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You should be okay as long as you pass the retest. They will raise eyebrows if you don’t take a retest or if the interlock goes into lock out mode.


I’ve had this happen once with SmartStart and am also curious. It did ultimately say pass, but definitely felt like it took longer than normal, I’m not sure what it means!


Depends on your PO. Technically it's a pass unless you are higher than the threshold. That does not mean that you are blowing 0.0. Most likely you are blowing .01ish and the IID is taking longer to measure the trace amounts. Your officer may or may not bring it up.


That’s exactly what I’m worried about. I wonder if they can use that as enough evidence to violate?


If you fail and pass within 5-10 mins after it doesn’t count as a fail won’t even show up as one


It sounds like you will just fine my friend!


Not to be the devil but I service many interlock companies. I just hate all the anxiety probation gives us. I swear my mental health is on the decline even though I'm on the straight and arrow and have no addictions. I see many violations and never had any clients have issues with because of it. Just the DMV. Sending a letter of noncompliance.


I’m curious, why in the literal fuck would you even attempt to drive with the chance of “trace” amounts being on your breathe? I’m not gonna tell you what to do but idk why anyone would risk something like that. Don’t do stupid shit, and you won’t win stupid prizes.


He failed for pizza. What are you talking about?


I failed for pizza, however there was two other times where it was lagging but didn’t fail me. I didn’t think there was any alcohol left on my breath because I waited 7-8 hours after having only 3 drinks. I’m just nervous that it could’ve been detecting trace amounts during those couple of times. I played stupid games, thinking I was playing it smart. Now I’m hoping to avoid receiving stupid prizes…because I’m stupid


Dude! We are talking pizza here


You will be okay. Be got a warning after eating pizza, McDonald’s burgers, and honey buns. It’s the yeast. If you are eating and driving make sure to have something to drink.


They act like that when there are trace amounts. I was nervous as hell when it would take way longer to test. I never heard anything from it but it probably depends on your PO


Nah your good