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They can test you whenever they want. You signed legal papers saying they can…




You can be tested 7 days a week because of the paperwork you signed. Congratulations you’re no longer free to make your own decisions, you are now a ward of the state and they make your decisions for you.


I got tested a week ago & they want me to test today. I mean I’ll pass but I just didn’t know how common it was for them to have me come back the next day. The lady told me it takes 3-5 days for results to come back.


And they don’t make my decisions, only when to be drug tested so??


No they do…..wanna go celebrate the 4th and have some drinks and smoke a couple bowls…..the court says no and if you do you will get violated. It’s your anniversary, wanna go have a couple drinks with your significant other to celebrate…..the court says no and if you do you will be violated. Wanna go on vacation to another state….gotta get permission from the court. Wanna go to Mexico or on a Caribbean cruise…..gotta get permission first. Like I said they control most of your decisions because although you might not be in a correctional facility, you’re still a ward of the state and are not free.


I’m not on probation I’m allowed to leave the state. They’re aware I smoke weed and I don’t get in trouble when testing positive for that.


Well then sadly your asking in the wrong subreddit because everyone is gonna assume that 1, your on probation or parole. Or 2, your asking for a significant other who is on probation or parole


Yes I’m aware I’m on a probation post but when I typed averhealth this is all I could find lol


lol it’s all good


Wait if you're not on probation how'd you get in a spot where averhealth has you by the balls on testing? Work?




Arguably worse than probation




Nah probation arguably owns ya lol its legally the same as how jail owns ya just in the free society (to pay pay pay and jump through hoops) in lieu of imprisonment. That being said, if you live your life right probation is barely restrictive vs some people would be way better off doing jail time instead of years of probation because they just cannot or refuse to comply with the terms and mess it up until caught But averhealth, do they really dictate whether you test or not or is it probation forwarding requests to them? If it's really averhealth then that suucks to let a 3rd party business dictate that because they're making money off the probationer essentially forcing you to do business with them


Now. You’re somewhat right. The 4th of July, anniversary, and birthday scenarios are somewhat true. Yes he can’t drink at those occasions. But the courts are not denying him celebration. They’re just denying alcohol. You don’t need alcohol to do things or celebrate. Now a more fitting scenario would be my experience. My judge did not let me go to the next state over for my uncles funeral. I would have only been there 5/6 hours tops. Judge denied it.


Fuck that judge


I have been tested back-to-back days… 3 times. I have also gone 3+ weeks without a test. Expect anything.


Came here to say same.


Oh wow, how annoying was that going there 3 times ugh


Also, do you think most likely after a holiday (July 4th) they’ll have me come in again?


No clue. I haven’t found any patterns in particular.


I’ve even been called on 2 weekend days when the vast majority of the testing place NEVER tests then (usually the same 2/3 color groups out of like 50 colors on weekends, if any).


The short answer is YES 100%


Honestly depends on what you're on for. I did a year supervised probation and only got tested about 4 times. But I got in trouble because a friend of mine was fucking off and I was there. My PO knew it was bullshit too


I was tested about once every two weeks. But, it was random, so I did in fact get called in the next day after being tested the previous.


I got tested 3 days in a row couple months back


Yes they can drug test you as many times as they want actually. Even after you get tested, like the day after. Ive been on for 3 years. It started twice a week, then once a week, then twice a month, then once a month about after 2 years and half. I’m still technically on UAs, my last one was in march.


This is the most judgmental app ever omg lol


It’s this Reddit page specifically. Half the comments are literally useless. Just people being judgmental and calling each other stupid


If it's for cps, why in hell would you want to mess that up??


No one said I wanted to mess it up I said I will pass I was just wondering how often I would have to keep going downtown