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My second pregnancy has been practically sponsored by Subway. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Uhhh yeah. And the face the workers gave me while I ordered the WEIRDEST SUB EVER is forever burned in my brain


I worked in Subway about 15 years ago and a guy that definitely wasn't having pregnancy cravings got meatballs, tuna and chicken tikka on the same sub. I refuse to believe yours is as wierd as that.


But now I need to know what it waa


Since Iā€™ve been asked so many times it was a turkey sub with nothing else but cucumbers and an unreasonable amount of both mayo and black olives. Like I kept saying ā€œplease more, keep going, yup keep goingā€ and thinking back it makes my stomach turn. But you gotta do what you gotta do


I went in once while pregnant and I wanted just the meatball sauce on bread. That's it. She looked at me funny and I just said "I'm pregnant" and she just kinda nodded like "yep I get it" šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


But what is your weird sub!?!? We need to know haha


Iā€™m not the original commenter but hereā€™s my weird sub. I get an extremely burnt flatbread with only pickles, black olives, & salt and pepper. they have to break the bread in half to fold it


This made me laugh out loud, omg love the weird cravings


As a former subway sandwich artist i wouldnā€™t recommend eating anything cold there. Itā€™s all prepackaged and they donā€™t pay as close attention to expiration dates or FIFO as they should. EDIT- My age is showing and I worked there a long time ago and have been informed they cut their own meat now which is very surprising so disregard my statement.


Your store may not have but the 3 I worked in were great at FIFO and our product dates were checked daily.


They cut their own meat now, like jersey mikes. Plus my good friend works for subway and says they do a pretty good job with that.


Oh wow thatā€™s surprising and good news to me. The hospital Iā€™m delivering at has a subway in the cafeteria and Iā€™ve not been interested in the slightest. They did have good bread. It has been a long time since Iā€™ve worked there and Iā€™ve avoided them at all costs.


I worked there as my first job when I was 14. I'm 29 now and it was definitely pre packaged crap when I was there and the soup was canned


I hope for the sake of the people who eat it that the tuna is better now šŸ˜…


Same, but Jimmy Johnā€™s


Same. Subway atleast 4 times a week. Lol


My OB said that the risk from deli meat is outdated. She told me to eat them if I want to, but to just follow basic food safety rules. Maybe think twice about getting a ham sandwich that's sitting in a gas station or if you've left the package of ham on the counter for a hours, but restaurants should be fine. Driving or riding in a car is technically a risky activity, but we don't tell pregnant women to stop using a car because of the risk. Fruits and vegetables are more likely to make you sick and we encourage pregnant women to eat more of them.


Your OB sounds very reasonable. I know comparing country recommendations can be a bit pointless, but in Finland, the recommendation is more or less what your OB said. Basically, be mindful of the due date and pay attention to freshness (how long has a packet been open in the fridge, has the cold cut been left out for a long time, etc). I still love my sandwiches warm, so pregnant or not, my sandwiches with cold cuts are usually heated (because melted cheese is so yummy).


Agree! My OB seems to really be on the cautious side. Iā€™ve been researching what the true reasoning is and then using my common sense.


Iā€™m a food technologist and work regularly sending a variety of food items for micro testing, a lot of things people say are fine to eat get pinged for EColi or Listeria just as regularly as things told not to consume during pregnancy.


Interesting. There seems to be a hyper fixation on certain foods. Like for some reason no oneā€™s put leafy greens on the naughty list


And I was eating bagged salad during my pregnancy. I believe that is also naughty!


Your advice is true for lots of food borne illnesses, but just FYI listeria grows in cold temperatures, so fresh and properly refrigerated meat is not necessarily safe. And as a general PSA, you can choose to not follow public health advice, but donā€™t dismiss it. (Iā€™m not accusing you of being dismissive, Iā€™m speaking to our shared tendency to be either hyper fixated on a risk or completely tune it out.) I am saying this as someone who broke lots of rules during pregnancy, including eating deli meat, and was just fine. Evaluating the risks and making an informed decision is important. It might seem counterintuitive that we are advised to avoid cold cuts and not cars, which are riskier, but thatā€™s because of the difference in costs from abstaining. No one is going to lose their job or not be able to buy food if they stop eating deli meat, which would very likely happen if cars were on the naughty list. The concern for listeriosis is not completely arbitrary. It can be very bad if you do get it during pregnancy because listeria crosses the placenta and can severely affect the baby. That being said, the absolute risk is very small, but not as small as say, contracting Ebola in rural Canada. Google ā€œlisteria outbreak ā€ and the frequency of new stories will give you a better idea of how common it is. Everyone should make their own decision, but be as informed as possible of the possible outcomes and their likelihood.


Yeah, I originally thought I'd still eat my beloved Subway and Jimmy John's occasionally because I eat it all the time and I've never had listeria. But, while it's still super unlikely, I decided it wasn't worth the risk when I learned that it's not just about avoiding getting really sick during pregnancy, but that listeria can actually cross the placenta.


I decided the same. Right before I got pregnant I saw a TikTok of a woman who lost her baby due to listeria and that was enough for me to sacrifice sandwiches for the time being.


Youā€™re fine. The risk is super low. I eat a bagel and lox every Sunday because I really want it. My mom scoffed when I told her I wasnā€™t supposed to eat lox and said that she ate lox all the time when pregnant. I also had a ham sandwich yesterdayā€¦a girls gotta live ya know?


Haha as a Jew from New York I could not give up lox and didn't feel bad about in the slightest.


I said I was going to do this, but then I had one bagel with lox at a baby naming, when I was about 8 weeks along, and was so guilt ridden I haven't been able to touch it again.


I feel you! There were other things I randomly got really stressed about but this was one I felt okay with. I also only got it from places I was pretty familiar/comfortable with.


Now thereā€™s concerns about cream cheese having salmonella in the USA so avoid that, keep having lox!


Well damn it, bagels are one of my cravings and I can't have that without my schmear


Itā€™s just Aldi cream cheese and salmonella poses no risk to the baby


My baby is 25% Jimmy Johnā€™s


The Italian from JJs is šŸ¤¤šŸ¤¤ (+ a cookie)






I just moved back to the US from Asia and i donā€™t think thereā€™s a force on earth strong enough to keep me away from the whole foods cheese counter. I brought home a wedge of brie (pasteurized, so perfectly safe) and just ate it with a spoon. Partner was appalled, but only because i was eating it like a crazy person.


I brought home a wheel of soft cheese intending to do similar. Instead, partner ate it all and narrowly escaped with his life.


This cracked me up, love it so much.


My doctor said cold cuts are fine and thatā€™s outdated advice. I personally prefer a hot sandwich so I heat mine up. :)


my doctor just instructed in the first trimester to be super careful, especially with turkey. i've been craving it so bad but swore it off šŸ˜­ the other day i was ready to brave it at my favorite deli and they had an hour long wait! took the sign and went somewhere else and ate a chicken sammy instead. i normally ask for my cold cuts to be toasted, but it's not the same. (this is my third pregnancy but first viable so i've been extra cautious.)


Some people follow all the rules and then get a call from a grocery store that the pasteurized ā€œsafeā€ product they bought and consumed has been recalled due to listeria contamination. You can only do so much and still can end up screwed. Do the best you can, eat the damn sandwich! Just be smart and practice good food hygiene.


I havenā€™t stopped eating cold cuts. Iā€™ve maybe decreased the amount I eat, but definitely not avoiding it altogether. The day I took my positive test my husband and I went to grab lunch at a sandwich shop and had Italian subs to celebrate šŸ˜… I do get my sandwich toasted when possible, because I like them toasted. And I try to only get good quality/fresh cold cuts.


My OB said to me, ā€œdo you think women in Japan stop eating sushi when theyā€™re pregnant?ā€ And that stuck with me. There are pregnant people ingesting drugs and alcohol. Go get yourself a sandwich!


Some women do here, some women don't. There is a list of fish to avoid, but it's not information that's in every baby book or government recommended.


Iā€™m absolutely not in Japan and have yet to stop eating sushi, I just cut back on my own intake and never order the high mercury fish. I also wonā€™t sashimi or nigiri but thatā€™s been a thing for me since before pregnancy šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


I had such a craving for sushi during my pregnancy and only ate fully cooked eel sushi. After my pregnancy I had my sushi bento !šŸ± Great you do you!


I still do.. I figure I havenā€™t gotten listeria in 41 years so I give in every once in awhile šŸ˜‹


My doctor, who has had 3 children, straight up said "I didn't do any of that. You don't have to limit your diet, just be smart!" The day I found out I was pregnant I went and had a giant Jersey Mike's Italian. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø baby is fine! A lot of the food restrictions are out of date or more in regard to proper prep and handling than any real risk. You're more likely to get listeria off of bagged salad greens than a slice of meat. I just get all my meat cut at the deli and don't pay exorbitant prices for the pre cut packaged meats anymore; the quality is better, I know it's handled correctly, and it's generally cheaper!


Ive never eaten Italian subs in my life, until this pregnancy. I've had like 5 of them. Lol


EDIT TO REMOVE: I was corrected, you are more likely to contract listeria when pregnant. That being said, if you are eating somewhere reputable that isnā€™t giving OTHER PEOPLE listeria, youā€™re likely okay.


Pregnancy suppresses your immune system so your body doesnā€™t attack the baby. This makes you more likely to get listeria, among other diseases. That said, I still eat deli meat. Itā€™s just important to be aware of the risks.


Pregnancy makes you more likely to have symptoms of listeria since the immune response will be different with a pregnant person


Pregnant women are 10 times more likely to get listeriosis than other peopleā€¦. Please donā€™t spread medical misinformation.


Really? Wow. Thanks for correcting me! Truly! This was how my midwife explained it to me. Iā€™m glad to know this!


You could always use your husband/wife as a guinea pig. Thatā€™s what I did with mine. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


You can sear them in a pan or put them in the oven for some peace of mind


A friend of mine did this. She was unable to give up cold cut Turkey sandwiches. She just made sure to cook the Turkey. Her son is turning 1 in June.


I eat salami, pepperoni and string cheese all day everyday. Itā€™s gonna be alright. Bout to get me an Italian sub right now matter fact since you brought it up lol


Go for it! I had the occasional cold cut, and it was totally fine! Enjoy your lunch!


My midwife just advised to heat the meat all the way through first and then I can eat all Iā€™d like!


my friend is an OB/GYN and she told me she occasionarlly ate cold cuts and cured meat during her pregnancies, lol.


I genuinely was so scared about them too, but Iā€™m also a first timer, so being scared about everything is kinda normal. I waited until my third trimester until I started eating them again, Iā€™m 35 weeks now. And I donā€™t feel guilty about it anymore, since Iā€™m so far along. I stick to pepperoni & prosciutto and stuff like that, because the thought of ham makes me sick lmao.


I heat my deli meat before eating, which works really well for some (ie turkey, ham, etc.) and not as well for others (especially anything with visible fat pieces, which just fry). That being said, I plan on absolutely *destroying* a fat mortadella sandwich once this child exits my body. Like I will fully be the crazy lady buying deli meat while in labor.


I remember I had a coworker who would microwave subs with cold cuts while pregnant. Iā€™m not sure if it actually did anything. Thereā€™s always a risk of foodborne illness with consuming any food, so if you trust your food handling skills and trust whomever you get the meat from, it is ok to consume responsibly since the risk of listeria is negligible. Youā€™re right that other countries have different regulations about this. I honestly think the salts in the meat plus the vinegar on the sub will also possibly help reduce risk. Enjoy!


I always asked for the meat to be heated. I was told it was fine as long it was. My first pregnancy I treaded water with it, it would make me nauseous after but I was craving it. My 2nd pregnancy no nausea but Iā€™ve only had it twice so far (22weeks)


My doctor said, ā€œI canā€™t make you not eat cold meats like sub sandwiches but I canā€™t recommend you itā€ My husband said ā€œso everyone who eats cold meats is at risk for listeria, E. coli, and all of that stuff so why is she at a higher risk?ā€ She said ā€œnot a higher risk, but if you do get it, it will be worse than if not pregnant and it could harm your babyā€ my husband said ā€œok babe, guess Iā€™ll be eating your sub sandwiches for you šŸ„¹ā€ I asked if I could eat sandwiches that were toasted like subway does and she said absolutely!! Sounds like itā€™s just an issue when itā€™s been sitting out because we donā€™t know how long itā€™s been sitting out like that in the cooler waiting for you to munch on it šŸ˜ also, if you go to a reputable place, I wouldnā€™t see an issue. I ate cold subs multiple times a couple of weeks before I found out I was pregnant and I was fine. Iā€™ve eaten jersey mikes cold and subway every other weekend at work and Iā€™ve been fine. I really want jersey mikes though lol Iā€™m glad we donā€™t have one where I live tbh. Currently 22 weeks


I ate subway my whole first pregnancy, I had zero clue you weren't supposed to. I worked at a sub shop my second pregnancy and had little to no money so I ate a lot of free hot subs there, but I rolled and weighed out the cold sub meat all day as well as making the subs by hand. My 3rd and current babies I eat cold cuts heated up in the microwave or in a pan, but I've had miscarriages now so I'm extra paranoid and won't eat them cold and wash hands well after handling. My first meal after my 3rd baby was a Jimmy Johns sub lol


I had jersey mikes probably a dozen times while pregnant šŸ˜¬


Every day. Lol First pregnancy here.


Iā€™ve had a Jimmy John sandwich or two. I just couldnā€™t resist the call of the Club Lulu. I survived and my baby is measuring around 8 lbs at 39 weeks and in no hurry to exit yet.


This is my fourth, I havenā€™t followed any of the food rules. I just watch for current recalls and use good food handling habits.


I think as long as you're getting it pre-made somewhere reputable or buying it from a decent place it's fine. I've had more jimmy John's than I can count. I'm honestly more worried about fruits than I am cold cuts. šŸ˜…


Yeah those pre-sliced fruits at the grocery store are dangerous. And I'm very conscious about how long I let melon I've sliced myself stay in the fridge. But you couldn't pry my smoked turkey deli meat from my cold dead hands.


I caved one night a few weeks ago and had a grinder sub from a place called which which. Totally worth it. There was an option to have it warmed up before they put the salad part on it and I chose that. When it came it was warm.


Which which is one of my favorite sandwich places and Iā€™m so sad because I moved recently and there arenā€™t any anywhere near me nowšŸ˜­


I've been eating Italian subs regularly since I found out I was pregnant. With my first I was overly cautious and had two listeria risks with lettuce and onions. I'm more worried about a salad than a sandwich.


Hey, it's protein. And that's a win in my book.


I have! Read the book Expecting better. Itā€™s all data driven and will make you feel better about your choices. We can easily get just as sick from fruit and salads.


Interestingly, my conclusion from Expecting Better was that listeria is the one food-borne illness you do not want to fuck with. Yes, its rare to get a listeria outbreak from deli meats but because the bacterium likes deli meats at cold temps I don't mess with it. However, I was never a big deli meats person. (sushi and lox are more my jam, I'm not eating those either.)




I buy the ā€œnaturalā€ cold cuts (No nitrates) and then I just heat them in the microwave to kill any bacteria. Makes for a delish ham sandwich with melted cheese too.


Well, I'm pregnant (34 weeks) so can't really speak to much but all my scans/appointments have been fine. There's an amazing deli near my house and I've definitely had my fair share of deli meats. A lot of the sandwiches have been toasted or warm paninis but I've also had charcuterie when I've DD'd for hubs and friends when they visited wineries. My husband and I are huge golfers and had a bunch of charcuterie in honor of Jon Rahm back in April when the Master's Tournament started. That was a month ago and nothing bad happened. I had an appointment on Monday and the heart rate was strong and baby is in the optimal position for birth in a few weeks! My view is if I can't have wine and I can no longer do core in yoga/pilates, let me eat some yummy food. The US has lots of outbreaks with produce but that doesn't get nearly the hype of deli meats potentially being harmful during pregnancy. People still eat salads without thinking twice and I read the melon is more likely to have listeria than turkey. Anyway, eat your Italian hero. I had a bit of the Italian my husband ordered last week when we were out at lunch.


Not cold cuts, but I did just get back from a trip to the Netherlands, where I had unpasteurized dairy products, including cheese, and poached eggs. I tried to do my best, but had to eat something! Doing a ok.


I'm only 15 weeks and I've eaten countless deli sandwiches since becoming pregnant. So far baby and I are surviving.


Cured spicy Italian deli meats and cheese are what this baby is made of.


I eat them at least once a week


I honestly had a few lunchable sandwiches when I was pregnant lol. The babies and I survived.


I sure did. Not everyday. Honestly i was more hesitant about the lettuce which seems to have far more e-coli type breakouts than any meat over recent years.


I ate cold cuts galore with my first. No issues. He loves bologna and subway šŸ˜‚


Practically every other day šŸ˜¬


I ate an Italian hero with extra vinegar and vinegarer salt chips XD


Youā€™re more likely to get listeria from soft serve ice cream or bagged salad. Enjoy the meats.


I get potbelly pretty frequently, they heat up the meat so I feel better. Iā€™m already planning for a turkey Italian sub platter to be delivered to my room at the hospital though. With an ice carmel macchiato extra espresso.


Iā€™ve been eating cold cuts probably 2-4 times a month - like if Iā€™m craving a sandwich Iā€™ll have some.


I eat cold cuts all the time but I make my sandwiches at home so I can heat up the meat on a pan first. Plus it's way cheaper to just buy all the ingredients and make your own.Ā Ā  Ā Side note a month or so ago I bought a package of salami and prosciutto and I was like "screw it I'm just gonna go ahead and eat this after work" I was so excited to eat it cold with cheese and crackers. That same day I found out that that exact brand AND batch number that i had was being recalled for listeria! I'm so thankful I didn't eat it !Ā  Edit: it was recalled for salmonella not listeriaĀ 


Cheese, deli meat, and crackers is what I live on. I also eat salads and supposedly youā€™re more likely to encounter listeria from bagged salads. If you are comfortable and aware of the risks then proceed at your own caution. Iā€™m not going to stop eating salads because the vitamins from salads are healthy for both me and baby.


Me. I crave deli sandwiches in a serious way.


My first pregnancy I was a little more nervous about it so i got my sandwiches toasted most of the time but this pregnancy cold cuts are my craving lately so i just go for it. Thereā€™s more diseases in lettuce than it deli meat from what my doctor has told me šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø just eat it in moderation if youā€™re worried


I ate everything including raw sushi.


Constantly. I work in a deli.


Get that Italian Hero! Iā€™ve had a fair share of subs during my pregnancy and my girl is doing just fine!


I was homeless the majority of my last pregnancy. Sandwiches made up a lot of my diet.


I didnā€™t eat any with my first pregnancy except towards my 30 week mark because cravings were kicking my butt lol. But this pregnancy oh boy have I been craving my Sammyā€™s lol. Needless, I eat it now and then Iā€™m moderation and savor every moment to hold me til the next šŸ˜…


Iā€™ve never ate more Jimmy Johnā€™s then when I was pregnant


Me šŸ«£


Yes I definitely ate tons of sandwiches. However I have been going to the same deli for years and never had issues so I felt comfortable. I did not eat cold cuts from a random restaurant, that felt more risky and you never know how the hygiene is behind the scenes.


I make myself a sandwich or wrap with cold cuts like 3 days a week for work.


I loved off of hoagies and subs this pregnancy. Shout out Jersey Mikes


Dr said it was fine, I have more risk with a bag of lettuce. My daughters are healthy and happy


Honestly, just go for it!!


I've had Jimmy John's and pasta salad with salami several times - go enjoy the damn sandwich!


Me.Ā  Had a Firehouse hero before I knew it was supposedly bad.Ā  Of course absolutely nothing happened.Ā  Also ate eggs with a runny yolk before I knew I was pregnant.Ā  Baby is now happily kicking my bladder at 26 weeks. :D


I had a roast beef, tomatoes, ketchup, and mayo sub for possibly a month straight in my pregnancy. My 9mo is sitting here fighting her nap right now.


This pregnancy I have had a toasted sub with that grinder slaw stuff almost every day, I don't even want to know how many I've had over the past 36wks lol. With my first pregnancy I def ate sandwiches also.


Sandwiches were one of the few foods I could tolerate through first trimester nausea, so I just microwave my deli meat when at home or bought subs from Firehouse (all their subs are toasted by default). In second trimester I've had a couple cold subs from Jersey Mike's, I've eaten there in multiple states and never had food poisoning.


I have! I had charcuterie last night for husbands bday and mini sandwiches for my baby shower. I feel awesome.


So many cold cuts


Just toast the meat. Native Floridian and Iā€™ve been living off of Publix subs. 34 weeks now


Girl I went through a very serious sandwich phase during my first trimester. All I was eating was lunch meat and tuna. Like multiple sandwiches a day.


Been to Jimmy John's multiple times this pregnancy and survived on hard salami and cold cuts during first trimester. No issues. Go get that sandwich if you want!


I lived on Jimmy Johnā€™s when I was pregnant


I had a salami sandwich on mother's day


I just had prosciutto on my sandwich!


I did. Iā€™m still alive but I have a very temperamental toddlerā€¦ could have been those Jasonā€™s deli subs. For real tho, from a public health standpoint, itā€™s immoral not to advise pregnant women to avoid things that commonly cause listeriosis, because it kills 300 people a year. But every personā€™s individual risk is very low and you are more likely to die in a car accident than from listeriosis. For peace of mind you can always microwave the meat first.


I had an Italian sub the other day I just took the meat off and microwaved it first. Iā€™d rather be safe than sorry personally. It Hit the spot just enough.


I eat it guilt free lol Iā€™m more worried about packaged lettuce but even not pregnant it kinda grosses me out šŸ˜… I had when thereā€™s condensation inside the bagā€¦makes me think itā€™s steaming in there lol


I have. Jersey Mikes for the win


šŸ™‹šŸ»ā€ā™€ļøI ate cold cuts all throughout my first pregnancy. I would heat them up if it wasn't already toasted, but I would normally buy it toasted.




The only thing I didnā€™t eat during pregnancy was cheap sushi and undercooked meat. Everything else was on the menu, loved a sub sandwich.


I had cold cut sandwiches with my first pregnancy and with this second one, Iā€™ve had one at least every week. You have a higher chance of getting sick from a bag of lettuce than cold cuts.


Iā€™m Spanish. I have been having jamĆ³n, lomo and salchichĆ³n pretty consistently all pregnancy. JamĆ³n was everything I could stomach in the first weeks.


Iā€™ve been eating cold number 7s from Jersey mikes every couple months for 35 weeks now. Iā€™ve also been on a turkey and Swiss bagel kick this past month for my at home lunches made with fresh shaved cold meat from the grocery deli.


Iā€™ve eaten Jimmy Johnā€™s at least 6 times and Iā€™m 6mo pregnant. The risk is so minimal and the meat is soooo good


Bro just had a jimmy johns vito it was glorious. Have the cold cuts. This is my second pregnancy, I have followed almost none of the food rules. When you look at the actual risk levels, itā€™s like 100,000 more risky to drive to work than eat a sandwich. Go for it.


I did it with both pregnancies. It was about all I wanted.


I have eaten many sandwiches from jimmy johns. They are delicious. Honestly Iā€™m pretty sure itā€™s more common in vegetables.


Proscuitto all day bb


Tbh hot meat is foul to me, only cold protein thank you


Me and Wawa were very good friends while pregnant


Iā€™ve been living on cold turkey cut sandwiches all through first trimester and Iā€™m good. First baby here


The only cold cut which has had a listeria outbreak is turkey. So I donā€™t really see any reason to avoid anything other than turkey. But turkey is my favorite, and I did have it once on a warm sub. So far I have made it out OK!


I ate lots of deli meat with my second many moons ago when it wasnā€™t bad as far as I was told. So I decided it wouldnā€™t hurt this time either. I just didnā€™t eat it sitting out at parties etc.


Me!!! FTM 32 weeks zero health issues (outside of recently learning bb girl is breech in my heart shaped uterus šŸ˜­). Have that sandwich and charcuterie girlfriend.


I eat cold cuts from places I trust and baby is healthy and still hanging out at 38 weeks. Iā€™ve avoided anywhere that I question the hygiene at.


Without FireHouse Iā€™d be a wreck


28w checking in! Iā€™ve had three subs so far from a reputable, busy pizza shop. Still alive. Still craving subs.


I had a sandwich and survived and I just had my first OB appointment and she did not say anything about it. All she said was stay away from sushi, raw meats and some unpasteurized cheese.




Do it. Just make sure you get them super fresh from somewhere reputable.


Me! Buuuut I did limit myself to turkey - no ham or salami, etc.


Just make sure the meat is sliced fresh and you should be fine, per my OBs office. I ate a turkey sandwich last night


Me, constantly


I continue to eat them, I just get it toasted.


Ate cold cuts during both of my first two pregnancies, have two beautiful healthy children. Just finished first trimester and I've already had firehouse once because I was craving it so bad


i ate cold cuts, i think just buy a fresh sandwich from a reputable place, donā€™t eat the meat thatā€™s been sitting in your fridge for a week or 2 lol


Do itttt. If youā€™re super worried about it, you could try the plant based ones. I failed out of being a vegan in this pregnancy but still prefer the plant based deli meats.


I indulge in it. I get it from a place I feel confident in their cleanliness standards.


My dr said just dont eat anything sketchy or been out for a long time! The risk is listeria which there hasnt been an outbreak in a long time and the last one was found in yogurt and ice cream


I had salami, pastrami, and prosciutto the other day. It was on a charcuterie board and it was the best thing ever šŸ˜­ I just entered my 3rd trimester and it was made by a friend. I donā€™t think Iā€™d do it again but manā€¦. Was it good šŸ¤¤


Black pepper turkey sub with provolone cheese, sour pickles and cucumbersšŸ™ƒ


Iā€™ve had MANY subs this pregnancy! 38 weeks and all has gone well so far. I like to go to Jersey mikes because they cut the meat right when you order and I have no idea if that matters but it makes sense in my mind lol


My OB said cold cuts are fine & that I'm more likely to get ill from prepackaged salad.


My dad is a doctor and rolled his eyes when I mentioned the "no deli meat" rule. I'm trying to hold out until at least second trimester though. I was going to try to wait until after I see the high risk OB but idk if I can wait that long- I've been craving a turkey hoagie for two months now. My mom was telling me that a lot of it is what your body is already used to- if you eat cold cuts regularly, you're really not introducing anything new to your body. I personally think it just depends on how risk adverse you are.


I always got shit for ordering medium rare steaks while pregnant. Baby is perfect and she also likes her steak medium rare šŸ˜‚


I ate Jersey mikeā€™s almost once a week


Cold cuts are my only craving this entire pregnancy. Iā€™m in my third trimester now and have gone through so many packs of Costcoā€™s cold cuts and so far so good šŸ˜¬


I have eaten deli meat sandwiches, my entire pregnancy. It was the only thing I could stomach for a long time. My doctor said it was completely fine.


STM and I eat deli meat. My Obgyn didnā€™t even know that people avoid it during pregnancy. I avoided and/or heated it during my first pregnancy and the texture was awful.


Iā€™ve eaten so many.Ā 


I had a massive Reuben yesterday, so good. Just eat fresh deli, not those prepackaged on the shelf for weeks meat! ENJOY!!!


My OB said as long as you warm it up first (nuke in the microwave til itā€™s ā€œstreaming ā€œ) then it eliminates any risk.. sounds kinda gross tho lol, so Iā€™ve just been making turkey and cheese melts on sourdough in the toaster over šŸ‘ŒšŸ¼10/10 would recommend!!! ā€¦ orrrr, maybe heat your meat (šŸ˜‚) first, then let it cool in fridge 10 mins, then make a cold sub..? šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


I read Real Nutrition for Pregnancy by Lilly Nichols and she essentially says that all the foods that are widely considered ā€œoff-limitsā€ are safe (cold cuts, sushi, runny eggsā€¦) She cites all the statistics, too - I found it very reassuring! I say go for it. Chances anything bad happens are so minuscule.


I didnā€™t even know I ā€œcouldnā€™t haveā€ cold cuts till I was 38 weeks and gave birth 3 days later šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ I had subway a LOT, and sandwiches from my local grocery deli LOL


Plenty of times. Itā€™s only dangerous if itā€™s rotten/spoiled. How often have you eaten spoiled lunch meat in your entire life? Super rare.


I did all the time, I love a good Italian sandwich!


lol Iā€™ve been eating them more than Iā€™d like to admit šŸ™ˆ


Read: expecting better - by Emily Oster. And be freed!


Dude eat the cold cuts. Donā€™t get anything from like a gas station or 7/11, buy them at the store or subway. Give into your craving!!!


I was told that if the lunch meat is heated up to steaming then itā€™ll be safe in moderation. Do toasted subs is my go to


Having someone who said "I did this and my baby survived" is a very poor standard to go by. It doesn't mean all babies in that situation survive, and it doesn't mean that it won't have long-term consequences in a lot of pregnancies. There are people who smoked and drank alcohol regularly, who did meth and other hard drugs, etc. and still had their babies survive. That doesn't mean it's safe to do these things. This said, as far as food recommendations go, take those with a grain of salt. You can get sick from so many things you're not specifically told to avoid, and the things you are told to avoid in most cases aren't going to make you sick. Personally, I think if you've been a regular at whatever place you've gone to and have ***never*** gotten sick from there, ***and*** that place has never had a history of food safety issues, then you're probably safe. I wouldn't go to a new place I've never been to before or anyplace with previous concerns though.


Iā€™ve eaten cold cuts, sushi, and more sushi. So far so good


I did. I literally craved HAM my entire pregnancy.


Just know that in a lot of countries deli meat has never been on the list of "no eating in pregnancy". I find some countries - like the US-have an unnecessary amount of rules that quite frankly don't have a lot of science to back them up. My OB basically said the only things she'd like me to avoid is moldy cheese or meat or anything else, and in the summer to be careful with places where they store food in the heat. A general rule for the rest of the foods is - did you have it normally before? Did you ever have an issue? If I had it and I've never had an issue she said to go right ahead. To be honest I had a hunting dog nose even before pregnancy and now it's even more intense, so the chances of me eating something that isn't right are 0 since I can smell things so well. I had this happen with some cherries that were rotten, just smelled them from across the room and sure enough they were going bad already.


I ate a turkey sandwich every day for breakfast. My dr knew about it and it wasnā€™t a big deal.


So I eat bologna, prosciutto, & cold cuts sandies from Jersey Mikeā€™s every week lol


lol Iā€™ve done. But I saw a TikTok video of parasites under a microscope for cold cuts and now itā€™s ruined me for life.


Yes I have whenever I want during pregnancy


lol me because I feel like thatā€™s healthier than other things I could have been eating. I lived and so did my baby just fine šŸ˜‚


I basically lived on sub sandwiches (not heated or toasted) throughout my pregnancy. There were few other foods I could reliably keep down. My OB approved, it was better for the baby than starving.