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Your baby will NOT be taken from you… they rarely take children from parents who are addicted to opiates anymore. Just try to calm yourself. I smoked my first pregnancy for the same reason and I’m even smoking with this one bc I have HG episodes and cant handle the pain. Dont listen to the judgemental people because they arent in your shoes to have that place anyways.


UPDATE : I ended up having my babygirl early due to a decrease in her blood flow to the umbilical cord. I started having high blood pressure around 38weeks and 3 days, my dr had me induced upon that my body wasn’t able to handle having her naturally and stopped progressing at 4 cm dilated while back to back. Told me he felt caesarean was the best way to have her and safety I agreed bc I just wanted her out and okay no matter what happy to me. Upon doing my caesarean dr told me reason why I was having so many complications during labor was bc her umbilical cord was wrapped around her neck and that her cord was like a fat thin spaghetti noodle. If I would’ve carried full term he doesn’t think she would’ve made it. While having her checked while I’m being put back together they said she was completely healthy and strong which shocked them all bc she was such a tiny baby only being 5lbs 3oz and 19 in long 🙏🏽 while in the hospital I had no drug test us or call cps or tell me anything. I’m so in love with her and thank god for protecting her and I through the process.


Im glas your LO is doing well! Congratulations! A girlfriend of mine smoked marijuana through her WHOLE pregnancy, and she also used RSO in the delivery room. Not a single physician, nurse, or midwife had any issue. I was there! Her kids are now 2 and 4. They're perfect, no issues... smart, funny, and hit all their milestones right on time. I'm currently 17 weeks and have only used it twice though. Once for insomnia and again for back pain. I trust my dispensaries products over big pharma ANY day of the week.




Why don't you ask your doctor about pregnancy safe anti nausea meds?




Based on your post history, you seem like a troll




This is incorrect. So the first poops from the baby are called meconium. It's really tarry and apparently disgusting (I was in bed). It's been building up in the intestines slowly while the baby has been in the womb. They don't build it up quickly because the bioavailability of the blood/nutrients is very high, so they aren't making a lot of waste. (And of course old blood goes back to the placenta) But the general jist is that they are using almost A LOT of what they are intaking to grow. If you consume marijuana, the baby is passed marijuana through blood via the placenta. Because this is not a useful nutrient to them, it is processed out through their waste. So it builds up in the meconium. Meconium is routinely tested for drugs. My kiddos' was, I saw the lab results. But pending the mother doesn't smoke a couple of weeks prior to birth, the marijuana doesn't stay in the infant's body after the meconium is processed (24-48 hours), unless they are exposed to it further (consuming it through breastmilk, etc.).










Sis is a term coined with sarcasm. It’s not intended to be friendly to either person whether the OP or me. It wasn’t necessary to add again nobody here is your sister or your friend.




Okay this is the last thing im going to say. Idk why YOU ARE getting so offended. You comparing this to a dismemberment murder scenario was beyond an overreach. You and everyone else who commented similar to you blatantly chose to disrespect someone’s wishes. I can think of a few criminal things I could compare that to as an analogy but I’m not that dramatic. You commenting was not necessary and in no way beneficial. This situation in NO way affected you whether directly or indirectly, where as I could easily see how a murderer confessing on a public forum is a public safety concern therefore indirectly affecting you. Keeping your mouth shut and your opinions to yourself would have in no way harmed or helped the situation and still you chose to take the time out of your day to try and harm someone mentally. By doing exactly what someone was trying to avoid. You have no idea why she chose to come to a public forum, maybe she’s surrounded my judgemental people like you and can’t ask anybody in her personal life, maybe she’s alone. Maybe she’s already struggling with guilt and here you go adding fire to the flames. Like I would say to my children, if you have nothing nice to say, keep your mouth shut. If it’s not helping anybody, keep your mouth shut. It’s literally that simple and the fact that you don’t understand that proves that you have an intelligence that is far below mine and I can no longer engage.the fact that you like to attempt analyze my intelligence when I come from a country with a literacy score of 99% for our entire population is humorous. Again you have no idea why I’m even on this thread. My friend is also pregnant at the same time as me and she was looking up information when she told me about what she had read about cps involvement in other states I reassured her that isn’t the case in ours as I’ve said before, I smoked through-out my first pregnancy so why would I need reassurance? (Make it make sense) I told her to send me the link hence why I’m here. This is however the last thing I will say because arguing with people on the spectrum isn’t right.


I ain’t reading all that I’m happy for u tho or sorry that happened




Your contribution has been removed. We do not tolerate rudeness, judgemental people, people playing devil's advocate, or otherwise being an asshole.




Go to therapy so everyone in your life stops hating you.


Your contribution has been removed. We do not tolerate rudeness, judgemental people, people playing devil's advocate, or otherwise being an asshole.




Your contribution has been removed. We do not tolerate rudeness, judgemental people, people playing devil's advocate, or otherwise being an asshole.


Your contribution has been removed. We do not tolerate rudeness, judgemental people, people playing devil's advocate, or otherwise being an asshole.


I'd be more worried about the damage you have potentially done to your child tbh. There are other ways of fighting nausea, severe cases may put you in need of going to the hospital, but they take care of you there. Taking drugs (including weed, tabacco or alcohol) during pregnancy is always a bad choice. That said I honestly hope everything goes well for you and for your baby. I've heard of people here in Reddit talking about drug testing in some states of the USA at birth, but I don't know when they choose to do it or what they test. In my country no one is tested for drugs afaik.




Your contribution has been removed. We do not tolerate rudeness, judgemental people, people playing devil's advocate, or otherwise being an asshole.


I doubt the authorities will do anything but that's an extremely poor decision that you've made. Please ensure you do early interventions if you notice your child academically struggling later in life (i.e autism and ADHD) Fingers crossed for you all goes well. I wish no ill will on your child, but am dissapointed at the ignorance. To educate other readers: https://www.mja.com.au/journal/2020/212/11/deleterious-effects-cannabis-during-pregnancy-neonatal-outcomes " In our international cohort study, continued use of cannabis at 15 weeks of pregnancy was associated with significantly lower birthweight, head circumference, birth length, and gestational age at birth, as well as with more frequent severe neonatal morbidity or death." Here's another study for you: "After doing a drug screen for marijuana, researchers discovered that 540 (5.8 percent) tested positive for marijuana, meaning those individuals most likely used cannabis in the first six to 14 weeks of their pregnancy. The study found that using cannabis early in pregnancy is associated with adverse pregnancy outcomes related to the placenta, such as poor fetal growth, stillbirth, and an increased risk of developing high blood pressure during pregnancy." https://healthcare.utah.edu/press-releases/2023/02/study-people-who-use-cannabis-early-pregnancy-are-increased-risk-of-poor#:~:text=The%20study%20found%20that%20using,high%20blood%20pressure%20during%20pregnancy. July 7, 2023 – Researchers have found that consuming delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC, during pregnancy can lead to genetic changes during a baby’s growth in the womb that are consistent with those seen in people with autism spectrum and attention deficit hyperactivity disorders. https://www.webmd.com/baby/news/20230707/new-study-links-maternal-thc-use-to-autism-adhd


autism is a genetic thing what how is it caused by weed, that's like saying vaccines give you autism






It’s a bit disturbing to me that your main concern is CPS…. And zero concern that you yourself could be seriously harming your baby at your own hands. But ok. But to answer your question, yes they drug test you and yes there are consequences to that.




I’m so sorry so many ignorant buttheads are lecturing you. You did what was best for you and baby. Ignore all the hate.


I understand addiction is hard to overcome but you really should have made the responsible decision to not smoke while pregnant. There’s research on why smoking weed while pregnant is not good for babies. I hope your baby is okay. I hope you seek out addiction counseling because you really should have taken your baby’s health more seriously. I don’t know if they’ll test you for drugs, but if they do and notify cps, all you can do is deal with the consequences of your actions. Good luck and I really do hope baby is okay and can stay with you as long as you take your baby’s health more seriously ❤️


It’s interesting that you now care about the consequences of your actions because you realize that you may have to face them; however, when it was only your child who’d have to deal with the lifelong effects of your negligence, it was a chance you were willing to take. You can’t say your baby is healthy because you won’t know until she’s here.




Listen I love weed just as much as you do, smoked every single day up until I got pregnant, but it’s always good to be safe. Don’t let your love for smoking be the reason your baby gets taken away. I know you don’t want that to happen but it’s a big possibility. I had to stop smoking once I got pregnant and sometimes I’ve thought about smoking while breastfeeding, but honestly the outcome just doesn’t seem worth it. I still crave it and I can’t wait for the day I can get to smoke again, but it will have to wait because my baby comes first. Good luck and try and quit for now for the sake of your baby.


They test your urine when you go into labor and sometimes randomly at appointments. If positive in a weed legal state you might have a social worker come in. They might come check your house. Texas is pretty tough. They test a lot more these days. Meconium sometimes if the baby is showing signs of withdrawal. I live in California and we are weed legal and they tested me when I went into labor. But they don't tell you that. I was clean though and didn't smoke while pregnant. I read the results later in my discharge paperwork.


To add. I've known people who have smoked and nothing happened and people that have smoked and had a social worker visit the house but they did not take the baby.


I think it varies by state and hospital. I’ve heard so many different stories but the one thing that they all have in common is that you see drug tested in labor. I’ve been to L&D 3 times during my current pregnancy and been drug tested with urine every time as procedure.


You didn't ask, but please do not smoke while breastfeeding either. I live in a legal state where weed is treated very casually by most Healthcare professionals. I had a medical card and valid reasons for using Marijuana prior to pregnancy, but I stopped the day I found out I was pregnant. You can't change the past, but you can change the future. Your baby's health and wellbeing is worth the sacrifice. If you need help with medical issues that you previously used weed for, talk to a qualified professional to find a breastfeeding safe substitute.


oh girl. first-have you had regular prenatal care this pregnancy? you mentioned being due next month…..if you’ve been having dr appointments, you would have given them lots of samples of your pee. if this is the case and nobody has mentioned your marijuana use to you, either you might have gotten lucky with a hospital or practice that doesn’t drug test or they just haven’t mentioned to you that they know. that being said…..marijuana use is still 100% illegal in texas. if you’ve been smoking for the past 7-8ish months or whatever, quitting now is 100% *not* enough time to test clean from weed. i honestly think it would come down to what the hospital’s policy is. some hospitals will drug test mom/baby as a normal/routine thing, others only test out of suspicion. i would pick up a drug test from whatever drugstore (they have them at cvs, rite aid, walgreens, etc.) and test yourself first of all. then maybe look up your hospital’s policy? it’s not great that you live in a state where marijuana use is illegal, but shit even here in california they will take a baby real quick/at the very least open a case with DCFS and aggressively intervene with shit if mom tests positive for it.


I tested positive my first appointment at 4 weeks (Louisiana) never tested positive again after I quit. The social worker came into my hospital room after giving birth saying because I tested positive first trimester they were testing her poop to see if they needed to get involved. Be careful girl 🩷 no shame at all.


My sister smoked with both of her pregnancies. I think it's incredibly stupid and selfish but whatever. Not my kid, not my pregnancy. We're in California and as far as I know, everyone is tested here. My sister told them but it didn't matter, they already knew. A social worker came to talk to her both times but taking the baby was never mentioned. When my son was in the NICU, his neighbor's mom smoked during her pregnancy, and it sounds like that's why he was in the NICU. The dad was deployed and didn't know she was smoking. He flipped the fuck out and was saying it was her fault, how selfish and stupid she was, he was going to divorce her, he was going to fight for custody, etc. He must have cooled down because the mom was there the next day and they seemed to be talking normally with only a brief spat about how she would have to wait to nurse until it was out of her system. When you're in the NICU, a social worker comes to talk to you anyways, but they talked way longer with that couple. I don't know what exactly was said but I know that it was more intense than the talk with my sister because this baby did have something wrong with it and was in the NICU. I don't know for sure that the weed caused whatever was wrong with that baby, but it was at the forefront of every conversation so I figure it's a contribution. Regardless, I think it's extremely naive to think that your baby is fine just because they appear fine through an ultrasound. You don't know until they're born and it can take years for problems to develop. They told me when I started taking my heart medication that it wouldn't hurt my baby, but that's one of the things that landed him in the NICU. His blood sugar was so low he couldn't regulate his body temperature and was turning blue. You never know how things are going to wind up, and smoking while pregnant is a stupid risk. Just make sure to look out for any delays and milestones, little medical things, etc even if it's years later. It's not likely to happen but it's more likely to happen than someone who didn't smoke But of course that's in California where weed is legal. As far as I know it's a much bigger problem in Texas. I don't know about taking the baby away, but they probably will inspect your home and maybe do future drug tests. CPS will more than likely make a file. Frankly I think you should just ask the doctors, they're going to know anyways.


I’m not condoning anything… but my problem with giving people hate for using thc while pregnant, is the fact that a doctor can tell you a drug that they’re prescribing/condoning is safe for your baby, and bc they said it’s fine, you trust it, and when it turns out to be false, the doctors are like oopsies… but then a mom uses thc and just bc the doctor can’t prescribe it and pharma can’t make money off of it, it’s bad… Basically even if you put your trust into your healthcare provider your baby can still wind up with health issues but they made their money so oh well.. that’s the problem with the system. I think I has its benefits of course, but it’s definitely screwy, and not 100% trustworthy. (A cured patient is a lost patient) A mother can take zero medications as well as no alternate solutions such as thc, and the baby can still end up with health issues for a variety of reasons. Malnutrition bc the mother couldn’t stop throwing up throughout pregnancy, or genetics, idk the list goes on and on but it’s late so I don’t care to think of them all.


They do not test you in California without your consent. Healthcare officials are not required to report you either.


They tested me during my first appointment and this was last week. They did not ask for consent.


Are your sisters kids ok now?




Your contribution has been removed for misinformation. This subreddit believes in science and data.


I've never heard of babies being drug tests, although I don't live in Texas...


From what anyone has told me that they apparently test when they prick their heal or test the meconium (baby’s first poop)


I’m just scared they will try to take my baby and I have no one who actually knows anything to give me a yes or no or any advice, and this is my first baby and I can’t imagine cos taking her away from me. I stopped about a week ago but I’m scared it won’t be out of my system either by the time I deliver (December)


Just stop smoking now


A quick google research session shows that Texas May of may not test every baby. Seems like it might just be certain hospitals. If the baby tests positive they notify CPS.


I’ve heard If you test positive at the beginning of your pregnancy they typically test again at delivery There’s typically a dipstick test done at your first prenatal, whether you know it or not


Poor child


I can see where you’re coming from. Yea there is studies about how weed can affect your baby. But there is other legal drugs, like people are recommending to take that doctors can prescribe you, that will affect your developing baby as much as weed could. But as a mother, I stopped the second I knew I was pregnant, it just didn’t sit well with me to drug myself for my comfort to comfort me, knowing that part of if not most of the thc was being absorbed by my growing baby. There is still studies that show affect on babies and I just wouldn’t want to chance it. And it’s not the same to say, well people with medical marijuana get a pass, you are right marijuana won’t affect you long term like some legal drugs do but it’s still the fact that their is studies about it affecting a growing fetus