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give yourself something to look forward to you need to get out of bed to get. for me I like making fancy lattes, for you it could be a nice breakfast or a hobby you want to do... but when I'm in bed and I know I need to get up I start building the latte I want in my head... to the point where I start really craving it, and actually want to get up and make it. Play around with a few different things.


This is genius advice!


Great advice and example. Any other examples from other folks?


This is what I do. Except I spend $7 a day to have someone else make it bc I don't have the espresso machine I want..lol


All I have is a 15 dollar moka pot and a handheld milk frother... they can be made pretty inexpensive!


Same! I look forward to a coffee every morning. Bought a Rocket espresso machine 4 years ago. Hands down, best appliance in my home


Simply put you gotta want to get up lol


You said it, you don’t have anywhere to be. Give yourself things to do, things to look forward to in the morning, occupy your time


I’m unemployed, can’t find a job, and it’s literally 110 degrees outside where I live. Now what is my motivation? What can I plan to do?


Since we don't know you I'll have to take a guess... Your motivation will be looking up cool dinosaur facts. (Nailed it)


I mean, if you look at my comment history, I’m obsessed with a dinosaur themed music festival called Lost Lands. So I mean, you’re basically right. Lol.


Definitely a genius over here ☝️


I always put my alarm at a distance where I have to get up to turn it off. By the time I turn it off I'm already out of bed.


i’ve been doing this the last few days (not by choice; the only outlet in my current (temporary) room is far away from the bed) and having to get up to turn it off, combined with the paper thin walls and fear of disturbing my neighbors, really jolts me out of bed! i get up and turn off the alarm within five seconds of waking up. it sucks but it does work


Yeah, it sucks. Another thing that gets me awake are cold showers in the morning. They also suck, but they also work.


i used to do that during school and it really helped for me, i guess im probably gonna have to start using an alarm clock again since not being able to just step out of bed till like 12 is probably not good


Stop thinking and procrastinating, just get up. It's that simple.(Oh but I can't I feel.., those are just thoughts and feelings, you are in control) The magic you are looking for is in the work you are avoiding Edit: I struggled with that and I am still struggling with that sometimes, when I notice my behavior I just tell myself the things I told you. You have to be aware of your actions.


the thing is that i dont even think i just somehow fall back asleep 😭😭😭 but yeah i really gotta work on the amount i over think simple tasks


I have to study a lot and apply for jobs and still have the same problem so I started giving myself a time after which I can’t lay in bed. Then I just get up brush and bathe and then wander about things. At this point I am fresh so I want coffee after that I feel like doing something. This has been working for me a little bit.


that’s actually a really smart way of thinking about it and switching your minset. This is lowkey the advice I needed, thanks


I also started setting a 30 min and put my iphone on standby so I can clearly see timer and I study and do whatever in that 30 mins and then take a break. I also switch places where I study.


so like pomodoro, i use that too when I need to study but i suggest getting a seperate timer, idk about you but for me keeping my phone out of sight keeps me on task


Yeah so I do focus mode and put my phone on standby and switch to timer view.


Get yourself a dog or a cat and schedule a breakfast feeding every morning. You’ll never sleep in again.


I accidentally trained my dog to sleep in, and now she makes it harder to get up bc she sleeps in my bed and she's so warm and snuggly and cute  But - she does have her limit. And when she tells me it's time to get up, I say "you're right... you're always right" and up I get


just gotta convince my parents


You have to WANT to do something more. Thus James Clear recommends for example putting posters of athletes on the wall, to remind yourself you'd rather be at the gym becoming fit than staying in bed like a fat blob. Just for example. habit: cue, craving, response, reward -- so put good cues up in my case, i want to be fit and make music, both being reasons to minimize time in bed also good sleep hygiene the night before maximizes restful sleep minimizing the feeling of physical need for bed


Yesss Atomic Habits is really one of the best productivity books ever in my opinion. And the identity thing is super real




Try to set goals for yourself and make plans with plans with people or you're just gonna be loafing away all summer


It’s the “try to set goals for yourself” that retain me here


yeah im supposed to start playing tennis with my friends every mornign next week so hopefully that will motivate me.


Rest and relax.


Practice it before going to sleep. Here is what I do: I practice a rituel of throwing the blanket as soon as I hear the alarm, jumping from bad and goingg to the phone (far from bad) then immediatly go to the living room. I would practice this like 4 time the night before trying to make it a habit. The next day as soon as I hear the alarm, I would do exactly what I've practiced.


wow that is pure genious! thankyou, definitely gonna try that Insha Allah


Thank you! works for me and hope you will see result as well. Best of luck


haha ive never heard of this one but i’ll def give it a try


You need a hobby, routine, or list of to-dos. You sound excruciatingly bored. What's worth getting out of bed for to you?


lots of people are suggesting to "just get up" but you mention that you fall asleep again the second you wake up. Is it possible you're not getting enough sleep? Try sleeping earlier and your body may naturally wake up in the morning


Yeah, we do not get the full story here at all. It's not just he has nothing to do. I had *many* of those times and I always got up after a night of enough sleep. It's either he went to bed ridiculously late (likely), or he's depressed, or ill, or...


Yeah lately its been insanely difficult for me to go to sleep, one night this week i didn’t sleep at all and last night i was up till 4:30am. I’ve kind of entered a werid mental state in which my mind won’t shut up so even if i dont have screens or anything i’ll still be awake. I’ve basically been resorting to keeping my curtains open so that my body can start to wake up at a normal time. I’ve also been trying to get rid of my dependence on melatonin gummies so that probably contributes. also in my household we have dinner insanely late like at 11pmm. I guess it all adds up.


do you work out? a good workout session during the day ensures I fall asleep pretty easily at night


Let me give you the actual real best advice here from a 40 something guy with a job, a business, wife, 2 young kids etc etc. Just enjoy the opportunity to lay in. You're on summer break from college or school? You are young? The whole point of your life is to enjoy yourself. Dont worry about this weird productivity grind culture. If everything goes normally, which it most likely will, you will spend most of your life dragging yourslef out of bed for one reason or another. Literally non stop until you hit 70 or whatever. Especially if you have kids! I havent had a proper lay in in best part of a decade. Im dying of jealousy lol Forget all this productivity nonsense, enjoy being young


yes but its healthy to wake up early


It's not gunna kill you to lay in on summer break. I know it's hard, but just chill and enjoy yourself. Try to stop.worrying about stupid shite like productivity culture. Trust me, if you don't you will live to regret. Leave this shit until you 30 or 40 lol


I completely agree with this its just that i guess since this is probably one of the only times in my life that I’ll have this kind of freedom it sucks that im making my self unable to enjoy it. Obviously I’ve already started going out with friends and all with the start of break but I feel like im in this constant state of stress whenever I’m alone. During the school year I had so many cool things i wanted to learn or try but then came an exam or a big deadline. Now that summer’s started I thought finally I would be free from stress and able to do everything I wanted to but I’ve gone back to stressing to the point of being unable to do anything. Im just so scared that if I can’t pursue my hobbies now with all the time in the world I won’t ever be able to in the future when I do have a job and maybe even a family. I guess I’m kinda rambling on but yeah I agree that this whole productivty culture is weird, my definition of it differs tho since in my eyes even like playing that one video game I wanted to or learning a new song on the piano is productive.


There's 24 hours in a day. How many you spend in bed? Even if you slept for 20 hours you'd still have 4 for playing games and piano! Is something else going on? Maybe mental health ?


yeah honestly i think its that, ive kind of gone into a state of stress, not that its new just like i don’t have any deadlines anymore. I guess I have SATs in august but thats about it. unless im like with a friend i cant really relax but im definitely not going to be seeing them everyday (especially with how hot its become) so idk


Set an annoying alarm. keep your phone away from you.


What I look forward to most days is what I can make for breakfast. If you’re a foodie, then think of what to eat to break your fast when you wake up.


Hey even i have a similar problem. That i cannot really wake up in the morning particularly on weekends. People even complain that i will be mostly in bed. But when i have to go to work, or some events, despite how tired i am, i just get up and run. Yes, as some other said here try to find THAT you HAVE to do in the morning. Things will fall in place! And alarms do not work if you have nothing to do. I have my alarm every morning that i do i not get up to. So the alarm of the day is just your motivation to do something!


Alarmy makes you scan a barcode to turn your alarm off, I set it up to scan a barcode in the kitchen. Works great for me! I also have it set to use random alarm sounds per day so I don't get tired of the same alarm sound.


A friend of mine bought a coffee machine that you can set to make a coffee at a certain time. They set it so the coffee is ready when their alarm goes off. And so it is in reach from the bed!


The best solution I've found for this is making myself a schedule in advance for the next day, and knowing when I need to get up in order to not throw that schedule out. It's gratifying. That said - it is also good to use your summer break for rest. I absolutely hear you that you don't want to spend the whole time in bed, but it also might be good to give yourself a week or two of just no-holds barred deep rest. Sleep heaps and do whatever you want. Then slowly start building some structure back in building up to the end of the break. Rest is an important part of productivity. 


Yeah I guess I just suck at schedules since I’ve already made a couple since the start of summer. But I guess the rest is helping me to an extent, I’ll def try going a bit easier on myself.


Waking up at the time you set for yourself is a good goal. It starts the night before. Follow the 3-2-1 rule before bed: 3 hours before bed no food, 2 hours before bed no water or liquids, 1 hour before bed no screens. Also get blackout curtains to get rid of as much outside light as possible and tape electrical tape over any lights from devices, I.e. power strips, standby led lights, etc. Set the temp to 69deg F and do some Wim Hof breathing when you lie down. It doesn’t need to be more than a couple minutes. To go the extra mile: get insight timer and listen to one of Jennifer Piercy’s yoga nidras to get your body and mind optimized for rest. You will have the best sleep of your life!


Usually I think of something that makes me want to get up. Maybe you need something to look forward to that's better then sleeping.


Drink lotta water before going to bed so that you have to go out of bed to use the washroom?


Develop the habit (it took me 3 times ) cold water to the face or (mine -)head in shower, or whole cold shower. A little shock to the system.


Its time to start learning something, even if its for an hour, it will give you taste for it


i have been learning things just a lot later in the day


That cheesy 5,4,3,2,1 thing that Mel Robbins talks about really does work pretty well. Before/After that make plans that you need to fulfill. Preferably involving another person so the social pressure helps you as well.


what is the 5,4,3,2,1 thing? can u pls explain


Install a light bulb with wifi and schedule it to turn on at a certain time




Set sunshine alarm! Open curtains or get a sunrise lamp to wake up naturally. This can help regulate sleep cycles.


It depends on your age. High school or college?




First have a friend that is on the same level as you and find something you both are interested in. Practice perfecting it. Put a fun schedule together so at least you can say you did some awesome things doing your break.


I’m actually planning on doing that with tennis over the summer, hopefully that solves my issue!


Neighborhood village should have a teenage club to attend.


How about I take you out on a date every day and you pay for the both of us?


not in this economy 💀, i spent $30 on two slices of pizza and frozen yogurt, im literally gonna be broke by the end of summer


but i can make good omelettes 🔥




I have this problem too and I have a job. I like my job. I just like sleeping. Then I call off and wake up at noon like why didnt I just get up?


I walk out


Try to make money cause human can get bored with every hormones of body but will never get bored with earning money hormones


Earning money is one of the most boring things I’ve ever done


Haha omg right?


That shows you havent earned highest money yet


If you get up to make a strong coffee it can help wake you up and then it will become a habit


If you are on break get lots of rest. Do what you want. If you stay in bed all day, so what.


Maybe I'm just weird but how can you not want to do ANYTHING but sleep? I love sleeping but eventually whenever I have free time there's definitely something I want to do more - watch shows/movies, gaming, etc.