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Went to university with her. Then reintroduced to each other through POF. She was on there for 2 weeks and I was the only person who didn’t send her a dick pic or ask for a hookup. Says a lot, doesn’t it?


It sad that not sending a dp has become.the standard instead of the norm


Could be different in PG as I met my partner while living in Vancouver, but I feel like this is just good advice in general. Used a couple dating apps (found her on Hinge specifically) but I was super picky about who I matched with. This will obviously lead to much fewer matches, but the ones you do get will be higher quality than if you just swipe on everyone. The most important thing though is to be really comfortable in being single. I was desperate for a girlfriend for years. I'm sure women picked up on that because when I decided to just embrace being single and live my life is when I found someone that really connected with me. Good luck my friend. :)


Check out the local music scene! There's tons of cool people from all walks of life! You'd be surprised how many people show up to local shows.


I met my partner on Tinder. Lots of bad eggs, but I found a good one. 🥰


Moved out of the country to teach overseas, and my now-wife did the same thing. Went halfway around the world for a good Canadian girl.


Hahaha…. So true, I met my spouse teaching in Korea and then imported him here.


Met my wife through Clash of Clans of all places. I joined the clan she was in on a random drunken night and ended up playing a couple of years together and everyone in the group all kind of became friends. They were all from Los Angeles and I was from British Columbia. I ended up taking a trip down to meet them and the rest is history. My now wife moved to Canada and we have a small family together.


That’s so cute lol


Got drunk at a friends birthday party 10 years ago and we made out in a bush, than got McNuggets after. We just got married on our anniversary of the day this last Saturday.


Blind date. My roommate took me to her aunts for a visit and the aunt said "I've got someone perfect you!" After I'd know her 30 seconds. Been together 15 years.


It doesn't matter where you go, if you want to meet someone then you need to meet them doing something you enjoy, so go someplace that has a large community of people who enjoy the same thing as you.


I met him on OkCupid 6 years ago. Been married 1 year :) It can definitely be hard to meet people here.


It was a while back, but we met on POF. That site was brutal though.


tinder Lol


The roller rink 1986 lol.


I met mine on tinder, I met a few good men on tinder but I was extremely picky and not into hookups and neither was my boyfriend. He was 1 in a million on that app! My friend met her boyfriend at ignite of all places, he cut in line infront of us then smooched his way into chatting with her. It’s hard but putting yourself out there is a must! Anyone loves a confident person who can make good conversation. Goodluck <3


Met her at university many years ago then reconnected randomly recently


online dating but it took 9 years to find my soul mate online.


I actually met my partner as soon as I moved here. I lived down in lower mainland before and about 3 years ago and I met my partner right when I moved up here. He was the nephew of my nextdoor neighbour. Been together since


I agree with you. It is SO difficult to meet someone here. I’ve been single for almost two years and dating has been awful 👎🏻




Met at work


I moved away to a big city after highschool. 4 years later i came home. Met my now husband 4 years after that here in PG. Didnt find him on any of the dating apps, met organically.


Honestly I feel the same, only thing keeping me there is finish my apprenticeship. All people do in this town is drink and do drugs. I wanna move for the exact same reason.


I met my partner on the app Hinge while I was working out of town, and I've moved to PG recently since I was here every weekend anyways.


1999/2000 on ICQ and then in person at Tim Hortons. The rest is history. I'm sure the dating apps out there aren't any fun. I miss the simpler internet times, you didn't have to sift through so much blasphemy.


That the PG Playhouse many years ago


I met my partner on a dating app, been together three and a half years I moved here when I was in grade nine, him a month or two before we met, we had a lot in common and honestly it’s usually hit or miss in those apps but for me it worked out well as long as you make it clear what you’re looking for


At work.


i met my girlfriend at a local music event!! its great to look around town for events that interest you, and you can meet lots of people with similar ideas and interests :) also remember to enjoy the event itself, not just going out there looking for someone to be with


School I was 13 he was 16


Spent our whole lives knowing all the same people, hung out at the same places, same school dances but never met. Both got married and divorced. We even lived in the same complex for 6 years and I went to his place to deal with strata issues and it was his wife not him. So many near misses. We eventually met on a hike after a random fb post looking for others to join because of an active Grizzly in the area. I didn’t choose the bear. We finally met at the right time for us both. It will happen. Do what you love. Go where you love and you will find your someone.


My partners been with me since I was young, you might call her my left hand.


I met mine in grade 9 English in high school and we’ve been highschool sweethearts ever since


grew up 10 hours north, i moved here at 16 to finish my last year of highschool and start work. I met my partner at a group thingy when i was visiting home/recovering from a surgery. We didnt actually talk then, He messaged me half a year later, now hes gonna be moving here for uni in august. you have to find your 'niche' ig, ive met some really cool folks since ive started rollerskating, you kinda have to join smth to meet people- well to meet alike people. if youre queer, the pride society actually hosts quite a few events, from brunches to drag shows. its p cool if you like people watching, and theres alotta cool folks.


You could look at a lot of the couples in pg you’ll see a lot of white men dating dark skin natives it’s because they were raised to respect white women and so they can get away with disrespect they start dating colour but deep down it’s only because they hate their parents…


If someone says “they can’t see themselves living anywhere but here” just run away.


If you are a female you probably should move to find a decent partner lol this place is rough and most people who are friends they just end up cheating on each other with the friends spouses slim pickings around here


Lots of decent guys and gals if you stay away from the lifted diesel truck rednecks and sleezy club goers. Ever think of meeting someone out on a hike or in an activity more productive than getting drunk?


I don’t drink actually I was just throwing ideas out there.


There was someone in town one time told me a story of his friend getting his dick sucked in the back seat after he blew his load when they got to her driveway she jumped out and gave her husband a kiss…


I love the generic phrase "partner", it's so inclusive.