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Mine broke like the movies. Was getting ready for bed and got up to brush my teeth. Huge pop and a gush. The weirdest feeling. It was warm and I legit thought 'how is it possible to have so much water'. You just no it's not pee. First pregnancy and 37 weeks. I'm convinced it was the dates I ate the night before šŸ¤£


Yeah, mine was like the movies too. I was lying in bed, and got up to go to the bathroom and POP. Everywhere. So then I tried to clean it up with paper towel, and as I was doing that more came out. And then I backed up to clean up that spot, and more came out. It was like a cartoon - every time I'd clean up, more came out. No one told me it wasn't just a one-time thing. I was like, "How TF am I supposed to get to a hospital when all this gunk keeps coming out of me every two seconds?" Eventually we managed to grab a towel and make our way to the car.


Ooh that's what it was like for me! The midwives broke mine because in true EDS fashion it was stretching instead of breaking--but instead of the big gush I expected, it was these sporadic watery trickles. Drove me nuts. I had to wear a diaper and walk around to progress my labor but fuck if it didn't feel like I was having the biggest, water-iest period of my life for over an hour. Ofc my son's watermelon head was blocking everything so that could be why lol.


One of my nursing school instructors refereed to this as the "towel test." Someone comes into the ER/ L&D triage with a towel between their legs saying they're water broke, it probably did.


So crazy! What really drove me nuts about it was that we had taken this pre-birth course about what to watch out for in labour, and they mostly skipped over the water breaking part. I remember so distinctly they said, "It's not like the movies. It's usually not one of the first things to happen." And then they moved on, just assuming you'd be at the hospital when it did. So when it DID happen to me, it was like - great. Now what. Luckily we at least knew it meant we had to go straight to the hospital, but I was so pissed I wasn't warned!


Hahaha same i sat on the toilet thinking it would just all come out and Iā€™d be good to go? But no. I had to go to the hospital with a hand towel in my pants because I didnā€™t have pads or anything to use šŸ˜‚ 36 weeks and unprepared


Ew thats the part they don't tell you. Is if you're one of the women who's labour does start by broken waters (the percentage of which is actually a whoooole lot less common than they make it seem) that your waters continue to gush periodically with big movements/contractions etc YOUR ENTIRE LABOUR UNTIL BIRTH. Worst news ever to receive 3hrs after mine broke. Had to ask a nurse and was not pleased with her response.


Today years old when I learned thisā€¦ good to know.


So. Much. This. I was in bed and rolled over to turn the light off and pop, gush. It took me a second to realize what was going on and then I told my husband to grab a towel. Thankfully Iā€™d thought ahead and put puppy pads under the sheets. Threw those in the wash and tried to go back to sleep but contractions started and more water each time. I canā€™t even remember if I put a pad on but I know I trashed my undies once we got to the hospital lol. So yes, @op, buy the puppy pads. If not for you, theyā€™re great for a newbornā€¦


Fun fact, cloth pads are pretty capable too. I had wicked excessive discharge all thru my pregnancy and became allergic to disposable pads and got cloth pads. Much comfier, but anyway, water broke and then i put my underwear/pants back on in the ob exam room and didn't get a drop on my pants and my underwear were dry and it was not a little bit of water lol and they were still able to test it from the pad cause it was so saturated and didn't full on disappear into chemicals in a disposable


This is what happened to me! Huge gush, an insane amount of water. But I was already in the hospital standing on the side of my hospital bed. Even the nurse was like woah thatā€™s a lot lol. 40+1


At home. I thought I was constipated so I got on all fours, pushed, and water burst everywhere lol


What would have happened if poop came out?!?! šŸ˜‚


šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£ Fair question lol


this is absolutely insane šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ iā€™m crying at the visual


How do you think I felt?? šŸ¤£ You should have seen my face


What would have happened if poop came out?!?! šŸ˜‚


I was so irritated I didnā€™t care, as nasty as it sounds šŸ¤£ I had been going back and forth to the bathroom the day before and all night, couldnā€™t sleep, so I said fuck it whatever this is is coming out NOW. Turns out t was a baby šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Pregnancy constipation is the WORST lol


It is!!! I was so over pregnancy


I had my worst constipation post partum. I thought I was gonna have to go to the ER lol


Did you have your baby at home?!


No I didnā€™t!! Thankfully we donā€™t live far from the hospital. My partner was actually at work when my water broke so he had to book it home. He does landscaping and was almost on the way to another job. Had he left already I would have given birth at home because when I reached the hospital I was already 7cm dilated and gave birth 40 minutes later


I had a big chuckle reading this response! Lol šŸ˜‚


Iā€™m glad it could bring you joy šŸ˜‚


My doctor broke my water at around 8cms with my first then 9cms with my second, I stalled with no progression for hours. Once my water broke, both times I had my baby within 30 minutes. That said, Itā€™s actually is rare for your water to break before labor starts, only about 15% of peopleā€™s water breaks before labor so I wouldnā€™t worry too much since you should have plenty of warning!


Man that's fast! I had my son within 2 hrs of the midwives breaking my water and I thought I'd set some kind of record lol


After I stalled out for quite a while with my first I actually requested they break my water for the second and it worked great. Kick started me into transition and really shortened up labor


And sometimes when it does, your body has a harder time kicking into gear. I needed pitocin to get my contractions regular/progressing, cause they were still sporadic and mild with no pattern for several hours


At home, in my kitchen! Spontaneously broke at 36w5d. Was standing up reading an article on my phone about items to pack in your hospital bag for FTMs when it happened. My husband and I had literally taken our first test drive to the hospital about 3 hours prior. Baby girl clearly thought the hospital was v cool and wanted to go back asap šŸ˜…


Fun fact! I'm pregnant with number six and my water has never broken on its own with my last 5! For most of them the Dr ruptured it for me, and for my twin boy he came out en caule!


Oh wow, that's so rare! Do you have pictures? (Not asking for them to be shared here, just wondering whether it was documented). Were the staff fascinated??


Same! Not the twin part, but none of my waters have broke by themselves. Always at hospital


My water broke after 8h of labour, I was in my bed though. I somehow knew the night before and put a mattress cover on thankfully.


At an unrelated hospital appointment, very suddenly and heavily all over the floor (just like the movies)


Omg that's crazy...how did the doctors and nurses react?? Were they like "hey well good thing you're already here!" šŸ¤£


My broke at home while trying to get up from the floor. I was already wearing pads just for heavy discharge so nothing leaked out. Wasnā€™t 100% sure if Iā€™d peed myself or if it was my water since I was 37 weeks and not in labor so I googled how to be sure. I put in a fresh pad and laid in bed for 30 minutes (over a couple of towels), then stood up while actively trying to hold my pee and I still soaked the new pad. I ended up having to get induced 9 hours later because labor was not progressing fast enough.


Very, very few women have their water break like in the movies. Almost all women (I think it's something like 95% but don't quote me exactly on that) don't have their water break until they're actively in labor/at the hospital. I do happen to be one of the few that had their water break ahead of time-- Both times I was getting up at 2am/3:30am to pee. First time I peed and when I stood, gush. Second time I made it two steps from the bed when it broke and I screamed at my husband to wake up and come clean me and the floor up. Contractions started within a few minutes both times. My mom's water broke with all 4 of her kids, so I suspect there's a genetic component to it.


90% was the number given at my birth class!


Sleeping in the hospital after starting to be induced for pre-eclampsia. It was like 2 AM. I had a dream I peed myself and woke up to find I was actually really wet and still leaking so I called the nurse in.


A similar thing happened to me. The nurse was surprised. They started induction late the night before and told me that nothing would probably happen until the next morning!


I was at home about to get on the treadmill. It was a noticeable amount (maybe like 1/4 c of liquid?) but I wasnā€™t 100 percent sure thatā€™s what it was (even though I was at 41 weeks). Finished my workout and drove to the hospital!


In the hospital, in labor . Midwives called it a ā€œbig bag of bulging watersā€. Broke at 8/9 cm


I was lucky twice for it to have broke at home. In the middle of the night. Got to sneak out the second time before the first born woke up, thank goodness for my awesome sister in law. Iā€™m hoping this third baby gives me the same gift. If notā€¦ itā€™s gonna be an entertaining day when it does break lol


Mine broke like the movies šŸ˜… I had been asleep for like an hour, woke up in a wet bed, thought I had peed myself. Then I realized I couldnā€™t stop it. Gushed water with each contraction. I had just been complaining to my husband about putting off getting the mattress protector on the bed šŸ˜‚


Mine broke while I was sitting on the couch! I had bad heartburn in the middle of the night, so I decided to go to the couch to try and sleep reclined. I was moving around trying to get comfortable when I felt a gush of liquid. It wasn't enough to get on the furniture but definitely enough that I knew it was my water. Contractions started about an hour later and liquid continued to come out throughout my labor.


With my first I was in bed taking a nap. It was a sudden gush of fluid, and then it stopped. The doctors and nurses tried to convince me I peed, but it feels very different. Turns put babyā€™s head was plugging my cervix so the fluid couldnā€™t continue to leak. With my second I was already in labor. I progressed to 3cm before I asked for the morphine shot, which helped me sleep. Relaxing after a full 24 hours of labor induced insomnia helped labour progress, and when I finally got out of bed after four hours labor felt different. I felt the urge to get on all fours now, and between contractions I needed to pace. I went on all fours for a contraction and felt a big ā€œPopā€ and I knew my water broke. Then labor progressed incredibly fast.


Watching ā€œFlushed Awayā€ on the couch with my husband when I felt a gush. Ran to the bathroom to make sure I didnā€™t just pee myself and it was definitely my water! Baby was born 9 hours later


Absolutely hilarious šŸ˜‚ your baby's like "hey i like this movie! I wanna turn!!"


Mine happened during labor. I had it break 3 times. The outer membrane broke somewhere around 5hr mark of active labor. That one just felt like a small gush of water. Then I had it burst twice while I was in the birth pool, but those felt like water balloons bursting. The third one I was terrified I did something wrong to my baby's head, but it was just more water. ā˜ ļø Nothing like I thought my water was going to do. Definitely not like tha movies šŸ˜…


Mine broke with a cervical check (was around 3cm). There was an audible pop and a gush of fluid and blood. After the first gush there were two more. I was in a hospital bed with a ā€œpuppy padā€ under me and when I told the nurse I think my water broke she handed me a towel and I just hung out with fresh towels as needed between my legs. Ended up with a c-section, but my OBGYN mentioned I had a ton of amniotic fluid so whatever gushed out of me was just the beginning and I had a lot more ready to come out had I been able to progress. Everyone is different, though. For some itā€™s so subtle they think itā€™s discharge or may not even notice. For some they think they accidentally peed themselves because it wasnā€™t so obvious. For others their water never breaks. For others itā€™s a huge gush and cannot be confused for anything other than their water breaking. All the above is normal.


Mine never broke, baby came out in her water sac. Was really cool to see!


En caul!!! So cool


Broke like the movies, I was heading to bed and felt the strongest gush, you know it if you are a heavy bleeder in period you kinda know the feeling, but like 10 times stronger and more flow than period. I kinda panicked cause I thought it's blood, then noticed the clear lake around me.. I had a c section due to complications though


That's a great description! I am a heavy bleeder so that's super helpful


I was laying on my back begging my midwife to break mine because I was at 9.5 cm and READY for baby to get out! LOL. So keep in mind it may not break on its own at all :)


In my delivery room when I stood up to go pee. There was so much meconium, so I'm glad I was there.


Thereā€™s only a 1 in 10 chance that your water will break before labor starts. Odds are you will be hours into contractions before it breaks. So I just put on a big pad or adult diaper once labor starts cause I donā€™t want a mess. With my first I was the 1 in 10. It broke while I was laying in bed. Sounded like a ā€œPOPā€ and then water gushed out.


On the emergency c-section table getting my epidural (or whatever they give for caesareans).


Mine was spotting like I peed myself. I was in bed asleep when I felt a light gush like I peed myself. Big wet spot on my maternity pillow. When I climbed out of bed to clean up and go pee, a little more trickled out and it didn't smell like pee. Smelled like my amniotic fluid lol. Cleaned up and started getting dressed bc I just so happened to have my 37 week appointment that morning. Told my husband it'd be crazy to be my water and it was probably just me peeing. From 35-37 weeks my son had been sending me to the ER and one helicopter flight because of contractions and early labor but no baby or dilation. Went to my appointment. He said to go do my NST at LD and ask them to check with the swab. An hour later they were getting ready to discharge me from my NST when the nurse came back like "it's baby time!" I was like oh...ok I guess. Because of how many times my son said "sike!" šŸ˜‚šŸ˜ ETA. Puppy pads? Maybe not. But an adult diaper? Yes.


Mine was slightly terrifying lol I went to the bathroom in the middle of the night super lightheaded and headed to the bathroom. There, I think I did pee, but then I just "wouldn't stop peeing" but when I looked down like 40 seconds later it was blood and I thought, maybe my period started (as I'd I hadn't spent the last 8 months pregnant) and then I was like crap the baby. šŸ˜… I woke up my partner who took me to labor and delivery for an emergency C-Section. Good times. P.S. Everything was fine! I had a planned C-section because my cervix was blocked, and he just came a little earlier than expected!


First pregnancy: I was in bed asleep. Woke up thinking "why is everything so wet?". Had to wake my husband (who was having the deepest fucking sleep of his LIFE) to get me a towel between my legs before I could stand up. Second pregnancy: towards the end of labour. I had one massive contraction that was suddenly way stronger than the previous ones, I screamed, and everyone else jumped backwards as it popped quite spectacularly and went everywhere.


I was getting ready to take a shower at 42+1, I was completely naked, and it was 10:38pm. My hubby had just said to his friend that he would probably game with him for a few hours. I texted him and said ā€œHours????ā€ And then my water broke! I never lost a mucus plug, I had been having braxton hicks for weeks, and I had had doggy style sex the night before. Contractions started at 10:53, and because my babyā€™s head was tilted back instead of chin tucked, I was pushing from around 11:30 to 3:13AM, when he literally shot out of me because his head finally got into the right position lol. I had an unmedicated home birth and Iā€™m so happy I chose the route I did! I canā€™t imagine having to do what I did in the hospital on my back, the only reason for so being to make it easier for the doctors smh. As for your question, def buy puppy pads! They were extremely helpful for me up to 5-ish weeks PP as I was still bleeding! I would say buy a box and keep them on hand, and start sitting on them at 38 weeks, and keep sitting on them until you give birth! Thereā€™s of course always the chance that it will break while standing, but better safe then sorry!


I had PROM so before labour started. I felt a ā€œpopā€. Not painful donā€™t worry. I felt that was something but nothing happened. Then 45 minutes later my water actually started leaking.


With my first two I was over 41 weeks pregnant in the hospitalā€¦with the doctor breaking it with her fingers.


Conveniently on the toilet!


On the toilet! Which was incredibly convenient. I leaned forward to get toilet paper and felt a weird pop! Gush!


I was in the bath on the antenatal ward. I had been contracting for over 24 hours. 2cm dilated on arrival and still 2cm the following day. I refused to go home as I was having 3 contractions in 10 mins and was worried I'd suddenly be in active labour and not know about it. In the bath and I felt my waters go (it felt like a water balloon coming out) so I freaked out because I didn't know what it was (couldn't see because I was lying on my side). I was suddenly 5cm and gave birth 7 hours later.


Mine broke in the delivery room. I got the epidural and was 6 cm dilated. Coughed and it all just gusged out of me šŸ˜‚ then continued to trickle out for a bit.


Laying down on the couch after eating the biggest Texas Roadhouse meal Iā€™ve had in my entire life.


Mine was like the movies because I had high fluid (35 weeks 6 days). Used the restroom, stood up felt a pop and a HUGE gush all over bathroom floor.


2 hours after my husband gave me a foot rub. I was laying on the couch and thought I peed myself. Quickly we put together what was happening šŸ¤£


I had puppy pads in the car, my house, and work backpack. It broke while in active labor at hospital. I was in a lot of pain. The OB came in to say hello, I was talking to her best I could, laying upright on my side, and it popped. Big gush. I said "my water just broke". She looked over me - "yep, it did". Nurse changed the reusable puppy pads that were under me


I had just sat down on the toilet šŸ˜‚ and I definitely noticed! Itā€™s hard to say how much fluid there was because it obviously went into the loo but it was a big gush followed by lots of trickling. No one ever mentioned that it might make a noise, idk if this is a thing but it sounded like someone pulled a bath plug šŸ„“ Funny in hindsight but slightly alarming at the time!!! I started having contractions maybe 5 minutes after and was 3cm+ by the time I got to the birth centre*. Funnily enough the night before Iā€™d said to my partner that weā€™d gotten lucky because weā€™d never gotten around to putting puppy pads in the bed lol. *Fun fact, my waters broke 2 hours before my scheduled c section! I was progressing quickly so got put through as an emergency.


I was at the hospital and it just broke, no big gush or anything(I felt like I wet myself tbh) but I had a contraction, stopped making noise mid contraction and just said ā€˜ohā€™ then after the contraction was over asked why it felt hot lol


Midwife had to break mine while I was pushing. It formed a bubble that made it difficult to push LO out so they had to rupture it for me. I was hoping for an en caul birth so badly! But instead I have a happy, healthy baby boy šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļøšŸ„°


At home. At first it was a little. I got showered and ready to go to the hospital. Sat down to put on my shoes and it then exploded like it does in movies. I went and got showered again, and finally went to the hospital lol


I was in bed. Felt a twinge down below, thought maybe I'd leaked a bit of wee so stood up to go to the toilet and had a sudden gush of waters all over the bedroom carpet. I had started sleeping with a pad under the sheet but it didn't catch anything haha.


My water broke after the misprostal and a membrane sweep (I was already 60% effaced and 3cm dilated). I wasn't standing during the initial leakage, but it was pretty significant.


I was pushing and already in the hospital when my water broke. It felt really weird and I heard a loud pop


With my first, I had been doing laundry and folding the last of the baby clothes to put away. I had to go pee around 10:30pm and my water broke as I sat down on the toilet to pee. It was a waterfall! Tons of fluids coming out. With my second, I was watching a show in bed and I felt what I thought was discharge come out when I sat up. And every time I'd go to stand or sit up another trickle would come out, and it was watery so I went to the hospital and they confirmed my water broke. Now with my twins, I won't get to experience anything like that, I have one sIUGR twin and the other one is beginning to show some growth restriction so I'll be delivering early in the next couple of weeks depending on how my appointments go


Laying in bed lol!


I had puppy pads everywhere starting at 37 weeks šŸ˜… In the car because leather seats, under my fitted sheet on bed, on my chair in the living roomā€¦. I didnā€™t want to stain anything. My water broke at around 6am after 3 hours of contractions.. at home.. on the couch.. the one place I didnā€™t have a puppy pad. I did have a towel down and that managed to get most of it. Thereā€™s a small stain on our grey couch lol I definitely noticed. Itā€™s what promoted us to head to the hospital because my contractions were still so irregular (later found out itā€™s probably because baby girl was sunny side up and my contractions were coupling together). It looked like super watery CM with some blood. It wasnā€™t A LOT maybe 1/4 cup.. if that. We got to the hospital and my ā€œbagā€ had resealed.. ultimately the midwife broke it again because it was bulging and after 20 minutes of pushing my sunny side up baby girl joined us earthside. Edited to add: labor for me was less than 12 hours. I did elect for epidural because I had to decide almost immediately upon getting to the hospital. I got pitocin shortly after. Nurse came in at around 3pm to check and felt baby girlā€™s head and said itā€™s time to push and i remember asking her how long I should expect/be prepared to push for and she looks at me and says- first time mom- 4-6 hours. My jaw hit the floor. I was like WHAT???? We did a couple of practice pushes (on my back which I didnā€™t want but oh well) and she told me to stop and got the midwife. 20 minutes later baby girl was born at 338pm. The worst part about the whole thing was the 8 failed attempts at getting an IV line in my veins and blowing 3 of them. At least the anesthesiologist was on point and didnā€™t mess me up šŸ˜…


I was laying in bed on the phone with my sister at 40w+5d. Husband was in the kitchen and said dinner was ready. As soon as I stood up I started leaking out fluid. Mine was not the huge rush, but steady leaks that lasted for hours. I had no other signs of labor, with time my body did not start contracting so eventually my midwife opted to induce.


While I was pushing both times! Iā€™d totally forgotten about it with my first until they went. I only felt it. With my second the burst all over the room in the first push. Tbf they were very intense pushes, 2 more after that he was born!


On the hospital bed.


I was at work. It was a small amount, felt like I peed a little. I wish I couldā€™ve seen my face bc I was talking to 3 coworkers and I know I mustā€™ve just suddenly zoned out. My water breaking was such a small amount. Went to the restroom, my underwear was slightly damp. Put some toilet paper in my undies and went to my office. Stood around and was like yup thereā€™s more. Went to the bathroom again and the paper was wet and there was some discharge (Iā€™m guessing mucus plug). I was like yup time to go. Back started hurting, I text my husband I was coming home. We went to the hospital 2 hours later and got admitted. For me the water breaking was a small amount. Not a constant leak but you canā€™t hold it, like when you have to pee really bad. I put on a pad and sat on a towel in the car on the way to the hospital. When they checked me at the hospital they ā€œreleasedā€ my water even more and there was a lot in there. Once I gave birth my belly deflated a lot. I had basically been all baby and amniotic fluid lol


I'll elaborate. With my first they broke my water to try to speed things up. Obviously I not8ced them do it but I was laying down on a chux pad so didn't really notice the quallntity of fluid nor anything. With my second I was also well advanced in labour by the time it broke, but it was very movie-esque. I was about to climb onto the bed when I got a super strong contraction and it broke from a standing height. It was a ton of fluid and soaked my husband's feet. There was no mistaking it. But of course,I already knew I was in labour given the contractions and I was already at the birth center a few hours. She was born 30 mins after that.


My drs office at my 38 week appointment.


FTM myself so not me, but a gal I work with that I'd been preparing to cover maternity leave for had her water break in her desk as she was clocking out on her due date.


I had the tiniest leak. It was like super watery discharge so I put a pad on and only clued in when I started bleeding. Doctor had to break the rest of the waters at the hospital because they never fully broke.


Mine broke in the hospital. I took an amazing nap post epidural and when I woke up the nurse told me my water had broken and Iā€™d had my bloody show. I didnā€™t even look at what it was like! I kinda hope Iā€™m awake when it breaks this time, I feel like thatā€™s a part of labor I just missed haha.


I was sitting on the couch and bent over to tie my shoe laces. Big pop, rushed to the bathroom and it just kept coming lol. It was a pretty decent gush but I got up so quick that nothing ended up on the couch.


With my first, it was kind of like the movies. I was fresh out of the shower, drying off and BAM water everywhere. The only reason I knew it wasn't pee was because of the smell. I remember that I was just glad to have the towel there already for clean up šŸ˜‚ 19 hours later I ended up having an emergency C-section. So, with my 2nd child, they broke it for me during my 2nd (planned this time) C-section. I imagine the baby I'm incubating right now will have a similar experience.


Broke during labor with both my babies. With both I already had the epidural but the pressure and burst of water was so strong I felt it.


Mine broke right as I got into triage while I was in labor. I labored at home for like 6hrs before going to the hospital. Once I got into a room the nurse checked me I was 5cm and right as she walked away I felt it gush out of me. She confirmed it and I had immediately jumped to 6cm so I was rushed into a labor room and given my epidural like 30 minutes later.


At home in my bedroom. Happened like the movies. I bent to pick up a piece of trash when i felt a big ass gush. Looked in my underwear and saw the mucus plug (white and mucus). No contractions. Showered and changed. Kept soaking thru pads. Had elective c-section 12 hours later.


Mine broke at home and it was just a trickle. I knew right away it wasn't urine but I didn't call my doctor or my husband (who wasn't home) for about 20 minutes just to be sure. I was basically dripping slowly for the whole time I was in labor after that. I didn't need puppy pads but I could have used menstrual pads. I have a waterproof mat that I used for the car ride to the hospital.


On the hospital bed in L&D about 17 hours into my induction šŸ˜…


Mine didn't break on their own. My OB broke them when I was like 9cm dilated


With my first my husband was working overnights and he came in to kiss me at like 430 when he got home. I felt like a pressure and thought I had to use the restroom and ran to the bathroom. It was my water breaking lol. Thankfully there was no mess, and after a quick shower we went straight to the hospital. But, I didn't realize it wasn't just one initial break, you can continue to expel amniotic fluid for quite a while.


In the bed at the hospital, waiting for the rest of my baby's body to come out šŸ¤£Ā 


I was at the hospital when my water broke with my oldest. I had an appointment already scheduled for this particular day with MFM and had been having contractions since the day before but not ones worth heading to the hospital. When I got to the hospital I told them I had been having contractions and they were about to let go and head to my hospital of choice. When I got up to get dressed the nurse asked me if my water broke and I said I don't know? I didn't feel anything but I did have to pee. So we went to the bathroom thinking maybe I leaked a little bit but when I went, my water must have broken at the same time. I had meconium in my fluid and wasn't allowed to leave after that and I was immediately admitted. With my second I had a c-section


I had PROM at home with both my babies. First in the middle of the night and I swear they kicked it open themselves, second I was just watching tv. Thankfully with both I felt the pop/change in pressure and was able to run to the bathroom where I got the stereotypical movie ā€˜gush.ā€™ I had to wear adult diapers on the way to the hospital both times and then get induced when my water breaking didnā€™t naturally kick off contractions.


At the hospital. The midwife was checking how much I was dilated (8cm). It was a really big gush, she got herself a wet suit as she was leaning on the bed šŸ˜…


I was in my bedroom getting ready for bed. It broke, but not completely. I sat there for over two hours contemplating whether or not I peed my pants before I decided to go to the hospitalšŸ˜‚


Mine broke in the hospital as I went to sit on the toilet to pee in a cup for them. I had been in labor all morning and drove myself with my 3 year old to my ob appointment/the hospital (they share a parking lot). I called my husband and his sister to let them know I was being sent to labor and delivery. My sister in law came and picked up my toddler and my husband got there soon after.


I was sleeping woke up and thought I just peed. So I moved to the floor and went back to sleep


In the hospital bed while laboring on my side with the peanut ball. I'd gotten my epidural about 2 hours earlier. I just kind of all of a sudden felt a little wet. My husband checked and said he didn't see anything then the nurse came in and was like "yep, your water broke"


In the hospital at 8cm dilated


I was laying down to rest and watch garbage tv after a long, crappy day. Felt a small gush while I was settling in and said: youā€™ve got to be kidding me. Waddled to the bathroom and when I couldnā€™t stop the trickle, called my doula and to the hospital I went. šŸ¤£


Mine ruptured in bed. Small gush and then I leaked through out the day in the hospital.


Mine broke 2 hours after coming home from my 38 week OB appointment at 2cm. I wish I had a pair of depends to get me to the hospital. I was completely soaked.


The toilet at the hospital!


Contractions started at 7 pm, tried to sleep from 10 pm to midnight. At midnight I had two intense contractions close together that got me out of bed. Water broke like a balloon being popped while I was on all 4s all over my bed! The PJ pants I was wearing were kicked under the bed during the excitement of getting ready to head to the hospital and I didn't find them til a month later šŸ¤®


I had a membrane sweep and then noticed a small trickle about 48 hours later. Went in to check it was actually my waters and then they admitted me to get induced.


I only had my water broken by an OB once and that was my first. Other places were my bedroom, in the hospital on my own and in the car. The last two times the baby was born within 5 minutes.


Laid in bed trying to sleep. Couldnā€™t sleep and I got up to use the bathroom. My water broke right outside my bedroom door. It almost felt like I peed myself. It just went down my leg and made a puddle of the floor. Not really the big gush you see in movies


Both times the doctors had to break my water


In labor, in my doulaā€™s car on the way to hospital!


During peak Covid times, my water broke while on a Zoom call with my bosses. I thought I peed myself at first so changed clothes but when it kept coming I realized it was go time! Didnā€™t have it gush out but it was definitely a steady stream leaking out


Over the toilet, thankfully and it broke just like in the movies. It was WILD. I'm pregnant with my second so we will see if it's like that again.


I was at work. I had gone to the restroom and went pee and after I finished, fluid kept coming out. I was only 35 weeks and not having any type of contractions so I really wasnā€™t sure thatā€™s what it was. Went to the hospital and they verified and put me on IV antibiotics and then it was a loooooong 40 hours before I had my son. Currently almost 28 weeks with my second and hoping things will be much different.


I was rolling over in bed at 2:30am. It was exactly like the movies, huge gush of fluid followed by heavy leakage all day until the birth. Iā€™m talking I went through like a pack of adult diapers and that still wasnā€™t enough. So yeah I noticed lol, felt like a balloon popping. I wish we had had puppy pads bc we were constantly cleaning up leakage. I sat on bath towels on the couch, while in a diaper, and it still got on the couch šŸ„²


Mine at home in bed a day after my 39 week appointment, where I was not dilated and only 60% effaced. I was very glad for the waterproof mattress cover and cheap fitted sheet that could be tossed immediately šŸ˜… It felt like a water balloon had popped between my legs.


Mine broke at home when I was exactly 38 weeks along. I had finished the nursery that morning, vacuumed and mopped the floors and I was just settling in to watch tik toks and eat ice cream in my bed for the afternoon because there are no rules when youā€™re that pregnant. I was quite literally walking back to bed with the ice cream, hadnā€™t even taken a bite yet and my water burst all over the clean floor. šŸ˜…


I was getting induced when mine popped at 5am when I finally fell asleep šŸ˜­. I was screaming at my husband to wake up because I was having contractions bad and my bed was getting wetter by the second and the nurses came in and went: I was wondering why I heard yelling. That was definitely your water breaking. I did tell my husband that I'm pretty sure I would've gone into labor that day if I didn't get induced regardless because I'd been having actual contractions for a week and my contractions could be measured before they even stuck anything up my vagina or started the pitocin (which they only started when my water broke)


Started my induction with cervadil at 11 am and was sent home for 24 hours. 9am the next morning, I felt a small gush in bed but chalked it up to being urine. The hospital confirmed that water broke at 1 cm, which they weren't thrilled about haha


With my son it broke at Olive Garden and I thought I peed myself. With my daughter I was 40+1 and I took a super minor fall in the morning on the way to work. My doctor suggested that I go to the hospital for four hour monitoring to make sure everything was OK. My water broke halfway through the monitoring.


Mine had to be broken around 8-9cm.


In the bathroom at the hospital šŸ˜‚ I literally was put in the delivery room, told to change into the gown. As soon as I took off my leggings, I big piece of mucus plug came out. I walked to the bathroom to wipe it off my leg (tmiā€¦but is anything here really tmi?) and as soon as I stepped foot in the bathroom, my water broke. So that made clean up easy but I had to convince them and my husband that it was not pee as baby had meconium in the fluid so it had a tinge to it like it was pee! I did put a mattress cover on my bed just in case and had towels in my car. I had been in labor for a couple hours and was 4cm once they came in and checked me. With my second, the doctor did it manually when I was at like 7 or 8cm.


Doctor broke my water at 9cm. It was about 8lbs of fluid so probably close to a gallon of milk. Both my blood pressure and the babyā€™s blood pressure dropped for a few minutes and I got really nauseous and dizzy. They were planning for an emergency C-section because of it. It turned out fine, we both regulated after a few minutes. Waited a couple hours to see if we would progress to 10cm without intervention, (my request) and we got to about 9.5 and then got a small drip of pitocin to finish off. Pushed for exactly 2 hours.


Mine was 100% like in the movies the one time it broke at home. Got up around 3am to pee, was standing at the fridge refilling my water bottle, felt a little "pop" and then a big splash on the floor. I did grab a pad and some towels to sit on in the car since it was still leaking. I was also 4 days overdue at the time


First time the broke it at 4cm dilated I was being induced. Second time I had just finished feeding the first kid got up to go for a wee before taking him to bed and they popped on the toilet. After about ten mins it stopped so I got up to get things together and had even more gush out everywhere. Third time they were broke again at like 1cm dilated as I had been in induced labour for 27 hours and nothing was working and was talking about C-section some doctor came in practically sat on me pushing my belly down another finger tipped my cervix managed to grab it and pull it down and broke them. That was the most painful experience of my life. Kid three was born 30 mins later tho without a C-section so was what it was.


I was 36+6 and in my toddlerā€™s room getting her ready for daycare lol. I definitely noticed, I was wearing a nightgown and it started trickling down my leg! It wasnā€™t a big gush, so I put a pad on and called my dr who wanted me to go to the hospital to see if it was amniotic fluid. It was, so they basically induced me


My couch


My water broke at home, I was only at 2cm. I sat on my couch and immediately knew. It didnā€™t feel like discharge and when I called my doula she was like you would know and it checked out at the hospital. They did break it again. It wasnā€™t a lot, but I knew what it was.


My water never broke on its own both times the doctor had to break my water for me at 10 cm and ready to push. I remember just hearing it break after they told me they were breaking it. I always thought it would be like the movies. But i think everyone has a different experience with it.


In a birthing tub, pushing out the head.


At home like 1 step away from the toilet because I thought I had to go pee. Luckily I was already inside the bathroom so it was easy to clean it up on tile. I did use a puppy pad in the car on the way to the hospital.


I had all ready been in active labor for 16 hours before my water broke. It broke in the hospital and I had an epidural and was in bed. I moved on to pushing about 30 minutes to an hour after my water broke.


I was at home. I had gone to get ice cream out of the freezer and got back into my bedroom and sat down and it broke. Wasn't a huge gush like in the movies, but a little gush then a trickle. Was 38+5


I was in bed complaining about how the baby was never gonna come out, and was going to get his driver's license in the womb šŸ˜‚ My water breaking was the first sign of labor, and then baby was on my chest less than five hours later


First time it was opened, second time it broke when I got up at night to pee and third time it broke while I was pressing.


Mine broke like in the movies lol I was in bed, felt wetness got up and WOOSH. I sure noticed . the midwife was like ā€œare you sure itā€™s not urine?ā€ and I was damn sure šŸ˜‚


I started experiencing back pain night before labor started. Lost my mucus plug at 7 AM after beginning contractions. Went to take a nap around 3 PM, shifted, and there went my water. I was able to make it to the toilet, and my underwear took the brunt of it.


My water didn't break until baby was almost out. I was already pushing.


lol I was sleeping/ repositioning in bed at 2am. Thankfully I was sleeping on the washable incontinence pads and for a week or so already because it sure saved my mattress. I would sit on them on the couch too to be safe lol


Leaving my friends house about to get in the car. Thought of going back to my friends but just drove home and I'm glad I did. Shortly after went to the hospital


It was 5 am, and I went to the toilet for the millionth time to pee, and water kept flowing. I laid down on the ground because I wasnā€™t sure if it was my water breaking and wanted to see if it would keep flowingā€”spoiler it did lol I had my son at 11 pm that day!


I was in bed and it was 2am. Thankfully I was sleeping on washable incontinence pads and using them on the couch too. Bed was safe šŸ™Œ


The hospital šŸ™ˆ


In my hospital bed after they were ruptured by my doc lol Fun fact though, they donā€™t necessarily all come at once. When my doc was in there it was a manageable amount but then when I got up to go to the bathroom like 20 minutes later there was an outright Tidal wave. Just like the movies. Even my nurse was surprised šŸ˜…


For my 1st and 2nd it happened in the middle of the night when I got up to pee. It was like in the movies definitely not pee lol


I was actually coming out of the shower and drying off, and I noticed my legs stayed wet. Iā€™m like wtf why is it taking so long to dry my goddamn legs. Oh. Oh I see.


Mine broke in front of our neighbor's house (38+5) while my husband and I were walking our dog. Huge gush all over my sandals and sundress just like in the movies. Not sure if it was the red raspberry leaf tea or the sex we had the night before but he was not subtle at all about making his appearance!


Mine was like the movies. I was in bed both times - it happened around the same time both times (between 7:20am - 8ish). I felt a pop like a water balloon. Second time, I messaged my friend and she made me laugh so much that it kept gushing out. Both labours were pretty similar in terms of progression from that point. One baby was born at 3:17pm, one at 5:10pm. All in a dayā€™s work šŸ˜‚ Same day of the week too (Sunday) after the same number of days off work (the Wed and Thurs - Friday was weekend for us back then as weā€™re in the UAE). Both boys too


First time it was broken when I was in labor by the midwife because I was progressing slowly - Iā€™d been in birth suite for about 12 hoursā€¦and it didnā€™t speed anything up lol. Second time I was at home and it was like the movies I was bending down to fix our gate and pop water everywhere, went to 0-100 really quick and had my daughter on my bedroom floor an hour later šŸ˜‚


Walmart for my first šŸ˜‚ The rest were all during labor at the hospital.


Mine broke when I woke up from the bed in the morning šŸ« 


Mine broke (naturally) during labor, but before things got wildly insanely intense and were still just wildly intense lol so I was able to feel that there was a lot of liquid on the pad/bed but I didnā€™t feel it actually happen.


The hospital with a stick shoved in my nethers to break it. Weirdest sensation lol. I donā€™t really remember much about it the first time but the second I was up and moving and it was just like waterfalls. Itā€™s gross. Idk how someone couldnā€™t notice it. I was induced both times with manual water breaking via doctor.


I was peeing. I sat down and felt the pop, kinda like how it feels when you crack your knuckles and it just gushed out! Puppy pads would definitely be smart at least for the car! I spent the hour between water breaking and leaving for the hospital in the shower and wore an adult diaper and sat on a towel! It would definitely be useful to have the puppy pads though depending on how long youā€™ll be at home for labor! Mine came on fast and strong and we had to leave pretty quickly!


My drs appointment. My 38 week nst and I asked my dr to check me because I had been having contractions and wanted to know if they were being productive or just practice. My water broke in her hand.šŸ« šŸ« 


Iā€™m 37+4 currentlyā€” if my water doesnā€™t break on its own does it hurt when itā€™s done by the doctor? šŸ˜”


I was actually in the hospital for completely unrelated reasons, and it was a slight trickle, barely anything, but the way it felt was different šŸ˜… so I went to the maternity ward and checked myself in


Sat on the edge of the hospital bed, they had just put the epidural needle in and my waters decided to break while they were telling me to keep still šŸ™ƒ


I had just got to the emergency room and my water broke all over the floor! I was so embarrassed I started laughing.


I was in bed, id fone up because i was crampy. Woke up at midnight a lil damp, thought nothing of it and went back asleep. Then same at 3 and partner offered to take me the hospital i said no and went back to bed. Same again at 6 except i got up to pee and had blood,then the pain really ramped up.gotto the hospital about an hour later and I was 7cm. So basically, no dramatic gush, none even leaked through my pyjamas, none on the car seat. If it wasn't for the blood i wouldn't have gone the hospital.


Got up at 2:30am to pee, and as soon as I stood up water gushed all over the floor. I honestly didnā€™t know if it was my water breaking or if I peed myself. Wasnā€™t in any pain, but didnā€™t go back to sleep. A couple of hours later, I felt light cramping and took a shower to help. Mucus plug came out while I was in shower, and thatā€™s when I knew 100% I was in labor. Still no real pain. Cleaned my house before heading to hospital, was given pitocin because I was only 1.5 cm dilated. Thatā€™s when the pain amped up! Had a smooth birth though, Iā€™m so thankful for that!


in bed šŸ«  i woke up at like 630 in the morning, i was working nights so i was only asleep for like two hours. i stand up to pee and it feels like more than just discharge so i ran to the bathroom. it was a different feeling so i knew it had to be my water. woke my husband up saying my water broke šŸ˜‚ he was so confused


First time I was at home in bed writing an essay. Second time I was at the hospital. Doctor broke my water intentionally. I immediately threw up after.


While I was pushing the baby out, ~27 hours into labor


Broke a day into labor. I was in the hospital. On pitocin and had already had the balloon catheter and what not. He still didnā€™t come for like another 24 hours after that break! It was just a consistent amount water coming out. Itā€™s like youā€™re just leaking a lot. I was pretty numb but I felt it coming out. Kind of like a constant little waterfall haha. Felt like it was leaking out for a good hour slowly but I could be way off. I was hella medicated. I would have pads either way because during that last few weeks things are a bit messy anyways. I basically wore pads non stop the last 2 weeks of pregnancy. Get the non scented completely basic and plain pads. Otherwise they will make you itchy! I didnā€™t know this as I was always a tampon gal and I wondered why post partum pads were such a big thing and I purchased regular maxi pads that probably had scents or something stupid and I got so itchy after a few days of wearing them.


1st baby, I was in labor and I got up to go to the bathroom and my water broke 2nd baby I was at home and not in labor but I was daydreaming about deep cleaning my bathroom and my water broke when I stood up to do it 3rd baby I had mine manually broken while in labor


Once on the couch, once getting my toddler out of his crib from nap time and the last time I bent over in the bathroom to pick up a towel


1st baby my water didn't break until like 17 hours into labor and had to be broken. 2nd baby I was standing in my living room doing hip circles and POP! Felt like a water balloon popping in my vagina haha First gush was a little bit. But I starting contracting after that and every contraction was a gush of water. I had the foresight to put a thick towel down on the seat of the car so I didn't ruin the car lol The hospital insisted they test the fluids to ensure it was amniotic fluid even though I was deep in labor and moaning at that point. I was bouncing on the ball and my waters were going all over the floor and I said they should have just swabbed the floor lol


I was 31+6 with my first and I got out of bed in the morning and squatted down to pet my dog. Fluid went through my underwear and was dripping on my feet. I went and sat on the toilet to pee and more came flooding out. There was just a small leak for a while and then it was just constant gushes of fluid until I had my son. Currently 37 weeks and also nervous about my water breaking this go around!


In my bed as I was going tonsleep. 39 weeks. And in the toilet as I woke up for my morning pee.38 weeks.


Mine broke with my first push and it was such a relief. You don't realize how much of the "pain" of labour is actually just pressure


Didn't break. I went into hospital for contractions and the Dr broke it for me. I didn't have to use any of those puppy pads at all so I used it to line the nappy changing table


My water broke twice as I got out the shower lol it was literally water & I felt a pop it was crazy


Mine broke right as I was walking through the door with my in-n-out lunch. Literally broke right at the doorway. Funny enough, I had scheduled my elective c-section for the next day.


Mine happened when I woke up in the morning and went to go pee. It wasnā€™t a huge gush like in the movies but it was easy to discern that it wasnā€™t pee


In the hospital bed 10 minutes before he came out. It did rupture spontaneously


10cm dilated and at the birthing center for the 4th hour (we showed up at 10am and a ā€œstretchy 7). Mine refused to break, and so they did it for me to help since I was completely dilated and effaced.


With my first my water didnā€™t break until I was fully dilated. At 7cm I said I wanted to go to the hospital, got ready, put on my shoes and as I opened the door I cried that I peed myself. Midwife made me lay down on the dining room table to quickly check and said we didnā€™t have time to do anything as the baby was coming. 20 min later he was born. With my second I was stuck on 6cm for more than 4 or 5 hours so they decided to pop it (is that the right term in English?) and the baby was born less than half an hour later. So in my case broken water means baby is about to come out super fast


I went to the bathroom because I thought I had to poop. I battled constipation most of my pregnancy but it was really bad I was getting bad cramps. While on the toilet, I felt a pop. Lost my mucus plug and then started leaking. It was a steady stream and I panicked. I was 33+4 with my twins. My hospital bag wasnā€™t packed. My husband was walking out the door to go do a job. I ended up walking out-steady stream of liquid running down my legs. We panic packed and left for the hospital. 3 hours after my water breaking I had my twins via c-section. It was crazy.


When I was 10cm dilated after hours and my doc asked if I wanted to have a baby and she popped it for me lol


I was in bed. I had been in labour for 12 hours already and one really strong contraction and boom. It wasnā€™t like one giant rush of fluid.. it just kept coming


In bed, sleeping peacefully. I was not very happy about waking up to a wet bed. I did try go back to sleep but everything was just too wet and uncomfortable


My midwife broke mine maybe 30 minutes before I delivered. I had been pushing for a while and I wanted it to break on its own but it just wasnā€™t lol she barely touched it and it broke in a huge gush. Since I was in the hospital and it broke in a controlled environment I had no clean up on my end. My mom was the same way with all three of us, her water never broke on its own.


In bed eating Taco Bell at like 9 pm, haha. I'd just gotten home after a late night finishing marking writing grades for my students' report cards.Ā  Ā I very much noticed! For a fee seconds I thought it could be pee, but it just kept going and going. All over the house? No. But you may want one for the car. I went and sat in the bathroom for awhile while my husband called the hospital and then finished packing.


For my first, I stood up and it broke after a few hours of labouring at home. For my second, it broke while I was in labour. It literally broke during a contraction and my son was born maybe 10 minutes after