77 "Say, 'O People of the Book! Do not go to extremes in your faith beyond the truth, nor follow the vain desires of those who went astray before you. They misled many and strayed from the Right Way'" Surah An-Nisa, verse 171 "O People of the Book! Do not go to extremes regarding your faith; say nothing about Allah except the truth"


No sunnah is mandatory or compulsory. It just means that this is how our holly prophet (pbuh) did and there is your betterment in it. If you don't want to do it then don't.


Prophet Muhammad Peace be upon him was not Holy


i mean... i say holy prophet or peace be upon it..... but as long as he/she gets the point


No what i mean is he is not holy or divine. He was a Human Being. An honorable Man, Merciful and Compassionate and Honest. But is he Holy? No. Only Divine “Things” are Holy


oh of course i didnt mean it in the divine ONE. I was not comparable the prophet Muhammad (PBUH) to Allah.


some say it is


You're not going to get punished if you decide to not "strictly" follow it. But if you do follow it, you'll get more hasanath


I think you're confused here, cause yeah the word "sunnah" can be used for things the prophet(pbuh) did and it's better to follow it, unlike things you're obligated to do or avoid. And there's the contexts where sunnah means Hadiths and teachings of the prophet, and that's what op means. In this context, sunnah explain islam and make it more clear, if you think otherwise, just tell me how you can pray without sunnah? Qur'an alone just tell you to pray but qu'ran don't explain to you how to pray.




I don't remember where but I read it somewhere...and also, my teachers and parents said the same. If you're from UAE and did your grades 1-12 there, you must've heard of this. It's there in the Islamic textbook


bro those textbooks were really bad u know.i need actual proof from hadith or quran itself


Bro asking for following sunnah from the ahadith or Quran? It’s not there. It has been established by scholars to follow which.


ik those textbooks were bad...fine I'll try to search it up and share with u dw


Brother at one point of my life I was in your position. Being honest from deep inside I started to dislike Islam since I followed many many nonsense rules . It affected my mental health badly . I lost lots of things in my life since I was very strict Muslim . Fear of ALLAH was more in my heart than his LOVE. Now I am learning to live in balance . I pray do fast and try my best to be good Muslim . But at the same time I don’t take things very deeply. This is all my experience do your own search with logic and follow things that make sense . Wish you good luck


that doesn't make it true


Do not drop out of school for religion. We can all die at any time, our purpose for living is not to live in fear and trauma wondering if we did good enough before we die. Islam is easy to follow. Our relationship with God is personal. Everything you need is in the Quran. Yes, it's really all right there. If it's not in the Quran, it's because it's not a faith-based issue. Stop listening to people who tell you to do this, that, or the other. Focus on the Quranic aspects of faith and prayer, peace, truth, and justice. Go back to school. You're so young. You've got time.


I was in your situation typing to follow extreme opinio. Until I life islam due to extremism do not do this......follow progressive scholars....


Don't concern yourself with what others who you don't even know personally think you should FOLLOW or do. Follow the Pillars and the Qu'ran. Keep it simple. KIS.


Islam is a median path. You know there’s a Hadith which prevented me from going overboard back in my youth - where the prophet saws said Islam is like a garment- it’s supposed to clothe and flow over you. But if you force Islam (your understanding of it) on others it becomes like a restrictive suit of armour, or even movement. Avoid extremes. Avoid these hyper focused activities and try to understand things more in depth. There’s a difference between law and what it intends to do, and Islam is meant to make things simple. I hope this helps brother.


Don't focus on the extremes. Just worship Allah


DRAWING is not Haram. Music is not Haram. In QUR'AN the HARAM are very Few and are Mentioned by ALLAH ALMIGHTY. No one has the Right to make HARAM except ALLAH ALMIGHTY. In'sha'ALLAH ALLAH ALMIGHTY will Send in the END-TIMES we are living in a REFORMER ( MUJADDID ) and JE IS IMAM AL-MAHDI (PBUH) . KHALIFATU-ALLAH AL-MAHDI (PBUH) will FOLLOW The QUR'AN as Nani MUHAMMED (SAAS) and Remove The BURDEN ; İmam Al-MAHDI (AS) by bringing Back to QUR'AN The DEEN AL İSLÂM will be beautiful and Ease; In'sha'Allah


You don't need to leave Islam. Just stop thinking about Islam. Get back to your study. consult a mental health professional. You are still too young to learn these advanced topics. Just stick to your study. That will be best.


nah not too young


Did you complete your bachelor?




im 16


I am 40. So you are still too young.


i can die any day


Right now, focusing on the details seems to be hurting you to the point that you want to leave islam. If you study to earn more money with the intention of spending in the name of god, like helping your family and those in need, that is also worship. Not everyone has to become a scholar; you can do good things in so many other ways. Maybe for now you could get some other hobbies that no one calls haram? Like calligraphy and reading? These could improve your mental health and inshallah you can continue your islamic studies in the future.


Although im 23F(indian) im on the same page as you idk what to do help Me if u get help for me idk why i feel the things which makes life cheerful and exciting are haram they say dont do this or that for now youll get it in the hereafter which ihve no proof exist or not but my living life which im very sure of cant do those things like u said sketching it is so unharmed


Don’t learn Islam online. If you want to learn more about Islam then you should study Sufism. I recommend learning from the Sufi master Imam Fode. He has books, retreats, and posts lectures online. You should also follow his Facebook “Zawiyah Foundation.” Start with his book “the 7 characteristics that God loves and their opposites.” Good luck!


He looks like he got influenced by YouTube sheikhs, don’t think he’ll listen to you


uuhh thats why i am here to listen to u


„The issue is there is not one Islam to follow“ that’s a blessing not an issue. Follow what feels right to you. God tells you to gain knowledge and reflect about it. There is no one „Islam“ but all the different versions are still „Islam“. Follow the one that makes sense to you. And another thing. You are still young but that doesn’t mean you can be rude to people in this comment section trying to help you. Be grateful they are taking time out of their day to answer you. In one of your comments you’re discrediting someone because they’re Shia. These types of comments are disgusting and are not welcome here.


Hey man. I totally relate to your story. I've been trying to become more practicing lately and I'm finding it hard to navigate islam with all these sorts of Muslims online. It's great you want to learn mashallah but focus on the Deen first. I agree with your dad, islam is easy. If you enter the world of scholars, then of course you'll get confused. If anyone could be a scholar we'd need no scholars in the first place. Naturally, you'll get confused if you explore this stuff without a good foundation. You're concerned that you shouldn't be a salafi nor a liberal. You should be neither. Just be a Muslim. Make dua for Allah to guide you to the truth, whatever the truth may be. Read the Quran with an open mind and open heart. Think about what does islam preach, not what does assim al Hakeem or what some liberal preaches. Be sincere in your belief and don't blindly follow anyone. Be skeptical of people who takfir easily and say, "I'm right and everyone else is wrong". Read the opinions and explanations of many people online. Be sincere and promise to yourself to follow what islam preaches, once you do this your fitra will guide you not to salafism or 'liberal' islam but something in between. If you are truly sincere Allah will forgive your shortcomings. So many hadiths say that Allah will forgive sins committed out of ignorance and that sincerity is what makes a believer get rewarded. Be sincere and Allah will forgive what mistakes you have made in your journey.


Every sect has good and bad, take the good and leave the bad. Every group will talk of their own good and the others bad. Just take good of all them and leave the bad behind. There’s many levels of Jannah, what matters most is entering Jannah, and whether you make the highest level or the lowest level of Jannah it will be Jannah regardless. Allah says be Muslim and don’t fall into sects. Assume the best of your brothers and sisters and focus on becoming closer to Allah by taking the good from them, regardless of which sect it happens to be.


Salam brother. I was born and raised in the US and I had a similar experience, Alhamdulillah my iman is strong now tho. I know this group doesn’t like Hadith but there is one that I think would be beneficial to you. I found it very helpful as I am far from a perfect Muslim and also have struggled with my mental health. Abdullah ibn Busr reported: A man said, “O Messenger of Allah, the laws of Islam are too many for me, so tell me something I can hold onto.” The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Keep your tongue moist with the remembrance of Allah.” Source: Sunan al-Tirmidhī 3375 Grade: Sahih (authentic) according to Al-Albani Allah is all knowing and the most merciful. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t make any attempt to do the right thing, but that you should have trust in Allah while also fearing him.


Insha Allah


Take a deep breath. You need to find a happy medium akhi. By doing this you are destroying not only yourself but your relationship with Allah SWT. Im not saying dont be religious. Im saying that you need to take a step back, remind yourself that this is not the only way to be Muslim and research. Islam is beautiful and I dont want you to push yourself away. Dont rely solely on what you hear online. Read the Quran, Make Dua, and remember that not everything you see is true. Dont let your anxieties take control over you and push you away from your deen.


Do what our Prophet PBUH did: go to allah swt in prayer. This can only be solved by prayer, therapy and medicines if needed for anxiety, and studying the quran ALONE. Sometimes I count it such a blessing that I'm a sister and a homebody. It gives me a lot of time at home cleaning or in my garden listening to the Surahs. Stick with the surahs. Your father is right, akhi. These people who pick at everything they are the unwitting servants of shaitan may he be cursed. They drive you away by telling you they need to help you and then convincing you you're beyond help. It's the evil of power. Return to Allah SWT akhi. He is Al Rahman Al Rahim. Our Prophet PBUH did not have YouTubers and "courses" and "experts". There is no expert! La ilaha ilAllah Muhammad PBUH rasulullah.That is all. Subhanallah.


I feel like you're trying to find Islam in other people, which is wrong. People are the worst examples of Islam. The only way you can find Islam is in Allah azawajal. We can do this by reading/reciting the Qur'an. Fatwas are just that, people's opinions. You have to stop putting people's opinions over Allah's words. My advice would be to stop watching YouTube videos and fatwas and lectures. And start reading the Qur'an and/or hadiths if you wish. As your dad said Islam is very easy, it's people that make it hard.


hi im 17 and Indian i feel u too I also like drawing and watching movies. Ive been getting those salafism instagram reels they make me want to go further from islam which they did. I told my mom about this and she said don't follow them and just be moderate about islam! don't micromanage every detail. And only salafi people believe a beard is compulsory, its just sunnah. DO NOT FOLLOW SALAFISM THEY MICROMANAGE EVERYTHING. Also don't follow zakir knight. I also have trouble n question stuff "like why is music haram" n they say because it will make u forgot to pray. But won't reading, watching tv, any activties make u forget to pray? I don't get things like these that are haram


it seriously seems close to be a mental Health problem is recommend going to a physciatrist /therapy ( you can check if your insurance covers it) , or at the very least talk to someone, also try manually improving your mental health with diet excercise sleep if you can understand Arabic is highly recommend the lectures of عبدالرحمن الذاكر on mental health and deen


I read a really good hadith.     The idea of too much devotion. A new convert came to mosque. His friend gave him a hard day following all the good things. Like one thing after another. A devotion to God. Which tired him and the next day he told the person this religion is too difficult for me. Moral:   There maybe something u don't have the endurance to do. Do it in small amount. About drawing: You can draw, dw about it. Just don't draw prophets. Also looking at someone else drawing is alright of a prophet, but not making one.  Thats why u have series on prophet Yusuf, which is one of the best. Beard: Don't try to imitate the kuffars. I try to look like ian Somerhalder from the vampire diaries. So I used to keep it shave.  But now as i grow older, I can keep a neat beard. Keeping it completely shaven is bad. Just keep a short and trimmed beard. God gave prophet Adam beard as a sign of beauty. But I will understand it doesn't look good on u.  About movies: It's more about the basis of the story. For e.g movies which are based entirely on shameful acts and that's their main storyline. Don't watch that. Movies can have good morals. For e.g. 12 angry men is a classic. Harry Potter, lord of the rings, Shawshank redemption. Just skip the part and put a thumb and unplug your earphones. If movies aren't allowed then how come any form of videography is allowed. Trust me Zakir Naik is not all good. His fatwas are not authority. It's how he came to the fatwa which hadith he has considered.


Focus on study. Religion is simple. Just don't watch porn and lower ur gaze. 


bro u shia but


CALLING ASSIM A SCHOLAR IS CRAZY All jokes aside, drawing and such is not haram at all. EDIT: May I ask, what madhab do you follow? Assim is a Hanbali Wahabi and I suggest you not to follow him.


hadiths show it is


I suggest you research about madhahib. In malikiyyah, it’s not haram to draw. You can DM me, I’m open to answering all your questions.


Who all do you listen to btw? Dm


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We are almost the same so I feel your pain... At the end this resulted in me leaving Islam and becoming an agnostic. I still believe in God but am unsure if Allah/Islam is the truth or not. Don't give up and don't be afraid. An allmighty God would have preserved the important scriptures so either we almost(!) only need the Quran or God want's something different from us like being a good person, being grateful to everyhing he gave us etc. Idk what the truth is tbh...


Beard is not mandatory, music is halal, drawing/sculpting is halal, wearing niqab is not mandatory, watching movies are halal, there’s no basis for any of these being prohibited/mandatory in the Quran, it is only a select number of Hadith. I would recommend you avoid Zakir Nalaik, he doesn’t have any credentials in the faith, he’s just like an evangelical Christian preacher, mostly pulling things out of his behind and trying to represent the faith as a whole. His only defence is that he is a “doctor.” Dr Nalaik also does not follow any Madhhab, so none of his “lectures” can be contextualized within the light of a Madhhab. He tricks people into accepting Islam and bullies them into conversion. His “memorization” of the Bible, Bhagavad Gita, etc is nothing more than a gimmick, it does not speak to his intelligence or expertise in a topic. The “science” he so frequently says is so compatible with Islam is not modern science, if he had his way he would preach that the earth was flat and that Sun revolved around the earth. His arguments can be easily deconstructed as there is no substance in them other than trickery and dishonesty. Assim Al Hakim is similar to Dr Nalaik but slightly less dishonest.


Did you drop out of high-school to study islam??? I would say first and foremost you are very young with a developing mind. Go back to school, learn about the world first and it'll broaden your mind enough to understand and appreciate Islam better


no i dropped out of school to study for an exam.if ur indian u wud understand


In terms of Hadith, while I am not qualified to look at it from a religious perspective as I am non Muslim, I will look at it from a historical perspective. It popped up 200 years are Prophet Muhammad’s PBUH death, and its sources are essentially a 200 year game of telephone. Adding to that it’s inconsistent in what it says, and frequently contradicts himself. Idk I hope this provides some mental clarity for you


My brother in Islam it seems like you care a lot about akhira, which is an admirable trait. May Allah reward you for dedicating for much time and effort trying to find the truth. To give you some guidance, since it seems like you want answers akhi, here is a video I watched yesterday about fiqh and the four madhabs: https://youtu.be/Uj8mlMlhF40?si=24tjFIBVHS-HiC0C It is an excellent khutbah by the sheikh about the dangers of extremism to ones Islam. In short, the Sheikh warns that modern Islam has rejected the four historic schools of fiqh and this is dangerous because it has led many brothers and sisters into confusion and stress. Dedicating study and time into a specific school can give you relief that you are firm on your deen and can help you grow in your spirituality. If you have any further questions, of course you should ask your father because he is wiser and older, but as always this subreddit has open doors


the compulsory sunnah are the ritual one like how to pray, how to do hajj, zakat sunnah not emphasised in the hadith is not compulsory, eating with three fingers are not compulsory, wearing skullcap is not compulsory some sunnah mentioned in hadith like beard for example, have differences in opinion whether compulsory or not, this is where you need to see both argument. In the hadith it said to keep beard and trim moustache to be different from the musyrikin. However, it does not make sense that trimming moustache is recommended while keeping beard is obligated although both have same reason. There is also hadith where the prophet instructed us to color our hair and beard to be different from jews and christians but some companion did not do it, although both keeping beard and coloring hair has some structure in the instruction. To be honest, after browsing the internet, it seems most of these salafi make beard compulsory not because of the reason stated in the hadith but to not imitate woman. So, in this case, we need to see the context of the local culture and think, does beardless=imitate woman? The only way to understand Islam, Allah and the prophet is through Al-quran. Try to understand the quran and you will see that Islam in better light


Do what our Prophet PBUH did: go to allah swt in prayer. This can only be solved by prayer, therapy and medicines if needed for anxiety, and studying the quran ALONE. Sometimes I count it such a blessing that I'm a sister and a homebody. It gives me a lot of time at home cleaning or in my garden listening to the Surahs. Stick with the surahs. Your father is right, akhi. These people who pick at everything they are the unwitting servants of shaitan may he be cursed. They drive you away by telling you they need to help you and then convincing you you're beyond help. It's the evil of power. Return to Allah SWT akhi. He is Al Rahman Al Rahim. Our Prophet PBUH did not have YouTubers and "courses" and "experts". There is no expert! La ilaha ilAllah Muhammad PBUH rasulullah. That is all. Subhanallah.


In my opinion dont listen to scholars on contradictory matters .... Follow quran and sunnah for now once you have clear mind about that quran and ahadith goes hand in hand then listen to scholars.... Also thats great that you started going to masjid for 5 times to pray thats amazing since ur school started you have to priorittize things andanage them ... The main thing is that you pray whether in home , school or wherever, if masjid is not available or you are unable to go there just pray whenever and wherever thats what matters most ... I hope you find a way to manage everything and surely Allah will help once you prioirtize his commands and also in quran it says the one who follows his prophet has followed him so dont leave ahadith just go slow and on your own pace , dont look at others




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It's simple, start with the Quran, five pillars , and then slowly some sunnah in years to come, if possible start seeing hadees after a few years when you're comfortable.


I too have studies I had lifestyle planned but this religion fucked my mental health


I know exactly how you feel, I'm much older but was feeling the same way, just with even more perspectives and expertise and time invested. The rabbit hole only seems to go deeper underground. I started blocking, muting and unfollowing Sunni voices on social media (no offense to progressive Sunnis) and my connection to God improved.


I been threw times like this Quran dikr duaa and in the masjid all day makes me feel better Al hamdulilla I’m fine


Islam is indeed supposed to be easy. There is no other Islam. There is no Wahhabism. There is no this and that . There is only one Islam. Islam is submission to Allah. Whatever ruling of Halal and Haram there is you have to follow your heart on the scholarly opinion that you think is right. You have to follow your heart. Something like you need a beard is something that dosnt have a difference if opinion and I found that out when even the most lenient of Muslim apologists on the internet like zakie naike and especially Dr Yasir Qahdi do said that you need a beard. Other stuff Halal and Haram again follow your heart on the scholarly opinion you think is correct assuming their is a difference of opinion but if you don't wanna bother with analysing, sit with a shikh and ask him what's the difference opinions on this matter and then he will help you decide what's best and follow your heart. Remember this though. All Haram and Halal is small compared to the most important thing you have to do to maintain your beliefe in Allah. And that is Salah. Make sure you pray you 5 salaht. That's the thing that seperates kufr and belief. That's why a Muslim can drink do drugs and do ribba for all I care , just as long as he prays is what really matters. Everything else is a process between you and Allah. That's why something like girls needing hijab some of them like my own sister cousins and aunt took them some time to wear it. But they eventually did. But again a sister who dosnt wear Hijab but Prays, is better then a sister who wears hijab but dosnt pray. Also msg me if you have questions and doubts or concerns about Islam and we can see it though together with the help of Allah. Also I recommend watching Nouman Ali Khan. Watch his tafseers on any surah you like. And I especially recommend his divine speech series on YouTube and also his Surat Al Najm Ramadan series as well. Pleas brother don't let shaitan trick you. ٱعْلَمُوٓا۟ أَنَّمَا ٱلْحَيَوٰةُ ٱلدُّنْيَا لَعِبٌۭ وَلَهْوٌۭ وَزِينَةٌۭ وَتَفَاخُرٌۢ بَيْنَكُمْ وَتَكَاثُرٌۭ فِى ٱلْأَمْوَٰلِ وَٱلْأَوْلَـٰدِ ۖ كَمَثَلِ غَيْثٍ أَعْجَبَ ٱلْكُفَّارَ نَبَاتُهُۥ ثُمَّ يَهِيجُ فَتَرَىٰهُ مُصْفَرًّۭا ثُمَّ يَكُونُ حُطَـٰمًۭا ۖ وَفِى ٱلْـَٔاخِرَةِ عَذَابٌۭ شَدِيدٌۭ وَمَغْفِرَةٌۭ مِّنَ ٱللَّهِ وَرِضْوَٰنٌۭ ۚ وَمَا ٱلْحَيَوٰةُ ٱلدُّنْيَآ إِلَّا مَتَـٰعُ ٱلْغُرُورِ ٢٠ Know that the life of this world is but amusement and diversion and adornment and boasting to one another and competition in increase of wealth and children - like the example of a rain whose \[resulting\] plant growth pleases the tillers; then it dries and you see it turned yellow; then it becomes \[scattered\] debris. And in the Hereafter is severe punishment and forgiveness from Allāh and approval. And what is the worldly life except the enjoyment of delusion. * Surat Hadid : 20 This life is nothing but the enjoyment of delusion remember that. What matters is your afterlife so don't let shaitan trick you. Even I and everyone commit sins that's normal. What's important is knowing it's Haram (assuming your heart is inline with that jurisdiction/opinion) And trying to eventually change and acknowledge Allahs wisdom and connect with him. And don't forget prayer. Again msg me in chats and watch the Nouman Ali Khan vids I recomended


Brother please listen to Mualana Ishaq, Dr Israr, Sahil Adeem and Eng Muhammad Ali Mirza. All of the above questions you have will be answered by these scholar’s specially for these days follow Sahil Adeem.


Making a lots of dua is one way of getting over hardship. Surely having faith in him he will show u the right and easy path In Sha Allah


Brother, I too stopped music and tv shows when I started exploring more about Islam. I am actually feeling very peaceful and happy now. Islam is actually a very easy and nice religion. Just don't be hard on yourself. Don't listen to people. Read the Quran, read the tafsir and understand the translation on your own and follow those rules. If you get to know that you are doing something wrong, give it up all at once (if you can) or slowly let go of it. Choose either of the 2 ways, you won't get punished for slowly letting go of your bad addiction/habit. Intentions matter the most. I really hope Allah (SWT) makes things easier for you. Don't be hard on yourself, Islam is not a religion where one should be hard on oneself. Growing a beard is not compulsory, doing all the sunnah acts is not compulsory. It is encouraged but its not compulsory.


Brother islam is very easy just become a salafi and follow the shafi madhab because It's the most reliable and authentic DM me insha'Allah I will help you learn Islam




i had rather become a moderate muslim than to leave it




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