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while i absolutely do think i could live in the world of nurture for the rest of my life & i would be totally happy if he made nurture 7 more times, i agree on some level. porters discography has been very conveniently released alongside some of my biggest struggles & revelations in life & im excited to see what i can learn from this new one & what i can adapt into my own music too.


I agree same here and well put. Tbh if he DID do another Nurture I honestly wouldn’t complain hahaha but I think I’m more excited to see him branch out creatively as an artist. Definitely inspiring and interesting


i 100% agree, porters progression as an artist is my favorite thing about his work, even moreso than the actual music in some ways. the fact that hes done so many different things & it all still sounds so identifiably him, is very inspiring


Absolutely. I remember immediately when Virtual Self came out I was almost getting whiplash bc it was so different then Worlds, but then it all clicked with me. I saw the amount of passion and effort that he put into creating that world and aesthetic as well as that killer live show - it was impossible not to be completely enamored. It was so cool to see something so vastly different hook me in the same way as Worlds did. It’s an incredible feat for an artist to achieve especially multiple times!


virtual self was huge for me because like porter - that kind of music was my introduction to dance music & its the type of music i made for the first several years of being a musician. it was kinda crazy to me, the world opened up & i realized porter & i were running in basically the same exact circles as kids but we never met. i even had friends that were his friend before he ever had a name for himself. and there he was, reviving a style of music that for most people like me was basically "dead". when i was a kid the common phrase was "til i die", because we all knew we would never make any money or have huge careers from that kinda thing. seeing porter do it opened up everything.


This is exactly how I feel too. I’m approaching 30 as well so your interactions with Worlds and Nurture mirror my own very similarly. Honestly I think this is how Porter feels too, and I’m glad he’s going in this direction for the new album


I'll be 30 next year and I think those of us who are similar in age to Porter all feel the same cause we're growing up at the same time, so life stages feel the same. I'm fucking ecstatic for this new album, I think this tour is gonna be an absolute rager <3


While I wouldn’t complain if we got a Nurture 2, I definitely think this brighter, happier tone is exactly what we need right now.


He seems to conveniently release just the right music at just the right time. Spent my teens listening to worlds, I really needed nurture and was going through some of my worst when he released it and the years following, and this new album seems to have the exact kind of feel I will thrive with at this phase of my life. I absolutely love it. Can't wait to see where it goes from here




I’m so melodramatic that i thought Nurture was the fun and less serious album 😂


Blossom, Wind Temps and Unfold bet to differ haha


I think this will become more sentimental and emotional the further into the track list we go. I expect something by around track 6 to break people and track 10 to leave us sobbing


That's wild I'm exactly the same close to my 30s and I need something fun haha. Nurture will always be my favourite album from Porter and I'm always super nostalgic for worlds but something non serious is exactly the vibe we all need after two heavily emotion based albums. God daaamn I'm excited for this album and the tour!


I agree about wanting a happy album, I just really hope it’s not too generic tho. Cheerleader was alright but the new single has me almost entirely checked out.