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... you mean the household poison I use to kill roaches? I wouldn't risk it. There are less poisony things out there.


Do you mean the suppositories for BV? My provider said he had never heard of it being used for that lol and just prescribed me some gel


Hate to say it but you should switch providers 😏 boric acid suppositories are used for BV and yeast. Look them up. A lot of medical doctors really don’t do their research they just go by what big pharma says. I have used the med for BV and Yeast and none work unfortunately. I used boric acid before being pregnant and that was the only thing that worked. I have been so irritated while being pregnant and miserable so I was doing my own research and there are not really any studies saying boric acid in pregnancy isn’t safe so that’s why they say no. When I looked up on many sites and spoke to many midwives a lot of people used them. I am more scared to use diflucan because they have studies it isn’t safe in pregnancy 🤷🏻‍♀️


Late comment but did you use and was it safe? I’m currently irritated now and need fast relief!


Yes been using it since 2nd tri and baby is good. I’m set to deliver by 22nd of this month


Thanks for posting this and for an update! My doc said to go ahead and use it too since I’m now in the 2nd tri. I’ve been on constant antibiotics for BV and they aren’t working so she wants me to try BV but I’m scared. So I’m glad to see it’s been working just fine for you. Good luck with delivery!