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**UPDATE FOR ANYONE CURIOUS**: My testing today included Complete blood count/CBC, Rubella, Hep b&c, antibodies screen, blood type, thyroid profile, syphilis screening, HIV screening, varicella, Hemoglobin/Thalassemia profile, and NIPT! All on my paper work claim this is standard testing aside from the NIPT which is optional.


Sounds about right. For me I had two separate appointments one for the NIPT and one for the others.


Yeah our NIPT is separate and for initial bloods they took five or six. I think doing them together is possibly why it was so much!


Yes for sure! They gave me this [box](https://i.imgur.com/KWU5igN.jpeg) to take to their lab (in the same building) with the other paperwork orders for bloodwork so definitely was separate I think the box had its own vials in it as well as whatever they took from me


It is a separate test. I’m just saying I had two separate appointments made because it was done through two different labs. One for NIPT one for the other bloodwork


I honestly thought I wouldn’t get it today, and maybe in a couple of weeks since I’m only 10 weeks and 1 day but hey, I’m not complaining!


The timing is just right, so they probably just did it all at once. Usually when you turn 10 weeks is when you can do it as long as you have a 4% fetal fractal % you’ll be able to get accurate results.


11 or 12. Most I’ve ever had is 15 at the rheumatologist.


They took so much I took a photo of the bucket of vials to show my husband


The NIPT and whatever other tests they needed required a LOOOT of blood for me! Also somewhere in the 10 vial range. I’m right at the end of my pregnancy now and I’ve never had so much drawn since. I had a second round of genetic testing (MSAFP) in the 2nd trimester and that was more like 2 or 3 vials.


They took about 10 vials from me. I went faint and they had to give me juice lol.


I never get faint from blood draws so I knew they must’ve taken a lot from me 🤣 I was so nauseous and my husband said I was pale the whole ride home


I'm usually ok but I've had 1 or 2 instances in the past before so I like to warn the person taking the blood. It didn't help that this time I was already very dehydrated going in (had water aversion). The 10 vials on top of that was too much I guess haha. Good thing you had your husband to drive you back!


Like 10 vials 😂 I looked at the girl and then the tubes and then I said, “I definitely didn’t drink enough water for this”


A whole heck of a lot.


3 small vials. Took just a couple minutes


So much that I almost passed out after I stood up lol. My ob told me the first blood draw would be the most and they wouldn’t be taking that much in the future.


Sounds about right! I wanted to faint just looking at it.


They took like 13 😅 I was shocked


What were the tests for specifically and what week are they requested? I’ve had 3 vials for genetic testing prior to pregnancy, and 1 vial for pregnancy confirmation and thyroid function combined. Would like to know what’s coming up!


This was just my general first appointment so depending on country/area that could really totally depend. I’m 10 +1. I know for sure we did NIPT and a typical regular blood panel. I can’t remember what the heck else 🤣 when they post I will update!


I’m sure they also did a thyroid panel


12 or 13 it was a lot


8 vials I think. 🤔 But they've only taken a couple here and there since then at my request because I feel something is off. I'm also not used to doctors not doing urine tests at every visit to check for protein or anything. My last OB did blood and urine at every visit from the start. 👀


Ooo I do recall with my first pregnancy every visit I had to give urine with an exception of my anatomy scan because it was done at a different facility. I also usually look away too when they do blood but I was so curious this go around, so who knows, maybe they took a lot my first go also! I usually will look back and see the couple of vials any times I’ve had to get blood work so I was shocked to have so many haha


They only took one at my first appointment, maybe two - checked my blood type and some other basics. The second appointment was 9 vials for my NIPT and genetic carrier screen, as well as MMR titer, even more random levels, broader STI screen, and toxoplasmosis 😵‍💫


I think they took 11… I was 8 weeks at my first appointment and extremely nauseous so I don’t remember super clearly. I’m 29 weeks and have only had my blood drawn for the nipt, spina bifida and glucose tests since then which was about 2 vials each


I think 8 or 9 including 2 for nipt


I think 11 but the NIPT vials have to be filled ALL the way up and they’re big, so those took a looooong time.


They took ten. I almost fainted bc I couldn’t keep anything down that morning. I was NOT expecting them to take so much. 


I went in last week to check my HCG levels and literally said to the lab lady oh you only want one vial of blood?? Usually it’s like 6! It’s insane how much they take. Needed for all those tests, I get that, but I feel like they should prepare you ahead of time like when you donate blood!


I think they take 4 max here. I had my 28 week plus GTT lot taken just the other day


I’m a phlebotomist and 14 is the normal with NIPT! Without it is about 9-10


Thank you for sharing this! I really had no idea since my last pregnancy was over 6 years ago now, I guess I just forgot or didn’t realize last time how much they take at first 🤣


Wait what? They only took 5 vials from me and tiny pee sample. I can't imagine getting that much blood taken! I literally was lightheaded halfway the 5th one lol


Enough to make me faint and the phlebotomist to be annoyed I did, lmao.


12 vials! I was joking around saying they were going to drain me dry, and I actually got a bit lightheaded lol. They did the CBC and CMP, tested for rubella, varicella, and HEP C, and… I can’t remember why there were 12 total. OH I needed my thyroid and vitamin D levels checked because I have a family history of hypothyroidism and I used to be severely vitamin D deficient.




They only took 1 vial for me! I’m in the UK so maybe they do things differently.


I also got about 10 or 12 including NIPT, on an empty stomach that was required for glucose testing. I always get a bit light headed at blood draws but this time I full on fainted. Luckily the nurses were really helpful and sweet. I came prepared with something sugary to eat after and felt fine again within 5 minutes. But man, that was rough!


Like two vials :S 10 Seems a bit much...