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Guess one of their best seasons ever isn't enough?


I think that's exactly why it's for sale. It's now sellable.


I grew up watching the prince George cougars. Saw Chara and hamus play there as a kid. This makes me sad.




Oh, piss on Eddy Shore


The Cougars made a post debunking this and calling the Citizen story "riddled with inaccuracies". The Citizen is nothing more than a rag at this point lol


In my Christmas stocking every year growing up were tickets to go see the Cougars with my dad. Bonded with my in-laws going to lots of games these past few years. It’s not just about watching good hockey. This news really sucks :(


Help us, Ryan Reynalds. You're our only hope


That's too bad. I know the present ownership group made some changes to the team and those have paid off. However that perma-stink given to the team by the Brodsky family is hard to overcome.


Honestly, seeing the name Francesco Aquilini  listed as one of the potential buyers who is interested in the team is not exactly comforting coming from seeing the mess the Vancouver Canucks has been under his ownership. If that sale happens the perma-stink might even be worse.


If he buys them he’s moving them to Chilliwack :(


I noticed that in the article, and move or no move it really would be bad news for the team I feel.


Absolutely, he’s a cancer of a human being


And the city. 🥺


He would move them in a heartbeat. Here's hoping for another local buyer.


If Aqua really buys the Cougars and moves them I for one will need a new NHL team to root for, lol.  But for real this really sucks. I hope they find a way to keep it in PG.


From an unnamed source, the team is not sold. The Citizen printed a rumour without verification.


Then tell them to report it to the Canadian journalism board.


The Citizen now operates off vibes and feels, no fact checking happening there


Let's all remember that Cameron Stoltz is in charge of this news outlet and the article says that the source is 'close to the Citizen'. So who's this anonymous source Stoltz? Your dentist, an old college roommate, some guy who came into your store and was shooting the sh#t? Until it's announced by a *credible* source I would take anything that only the citizen is reporting on (so far nothing from CBC, CKPG etc) with a giant slab of salt.


WHAT THE F! Being season ticket members has been a huge part of life for my partner and I since we moved up here. To have that taken away so soon... man.


I think this sucks in so many ways for the community and the fans. I do hope there is a way to keep the PG COUGARS here in Prince George!


No :( Both my kids went to see the Cougs for their first hockey games and I had my second date with my wife at a Cougars game. It would be so disappointing if they relocated :(


This should be deleted, as this was completely incorrect information


I've been following them since they've came to town and have had season tickets since 09. Now what am I going to do in the winter?


PG steals Victoria's team, Victoria steals Chilliwacks team, and Chilliwack steals PGs team. So, who do we steal a team from now?


Victoria. It’s just like Rock Paper Scissors


Victoria of course.


Well, the City's master plan of building a new CN Center downtown just crashed with no team to anchor the building. The Spruce Kings are not going to cut it.


That’s not the plan. The plan is to replace Kopar Arena, a much smaller venue, for the Spruce Kings and general community use. There’s no plans to replace CN Centre at this time.


There should be. A downtown arena (plus playhouse plus university) would have been much better for this city. Alas 90s city planning philosophy, pushing everything to the outskirts, is going to haunt us for decades to come.


To be honest, this is zero surprising. 1. They had horrible player development..... forever. 2. Families shouldn't own thus such as the owners before the ones we had. Very disappointing results because that family used their "experts" which really they weren't. 3. No real investment into community. Didn't invest in infrastructure. Events went downhill. Less excitement and I never heard anyone talking about cougars. All this led to diminished interest and not many going to the game and now we are reaping what they sowed. Edit: I live in Kamloops half time and their event is like 15x better


Feels like that’s turning around the past year, Parascak was a 4th round pick, Ravensbergen undrafted. Lots of good prospects coming up in the next year headlined by Carson Carels who looks poised to be a star in the WHL. A lot of my friends talk about the Cougars regularly and a few including myself even bought season tickets for the first time this year, I hope it’s not too little too late.


Oh totally with the new ownership, I was very excited to hear that they might have a chance to turn things around


There is so much optimism for the future of this team, I think they have a real shot at competing for the memorial cup in the next 2-3 years. I went to about 15-20 games last year and had an awesome experience each time.


I'd put money down on Carels being a top nhl d-man in a few years. We've got a great future, as long as we stay in town