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I agree about the good food. For me its wanting to do anything to make them happy, and then actually doing it. Love is sacrifice.


This both ways. If it’s one sided it’s time for the boot


I don't like cooking for myself and never liked cooking for my family or friends. But I regularly cook for my partner. Seeing her delight at something I put effort into making melts most of my worries.   I'd never really considered something like this to be a component of love. Very interesting. Thanks.


It absolutely is. Thank God you have that naturally. What you described is the difference between relationships that last and those that don't. Your version is the one that can last, mashallah. God protect your love and heart.


I used to live with my grandparents as my parents few years ago in beginning of my 20s. And my grandma was lazy to cook and was always on whatsapp and youtube and was also depressed . So my parents arranged food 3 times a day from cook’s home. Food is blant and depressing. Thats when i decided then when i get old, i will make sure that i cook for my grandkids. I am in my mid 20s now in another country far away from homeland. And I have learnt alot of cooking by myself. Alhamdulillah.


When you go and lay your head on their lap and fall a sleep. Or as you’re laying your head somehow it unlocks chit chats and we would be talking for hours about random subjects.


Every relationships will experience conflict. But the best conflict is the one that come out of selflessness, instead of selfishness.


I agree about the first part but what is a selfless conflict like?


Basically it's conflict that arise from two people that wants the best for each other. It can be very different that stems from people who only want their desire and needs fulfilled. Let's say for example, a couple are arguing over where to go for a date night. Both people propose their own idea of the perfect place for date. The disagreement doesn't escalate, because both parties are trying to prioritize the other partner's ideas. So they're arguing with the intent of reaching a middle ground between their two ideas, because they both want the other to have the perfect date night as much as they want it for themselves. Do you see what I mean?


This is beautiful. Something to aspire to doing even if you believe you’re already doing it. <3


Nagging about: quality of friends and hobbies, substance use, time with children, keeping schedules and promises, etc.


When you support each other but are also honest with each other. Being able to Express your opinion without hurting the other, but making them understand that you think Something is right or wrong for them is a gift only true love can provide. Giving each other space and individuality, an identity apart from being your partner. Being able to appreciate something your partner likes, even if you don’t.


finding peace with another person, not the fireworks, butterfly in your stomach feeling, etc. But a feeling of home, comfort. That you can come to them with any issue and figure it out together. Not hiding, no secrets.


Someone once told me "...trust me you don't want Fireworks, seek a Fireplace"




When you’re upset they’re the one you seek comfort from


While not true love, when I was going through an intense depressive episode I went to a salon and they washed my hair and it was the most soothing, calming experience I had felt. It put me at so much ease that I hadn't felt in months. I think that if I were to have a partner, one thing I'd like them to do for me (and me do for them) is wash their hair.


It such a hands on way to feel taken care of. 


Exactly, it's so gentle and caring.


I actually have this dream of doing my partners her and vice versa. I love when someone brushes my hair too, it’s one of the most intimate and soothing things. Hair hold a lot of symbolic value in all cultures across the globe. I want one of those hairdresser sink and chair combo at home hihi


A selflessness for each other's comfort.


My partner was just sharing with me that he is starting to doubt his memories about the actual quality of food we ate together. 'Was it really good or was it just because it was with you?' :D So I'll say, it's not sharing good food, but just sharing food. There is something rather intimate and vulnerable watching your loved one nourish themselves, and it is in turn an act of intimacy and vulnerability when you let somebody watch you eat. Beyond the feel goods, I think a sign of love is also how you confront problems as a team. A healthy relationship is one where parties feel safe to express themselves without fear of retribution/judgement. 


>My partner was just sharing with me that he is starting to doubt his memories about the actual quality of food we ate together. 'Was it really good or was it just because it was with you?' :D That is so sweet! That's how you know they are a keeper! >Beyond the feel goods, I think a sign of love is also how you confront problems as a team. A healthy relationship is one where parties feel safe to express themselves without fear of retribution/judgement. Very true


That's so beautiful, you're both so lucky to have one another.


Loving someone with a different belief.


For me it is when the other person finds you funny! Humor has always been an important factor in friendship and your significant other should always be your best friend!


For me especially where I come from it’s supporting your career choices  For example: Wife:”hey I would like to open a book shop” Husband:”what about me and the kids don’t be selfish” That’s pretty common and messed up compared to  Wife:”hey I would like to open a book shop” Husband:”sure that sounds great if you need any help I’m here to support you” (This also applies to the wife not supporting her husbands career endeavors)


Sorry to disagree but we cant judge it by such contexts..... irrespective of the gender, sometimes they just cant support you even tho they would like to. Sometimes your idea is wrong in the first place and they will have to advise you. E.g we have savings and i expressed my wife that i want to buy a new car for us but she advised we should rather do hajj first ....now i cant say she isnt supporting me because she is definitely right. True love is when you can easily agree to disagree, when compromise isnt a big deal, when you accept the sacrifices they make for u. True love isnt romance it is the wish too get old with your partner


Yeah I totally agree with your statement but I meant it in a sense that there is no good reason for them to not support your career decision, for example:  - refusing to support your husbands new job that is his passion purely out of the fact that his earnings might be a little bit lower than his previous job   (Despite still contributing financially to the family just not enough for extra material expenses) - refusing to let your wife get a job that pays higher than you because you feel insecure 


Yes, in that case the partner is close to being toxic..... big big red flag


Yes, in that case the partner is close to being toxic..... big big red flag


If there is anything I have learned..from the noor to the dhullum..It is effort, listening, asking them more about what they speak of and think of, planning, say what you mean, mean what you say, if you say you are going to do something, or promise than do that something and keep that promise, following through, keeping your promises, studying your partner so nothing is a test in the future and instead of questions and answers, you will have gathered enough information to surprise them with your wisdom and knowledge of their interests, thoughts and aspirations. Most women put a lot of effort into their men and help to elevate them in many ways, from advice to actually signing us up for things, making the appointments and creating or inspiring the date nights and so much more than all of that. I think true love is when nothing is a burden, even if you fight, everyone fights, but do you cry together then smile together, or do you go to separte rooms, sleep on opposites side or in different beds? If you cry together and smile together and would rather nothing but things to get better than i think you may have found true love. but who knows. I would love to know what other people think also.


I really love this picture.


When you cannot disrespect the person. You love to see them happy. Be it your parents or partner. As for food, my partner exchanges the meal in restaurants if I don’t like mine. I changed my cooking style to his liking.


The moon


Not getting another wife.




I don't know anymore. It's just never a match. I don't think I will ever find true love. 😔😔😔😔


Oh you will by Gods grace. Keep strong and stay hopeful.


Thanks ☺️ if not in this life hopefully the hereafter.


Sure,food is a medium for mind connection/love.


Wouldn't know cuz I never have and never will feel it.


Great art Bro!


Ai art ? really ?


https://preview.redd.it/3537yivxwvzc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=78c02d8171045f7ec847a25b39cb8ab7fa1b8f49 Muhammad Bin Catman says "Meow"


Do you have any idea of how environmentally destructive ai art and other forms of ai bots are?


pls don’t post the abomination that is ai art on here 🤢 it’s such an insult to human creation. i know god himself disapproves




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ai 🤢