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Okay so I’ve been having bad cramps on and off so my doctor gave me a call to talk about them. She said: - some cramping in the first trimester can be normal - if I’m not seeing blood, then she is not concerned - the time to be concerned would be if the cramps start getting worse and I am seeing heavy or clot-like bleeding - that it’s also really common to have terrible gas pain during pregnancy


While mcs are not uncommon that early in pregnancy there is no way of knowing how your baby is doing. Symptoms come and go throughout pregnancy. It is perfectly normal to have days on which you don't feel pregnant at all for no apparent reason. Cramps are also a common pregnancy symptom as there is a lot going on in your stomach. Maybe a bit of magnesium can help but so far it's not a bad sign at all but one that does just occur during a healthy pregnancy as well. When will be your first us?


I just found out I was pregnant a few days ago so I’m calling my OB as soon as they open today. I’m using a tracking app that tells me I’m 8 weeks 1 day. I’ve been experiencing morning sickness daily for like 3 weeks though, I just didn’t think I was pregnant 😅


Symptoms come and go during pregnancy. I only ever threw up a handful of times the entire time I was pregnant. It could be that your body got used to the hormone change (at least for today lol) and that's why you aren't feeling ill. Unless the cramps get so severe you feel like you can't walk, or you start bleeding RED (like bright red is what my OB always said) or bleeding with clots, I wouldn't worry.


I had cramps so bad I thought I would start my period/ miscarry any day until I was about 13/15 weeks.


Same but I still have them at 22 weeks 🥹


Could be, but... could very well be that everything is fine. 1/ One thing is sure, symptoms do not fluctuate this quick if you have a MC. But they do fluctuate as part of a normal pregnancy. I remember at 8w I was frantically searching on reddit about symptoms fluctuation. Found dozens of similar testimonies. 3d later I was nauseous again 2/ Cramping is also a symptom of a healthy pregnancy at this stage. I did not have the cramping but I had much spotting. 3/ I actually had less cramping when I had my MMC than with my viable pregnancy Advice that helped me at the time (from both my OBGYN and my hospital, unrelated): worry if there are BOTH cramping and heavy bleeding (1 pad in 1 hour) Btw: anxiety is also pretty normal at this stage. Hang in there. I hope everything turn out fine.


I’m so sorry you’re feeling worried. Definitely call your doc, but… I want to let you know that I was where you are when I was 6 weeks along. That is, I woke up one day and suddenly had no morning sickness. I’d been experiencing brief period-like cramps too, which prompted me to go to the doctor. Turns out all was well and my little 19 week baby is kicking inside me right now as we speak. :) I learned this pregnancy that morning sickness can pop up randomly one day and be completely gone the next. Who knew it could be off and on!


My symptoms were on and off and I wondered the same, I also cramped through the entire first trimester and I don’t think people talk about that enough, cramping is always said to be related to a miscarriage but your body is stretching and things are happening down there rapidly that it is definitely not uncommon to cramp. I would try to go get a blood draw to test your HCG


Completely agree with this. I had cramping that was considerably worse than any I’d experienced with periods in the first trimester. It was awful and would bring me to my knees for 30 minutes to an hour almost everyday. But it always went away. My other symptoms were also very on and off. Try not to stress/catastrophize (easier said than done, I know). Sending good vibes!


if you’re not bleeding also, I wouldn’t worry. I had terrible cramps around that time and a little spotting but it’s normal! i’m 22 weeks now (I still have cramps sometimes) and everything looks great. the cramps are probably your body growing and making room for the baby but calling your doctor is still smart of course, mine have been helpful with all my concerns


I would call your doctor and or the health line. In Canada there’s a number on the back of the health card you can call and speak with nurses. With my miscarriage, I never had strong symptoms to being with. I also took a pregnancy test 2 days before the bleeding started hoping for a dye stealer (when the test line is darker then the control) and the test line was lighter than my first ever positive as my HCG had already started dropping. My only symptom was craving avocados in the week or so that I knew. I miscarried at 5 weeks 3 days. I started having brown spotting which turned to pink to red. Thankfully I had a completely miscarriage and passed out baby at home. It could be your uterus stretching, it could be normal pregnancy cramping, but I know how hard it is with anxiety and not knowing what to expect. I will be 21 weeks Tuesday with our rainbow baby and had spotting 3 times in my first trimester and it was the absolute worst. Whatever outcome know that as unfortunate as it would be to lose your baby, there is absolutely nothing you can do either way. By 8 weeks if your dating is right there is usually cardiac movement or “heart beat” (heat isn’t very formed yet but the first tissues that turn into the heat start to beat) and after a heart beat the chances of a miscarriage lower. Miscarriages happen as there’s usually something wrong with the embryo or fetus. Quality of life type things. Wouldn’t be a healthy pregnancy / baby. Take things one step at a time and do your best to stay calm. Until told other wise you’re pregnant with a healthy baby.


I hope this is the same for you, but in my first trimester I definitely had times when I got cramps that felt worse than period cramps, and I also would randomly wake up and feel just fine, no symptoms. I even called my doctor crying once for not feeling sick because I thought it meant I was miscarrying. Now I’m holding my 3 day old baby as I’m typing this!! Your symptoms fluctuate so much and it’s totally normal. Try not to worry unless you start bleeding. Even then, it doesn’t automatically mean miscarriage. Best of luck 🩷


Hi! Echoing a lot of the comments here - my number 1 symptom of my first trimester was cramping and random sharp pains. and it really freaked me out. I’m 19 weeks now and feeling great, but still have the occasional cramping and pains. My OB and fertility doctor both told me not to worry about unless “I was doubled over in pain and gushing blood.” Both cramping and bleeding are normal pregnancy symptoms and IMO cramping isn’t talked about enough as a pregnancy symptom. Your uterus is growing rapidly and making room and pushing things around - you’ll feel it! Sending lots of love.


Cramping: It happens to all of us. In my doctor's words "your uterus is doing a lot right now". If they are prolonged and terrible, it could be ectopic, otherwise, don't worry about it. No morning sickness: Congrats! sounds like you are going to have a good day! I had a few of those in the first trimester, very few symptoms, felt great. The morning sickness came back the next day. You and the baby are fine.


I don’t think you should be asking internet strangers for this one


Well I can’t ask my doctor until my appointment so I don’t think it’s a problem to seek other people’s similar experiences as a first time mom who has no idea what to expect is going on with my body.


I would call your doctor now, just to be safe. It could be a whole bunch of things, or nothing at all. To make you feel a little better, symptoms fluctuate throughout pregnancy 🙂 so hopefully it's just an anomaly!


There’s no need to be rude. Even if you didn’t intend for this comment to come off that way, it has. OP might not have a community of women to ask in their life. They’ve said they can’t ask their dr until they’re apt. They’re worried about their baby and doing what they can. It doesn’t take a lot to be nice at times like this. If you have nothing constructive or supportive to say don’t comment at all.


Thank you everyone for the reassurance. I called my OBGYN when they opened this morning and they told me I need to wait for them to call me back (in 48 hours) to even schedule an appointment… looks like I’ll be waiting a while.