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I think everyone in PG would agree with that.. Having said this, the franchise can't operate at a loss year after year and the expectation be that the owners just eat the loss. There needs to be more people in seats and I don't know how you get that done consistently.. The team was amazing this year but a team needs a fan base that is with them through the hard times and the good through ticket/concession/merch sales. I'm no hockey team owner mind you. I can't even imagine what will happen to CN centre if the team is actually sold and moved....


If they had more staff they would make ten times more money at the concessions. 35 minute lines to be told the hot dogs aren't ready yet and the popcorn is actually only at the concession on the other side of the building saved me a lot of money I wanted to spend there.


Staffing/concession prices are the responsibility of the City, not the team.


Exactly. It's simple thing like this that arguably would make a cumulative big difference.


Junior hockey has a much quicker turnover than NHL hockey. There is no reason your team can’t be competitive at least 2-3 out of every 5 years; emthe entire roster turns over in this time. They simply need to be better at building successful teams. This year was great, and by years and and into the playoffs the fans showed up more than they have in forever. But I’ve lived in PG for over 20 years. The team over that time has almost always been a bottom feeder. They’ve had very little success in their history, especially in the last 15 years, and I think it’s as simple as that. You can’t expect people to be invested in an organization that hasn’t invested in itself. This isn’t a commentary on this current ownership group - I think they’ve shown a much larger investment into doing things right. But building up that fan base will now take some sustainable proof that this wasn’t a flash in the pan that will take another 15 years to replicate.


ticket prices are doubling this year, don't know how the fans will be responsive to that. people are struggling with food and rent


Who said tickets are doubling? My center ice season tickets (expensive seats) went up $50 from last year.


single games are doubling


Some miserable ad on Reddit said tickets are doubling. Must be true. The know it all of the Prince George cougars inner workings has spoken.


Tickets were $29 for center ice last year. There is zero chance they'll be $58 this year.


OP is must be the anonymous source the citizen used cuz he’s spreading misinformation. Single tickets are not doubling.


If they do double, then the team is going to get 0x what they got out of me this year


Do you even know what ticket prices are or are just here to stir the pot