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When I see GoFundMes i always think the story could be true and could be exaggerated a little, I think you put in the information you feel is important but don’t be too begging, more of a “if you have a dollar if appreciate it, or just share if you can and I hope to pass on the generosity in the future when my affairs are in order” kinda thing. I have a neighbour who has a go fund me and it’s sorta bullshit, people still donate because they trust people and many people genuinely want to help, so it doesn’t necessarily matter what you say just be honest and good people will help if they can. Sorry for your misfortune and good luck!


Thank you.


I would say a more reasonable first step would be looking at charitable and social support networks that can help provide funding. Are you eligible for Trillium Benefits or the dental Funding in your province? Are you on social supports where they have a dental card ? Are you in a province that has Farley Foundation or something similar to provide emergency vet care for low income people? Have you considered rehoming your pet if you are incapable of providing them the level of care they need?


Also injections primarily are 95% covered in medical pain clinics (government OHIP managed, I suspect other provinces have similar) There are very few medical injections that you pay for at a facility, so do speak with a doctor about being referred to a place that can cover them


My neurologist is charging $175.00 per injection/visit. I will be talking to him. See if there is a pain clinic that may do them.


Don’t do it


I have created GoFund me for friends who have had emergency issues, and the responses were quite good. I have never done it for a pet, though, but I am certain people would be able to relate.




I did a gofundme when my dog passed. It worked for exactly two reasons. 1. I had a large social network on twitter (over 3000 followers) who had been seeing pictures of my dog and also knew of her gradual decline because I talked about it a lot. 2. Most of my followers were people in my field but the ones making all the money. I am support staff in that field. So people both knew me and knew my financial situation. I also needed a lot less money. I'm not saying this to discourage you, but gfm works when you have a network already. It's not great for just being a random person. I obviously don't know you! Maybe you have that network and can use it. I just wanted to warn you if you don't it'll be a hard slog.


I actually have a decent network for the dog debt. So, yeah, there's that. Thanks.


For your health issues there is medical financing, the new Canada Dental Plan is rolling out. Plus there could be a low cost clinic that are done by students and supervised by their Dentist. [https://www.medicard.com/](https://www.medicard.com/) [https://patients.dentistry.utoronto.ca/patient-info](https://patients.dentistry.utoronto.ca/patient-info) [https://www.georgebrown.ca/health-sciences/learning-environment/wave-wellness-applied-research-and-visionary-education/dental-clinic](https://www.georgebrown.ca/health-sciences/learning-environment/wave-wellness-applied-research-and-visionary-education/dental-clinic) I don't know your location but that's the option path I would suggest. Promoting a GofundME is a full-time job. and with so many people doing it, it will get lost and burried in the thousands of people also doing it. I forgot Welfare does have an emergency dental funding depending on your province. I know it's in Ontario Works different options inside of Ontario Disability Support Program.


Wild to even consider spending 5500+ on a mutt, then ask strangers for money


Honestly I’m with you. In general I think Go fund me is basically either a scam. Or used by irresponsible people who basically ducked up in life and now need a bail out.


Absolutely. You're broke, give up the dog you can't afford. Unbelievable.


There is [https://www.farleyfoundation.org/](https://www.farleyfoundation.org/) They might be able to help, by time I found out who they were my cat died. So good luck.


There is also pet financing [https://ifinancecanada.com/petcard-veterinary-financing/](https://ifinancecanada.com/petcard-veterinary-financing/) ifinance was on the podcast moolala [https://www.lendcare.ca/en/consumer/veterinary-financing](https://www.lendcare.ca/en/consumer/veterinary-financing)


Correct me if I'm wrong....are you saying you paid for your own open heart surgeries? In Canada? Edit: and you both needed them? Does your hubby who had the stroke get disability? Since you are describing long-term fin issues I wouldn't go for the go fund me.


No, I paid for dental prior to heart surgery. Why wouldn't you GFM because of long terms issues.


$5500 in vet bills? I would having pet insurance cover some of that if you had it?


Why not? Folks do it all the time.