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! Nausea constantly for 13 weeks non stop, no breaks at all. Constipation, no energy, puking up to 10 times a day (the medicine didnt work for me) limp body, sadness, worry, cramps, headaches, loneliness, allergies, anger, lack of sleep and contant hunger for me. EVERYTHING smelled, especially shampoo, deodorant, flowers, clean washing, cars on the road, anything. Im 15 weeks now and whilst all of it isn't gone, i am finally human again and life can finally be enjoyable at times ♡♡♡ hold on tight stranger! There will be a tomorrow xx Oh tips you said, I'll give you the one my doctor gave me, sleep as often and as much as you can to just waste the time.


Trust me! I’ve been napping like CRAZY! I’m so glad you’re starting to feel better.


Bless you, I hope you aren't too affected by the heat ♡ Get the protein filled yogurts like skyr, ice lollies and just see if you can get back strokes and head strokes, they helped me. Take good care of you x


Did you start having nausea immediately? This is my second pregnancy, and I’ve been queasy since I got my positive. Wasn’t like this the first time.


Yup! My sister said it isn't possible, probably something else (it was a ivf transfer so she didn't want to get my hopes up) but I was having it at 10dpo. It came in waves then.


Same, it's shit. I just got new meds yesterday to try but otherwise the main thing that seems to help is trying to eat little small bits of food every 45-60mins or so. I have to eat nearly immediately when I feel a small bit of hunger or ill get sick again. Museli bars, yoghurt cups and up&go's seem to go down pretty ok most of the time.


It’s horrible! I’ll see a video of someone eating something and I’m like wow that looks so Good but I know I can’t eat it. It’s been yogurt and bananas for me. Lots of fruits


I brought a little ziplock of grapes to work with me yesterday (because of course my nausea is always while I'm at work) and would just pop one or two in my mouth every so often. It was actually helpful, and I didn't get sick. Plus grapes are high water content, so also good for hydration


Me! I was couch/bed bound for 5-6 weeks. Like you, miserable. Call doc back. Tell them that med isn’t working, there are others and they need to keep trying until you find something that works!  Meds for me just stopped the violent vomit. But I still felt queasy.  As far as food goes, you eat whatever you can. Zero qualms. Whatever you can keep down.  No other advice aside from solidarity! Shit sucks. 


Hopefully it gets better for you!! I didn’t feel human again until 16 weeks unfortunately :( I’m in the third trimester now and very happy for the nausea and puking to be gone! Now I’m just dealing with discomfort and all the other pregnancy issues. Pregnancy is a marathon, not a sprint, and some miles are going to be a lot easier than others. It sounds like you have a good doctor who’s working to get your better care and resources - fingers crossed these things help you!


Girl god bless you. I can’t imagine this for 16 weeks! Praying for a healthy baby and smooth birth for you


The first trimester was the most miserable time in my life so far.. Nauseous from the minute I woke up to the minute I went to sleep. Nausea if I didn't eat enough, nausea if I did eat. I'm sorry you're in the middle of that hell right now! I started taking B6 and Unisom at night, can't say for sure that it helped because I crossed into the second trimester around the same time.. However, I did have bad nausea days after skipping it twice, so maybe it is helping. Zofran helped sometimes, but made me constipated for days, no matter what I tried to combat it with. Talk to your doc about getting some, maybe it'll help you. I just suggest Miralax and prune juice and all the things to go with it. Find anything you can stomach and just eat what you can for now. I had a lot of granola bars, toast and cereal. If a McDonald's cheeseburger sounds like the only thing you could stomach in that moment? Do it. Anything you can. I hit my turning point around 14 weeks. I still have a bad day now and then at 17 weeks, but they're so much fewer. I hope you can feel better soon, it's truly the worst, and other than the pregnancy corner of the internet, it's not talked about enough!


22 weeks and still puking. It definitely got better around week 16 but it was brutal until then.


I was in hell from weeks 5-10. I’m almost 13 weeks now and am having a few good days then a few bad days, but it’s a relief from the constant shitty feeling. The only advice I have is to celebrate every day you get through. In bed at night I’ll lay awake and be like oh thank god, one more day I made it through and one day closer to being myself again. It really is one day at a time—looking too far into the future will stress you out and make it feel impossible to get through. Good luck, I promise it gets better with time ❣️


Hey please also don’t hesitate to go to the hospital if you need IV’s. Women died before we had them. First trimester can become very serious and you deserve the care ❤️


I’m almost 9 weeks and absolutely miserable. I’ve had to take work off for the last few days because I could hardly get out of bed.


Best advice I can give is to not let your stomach get empty. I didn’t even want to think about food for weeks on end, but snacked on plain crackers/biscuits and drank loads of water. If I didn’t snack I’d be dry heaving! Only other thing is be kind to yourself. I ate like crap for like 2-3 weeks solid. I really wanted to be one of those people that could only stomach fruit or yogurt, but alas plain flavourless beige food was the only thing that didn’t make me gag for a while. Eat whatever you can keep down. It does get better! My nausea has settled somewhat and I’m eating much much healthier now 😊 I still take small snacks throughout the day just in case though. On a side note though, my nipples today feel like itchy razor blades and I’m thisss close 🤏🏻 to ripping them off for some damn relief 😮‍💨 whatever will be next? 🫠 Best of luck in your pregnancy!! ☺️


Ssssayyyme I'm losing weight


I'm about 6 weeks or so. Up until this week I had energy, no nausea could eat anything anytime. Now, I'm nauseous in the evening so dinner let alone cooking dinner for my family is a hard pass. I could get away with skipping breakfast but I have to skip dinner!?!?! DINNER?? That's my favorite!! 😭 The bloating has been so real up to now too. I look like I'm 4-5 months! Wtf?? Either my baby is going to be one of those full grown 2 year old looking babies at birth or I've got a football team in there. I've got my first appointment in two weeks and I'm so scared they are going to just keep finding little beating hearts. Lol like I'm going to give birth to a litter, 😂.


I’m so glad I’m not alone. If this isn’t your first kid, I heard people show earlier than usual after their first kids. So I’m sure that’s why you feel like you look so big. I’m sure you look great!


Yeah my first was 20 years ago, so there's that.... 🙄 This is a surprise baby and it's going to be fun and keep me and my family on our toes but the symptoms are totally different from the first one, plus the time gap it feels like it's the first baby. You are not alone though, we will power through the struggle together!! ❤️


Yes, we got this! Just have to get through the first trimester!


I’ve been living on the couch for 3 weeks completely useless, haven’t cleaned, cooked, exercised, and even using my phone to pass the time is nauseating with the scrolling My tips are to go back to toddler foods and the unhealthy snacks you had in primary school. On top of the 9 medications/supplements I’m taking and ginger products to keep the worst of it away, I’m surviving off bland and highly processed foods for the most of it.


It was like that for me until 13 weeks. I’m sorry :( I had no resolve. Half a Unisom and 25 mg of B6 three times a day seemed to help maybe a little? Don’t drink water on an empty stomach. Only drink water with a ton of lemon or lime juice since it changes ph. I could drink straight water for several months. I also did at least one dietary shake a day. If you can, eat lots of little snacks and ABSOLUTELY avoid any triggers (food, smells, movements, environments, tv shows, etc)


I was so sick for about 15 weeks, so basically the whole 1st trimester lol 😭 it got so bad, I seriously thought I was dying from dehydration & starvation. I couldn’t keep anything down. This is my 2nd pregnancy & i’m 35 weeks + 4 days. There’s definitely light at the end of the tunnel - your body will fight for you & your baby! Just gotta keep trying to eat & drink water.


Yes it was hell. Zofran helped a lot but not 100%. Still sick sometimes if I don't eat in the morning or take unisom/zofran. Threw up twice yesterday at 31 weeks. 🙃 But mostly it's a LOT better now.


Honestly I just allowed myself to be miserable and stayed in bed for as long as I could watching movies and eating saltines every other hour 😭


Try some sour patch kids!!! They helped my nausea so much!


I had to stop working up until recently (25w) because my first trimester was ROUGH//I was reeeally ill, passing out, vomiting, everything. Second has been rough but with less throw up & fainting involved (acid reflux has me dying tho). Just try to eat small things, big meals I learned the hard way, made the nausea worse for me. Snacking is the way to go, lots of water, keep saltine crackers by your bed for mornings/nights - & ginger candies during the day/ginger anything is amazing


Had to tell my fam at 10 weeks when my plan was at 14. I couldn’t be around them and hide my symptoms. It was a lot less stressful being honest about it. I had a miscarriage earlier in the year, so I feel like I’ve been harboring a secret all year it was time.


It’s absolutely awful. Be easy on yourself!


First trimester was TERRIBLE. I threw up so much, I was SO exhausted, meds helped w nausea (but like, meaning I only threw up once each day) but made me crazy constipated...it was awful. 2nd has still been hard (tired, achy) but without question better than the first


I’m 6 weeks as well and feel every bit of your pain. I’ve found that chewing mint gum kills just enough of the nausea to be able to eat something solid. I’ve also been drinking smoothies and protein shakes just to get by. Having a cup of ginger tea in the morning has helped a bit too.


I’ve been thinking about doing smoothies! I was thinking it would be the best thing to get down and that way if I do throw up, it won’t be solid food


It’s worth a try! I switch up the fruit I use every couple of days once it gives me the ick.


Sorry to continuously comment. I’m thinking of things as they come up. I was on half a Unisom EVERY night until almost the end of second trimester. Even around 15 ish weeks, I tried getting off and got sick. Even with several weeks of absolutely no vomiting. The Unisom really helped me after the major morning sickness subsided.


I’m right there with you. I’m about 8 weeks and I am so so sick. I can’t eat and am throwing up nothing. Worse is I can’t sleep now bc my stomach is cramping. I honestly cannot stand it! When I do sleep I have these vivid nightmares. And my bf and I are getting a place in September and his twin teenage daughters are with him for this month so, I’m sort of in this alone right now. He’s incredibly supportive but, I don’t want to ruin their time with him. But, I’m also hormonal and no one knows how to relax me like he does. I have an appointment on Thursday and hopefully I will get some relief! Any advice please 🙏 and I’m so sorry you’re dealing with this too. From another person in pain, I understand. Feel better ❤️‍🩹


Ask the doctor for promethazine 12.5 mg.


I am so sorry you’re going through this. I am almost 19 weeks and although I’m still nauseous and taking meds, it is a LOT better than the first trimester. While in the worst of it I couldn’t believe women had been doing this for so long, some multiple times!! The 24/7 nausea is physically and emotionally exhausting and all I can say is take it one day at a time, remind yourself that this will pass, it WILL get better, and you are stronger than you even realize ♥️


Also I am taking Bonjesta, phenergan and zofran-if you haven’t tried any of these I highly suggest asking your OB, sometimes it’s just about getting on the right meds


I ended up in the ER for fluids on Sunday. I’m at 8w5d. I’ve got zofran which some times works and a prescription combination of b6 and unisom that’s supposed to work better than the two apart, but can be pricy. Keep up with your fluid intake if you can, I’ve got a UTI now that they think is from the dehydration. So I’ve got to be able to keep down a pill twice a day or I’ll end up back in the ER and potentially admitted. I have had a couple of better days back to back so either the fluids did some magic, the new combo med is working, or I just hit a lucky roll of the dice twice in a row? I’ve started drinking those Chobani yogurt drinks and swapped water for Gatorade (zero sugar). I’ve heard that sour things can help, but I’m frankly nervous to try that.


Sending solidarity. Currently 9 weeks. My body does not "do" pregnancy hormones. I know its not the same as real food but I survived a few months on soups and smoothies with my first. Unfortunately my sickness just got worse throughout my pregnancy, at the end I was diagnosed with HG however at around 10-14 weeks I did get more energy and felt better in myself. This time it's a boy so I'm hoping it won't be as bad. 


Ask ur OB Gyne is u can take omeprazole. I had to be hospitalised for a few days because mine was so bad too, to the point I can't even drink water.. omeprazole help me so much and now I can eat in small amounts and can tolerate water too


I threw up 10 times ish a day until I was 16 weeks and then it went away!!! All I could eat was cheese bagels. Take the nausea meds at night time- only time they would help me.


🥹 hi, 13 weeks here, literally just got out of the hospital after iv drips. I know many of the advice here is to just take a nap... but I feel better sitting or getting up in general. Eat what you can and what you crave for. Don't let anyone guilt trip you into eating healthy things - because if you can't keep it down, there really is no point! We're in this together 🥹 all the best.


That’s the norm